I I THE NEWMARjCET ERA FRIDAY- P DAVIDSON Putting Mount have number rale Money to at cm real orate Jersey Grades for Sale MANAGER Heifers from months to THIS MARKET years old have been also Tuesday was an fine Fresh Cows For further particulars day for the market and toe in conscience was unusually large Prices as follows- butter to to 25c chickens to turkeys ducks CO to geese I to STOKES Mount Albert Richardson DENTAL Brook Block Albeit BIBLE SOCIETY Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of meeting on beta I the Bible of each week Society was held on Wednesday even- responded liberally 10 the delight inK last in the Methodist An the large audience Cora Brownscombe the clever child elocutionist of who Is an artist in her line Mr Stewart Ter ry rendered a solo a very accept able manner and the Schubert male quartette of Newmarket gave several choice selections which were well re- BREEZES Married Wednesday Oct Mr Herat Johnston merchant of Baldwin to Miss Anderson of Georgina A large number of interested But the treat of the evening seers thronged the- church to witness was the singing of Mrs Wright of an unexpected and welcome addition to the program Her selec tions were repeatedly encored and I A it- i l E excellent address was delivered by the ffi English Church Clergyman from bridge The attendance was small as the meeting had not been properly advertised Repairing and General Prices moderate J COOK Agenc Mount Albert Ageatfor Peter Hamilton Implement Dr Clark DENTIST SPENT OVER Mr Joseph of Minn after having spent over with the best doctors for stomach trouble without relief was advised to try a box of Chamberlains Main St Newmarket Stomach and Liver Tablets He did and is a well man today For sale by Lloyd COAL sale at Stone and nut coal for per ton delivered price paid for all kinds of and seed a SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT MOUNT ALBERT FALL STOCK Is now complete We offer 1 IN MENS CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS LADIES GOODS AND A Full Line of Unshrinkable Under wear for Men BOOTS i RUBBERS FOR WET WEATHER ROSS BROS LITERARY SOCIETY I A meeting to which all arc cordiat- invited will be held this evening of Friday in the town hall to cons id- the advisability of organizing a I literary and musical society Such Jan organization cannot fail to be great benefit to young and old there fore it is hoped will be a large attendance BETTER THAN A PLASTER A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlains Pain Balm and bound to the affected parts is better is to any plaster When troub led with lame back or pains in chest give it a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief it affords For sale by T Lloyd FURNITURE PERSONAL Miss Cora Gould of is vis iting Miss Violet Walton Mr of Toronto is spending his holidays act his home here Mr Geo Grose of was in town for a few- days visit Mr Asa Jewell has returned from the city like Mount Al bert Mr I and returned on Tuesday evening from- their trip You can save money by buying your Furniture at the FOR A BAD COLD If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine lite Chamber lains Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it and to allay the irritation and inflammation of the throat and lungs The soothing and healing properties of this remedy and quick cures which it effects make it a favorite everywhere For sale by T Lloyd Mr John Hunters horse started to n on Tuesday but the lone Bedroom and Bum and hill he had to climb A run away on Sham Holder and the celebrated Del Stopped Carpet Stretcher and Framing ft Specially delivered free of charge wbn ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER number from Zephyr New- market and other places attended the fowl supper on Monday evening Rev J of ville preached to large congregations at both services in la Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Hark An Excellent Remedy Colds AND Trouble Lung We keep the leading make of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT services in Church on Sunday Methodist CHILDREN child of Mr a long time the twoyearold Tenth St Pa would sleep but two or three hours in the early part of the night which made it very hard for her parents Her mother concluded that her child had trouble and gave her half of one of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through Two boxes of these Tablets have effected a permanent cure ami she is now well and strong For sale by HOT SUPPER The most event of the was the fowl supper on jday evening under the auspices of the The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY expected ticket being sold but excellent had made for handling the crowd and everyone rose from the table well fed and con- ViMMi YVHZ iiliA or Kj Wen J Chair Find tin Mr AU ax fvtt Went- of- course a few excep tions There was plenty of fowl and Si other good things pjwty of nice girls to attend to of all present There weft of course many strangers and outsiders present but all were soon made to feel at home as the members of Mount Albert Methodist Church are noted for their social qualities and cordiality Af- i the upper was disposed of an Nov Garnet which alone was well a farmer worth the admission fee in with a gun on the plough the church There were He pullod the gun htm H J Morgan who accepted the trigger caugW- chair Rev J and The charge Ma heart earning W Cameron- at and was Gould also gave a solo received A word of praise is due to the dec- the pretty scene Th groom was supported by Mr Card Toronto and tha bride her elder sister Miss Anderson The bridal was ivory the present seme unintelligible French name bridesmaids gown was pale blue v wmc I were spoken by divine inspiration can- is due to the dec- No little amusement for the oncok- committee for ttf was the grooms emphatic of the bride reminding the crank Conservative organ smack in school The audience reJ York who Fair measuring ten anil a half to eleven three quarters of and inch around and the largest oes weight All Hallows eve passed oil serene ly The boys conducted themselves as gentlemen I do occasionally have to call some naughty ones to time yet we have sonie youths here With pride I mention my young friend Bertram Chapman as a model of a young gentleman in word and deed These words Peter it is for thee to kick Against the pricks manner in which performed their duties the platform and walls adja cent looking like a scene Iron fairy land so artislicaliy blended were the flowers plants sheaves of grain and vegetables which formed the principal part of the decorations Toe proceeds to about n SUTTON Mr died last He was a brother of John and of this town We extend our sympathy to sorrowing friends Miller wishes to thank her many friends for their kindness to during her at Roachs Point through the summer Division Court was held here last week Judge Morgan pre siding In matter of Mr Burrows against Davit and Barry decision was given in her favor Mr Charles Leigh is here with his bride visiting his mother and friends Conductor Johns has resumed work on the railway here Mr John Percy is laid off work on the on account of illness Mr James Anderson is home from Winnipeg A considerable number of our citi zens have gone north on a hunting expedition Mr A went to the city last Tuesday on business Mr Ross and Miss Blanche Bailey returned to High School last Monday Mr Park went to Newmarket last Monday on business The County Engineer paid Sutton a recent visit on business Mr McDonald paid visit here to see parents and friends Mrs Miller is here with her daugh ter Mrs McDonald Miss Kay has returned to Chicago to take up the work of pro fessional nupe A young couple from Island were married here last Wednesday by Rev A Rutherford They were not allowed to go however without being blackmailed and a number of hose whose mouths are ever watering for organized ja charivari and procured tho wherewith to gratify their appetites and Mil tho vendors till This is a species of highway rob bery and should be put down with a firm hand Mr and spent last Sun day in Midland Halloween hero was a record of shame Fences torn down broken and gates removed horses turned out in road platforms and bridges torn up wagons removed taken apart and scattered along tho highway removing privies and plac id so took of the wedding after which the happy pair took their on their honeymoon trio Their tickets read me J On return they tike up housekeeping in Baldwin Mrs Cliff- vacated her late residence on Saturday During Mr Johnsons absence Miss is assisted in the store by her younger sister who promises well to become every bit as charming a young woman as her model sister Ladies Aid Christian Church at Mrs Ben this p m You will see by the papers that late partner states that when counsel saw what a bungle his client had made he is said to have expressed the emphatic opinion that he Gamcy was a There will be many loud Aniens to that If we get our this fall as promised there will need bo a great hustling As yet nothing has been done merely a few limbers put on the ground A throng of huntsmen lock their departure from here last week for Northern Ontario Messrs Arthur Dana of East New Hampshire ar rived here last week to accompany their cousin on a hunt are genuine Yankee lads with the true Down dialect and nasal twang Quarterly service in the Free Church on Friday Saturday and Sunday At services on Sunday all wore largely attended Miss was present and assisted Grandma and Geo Arnold Holt were here over Sunday attend ing Quarterly service Im always prepared lor surprises from the Mount Albert Owl In last weeks I fully expected Burns Narrow Escape would result in his being saved from instant death by the marvellous efficiency of Pain Killer It is stated that a arrant has been sworn out and put in the pro per authoritys bands fcr execution charging a citizen ol with tam pering with little school girls The party alleged has made himself scarce it is reported The telephone has been transferred to store Jess Sherwoods old home looks mighty lonely now Seems as if wed like to drop for a visit but Jess has gone Theres only cat left When tic wedding of weddings happens here we suppose pa and will require handkerchiefs as large as a bed for they think the world ami all of their J can tell our nilliner a few things nothing Whatever concerning How to sell a hat She knows it all To a prospective customer she puts one of hats on Dora Darling a local beauty who sets it so admirably the customer is enchanted A sale is at once ef fected It was remarked that there were three Johnsons married hereabouts in front of private reni- last week Our Johnson rotten egging tho windows of Messrs Ham and John Johnson of Mount Pleasant A wedding in which I take a deep interest A young lady friend fam ed in Western Ontario for her extra ordinary beauty was married at Leamington Leamington of the prettiest of Ontario towns has a provincial reputation for her fruit surpassing even the famed Niagara district her natural wells and petroleum wells gushers lately de veloped A local paper the Post says that Geo Johnson son of the editor exhibited peaches at the v persistently tired well pleased with the ceremony and unceasingly attacks and a select few of invited guests parj such spite ful illwill is not becoming to a pro fessed Christian Prayers from such a rancour- Ill led soil become curses Kick no more John it is said has clos ed a deal with John miller and pur chased his farm Congratulations to our young lady friends Misses Clara and and Miss Eva Thorpe all tiey having graduated as trained nurses has ompleted repairs the dam It apparently should stand the gnawing tooth of time for ages to come Billy Stevenson is winding up the threshing in Youll find many a wise head in the root fields these line days They cant last Our market ishooming these times Such enormous prices no doubt arc encouraging to the rural districts but must be a hard squeeze on the pocket book of citizens in the metropolis Miss Lucy Crittenden spent last week with friends on Union St and found some fine young men out there residences the being absent and would not repair damage done It was work for young men and to bo engaged until and oelock Sunday and a lamentable lack of parental home training and restraint Mr Fred Fox has charge of on our train until Mr Percy la able to resume his duties attended Presbytery meetings in tho city last Tuesday A disturbance took place here last Saturday night and we hear there will be law over it Forty rod is a great disturber pi the peace Serious Runaway As Mr Sam uel Mains was returning home from Holt on morning with a spir ited team belonging to his son John he met with a very sad accident which will lay him up for some time He was taking some boxen out of the wagon and horses started to run Mr Mains grabbed of wagon to get in and got lines his footing and his leg caught in the wheel breaking it in two places Mr of Scott visited at Mr on Sunday Mr Frank Smith was a guest at Farm on Sunday Halloween passed over very quiet ly in our burg We glad to Miss M Cun ningham homo again after a few visit with friends around vennhoe Our merchant wits in Toronto Wednesday I Quite a number from here attend ed the fowl supper at Mt Albert on Monday eve Mr and Mrs Geo Arnold visited at Baldwin on Sunday Mr mid Mrs Jno Giles visited friends near Keswick on Sunday Wonder where Steve got the now driver in a likely looking bird and no doubt will make a wind-split- tor some day eeo men fell with a scaffold at Cornwall two sustaining broken legs and Mr Sharps leg had to bo amputated WHITE ROSE During the high wind that prevailed on Monday of last week the solid brick residence of Mr Setb Smith miles below this firo on roof and was entirely consumed Mr Smith and family at din ner and knew nothing of tho house being on fire till notified by his broth- or who lives across the road By strenuous efforts considerable contents were saved but only the walls of building left standing There insurance on building A TIMELY SUGGESTION This is the season of the year whii the prudent and careful housewife re plenishes her supply of Cough Remedy It in certain to he needed before the winter is over and results are much more when it is kept at hand and given as soon as cold s contracted and before has become settled in system In almost every Instance a severe cold may be warded by taking this remedy freely as soon as first indication the cold There is no danger in giv ing it to children for It contains ro harmful substance ft is pleasant to take both adults and children like It Buy it and you will get the always For sale by Stock for Sale At farmers prices Shearling Shropshire Rama Ram Lambs large English Barred Rocks A Hawkins Royal Blue strain White Amdean Geese All pure bred Lot Con of J COWIESON North York License District Notice fa hereby given that appli cation has been made to the License of above District for a Trans fer of Tavern License from Darius to Geo for tho hotel and premises at Township Dated this 3rd day of Nov A J HUGHES Inspector ARK HOD UTTOM WIST IS Coming and you know what that means at the stores We are busy this week unpacking finest Stock ever laid down in this locality and for yourself Dont forget you are welcome even if you dont buy Now in Heavy Winterwenr we guarantee to give to you as Cheap if not cheaper than you can get it elsewhere Dont Rive your Butter and Eggs away Bring them to us and what well give you PARK SUTTON WEST AND Q V AND A LARGE FALL STOCK JUST ARRIVED Fit and Workmanship guaranteed We solicit your order SON Merchant Tailors and Gents Furnishings J Our Stock Now Complete Nice Nobby Goods Prices Right ALBERT Mi Happy Thought Range Model Wood Cooking Stove Garland Wood Cooking Stove and all kinds of Stoves for Wood Coal MOUNT ALBERT T ALBERT DRUG STORE Auction Sale of Timber Berths USB BALM OF COUGH SYRUP FOR COLDS AC TRY OUR IMPROVED CONDITION POWDER FOR HORSES CATTLE c We also carry a full line of Patent Medicines among them Remedies and Fogals Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family receive personal attention day or night LLOYD Druggist Queen Heater FOR WOOD Good Cheer FOR COAL OR WOOD Heater ALSO Good Cheer Range COOK For Coal or Wood J ROWLAND Mount Albert 7 It to advert PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gives pursuant to authority ol Orders in Council the Red and White Pit Timber in the following townships berths and areas namely In the DISTRICT of Townships of McCar thy Merrick part French part of Stewart part of part of part of and Phelps par of In the DISTRICT of AL00MA- ami the Town ships of Kitchener and Roberts and Block near Onapiug Lake In RAINY RIVER and and following berths with tbo right to cut and remove the pice spruce cedar and poplar 028 Gil 042 Berths SI S3 S3 and will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Parlia ment in the City of Toron to on Wednesday tho NINTH DAY of DECEMBER at the hour of ONE oclock in afternoon Sheets containing terms and of Sale and information as to Areas and Lots and Concessions com prised In each Berth will he furnish ed on application either personal or by otter to the Department of Crown Lands Toronto or the Crown Timber Agencies at Ottawa Marie Port Arthur Portage and Fort Frances J DAVIS Commissioner Crown Lands- Department of Crown Lands Toronto July unauthorized publication of this advertisement will be for J JVT OF MARRIAGE LICENSES