f era v Yr a V W FRIDAY DEC Bother hood the doctor Some time he justifies the statement and says Impossible id opera- lion Yet both impossibles have been made possible by the Of Dr Favorite Han times the to mother hood are to be found teases or which re perfectly and permanently j aured by Pre- for women cures regularity I debilitating drains It heal and and cures female weak ness It makes weak women strong and sick women well fwtsh to add testimony to hundred of others u to Dr Pierces Write Mrs Ida Co Win a Hare doctored a some specialist have twice been a hospital for treatment- case been retarded ajhopeltsi they knew not what was Heart was bad all oat of order tired out serere all of toe body and a could bare I look aniny a bottle of patent medicine effect taking Dr tea month I to a boy All at thai I tear a lb the baby and myself were strong and got along medicine The Common Sense Medical Adviser large pages in paper coven is sent free on receipt of onecent stamps to bay expense of customs and mailing Address Dr Pierce Buffalo For Profit Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and uptodate far mers By reading The Weekly Sun the Farmers Business Paper you will get the very latest and most accurate in formation regarding your The Suns market reports are worth many times the sub scription price to you Every Farmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service The Sun him in a public way It was due to the action of The Sun in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards drainage across rail ways and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended We will send The Weekly Sun from now to 1st January in combination with The Era for 150 Subscribe How Samples or the Asking When You Need around Hie Jab and find I is putting in a new furnace under his store occupied by J Cook and family returned Saturday night six weeks in Manitoba A the young people over to Sunderland on Sunday I to hear our old pastor Rev Dewey Frank is going to run the rink this season The boys are go ing to set up a hockey team Jesse Cook returned home from night and is busy letting contracts lor out logs and timber for the coming year for his mill here BRADFORD While Mr and Mrs I Morris were absent on a holiday to their residence war broken and a quantity of fruit taken The house was also in a topsy turvy condition On Thursday of last week Mrs Webb while walking on John street near the residence Mr P sliced and fell on the side walk thereby dislocating her right shoulder On Tuesday nigh passenger train from Toronto came within an ace of colliding with a traction en gine near the toll gate One pi our citizens had in charge a traction engine on the night in question and cross the rail track into Mr Richard Hamiltons farm when the bridge at the cross ing collapsed The engine with its sticking over the rail track was securely fastened and before it- could be extricated the express train came thundering along a rate of about twentyjive miles an hour The engine driver on he train ever on the lookout- the obstruction and instantly sound ed the danger alarm The brakes were at once applied and the train as speedily as possible but it was not before the engine and express car had passed the danger spot Fortunately the nose the traction engine had been lurngd aside by the locomotive in passing without doing any damage and in a manner to prevent n acci dent occurring the occasion mentioned their ten chil dren all grown up and nearly all do- tog for themselves were and presented their parents with a beau tiful parlor suit accompanied by a neat and worded- address I NAPOLEONS LETTER the Crcil Moscow the airing In of and friends present the battle large numbers and Mr out of which with hid life the who hard by sjrc in and appropriate language of the character and worth and Mrs and family as The presentation was followed bv a banquet and the of the evening and various other day is it until at breadth of When a man of Arts and sidis when is added FLOUR Phone No and get the beet town in STREET to Pistol Cart ridges In saves dollars in am munition Tim HARDWARE SPECIALTY CO 8 Toronto KnlerpriMi says that In a block of twelve nouses in ColUngwoad there are nine under three months old OR avi hi Present indications point to an ex citing time ha coming munici pal elections Mr Henry Davis and Miss Newmarket spent Sunday last with here Lovers of skating indulged in this pleasant pastime during the past week the earliest in the season known for years Mr is making preparation for moving to his new home in Jan The entrance from the street to the station is rendered very unpleasant by the extension of the track across the roadway If the managers of the AR arc desirous of securing the pat ronage of the travelling public of this locality they should be thoughtful enough to provide comfort by hav ing the waiting room heated It is most unreasonable to expect the pub lic to wait outside these cold days in many instances after a drive o Ave or six miles from the country Harold the little son of Thomas Redman who was about years old died this week and was buried on Thursday He came to his death in a peculiar man- net Two dogs were fighting cm the street and the boy going near them one of thcrn bit him Blood poison ing set in and alter weeks of tiering he died Mr John Belts barns were burned on Sunday night about 11 oclock at concession of King Four head A cattle pigs and one colt were badly horned and all this years grain and implements also Mr separator that was in the barn as they had just finished threshing on Saturday night Atchi son had a small amount of insurance The fire was undoubtedly of origin as the Id logs Were flrcd in three places Bell family is evidently pursued by some ftend who delights n sending their up smoke spring James Bell had his house burned later his bam was burned and now his sons ham has been destroyed this fire Atchison who is also related- to the Bells in a particularly heavy loser this being first year in the farming business The neighbors do not give any explanation of the fire fearing that their turn will next A good smart detective would soon bring the incendiary to justice and it is time the authorities took a hand in the game A very- enjoyable social gathering at the of John Trairtr on Fri day evening of last week The was eve of the rctnpvai of Mr and Mrs Trainor from old homestead farm to dwelling on an adjacent farm In which they will spend the their years Mr and have A Leading PostmasterGeneral Sir William Mulockijs a li ed collegian a gold medalist in mod- the founder a -ehul- in mathematics the vicechancellor a university a great patron of learning himself a Doctor of Laws honoris causa And yet very few people think of him in that light lie si anils out as brilliant man of affairs a statesman of laree designs a shrewd and sue- administrator national in terests Sir William career is a standing argument for the prcsenpoof the university man in politics There arc in the House at Ottawa many professional men lawyers doctors who are known loosely as- educated men nut a distinction should made between men who have merely mastered of a superior kind of trade and men who have sorbed the ideals and learned the postures of mind that with a liberal education liberally enter tamed and assiduously applied law yer who is merely a lawyer nay have common sense but his common sense gel a little commoner every if he makes a fetich of last he has no more view than a hairpin is a lawyer and Master a Doctor of Law be- to a professional liberal then it is to have the common sense and the outlook in one person Napo leon said that one had to be a poet to conceive great ideas and a man oi business to carry them out- For poet read a man liberal education and you have Sir William combin ation though not unique is a rare one in the House of Commons of Ca nada if it were ml- too large a question or this it Could be proved that everyone in Canadian politics who possesses it is either a risen or a rising man Christmas Ca nadian Magazine John was accidentally killed in a grain mill at was dead on the shortly after leaving OfctaRa for Montreal in the vicinity of have raised tons of beets this year for which they re ceived per ton- The westbound express on I collided with a freight at Engineer and Fireman were severely injured other- the which engulfed Mr J la a literary expert on coincidences points oat bow strangely letter M played a part En the life of the great conqueror- ifarboo recognize too genius of at the Mela a to the way to Italy was one of his first gen erals betrayed and was the first martyr to his cause Marie Louise partook of his highest destinies on the of diplomacy Six marshals MortlerUar- and Money and of his of divi sions bad names beginning with the letter of was the counselor Id whom be placed the great est confidence His first great bat tle that of bis last was that of St Jean He gained the battles of Moscow and Then cam assault of Milan was the first ene mies capital and Moscow the last in he entered He lost blunders Menpa and to make VII prisoner rplred against him afterward His and His first waa Ths Harry and Jessie had been playing the great game of the medium exchange being old Confederate bills their mother had given them On the Sunday following as they started Jo Sunday School a bright idea seemed to strike fouryearold Harry wbo ran back to got sonie- he forgot When he rejoined the others there was a crumpled fiftydollar bill an unredeemed pledge of the Confederacy in his band Why deatje his mother explain ed you cannot put that in the plate Dont you know mother said it had no value now maam the little fellow lisped his bosom swelling with gener osity but the heathen wont know Secret And Wordsworths socret Any poets Well for aught we can see It remains a secret a something as far beyond human subtlety toexplain as It is beyond human ingenuity to produce- The bloweih where It Genius Inspiration it fa bard to get on without the old words vague though they be Nay It Is precisely because they that tbey serve bo useful a purpose Even Professor Raleigh after speaking almost con temptuously of Impatient critics who seek to account for- fiieciuollty by assuming that sometimes he was Inspired at other times not heard a little afterward lamenting that in Wordsworths case aa Id Coleridges the high tide of In spiration was followed by a long and wandering ebb One feels quoting Lowell whoso arrow in such competitions Is apt to hit the white Wordsworth be Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs Like other weeds destroyed while young when old sometimes im possible Strengthen the lungs as you Would weak land and the weeds will disappear The best lung fertilizer is Scotts Emulsion Salt pork is good too but it is very hard to digest The time to treat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself Others sec it you wont Dont wait until you cant deceive yourself any longer Begin with the first thought to take Scotts Emulsion If it isnt really consumption so much the better you will soon forget it and be betferfor the treatment If it is consump tion you cant expect to be cured at once but if you will bcin in time and will be rigidly- regular in your treat- n j Scotts Emulsion fresh air you can eat all you can thats the treatment and thats the best treatment livtd in King nearly all their lives Bold at Store have been in fact pioneers ol and Lyman Co wholesale arid high in tbe alrutlta Toronto and- esteem of all classes On We will send you a little of the free Bttvtf form KcmUlc Kit It ft you buy Toronto Ontario and alt Profit in Sugar Beets Farmers in Waterloo County Tell What Thev Have Done Berlin Out Nov The closing Session of the sugar beet convention was held this evening James Mills President the Ontario Agri cultural College wis at tendance and conducted the session An informal discussion took place as to whether- the growing of sugar beets had proved profitable during the past season Dr Mills regarded the of the sugar beet as one the best fattening foods existence One farmer miles from Berlin had acres and his expenses anion to He will the neighborhood of at rate of- about Sas per ton Another farmer rais ed ten acres and hauled to the fac tory ISO tons which netted him about His expensts were 5M7 The general opinion of the farmers present was that the raising of sugar beets was profitable Smoking Out Snakes Hundred Dollars of Kasy 1 a Trio of Lads in Maine A Boston druggist who came to Maine two years ago told the farmers and lumbermen in be would jgivo from to cents for every was not an in the strictest sense skin of the Down blast water snake of the word neither was but ha they could send him lie had a had a rarer gift tbe of being demand for them from Inspired who made them into belts and wore them around their waists next the skin as a relief for rheumatism Owing to the retiring disposition of Many of figures In Phil Mays water snakes lew were captured and book were sketched the druggist increased his oiler to from memory while staying up cents Tor whole which were lectin length this did not One day he aald when- bring as many as ho wished Then on the subject I saw a delightful lit- the State Maine placed a bounty tie model for my purpose a dirty rag- cents a head on hedgehogs and bit of girl humanity apokc to all the hunters forgot the premium her and wrote a message on my card on snake skins in their Veal for the for her to give to her mother Next hew way of earning money she came in charge of an older Last week while three boys were sister as tattered and unkempt as her- building at of the self When I bad made my sketches a the end of Beech bill pond of the two of them asked the elder ant trying to smoke out a score or If had any more sisters like hedgehogs which were inside herself Ob yea four or five worse they noticed that water snakes were than am Bring them round said swimming down the brook which the little un to come again t emerges from tone cave It was asked No Ive done with her The thoy remembered the price next day came he in- sn skins and for two hours they piled green brush oh lire and killed snakes paying no heed She bad persisted In it for she Hes my artist I found him first London TitBits reproof Wood Though there arc a number of dif ferent kinds of wood ebony etc of such close bard fiber that even tho fiercest Arc difficulty In get ting bold of It there la only one sort so far as now known that Is practical ly fireproof Is a small scraggy tree a native of South America called the with thick stringy bark full of a sort of fire resisting sap Thus curious shrub grows largely on the grassy savannas which are swept by almost every year dur ing tbe beat of the summer There It thrives splendidly for annual scourge only kills off Its bigger and hardier competitors and leaves the ground free for the growth this vegetable to the choking hedgehogs which ran by thorn to gain fresh air The smoke filled the cavern so thoroughly that the smiles abandoned their den to hill under the dubs of their slay ers A in two days than four snakes were slain and their skins sent to Boston by express Three later the- druggist who cured rheumatism wired the shipper that he had all the skins be could use toe a year and asked that no more he sent as he would pay for Lord reply to the Illit erate member who asked htm Are there two OnltoaV Is a speci men of his rather boisterous chaff No only one Thats are so scarce there comment upon trait of himself Is it not hideous and ao like exhibited a discernment not common with Twenty Years In flootnl fltde Mrs WaldoCecil He a barrel of money J Is be right Mr fat hasnt the least idea bow he got HI r It man called me a Hay a end a scoundrel and a puppy Would you advise me to flgh for that Old all means Theres nothing nobler world young man than for err seems be said NaturaO the woman Impatiently replied Theres nothing natural her but the framework Chicago Nov About 8 oclock this morning Arc was dis covered In the butcher shop of of this place The being in connection both were a complete loss There was some Insurance on the building and contents One dose of Aycra Chcfry bedtime prevents children A medicine for til of the throat bron chial tubes and lungs Sold for over X bar and mUi ftiTku- to tut Midi at MBSil Ala- for Night Coughs oep open with Pills at tar C TABLBT freshen nd blotched skins a sallow or discolored indicate Dp not trifle complexion powders- tonic laxative that Will jxriovcthe IronOx Tonic Tablets by cleansing and invigorating the digestive organs and stimulating poisonous waste make rich rblood When the blood is healthy and abundant the skirt becomes clear ainS fresh linsigjitly blemishes disappear natural color returns Why not try in attractive pocket ascent at fcects poefpid on receipt of Remedy OLDEST LARGEST MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED AND AGRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER IN CANADA After January 1st- PRICE i- get of this free In your subscription At once Dont a liberal terms given copy free THE WILLIAM WBLD CO LIMITED LONDON ONTARIO EASU hi i For Taxes in the County of York H xo ox- Vlrtuo or a Warrant by Warden of Ninth day ot lneTbou5tsjJ COUNTV OF WIT I UO and Three tomodlrwtcOi me to proceed Arrears or Tax on hereinafter set with the as I therefore vivo notice that unlce aald arrears of and pafdIaballun hi date and in proceed lOBWliaeMia-i- much thereof an may todlscmrgo the of tfliesAoacUi thereon ALL THE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE DISTRICT No I BALE TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY OF at hour of am tho Old Court A do aide St MUNICIPALITY OF Description Btreet Ouantltr Taxes tip toTboa Pccra 11 John at north aide Taxes P No Comprlatrnc Vaughan and VUlagoof tale to be WEDNESDAY DAY OF DECEMOEU At tho hour of In HALL Block Arnold hill MUNICIPALITY OF at I Lot Con Quantity aorta acre half acre lji acres half acre half acre acre Assessed to to terlan Church Owner part to part to part 13 to Wpart MUNICIPALITY OF VAUGHAN Lot Con Quantity put 31 aero In commonly acre MUNICIPALITY OF MAKKHAM VILLAOE- Lot Block Street Quantity to Bertha Millar Main to D Crosby A Taxes 15 Taxes 13 Mi Fee IM Fee Fees a I No 3 Comprising East BtouffrlUe aod Holland Landing ON DAY OF DECEMBER at hour of pnx in tbe TOWN HALL AURORA MUNICIPALITY OP EAST Fees Decrlptloo Lot Con Quantity Taxes Sip AMoasMtoOBahtppard I e MUNICIPALITY OK Description Lot Ae Plan Quantity i Harold lit Harold ao OF HOLLAND LANDING Lot Quantity 3 lot lit at Bradford aero J 10 Kxp 9 DISTRICT No Comprising North of Button Bale to hew TUESDAY DAY OF- at hour of W0mtoQUBBN VIlagoor8UTTOM- op Worth OF to Walter Keawlok 19 Walter to Henry Taylor to J FEdgar Description Asserted to Colby Street KeacTYe or SUTTON Lot Block Quantity 9 as I TO tit J a Taxed loss 18 Office of York l First Published Sept acre JKMACDONAtD