THE NEWMARKET f 6 ONTARIO BANK STOCK PAID Total CHA8 General NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT ILL FOISTS jfoc and American bought sod Farmers Discounted Collection attended to c Manager Simpson Main St Sundries and Goods Frank Duncan AUCTIONEER Renin Street leeks League Next Monday evening program is as follows C Committee- Great Men of the Bible Moses David Exodus Ps Kings Subject Miss Maud Richardson Miss Case Mr Brim son Lesson Miss Vesta Thompson Leader Dr Richardson Convention at Aurora closes tonight Mr Jacob Buck had a ruuaway last week wagon wheel passed over his fcody and bruised him consider ably The High School teachers have got out a new set of reports for the pu pils to show their parents or guar dians Bread and Cakes fresh at Flanagans grocery I Id I BIT til KIT THE GOOD SOIL RIVERS PRESS TRIP UP THE BLANCHE Bolton Practical Fainter Corner Street House Millards Lam Atld EVES WJSMITH EVES smiTH SPECIAL DOUGLAS A- CO Stock paying and percent Original scoured and Kffurmer A Ellis Architect Sanitary Engineer Room Manning Chambers Toronto all and Estimates made for kinds of buildings Ef2 dries at Era will receive prompt SO year Clubbing Rates Era and Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail and Daily Globe North York only Ida and Weekly Mail with premium Era and Toronto Era and Toronto Evening News Era and Montreal Star with premium Era and Fanners Advocate Era and Farmers 1 Balance of free for Weeklies Jackson Issuer of CARRIAGE LICENSES At the Kit Office Newmarket Papers Issued at private residence if Poetry of Farming There is no lotting out the fact when things move along all right and at the proper time theres as much poetry in farthing as in any calling in life and there is also much comfort connected with getting things all in shape for he winter water simply handy for the stock and the cellar filled with vegetables roots canned fruits When is alt done as it may aud should he man who has worked fourteen hours a day for live months may look forward to the winter season with pleasure as a time for a meas ure of rest and recreation One trouble is that loo many of us try to get ready for winter after it is here and then there is no poetry about it j a Faros lag Country A Saw Mill OatDo f Tula of Cfars War Fall Fair Special Correspondence Thursday and Friday Sept and New was the centre of being for the pi ess party The first movement of its life blood was stir- interested action on first day by a trip on the Clyde and the Swan steamers on the invitation of the Crown Lands officials headed by the energetic Mr Thomas IS out worth up the Blanche White NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DRSIONS IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Elsewhere Allan Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor IS Produce Butter IS to to Dressed Ducks to Si pair Chickens fit to to Turkeys If to 1 Lamb to lb Pork by the 10c lb Tears to Strained honey lb Apples to 125 per Apples to basket Crab apples basket Celery to Cabbage per head Onions 25c peck I low to lie Potatoes to VollK Through the Devils Sync as one Of the channels in the dlla is called a short halt was made at North P where was gath ered a large representation of the In dians from the reservation and where aboriginal things in the tempt ed than one of the party to in vest in the wildly decorative a moose head a diminutive and highly decorated birch bark canoe a paddle etc Good Soli Shan left a professor ship in Queens to settle up with the country and Mr- who Was formerly a lawyer were with the excursionists and once fairly in the Blanche I hey held interested audiences as they disclosed the points of interest as passed in pano rama The gootl soil follows the rivers said Mr liawkeswoi tli and the phrase stuck fast in my memory by reason of the subsequent emphatic words and actions of Mr Milton Can MM Wherever that was dining the trip on the boat one would him slapping his hands together then rubbing them intensively while the exclamation would shoot out of him Thats land if we only had soil like that In Sound To the uninitiated the soil generated such en thusiasm only mud banks of a Sort of slat nature that looked from the boat as if it were deep deep deep The timber that Given On Short Notice J J J ducks to k- pair Boiler Setting Granolithic Side- j Live turkeys to lb Granolithic Porches Door Steps foia elsewhere consult and ANDREW St P 322 Newmarket THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket KINfH OK IRON WORK ON SHORT NOTICE Mowers a Specialty Guaranteed A THOMPSON Practical Machinist WANTED Pigeons Rabbits pair to Hides lb Calfskins 9 Co lb ins to each inch hardwood S1S0 cord Boxes for ppia lu view of the starchy and of high barrels this season and of the fuel thai in some localities find it impossible to procure barrels price the Fruit Divi sion recommends the general use of lirxc can he had down at almost any sawmill for about each and they should not cost more than UK each when made up As three hold about as many apples as a barrel they will be found than barrels at cents and The well and strongly nailed should holrf tody of fruit The dimensions of the boxes by the Grimsby shippers are nine by twelve by inches while the British Columbia standard is ten by by eighteen inches these Inside in cases boxes should Ik made of strong materia A man to represent Canadas Nurseries in the town of surrounding country orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Shrub Rosea Vine Seed true to name and free from San A permanent Jf on either or from New It had been intended to proceed to miles further on but the drizzling rain and minor acci dents to the boats rendered it im possible In the time at the disposal of the party The party was given an excellent luncheon by the coloniza tion on board the Clyde and then the return home was begun Uncle Tom as Thomas Thomas is called settled where now is six years ago and lived in the woods all alone for four years before any other settler came in He went down the Blanche River in his for grub when necessary to North Temiakaming and now his faith in the situation is rewarded by a a store blacksmith shop bakery hotel and some 250 settlers in the vicinage Long Lake and lakes lie miles west and the land south and west of Touts- town is said to be excellent The beginning of a new town with lots listed on paper at each Is at the eastern end of Long Lake Already there is a store there and a sawmill will be ready to begin business next spring It is said these three lakes are navigable northwesterly for miles and as the land follows the rivers just this spot it is as good as any in the clay belt Wagon roads already run through this section of the country and the woods around the Blanche River are yet full of moose and partridge In the rivers pike and pickerel abound and the woods as seen from the steamer are of spruce cedar tamarack and sprinkling of pint At the King Edward Cafe New the same evening a ban- was tendered the Hon J Davis and the Canadian Press As sociation under the auspices of the believes him to be the real friend of the settler From what I saw of htm in dealing with griev ances for they do have some up there I can say he always sympathetic in his manner and bear ing and J was told by others who had had experience that he always endeavored to carry out every pro mise that h made for their amelior ation 4 117 It Friday forenoon the pressmen wore driven over one of the Governments new colonization roads for a distance of miles to a village with three stores a sawmill a Pres byterian church and probably a Of houses As I was on a still hunt expedition of my own a sort of enquiry into the crops and I Township of Arts and Agri cultural Association The Minister and his party joined the pressmen at I but res it lined the banks was not large the growth profuse In phi had been burnt over and spots it was indeed For the most part however country along the river well wooded wiih cedar and spruce and a mixture of while wood a rMiiii til n After steaming a couple of hours the party had an opportunity of gaining first bund evidence of the nature of- foil The bouts stopped at clearing to on wood The clay hanks twenty feet deep nd dpi not appear to be in it As to what It would grow of modern farm crops live minutes from the Was the largest clearing in the district without stumps It appeared to me ha about thirty acres in extent and In one of I he field Mr Hundred of pound ft were rock this point and one had an op portunity to study the prevailing spirit of the set tiers towards the Hoy eminent A view of the people minus their picturesquely rough working attire convinced one of the excellence of the men who had come to hew out homes for themselves and families in backwoods The claim made by the Minister that they are the best class of Settlers in the world was fully borne out Their dress and manners indicated consid erable culture and their sturdy forms betokened ability to cope with natural of the ation When they replied to toasts with which their mimes were coupled they were miite case and their was of sturdy the mellowed by received in the of the Province they will Ik- worthy of the two The aliunde of the settlers towards the eminent was shown in the banqueters treatment of the Com missioner of Crown Lands If I am to Judge correctly it left little to be from the point of View Mr is a hard working Minister and his give evidence of a desire for welfare of the settler Their trials in id are very near to him indeed Ju is too intense if in ibis regard If he would lighten the With little mor he would In itdmiilis- of the Crown domain in the opinion of ninetenths of the up there As it is they feel too of old suns of they hud earlier settled paits other piled on top from Ontario The turn hud a Una bearing directly on the It is mid modern ami the always usual to open corners ahlelfng the further end of the at the lop and bottom for ventila- lo comfortable and to lion Little or no material laen with wane be used as purchasers like to il I much an It the had come for the pastoral visit to their house find the packages quite full of fruit A sheet cardboard at the lop and bottom will materially reduce the amount of injury from bruises Hut is should be remembered that even of the fitness of things While in this field a party of funn el boys who were out hunting hup- I than along with their guns and the magnificent banks of clouds lhat lined the southwestern sky mode a picture of the union of the old NCPJiKKIKd over HO Arm this year of scarcity of barrels the new and the though Ontario- if will not do to ship anything but fruit In boxes as the repu tation of the Canadian box and of the Canadian trade In will great if inferior or fr it is in the box or any fancy package that will not easily be forgotten scenic beauties of this country crop op ft turn inn Co i I be cm of in flu- ill i Id situ- Humor livei are and like cheery latighter leaves a on the recipient the most conscientious dis charge of duty The lack of a hum orous view of humorous was really tht only fault heard Mr Davis possessed up there and as it was not made by an opponent hut by a frltnd I feel constrained to tell story hops that It may do good Mr Pa vis praised Mr worth Director of Colnuiu- wan Everybody without exception up mm o AWUlli peoples opinions out of the beaten rut of officialdom that day am in debted to a newspaper friend for information concerning this tip reports that the road is a very cred itable one indeed that two hours were occupied with the jour ney New lnh The second fall fair of the Township of Arts and Agri cultural Society was held tin- Mime day in the public school grounds of New Liskeaid the yard of which had been feliccd in with chicken netting The tilM man one met at the log KM was Mr 1 1 frills vicepresident and trea surer Who a hearty greet Jim as became so and burly a man is the and all day he was busy Slinking the way for anyone who wanted belli Imleii with relury Poiiahl he was as as the most pioiiouieed reporter of the press group There- Were between nod entries the tSovernment ex cited this year is What the visitors most were the people They were iupt like and there were many of them They welldressed intelligent of the Inch est material order men women and children who struck with Itoir e reeding wjdeitWAkviiess eMiiieil them I hey saw every IJitriL and in criticism of the exhibits evidence of extensive knowledge of the criterion of of ion were a the cattle were only middling the were better am of the grain on exhibit the pens oats worthy of a red ribbon The red and while winter at above the overage of Did but do not think from I saw otherwise thai this is the expectation in general Spring wheal Wjis of good hut not us hard as Manitoba of the same class The fruit exhibit wus AT to crab plums and and the veiitables and espetlnt- were Ihiiy is if the fair be an indication ample in the Temiskaming jet of New for a hard working man to make a good living hi went to early that night I hey bail to be lip lit J am in take tie Meteor on the home ward ournev again At roll call all were present anil the sail down Lake Teiiiiskaiuinif to Temiskamine on the side was begun Thcr was a glorious sunrise The of the in that lined the bunks seem ed have taken on deeper hues New seemed to he presented witlreVely mile traveled Tlu leies had began their glorious autumn death Now the limning red of the soft maple was made prominent against the yellow of the poplar anil the brown of the of Anon a brown elm reared its lofty head from- amidst it Im mediate companions of the dark yreen wus thrown Into relief against great dark ml granite rock witl a serried row of the yellow- leaved while poplorsome distance back A clump of the red dogwood the yellow birch and the brown wil lows would stand in their I ran seen- dent beauty the foot of a nest of tall dark pines the mon- of these particular forests Peelings In the sjtectators varied as the scene varied and the gamut of sense of sight was run from end to end to come to rest In some pa- clump of the light evergreen balsam None of us will ever these ftOO feet high banks of glorious autumn tints a ending j of ft straauous trip pass It 1 of it will slay hill of Ontario The Latest J AND SHELF COMPLETE IN ALL LINKS VK US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A W ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE The Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Drugs Druggists comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Water Dottles Ac A Full of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited i The NORMAN ROGERS CO Limited J FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN COMPANY OF CANADA Phono No fc FY COMPETITION In the Lines we handle DRY GOODS CLOTHING- GENTS FURNISHINGS BOOTS SHOaS Stock Always Up to Date TORONTO JOBBING SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP c TORONTO By Tonchors The only school in Toronto teaching the Famous SHORT HAND or which is with the Institute of Chartered Over calls each year for help CftUiloueK and all free J Chartered Farm for Sale lUintf lot i con Whitchurch and consisting acres un der cultivation and If acres timber ed with hardwood and hemlock Tho aim is situated about three miles from Newmarket and is convenient to both church and school house On it there are a good frame bank barn with stone foundation and stabling for cattle and horses a good louse with solid brick Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house a never failing spring crock a young orchard coming into hearing and plenty of small fruit The farm is well tented and soil is good clay loam and In a good state of cultivation Plowing will be done this Fall and wheat sown Possession given 1st of April Easy terms can he given if desired For particulars apply to ft ARMSTRONG on the premises or thru Newmarket P 33tf I FOR SALE AT THIS I