Newmarket Era, 4 Dec 1903, p. 2

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i v- At A THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC tin be accommodated at Mrs Davidsons Niagara St General Wanted Highest wages- to Mrs E J Davis King- Apply Semni Apply to Mrs Lloyd Parle Ave Newmarket RANTED Lady companion middle aged to Jive and care for an elderly lady fai town Enquire at this office Marks bad a tendency to inspire l great confidence the Canadian apple trade In Liver pool Inspectors- have done good wort and trie dealers in the Old Country feel that the grading of Ca nadian apples means something Magazine for December in harmony with the gentleness of he season moderates a little its strenuous batteringram tone of the last few months- It is fact de cidedly with its beautiful illustrations many tint and ami able fiction and is all aglow with spirit of trucetime To Rent acres of good clay land in the of Maryam Apply to A WILLIAMS Solicitor Newmarket- fa FOB SALS Blacksmith business four miles east of Sutton bouse and half an acre of land For particulars ap ply to ATKINSON Virginia Oat Steer Came upon Lot 3 3rd Concession North about September first a steer coming two years old Owner must prove property pay expenses and take It away WILLIAM HODOINS At London two youag men took their dog with them to supper at a hotel and let the animal feed from the table- at which there were other guests seated For this piece of impropriety were ejected from the room and now toay are suing the proprietor for damages What idiots some people make of them selves Sir Richard will deliv er as address on the political situa tion of this Dominion in Association Hal Toronto the Sir William of Canada occupy tie chair the occasion Sir thought will sound the keynote the next Federal elections during course his speech is intend ed to be the first a number of given by Ministers of the Crown under the auspices of the To ronto Reform Association PERSONAL I Weekly Store Hews J Newmarket A press despatch from Chicago on Monday states Canadian sheep and lambs have their superior ity over their Yankee rivals In two classes at the International Stock Show carried nine out of twelve prizes Exhibitors from the Province of Ontario placing this fact beside the refusal of the St Louis Worlds Fair officials to recognize the stud and herd books of Canada it is due to fear of the quality Ca nadian animals The Clerk of tie Peace for York County Mr II by instruc tions from the County Judge bas is sued a circular letter to the Magis tracy of tne County requesting that in future the accounts of County Constables be made up and sent to the Clerk of Peace upon the close of the case before the Magistrate Every account to be carefully scrutinized before certified to This is probably right but toe constable who will make up a false account and then swear to its correctness should be removed from tbe list of County Constables Judge j Winchester will have thanks of the County if he will cut off the barnacles Stray Heifer Came upon the premises of the un dersigned about the first of June l903 a yearling Heifer Owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take it away STARR Lot 31 of Whitchurch Newmarket PO Executors Notice to Creditors Notice is On Friday last a protest was filed against the return of Charles who was declared elected at recent Soo to the Legislature General charges of all kinds of bribery are made and the petition asks for both the unseating and disqualification of Mr Smith but it does not ask for Mr the Opposition candidate to be declared the member elect which fact under the circumstances is some what remarkable pursuant to that all creditors and other having claims the Cbarlts G union late or Newmarket yeoman deceased day of November required to se to undersigned for tbe Executors or the last will of Charles Canton deceased full par ticulars Jo writing of their claims or be fore the or After which the if will be distributed among parties entitled there to regard being bad only to the claims of tors sliall then Dated 2nd Dec Newmarket Solicitor for A Jacob Joseph Albert Collins Ex- HouseKeeper Wanted Middleaged Apply to Box 210 Newmarket During the past week Mr A one of the prospectors who ob tained a location in the belt where nickel abounds before the land was withdrawn by the Govern ment from settlement or exploration was at the Parliament buildings and bad an interview with officials in tbe Bureau of Mines He regards the prospects bright for district and says four men are now working on his claim and much rich ore is being taken out Mr expects to a quanti ty of nickel ore to Swansea in Wales during present winter The writ for the Local House bye- election in North has been issued Nomination will take place on Dec and polling one week latt er It is understood both the Pre mier and the leader of Opposition will address a couple of meetings each during the campaign Mr J Lome Hale is the Liberal nominee and Mr- J is his Conserv ative opponent Both party organiz ers are now in the Riding and the usual number of political tramps be expected to find their way to tne constituency almost immediately The Government has acted consider ately in the date polling during Christmas week as many the will likely be home from the woods for the holidays and can exercise their franchise without loss of time For or Rent Acres miles north or crossing Street Clay loam Brick House Barns Orchard Ac Apply to Avenue Toronto 9 Stray Sheep Came upon lot in the 3rd con of North about 1st Sept Owner is requested to prove property pay and take them away Keswick PO The Sovereign Bank OF CANADA your attention to its special facilities for on all the Can ada Europe and at the the safest and remitting st How the time to open an account in our allowed on the deposit to date withdrawal and A asr- l yon live a or withdraw by rati perfect aaiely Newmarket Branch Cor Main and I Butcher Business Vox sale fa Brad lord Apply to Bradford The Court of General Sessions and County Court opened at the House Tuesday before Judge Winchester who will take toe criminal business and Judge Morgan the civil cases No lees than jurymen ate- on the panel for this term fortyfour be ing from county In justice the number from the County is just too many but it is the price the County pays for connection with the city the extra expense will be found in the ratebill and then transferred to the pockets of officials of the Court Why dont the County Coun cil seek legislation to cure this wrong of three times a year The Conservatives of North Ontario have nominated Mr Ceo McCorniack as their candidate for the next Dominion election but he appears to have some hesitancy about accepting The Redistribution bill last session of Parliament appears to have created doubts akin in size to the mountain rocks Ontario under the Act loses the townships Which gave a Conservative majority of at the last Dominion election On the other hand the township and town of bridge is reannexed to North Ontario where It properly be longs and these two municipalities polled a Liberal majority of 135 It Mr McCormack accepts he will find up asainst a Liberal majority of and if be goes to Parry Sound the new district gave a ma jority about last election He la now considering what be had better do Referring to the fact that the ad vertising manager of the Toronto World had been committed by the Po lice Magistrate to stand his trial on a charge of aiding and abetting the keeping of a gambling house pub lishing the advertisements of a firm in the United States which agrees to place bets on horse races the Globe states that Col- in sending the case for trial remarked that publication was in this country and the is sent from here is just one of those schemes for de frauding the foolish of their If it is the law that that kind of thing can be done here the sooner the law is the better I want to know what the law is myself I thing it is just one those mentioned in that book of Anthony Comstocks means which hun dreds of thousands of dollars been taken from poor people all over Canada- Mr Blake Hewitt is down to the city on jury- Mre J visited the city- a couple of days last week Jackson enrtabed P Lee of Toronto spent Wednesday with friends in town- Mr of Toronto is here on a visit with his brother J H- Mrs was away last week her brother win Weston Mrs is visiting her Mr A- Widernan who works at Specialty Mr and Mrs Henderson of To ronto were the guests of her aunt Mrs Ceo Rose over Sunday Messrs Elgin and Walter left Monday for California and expect remain for the winter Miss of Toron to and her cousin Miss Weils of Forest were here on Sunday- op a visit Mrs Richards of aunt of Mrs A was visit ing here or a few days returned home on Wednesday Richmond Hill Liberal Mr and Mrs Jos Newton and son of New- market spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wiley Mr arid two children from Toronto were here on Tuesday to spend the day with their Mr Miss Ella niece Miss Florence McDonald Toronto spent over Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Mrs Clark will receive on Thursday and Friday afternoons Dec and at her home on Lome Avenue also on Thursday Mr of the National Military Home Kansas writes that they have no snow there yet and say little frost It is mild and bright sunshine so far I J Everingham has accept ed a call to the pastorate of the Central Avenue Baptist Church of Dover New Hampshire a city only eleven miles from Portsmouth which is Mrs native home- The family are all enjoying good health pleased with the sit uation J a A p J You will find none better anywhere than the qualities sold here at our prices Here are a few lines that suggest a ring of genuine value kind that dont fail CO give genuine plicated outside this store satisfaction Mens Department Mens Kip Bleachers 150 reg pairs only Mens Canadian Kip sizes to 11 Regularly sold at Sat urday per pair Mens Boston Calf 100 pairs only Boston Calf Boots Sizes to Regularly sold at Saturday per pair Mens Buckle pair pairsMens Buckle Overshoes Snow Sized to List price 215 per pair Saturday pair Mens Cotton Lined Robbers pairs Mens protection and plain Cotton lined Sandal Rubbers Sizes to List price Saturday pair- Ladies ft Childrens Womans 35c pair pairs only Womens Croquette Rubbers to 7 Regular Saturday per m Misses 30c pair reg pairs Rubbers Sizes to List Saturday pair Womens Felt Lined Boots 150 Womens Felt lined Laced Boots Sizes to Foxed with Kid Very special at pair Womens and 200 Boots for pair 13 pairsonly Indies or Laced Boots to Regularly sold at and per pair Saturday SI pair End of the week Bargaio from our Dry Goods Ladles Sample Collars each Indies Sample Silk lady sold at and each sale at each Now on The are has fallen and chips are flying around than is considered tor financial health fellows playing with edge A press despatch dated London says John barrister who was one the Counsel in the Is plaintiff in libel lor damages int out the famous case and the amount claimed in each instance js London Free Press Printing Company as defend ant in one of actions notice of which has been it alleged that the Free Press a recent date contained a toiegrashlc report throw ing suspicion on Mr to con nection with the of the leaves book at the the Investigation Ft Game a defendant In an other of Wright the tot party la the lis fe tad in the actions partieo are based on tfcatcrften made them Mr In of the etch boot H J Petty piece for East who advocating a change in the law of this Province whereby the tax on railways will be equal to those On the arm In writing The Sun regarding the amendment se cured at Ottawa last session says The much desired amendments to the Kail way Act which were passed at the last Session of the Dominion Parliament are to a great extent the result of the able manner in which The Woe Sun kept up the agitation in their support I have found in The Sun my greatest support In possible way it has brought this question of equal luxation of the railways to the attention of the peo ple and has thus aroused them to the importance of the measure to such an extent that sooner or later it must find a place on the Statute of the Province For this alone The Sun deserves the hearty support of the farmers of Ontario The readers of The Weekly Sun each week receive the latest and most accurate market reports These are worth many times the subscription price to uptodate farmers Every farmer in this district should take the Bradford Witness and at the same time subscribe for The Sun the farmers business paper The price both is only f The members and friends of the Methodist Church here intend having a Parlor Social at Mr on evening Dec Suitable games be pro vided also a program Gome and enjoy a social evening Miss Rail too of Sutton is visiting with her cousin Miss Mr and Mrs VTm White spent last week visiting friends at Manchester Mr John and daughter have moved to We will them very much from genial Blacksmith Mr zlt is doing a rushing business now A farewell service was held in tat Pleasant Presbyterian Church on Monday evening honor of Rev J Davidson and bride who leave for India on of tMs month to engage In missionary work May crown Mr Johnston has returned from Mrs Jot organist of the congregation of St Johns Church was recently the recipient of a beautiful tea service and tray Methodists purpose imild- parsonage An intoxicated Indian on the South reserve lulled his wife and six others of the tribe John the twelveyearold son of Mr James manager of the Shoe Company at Hamilton was fatally injured by falling from the root bis fathers residence Lace Handkerchiefs each 1 Ladies and Insertion Hand kerchiefs Full sizes worth cents each Special Ladles Vests for cents dozen Ladies full fashioned Vests All sizes Worth now each flea English Shaker Flannels yard yds English Shaker Flannels very heavyweight neat patterns and permanent colorings Very special at 12c a yard Ladies and Coats for Ladies Coats all sizes- This seasons latest stylos Regularly sold at and Saturday Boys Wool Underwear cents only Boys Wool Underwear all sizes Regularly sold at from to each now at each ll RAILWAY in Ontario Provincial Fair for the round trip from Now- market KOOdROins Dec to valu before Deo HI Clemens Mineral Baths near Quickly and com fortably by the Trunk The St Catharines Well Tor l he this well direct Hue of the rtnd Trunk from Fulls and sll apply to Write to 7 District Agent Toronto for descriptive and Hlustralil Itieraturo the above PHONE NO J NEWMARKET Prompt delivery to all parte of Town The BRUOE At Newmarket on December IS03 Mr and Mrs Wallace Bruce a Sovereign Bank a eon te King City W to Mr and Arthur a daughter THE LEADING Undertaking Bargains -IN- Extension tables and Couches end SmliLDuaff A to at John Millard IT flltQP WESLEY At the resi dence of the brides father on Dec 2nd 1903 by Rev A Geo A Wes ley to Annie daugh ter of Ir of the 2ud of Whitchurch AUSMANBOVAIREAt the resi dence of Mr Peter market on Dec let by J Mr Aus the Specialty Works to Miss Annie Sutton CAR At the residence the brides father con Whitchurch on Wednesday Nov ISUi by Rev J Mr to Miss A both of Whitchurch HOLLER In Toronto on November 5tfc by the Rev Mr pastor of Dunn Ave Methodist Church Evelyn Mr James of this town to Mr Fred ot Toronto the 2nd Doc by Elder Prossor at the home the bride Mr A Pax- ton to Miss Maud Mount all of the Township of King t The Tomb BACON In Toronto on Nov Annie Bacon daughter Mr Bacon years Toronto on Nov Howard Murphy on of Mr Joseph Murphy aged yoars and Interred at St Johns Cemetery Newmarket on Monday BADGER At the home of his bod Mr Badger Lot Con King on Tueaday Thomas Barf one the and most highly reopected dents of tbe township of King S3 Per Roll 2 cents and upwards Christmas Fancy Goods daily coining more to the front good assortment Toys Dolls Games Metropolitan Fashions I m December Delineator Now on Sale Patterns in stock to select from fa Balance of our stock of Wagons at clearout prices NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW FIGS NEW LEMON ORANGE AND CITRON PEELS NEW ORANGES AND LEMONS A MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Cartful and Prompt Attention a Some Grocery Specials Tins Pink Salmon for lb Baking Powder Laundry Soap bars for Prunes pounds for lb Tin Flemish Beauty Pears lb Tin Pie Peaches Japan Tea per pound Pure Lard by the pail per lb Fine Chocolates and EACH Central Telephone Office a

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