Newmarket Era, 4 Dec 1903, p. 1

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VJ-Vf- I its V j- V news timn any iu North York and is Leading County a- w me the liberty to know to utter and to argua freely to conscience above all other liberty AND ADVERTISER No paper cent outside of North York unless paid in advance ML No copies etch Newmarket Ont Friday Dec 4 per if paid In advance- That is What the Coroner is Trying to Find Out 1 Evidence of Employees and Experts what everybody says who uses National Stoves SOLE AGENCY AT PAINTS OIL GLASS NEWMARKET FOR THE assortment to supply PERFU ES You will want Perfumes and you desire a splendid to pick from high quality and close prices we shall expect you Fancy Bottles 26o to Original hall pound bottles of Standard HighGrade Extract who wish to mate a superb per fume present price to HIGHGRADE STATIONERY Fine Box Papers are always in demand for gifts especially among the people at home Have the papers ever shown in the town and our prices are right on them These rare lor to OXFORD BIBLES 9 The gift of all in many instances Most Bibles are the latest Selfpronouncing Oxtords Have a largo variety to choose from if you come at once We also have a fine assortment of Prayer Books Hymn Books toe at prices from to FOUNTAIN PENS We arc agents lor the celebrated Parkers Lucky Curve to In Chocolates and BonBons We make a specialty of Webbs goods feeling certain that It Is possible to get anything better FRIDAY BAKING POWDER ALWAYS GIVES SATISFACTION Parkers Dye Works Agent Express Co Light Cartage and baggage band ltd with despatch Telephone No The inquest concerning the deaths John ami Frank in connection with the boiler explosion at the United Factories on the ltn Nov opened in tbe Fire Hall on evening of last week be fore Coroner Greenwood shortly af ter eight oclock Every available scat was occupied and a good deal of interest was man ifested Chief Anderson was crier for tine Court and the fourteen jurymen an swered io he roll call The Crown was represented by Voting of Toronto and the United Factories by of To ronto Both gentlemen compli mented Coroner Greenwood upon his efficiency in recording the evidence presented Dr Scott gave his opinion that John s death was probably instantaneous from the of scalding and inhalation steam the result of the explosion There was no postmortem but appearance of the body would be quite different had death ensued before the scalding- There were also several marks of vio lencehead crushed on one side jaw bone broken and body crushed Frank also received a bad wound on his forehead and his lungs even by inhaling steam Andrew Hunter mason went to the factory on the alarm fire and as sisted in finding the body of John It was covered with IS inches of brick and other debris Boiler No was moved over feet from its original position and thrown partly across No Geo Holmes moulder at Gardners foundry just Bast of the factory corroborated the statement of prev ious witness concerning the finding of the body and the position of the boil ers Also that No 3 boiler separat ed in the centre The back part awl about feet of the shell were driven eight or ten feet through two brick walls iiito the machine shop front part was carried about 16 feet north into the wood lad The west boiler No I was driven through two brick walls into the Fail a distance- of about eight There was no evidence of a break in any the boilers except No No 2 boiler broke the brick wall down be tween the boiler and engine rooms No i boiler broke at the scum a straight break around It looked as if the rivets were cut in two There was a similar tear between the second and third plates St John of Toronto Inspec tor lor the Boiler Insurance was then called Replying to questions he stated that he had been a practical machinist for over years on boilers and engines For seven years he steamboat Inspec tor for the Dominion Government and the last eight years for the Insurance Company He had seen the boilers here three or four years ago was sent here to make an inspection for the Company The boilers were in sured he came Reports of condition of boilers inspected arc sent into head office and kept on also a copy sent to the owners When here he thoroughly inspected one the 3 others being in use The one in spected was very clean Inside and When the Company got word the explosion he was ordered up the same day to Investigate What was the Cause of the am entirely at seai So far as can be seen no reasonable explana tion can be given Only No 3 ex ploded There was no indication of he plates being burned or overheated in any way which be the case had the water been low It is Im possible to tell what was the- head of steam at the time of the explo sion Continuing fie explained that the boiler wasfbilt in the ordinary way and the construction was considered safe He would reality pass the boiler for the same amount of steam lbs There Is relating to the construction of boilers Ins would be a safe working pressure for No boiler There was plenty pi water in this boiler The smaller Itho quantity of lite less the explosion The explosion caused either by too much steam or by a weakness In the plat Toe first or original break was In the plate underneath the where it could not be noticed from side- Pieces of these plates art now under tests of various Kinds at School of Practical Science ill St Johns is your theory as to the What cause In all boilers conditions vary with temperature and there is distortion more or less in the plates The portion near the rivets would natur ally be more rigid and might not re spond distortion This might gradually weaken the plate until fatal time But there is no test to discover that condition and it- could not be discovered What protection has a against such condition None But a strap system is now coming into use which will tend to obviate such accidents be cause by the use of it such weaknesses are visible from the outside Under the ordinary system such a defect- could not be detected by interior ex amination There had only been three or four explosions due to this cause in thirty years defect if any was a latent defect Above Standard Thickness In reply to Mr he said the bursting point was pounds in this boiler Replying to Mr Young he said these boilers were well built and well designed at of purchase The great majority fcf stationery boilers in use are similar to tbem There are of this style to of the butt slrap The standard for No boil er is 375 of an inch in thickness but as a matter of fact actual measure ments show a thickness of of an inch so that this boiler was above the requirements in thickness There is no evidence of defects Ho nuoted the experiments of the Manchester Steam Users Association to show that it was practically im possible for the lioifer to from low water or from the sudden injection of cold water fore Potter went there but generally he worked in the Clothespin depart ment Neither he nor Trivet had passed the Ontario Government ex amination as it wajS optional but both had passed the examination of the Canadian Association of Station ery about ten years ago It is about two years since he last had charge Agnew would be re sponsible for the water in the boilers whether the engineer is present or ab sent He thought the accident was not due to lack of water but a feet in the plate Mr Atkins recalled said that he did not accept the engineers certifi cate as to a mans qualifications He always examined a man himself Potter was qualified and satisfac tory to the company but be knew nothing about He said from what I know about Potter I dont think he would recommend any body that was not thoroughly quali fied for the position When making the inspection Mr Cane said to him If there is any kick make it good and hard Arthur Everest machinist at- the factory attended to any repairs re quired and as as he knew all the attachments were in pood condition lie attended to repairs about the boilers every Monday Agnew was a careful and steady man and al ways kept the water about level in the boilers l It being pm and the evi dence of Harry Trivett being de sirable the inquest was adjourned till Dec 3rd at pm County Council when even the poorest farm hand van get per day The question of good roads came for consideration Councillor Mr addressed the Council on condition of the Lake Shore Road stated that he was very much He understood the city was obliged opposed to paying out money for to keep this road in repair but it good roads and was he worst road in the country Councillor thought a writ should be issued to compel the city to road in repair as it Health for Baby In Winter on when baby will of necessity be confined to the a great deal Unless his tho close confine ment will soon tell on hit health An will he paid for their services was obliged to so under its agree ment with the county County Solicitor Robinson said he had written the City Solici tor and told him of the disgraceful condition of the road and mentioned the agreement by which the city bad taken oyer the road and agreed to keep it in repair Mr Robinson then took the oppor tunity to complain of the treatment accorded the county by the city The county was never accorded the re spect courtesy mid decency commonly used between individuals For instance he had written Mayor about the proposed moving of the southern terminus of Hie Metro politan Railway asking that the county bo represented at to discuss the matter ami had receiv ed a reply that was almost curt In every negotiation or communication had never been treated with the he deserved his letters were not even acknowledged He advised the Council in the matter of the Lake Shore Road to treat the city like the Globe would have Premier Ross treat trie barnacles with an iron band ft was decided that a bylaw be brought in making the village a police village A communication was received from the North York Agricultural Society asking for a grant towards paying off the mortgage upon their build ings Messrs A Nichols and J Davidson were appointed auditors of the county and school accounts and More A ft Atkins inspctor for the Inspection and insurance Com- said he had ca a join ed the Cane boilers and never found anything lor an adverse report He made a thorough interior inspection of No boiler on September last and found it clean and sound inspected the other three on October He did not notice- anything about the centre course of plates where the fracture took place This explosion was unique in that one part of the boiler went one way and the other the other way and there was not a general smashup His con clusion was that the initial ruptdre was in the seam of the centre course He agreed with Mr St Johns theory as to the cause He knew of no test or device could detect the weak spot anil it was not visible to the naked ToMr I always test the safety valves and steam The valves were set for lbs and all four were connected bo that any one respond necessary In case of adverse report the Co would notify the owners as a matter of self protection employed in was then called He was talking with Frank about ten feet from No 3 boiler a couple of- minutes before the explosion As they separated went towards the boiler and he went in the oppo site direction He heard a report like the crack of a revolver and oext instant a terrible thud John standing between boilers and as if be was attending to the water AlexPotHr the chief engineer for Factories stated that been employed about the factory for or years He was absent from duty- the day of the- explosion owing his- motherV death When he left at oclock Monday morning he never noticed anything wrong The safety valves on boilers 12 and were tested Monday morning They always worked free He did not think his absence had anything to do with the explosion Hairy was in charge the day of the explo sion He considered that he was competent for the position or he not have recommended him engineer for firm occablonal of llnbys Own Tab- letn will act as a dillbig win tee months If lh winter arrives mothers can Ik certain that little ones will retain jood health daring the months of Indoor confinement Own Tablets cure indigestion sweeten the stomach break up colds prevent regulate the keep baby healthy and happy Tablets Mrs Sawyer Que have lived Own Tablets for my Hi girl and find that they are the very medicine that I can give Own an- old at a by all dealers or may be hud by lie Williams Medicine Co they a re gnu ran teed to contain no poisonous drugs they cannot do harm and always do good Stokes King for years a member and at time warden of York County Council was appointed keeper of the industrial Home at Newmarket Might candidates were voted upon and Mr Stokes got the position on the ballot the tally then being Stokes fetch Mr Stokes was defeated in the Coun ty Council elections last year Mrs Stokes was appointed matron The combined salaries amount to 600 and everything found This appointment occupied the greater part of the ses sion I Bad at Nov Tbe line residence of exMayor was badly damaged by Are last night and his fourteenyearold son so badly burned that his injuries may yet prove fatal The fire origi nated the furnace flue and spread with great rapidity The front portion of- the house received a scorching which will render its oc cupancy impossible lor several The furniture in this part of residence was completely de stroyed as was the verandah in- too front The business transacted at port of Montreal for the season lust closed was the largest in its history iThc ratepayers of the municipal ity of and voted for union to place 1st Pilot Man Nov The fire in the Hotel which was burned to the ground on Saturday night was caused by a gas machine blowing up filling the upper storeys with gas The fire spread rapidly and though every effort was made very little the contents was saved Some of Ihd guests had to jump from the Win dows a distance of fifteen feet the ground There was about insurance on the building CAST For- Infants arid Children Kind You Hao The Commissioners County Pro perly brought in their report which among other things states Having learned that proceedings were being taken by the city of To ronto towards having certain changes made in the position of the city ter minal of the Metrpolitan Hallway and considering that this was a matter in which the county was vitally inter ested we have instructed our Solici tor to insist on the county being re presented in any negotiations regard ing the matter As the county were having the bridge on Street at Thorphill renewed the Metropolitan Railway acceded to a request and have extend ed in stone the county abutments and a steel superstructure will be in place in a few days A steel bridge Costing is being placed over Creek at Islington and the Baldwin bridge is to be replaced by one costing At the morning session manager of the Metropolitan was pres ent to answer the charges made against the railway company on Mr said that the new cars were taken oil in order that may be installed with new heating A contract had been given a Toronto firm but when they came parts it was that sonic were Incorrect The new cars would be put on hen com pleted As to the installation of a telephone system between stations and switches he said the company was making experiments but he did not think the safety of the travelling public would be increased thereby lie did not know that the steam en gine from line- shunt electric road lie would dis miss any employe responsible for If if such was the case On one oc casion the engine had taken to the power house tor repairs and hart been taken back by a motor Friday J Knox Leslie and Cant then have Mho fellows come out on them from Toronto He staled ilia machines went at a and were very dangerous He iiuch1 the case a young man wnj placed a rail in front one of horse less wagons on the road The boy was consequently ought before the magistrate- and Mr thought that the law should have tasen hold of the who was going at the rate ol miles an hour instead of punishing the boy Councillor Evans was quite in ac cord with Mr remarks He thought many people who drove horses were afraid to come the road account of the steam Let the People Vote Councillor Turner thought tut the Council shouldnt Worry over the matter hut leave it to people- let them say if they wanted good roads Yes agree with Mr Turner said Councillor rising I would submit a bylaw to the and see ii they want good But it wouldnt be fair to tax the people for the improved roads and then have them driven by automo biles Thus it was that Mr be came the promulgator of the resolu tion to submit a bylaw to he voted upon at the municipal elections in January Mr Rogers thought that Coun cil should take the matter up as the representatives of the people Mr Lev took the opposite view He would refer the matter to people Only onethird of the peo ple he said had expressed them selves against idea The discussion continued hot- until Councillor Woodcock endeavored to look up a volume of law bearing up on the matter Robinson then clean makers by saying that ton question must he referred to the people but not a bylaw as sug gested by Mr in his Mr then amended his origin al resolution by putting the question Are you in favor of a county system etc to he propounded to the people at the next municipal elec tion This resolution was adopted A motion for the regulation of speed of automobiles was carried unanimously As regards expenses of maintaining county judicial part of the City Hall Councillor Evans stated that there was now a saving of This saving was by the fact that they did not now maintain the rooms of the Division Court clerks He also stated that the Council paid only the expenses of Judge private room at the present time The portion of the City Halls feet of space excluding cor ridors lavatories bicycle rooms caretakers rooms etc that the county now paid for was not very IS A r preat Of the maintaining of City Hall phone service included the county pays but of total The countys share pear cent of the expenses The report County Solicitor Robinson was presented Comment was made on the contribu tions the county towards High Schools in separated towns such as Toronto Junction It was considered financially to the county that it had to pay to the town nearly as much as it had to pay to towns with in the county Tho Act passed in regard to this matter was declared to be indefinite and for this reason High school account between the county and Toronto Junction had not been finally A payment teen made which payment a county representative had declared to be too small The matter will to tbe County Judge Tbe suit of against county for damages caused by failing over an embankment near the bridge crossing the River is still pending with a possibility of not beingbrought to trial STUDY OF OLD Reveals the fact that blood usually thin and lacking In the strengthening properties of young folks blood you want to fill your blood with fire of youth build up Bears tho Signature of your strength restore your Brown appeared and asked a grant j Its the mo for the encouragement of rifle shoot- potent known and will in the Twelfth Regiment Cot the flickering flame of an aged by Thompson followed in a short speech imparting nourishment to enfeebled A Op Hunter dwelt upon organs for weak importance of recruits for systems feeds the blood brains regiment It was difficult to oh- nerves with new Try tain a rural cors at per day none Price per box j

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