as A rj I NTABJO ftiWTAlr STOCK PAID UP Total BUI BRANCH I fieaenl Bnsiaess TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL EMM Manner LEGAL J Notary Public Ac Halo Street to Loan good T Solicitor Notary- Court BulUlar Wewntar- Ontario litnnoJt a Booth will alaoboat Court Banker ana Bank Correction Referring to the price two new boilers for the united Factories in last weeks issue the compositor by mistake set it up each It should have been mistake was notnoticed till ball toe issue was printed pipes and framework for new boilers ar rived on Saturday It Ought to Now that Newmarket is favored With an allnight system it seems Co us it would be money spent to have Chief Andersons connected with central telephone exchange in favor of Council doing so bands up Reformer Block Hotter to Loan INSURANCE J A Acat fur fin d If nor to Loan interest at Current Kate PcxtOOcfl Newmarket laiuraae Clubbing Rates Era and Toronto Daily Star one year to out of town subscribers Era and Farmers Advocate Eta and Weekly Globe Eta and to Daily 1year North York only aiWoetly Hail with premium i so Era News 50 Stir Era and Farmers Sun Balance of year free for Weeklies A Bad Fall Last Saturday morning Mr John had the misfortune to slip on the icy walk at the corner- of Main and Streets and received very painful injuries which confined him to house for several days His weight fell upon the knee cap and it was with great difficulty that he hobbled home without assistance The usual household remedies were applied but the family physician had to be called in on Sunday to relieve the pain He was doing all right at last report WW Kate Farm and Town Property Newmarket Simpson M Main and flood Frank AUCTIONEER Town Council Exams begin our friends for anna Street Newmarket Bolton Fainter and qui Decorator Corner Lane and Qvnxk street Architect Sanitary and mads toe all of fct Era receive prompt attention MARRIAGE LICENSES attbeSitaOmoeKewajulcet at private realdence NEWMARKET WORKS Regular meeting of next Monday evening The Model School on Wednesday We desire to thank the many little items news tell us about each week The hearty cooperation of readers and mates the Era a newsy local paper- Judging from present indications merchants will show the most attractive stocks of Christmas Roods this year they have ever offer ed their customers Users of the electric light were not ified on Monday that tie new rates would come into force on 1st of Jan Choice confectionary biscuits cheap at it LATEST IK Monuments and Head Stones GEMS JEWELRY SILVER This at beat to serve you with tba-toosVfaeta- ttitniauUaMe presentation can be alined is not difficult to select for all else Ike real intrinsic worth of a a of rich cut or in toe of silver a Rood Fountain come In have over our stock will be pleased you tbroujrji aid to lay by any article too nvay select for later Siim Koreltles at Low Mm CO Dont forget to have your teS at the Church next Monday ladies always provide a very tempting supper and we have no Associated Press cablegram doubt tbat ample provision will be dated nut states made for all who favor thorn with Amiv has been presence issued to the effect that in future all program to follow will be up supplied to tttc army to the standard of excellence for j colonies which arc proverb- Mr Donald C of Toronto Canadas Leading formation from Ottawa is to the will assist the choir beside other talent- Addresses may be ex- to represent pected from Rev Dr of lhe Chatham Rev to and possibly Rev Dr Bruce and Rev J Bell all former pastors of this church The burning of the the of Seats Bill pass- church mortgage will be an event last session comes before the interest- A large ttltaBiMJAtlta the Privy is anticipated as many people will be glad of the opportunity to with the congregation in Industrial Home The Votes in the County Council last week to select a Superintendent tor Home to fill tbe Vacancy occasioned by tbe death the late James is thus re- Corded On first formal vote Stokes led With four votes withdrawn On the second vole Stomps led with tour Black withdrawn On the third Stokes and tied four each Barker withdrawn On the fourth Stokes and Sherman tour each Watson with drawn On the Stokes and five each withdrawn On the sixth Stokes led with seven- Sherman withdrawn On the seventh Mr Stokes was elected with votes against lor Mr The victor is James Stokes King exWarden of the county An excellent Saturday Abundance of all kinds of farm pro duce and sharp c4mpHitionbetween the buyers quantity live poultry greatly increased lately Following were toe ruling prices Butter to 20c Eggs Potatoes to 5c Dressed chickens 55 to pair Dressed and Dressed Ducks to- pair Turkeys to Live 30 to Old hens to Live ducks to pair Turkeys live to Be Pigeons pr Hides CaUBWus lb rt to and c Pork and Dressed hogs W76 per Beef and Apples to per barrel Tallow He Young peal of Prince Edward island against reducing in the Do minion Parliament as provided by This appeal will probably be rejoice the next general ityr Dominion Parliament of such a worthy event punting Christmas Presents It is not too early to do Christmas shopping only three weeks from till the great festival shopping will not only be ap preciated by the clerks who ate work ed to death the week Christ mas but it is advisable from the customers standpoint too suffer discomforts and distrac tions incident to putting of their purchases until the last moment A holiday jam is a fearful thing as many women and men too know from experience They save tbeiipselves and clerks a deal of worry by doing their shopping before the rush begins and they will be wise to take that course They will thus promote their physical and comfort and be in better shape to enjoy Christmas than it flurried fatigued by belated excursions among stores and desperate struggles at the bargain counters To facilitate buying read our ad vertising columns before coming to town and make out your list of pur- chases Interesting better Manitoba THE WESTERN CROPS AND THINGS IN GENERAL What a short time will make see many new names in reading the Era It is just the same only more so Not ball the people are here now that were here when I came here first and only six business men of all kinds tjiough the population nearly doubled Ournew Methodist Church is at a standstill just now It has been takes place latter part November was cold wintry This probably is the reason why the correspondent of Labor for Toronto Dis trict did not Venture beyond Toronto Junction to gather items of interest the industrial section of the county for his November budget it might have given cramps to his ling ers to have recorded the in consequence of a terrible boiler ex plosion at Newmarket a large and important industry conducted by the United Factories had thrown quite a large number of bands out of employ ment for a few weeks There is quite a move along mili tary lines in Canada just now A militia order last week defines the du ties of the respected of the Department- Under the new regulations the adjutant and other important officers are srjorn of a number of powers they former ly exercised Those are to be under taken either by the general or the Military Secretary Smith General Officer com manding is charged with the sefefctidn of fit proper persons to be re commended for commissions officers for promotions and for military hon ors and rewards v Canadas Minister of Militia Frederick Borden left Ottawa Thursday of week en route England it is understood he gone to London to discuss the Sir on for has pro posed militia bill with the War Office The hill provides for an increase of the force by about men and also gives the Canadian Government power to appoint officer to command of the militia of this country The measure was introduced at the last session of the Dominion Parliament but was postponed until a conference- such a job to get material and men take place between the Minister of ail summer that progress has been slow The contractor for the carpen work lives at Brandon and there is some talk of taking it of his hands and finishing by day work We have a splendid pastor Wilkinson and the attendance has doubled since he came here Winter has set in We had our first snowstorm on Militia and the War Office In Eng land A judgment of interest to shippers of goods on railways as to the liabil ity of the railway has been given out at Osgoodc Hall by Mr Justice in the case the Chandler Co against Sunday about Grand Trunk The action was for inches Today is bright and fine at the loss by burning a freight shed below zero Some people in the at Dunnville- His Lordship held East- think that it is so cold here that it was Impossible to say from that small children would freeze to the evidence that the Railway Co death going to school This Is not have been guilty of negligence tbe case On a bright day with no were in possession of- the goods wind at and below the at the time of the fire as warehouse- children play out doors and do not men and that virtue of the tenth to era day Take Laxative Tab lets All druggists refund the aoney loosen the if It fails to cure E pains Use only Dr think anything of the cold We had a varied season last sum mer Ever since spring there was verv little warm weaiher and a very wet harvest whioh has made the grade on the wheat lower though all right for mining purposes The yield per acre was not so large as last but the advance in once lias more than made up for lhe short age The average price for wheat has been for No lor No Northers and for No That is a good price for wheat Wood is high here Poplar is worth a cord per ton hard coal The cattle market is no this year Cattle are practical ly not doing anything with tuitc a tew farmers who came here years ago have sold their land at big put their money in stock and gone farther west where land is cheap er Any good halfsection with lair yJildings within or miles of town will sell for from 58000 to When came here first plenty of farms could be bought from four to live thousand dollars so you see how well the men have made out that hung on to their farms through the hard Butter eggs and meat are about the same in price as your Fowl are high Winter apples a barrel Potatoes bushel Great crop of roots this year Now shall have to close family are all well except myself I have been pretty poorly the last year able to go anywhere alone and now I shall have to houseup tor winter Remember me to friends Yours truly barberry Man Nov IT IS HIGHLY INJURIOUS- To a cheap drastic physic Safest for constipation and torpid liver Is Dr Hamiltons Pills of Mandrake and Duttcrnut iwhlcb condition endorsed on the shipping bill after the goods were placed in the warehouse the railway Companys liability was end The action was accordingly dismissed The cover of the Christ mas Canadian is emblematic of the season and of the contents There are several Christmas stories The coloured two fill page pictures of a La Huron moonlight portrait of Kir William and the tinted illustrations for closing chapters of the War of give a brightness to the infer Mr brief charac ter sketch of Sir William will he read with interest In Womrns Sphere Miss the origin many Christ mas customs In People and fairs Mr Cooper deals with Cana das demana for greater selfgovern ing powers with Imperial postage and How of Canadian graduates to the United States The report of the Bureau Indus tries contains a lot of useful tton and clearly demonstrates growing wealth and the country Liberal rule For the chattel mortgages record last year numbered as com pared seven years ago The liens last year represent a total of 52727ia less than seven years ago- chattel mortgages against farms last year were represent ing In the mortgages Issfied represented W- Proceeds from live stock- Is represented- as 55a03 or an in crease of over on the of awl over those of The amount of arm property la given The story coming from a Dominion elation in Janu ary is and nothing more A of the Government at Ottawa alluding to this election gossip stated most emphatically that the word election has not been- in Council since the session All signs now point to a brief session early in the coming year and a gener al election after seeding time Dominion Inspector Haycock while in the city last week remarked to a Star reporter result of this years inspection of twine will be that next year the farmers well get a higher quality of binder twine than ever before American manufacturers will send oyer bete only the highest quality of twine and Canadian are already buying the best fibre in order to bt able to compote this trade Our Toronto Letter order to keep pace with the King and Queens the House wilt undergo extensive changes Architects are now working plans which will transform the old after the of hotels in the States The chief alteration will be the laying out of a commodious ro tunda with a gallery on columns- to make room for- which the present stairway bar baggage room and court are to oeremoveji A young man named had to 550 for foolishly and recklessly displaying in a menacing maimer a revolver in a poolroom on 2tien Street in addition to the present members of the Hoard of Control who poso seeking reelection the names of A Aid Hubbard Aid and Aid Starr men tioned The municipal and election next January promises to be more than usually The foreign element is increasing the population of the city They are Jews but there is also a sprinkling of Russians Poles Roumanians Macedonians and Of seventeen of all nationalities who applied for thirteen obtained it Tire and Macedonians generally turn their attention to peddling basket goods for a living especially the wo ion liarry Reuben York Street per sisted in following his daily avoca tions on the Sabbath selling bread and was fined So to learn him to member- the coinmandent to keep the Sabbath day holy No plans for the construction new barracks here have pre pared It is stated however that the new buildings will be of the most modern design Toronto will spend probably or this fall and winter in clear shade and park- trees of tussock moth cocoons- Now is the best time to gather cocoons and therehy do- the pest amen corner In Broadway Tabernacle was heard from one night last week when a union meeting of class leaders in the city was held there It was an old time testimony meeting and some people thought it partook of the en ergy of shouting Methodists of days gone by It was indeed a repe tition the experience meetings of ball a century and more ago Dr Hugh Spears a retired phyfet- living at Hamilton St was found dead in his chair on Friday morning by an employe ot the Gas Co who went to read his meter Death Is ascribed to asphyxiation as the house was full of gas He one of the first doctors to locate across the Don Ills wife two daugh ters and a son reside in the city Saturdays con tains the proclamation setting forth the of Varsity Federation A Utile boy two y ears old son of John Kennedy Campbell Ave while the elder members the family were out of the house for a brief period somehow got his clothes on ftre from the stove and was so badly burned that he died in less than an hour af ter the accident John oldest baggagemen on the found dead in his bed on Wednesday morn- in Heart trouble A young lad named Lawrence Camp bell while washing windows In the 3rd story of a building fell back wards to the Both legs were fractured the hospital The streets were slippery on Monday Horses slipped and seated all over the streets many and had to be unhitched before they Ret up The Latest AND r SHELF HARDWARE m pmrr -t- a Ji AS fc J A ALLAN CO a TELEPHONE CONNECTION HIRE- -V-i- V IT -i- icv BARGAIN r FOR THE BALANCE A- T 0 3 r AT THE- signature la on each box rills 25c A Presents itself for young men and women to acquire a vocation this winter that will bring them double the salary at least that they con command In other office work store etc Practical train ing in commercial and railway tel egraphy and railway office young- ladies in line enormous of 044884132 is -re- command from to per presentatlvc of the value of farm young men from to per property land buildings and stock month We fit you in from four to Farm property values were at their months and place you in position lowest in when the totals the moment you are competenr A were some Up to common school education Is all that there had been four years of fa required Call or write for without griming values hut since that full particulars Canadian Railway time the gains have been and instruction Institute corner College well sustained Toronto TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE r v As we intend to put in a Now Stock of Dry Goods Hardware Our Stock of la too large and to room we intend to give the people CALL it Prunes Can Malt Vita Cans Corn or Peas 25o lbs Granulated Sugar Soap bar Sodas lb Baking Powder per tumbler glass worth the money Pork and Beans and Supplies Cheap Sere is the Place in Tpwnl For Potatoes Carrots Apple and In fact every Ifind and Fruits Fresh and Dried Main Street Smith any of your drinks ih6titforliquorCAn by llfiA food or drink loipolW fyY I I 1- I iVjiV 3 I