Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1903, p. 1

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ir Tie gives more home new every week than any two other in North York combined and acknowledged id be the Leading County Paper 1 a a i NOETH YORK INTELLIGENCES AND Hire me the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to consdeiice above all other liberty A a No paper sent outride of York unless paid In advance ML No each Newmarket Ont Friday Dec I per annum if paid in advance gew List a Useful Gift for It might be of n Father Mother in choosing Uncle Aunts or Cousins There- are 1 I Binns Hardware Store Presents Skates pair up to Carvers in cases each Carvers in Scissors in sets all sizes to safety each s Razors and strops all prices Shaving Brushes Fruit Knives in sets Pearl handles Butter Knives Pickle Forte 50c Sugar Spoons each Berry Spoons Knives and Forks all prices Tea Desert and Table Spoons Pocket Knives to 250 Pen Knives 26c to Pocket Books and Purses Playing Cards Bath Room Fixtures in great Holders Tooth that mam articles at A Very Acceptable Mouth Organs Tea Pots Tea Kettles J Tea Kettles granite Mrs Potts Irons In Nut Cracks and 36c Crackers each Oil Heaters each Iron Banks each Toy Sad and 26c Cup and Saucer Bread Boards and Bread Knives and Roasting Pans and Wringers Carpet Sweepers Table Bells 26 and 50c Air each Dog Collars 20 and Sleighs steel and wooden variety Sponge Racks Soap Brush Mulders For the Era Christmas We hear abroad theinerry hells They on the listening car The joyous laughter quickly tells That Christmas is here With youthful mirth they Liny by From eels of steeds the fly The moon is bright the air is cold But little do they heed the Though stars are shining they No glory in the glittering host Wrapped up in furs they dash along In chat and lively son With spirits they delight To bandy words in repartee And make the air resound at night With unaccustomed minstrelsy In gleeful mood and sharp debate Forgetful that the hour is late n i I happy hours of youths sojourn What pure enjoyment they contain They quickly pass to neer return- them while they yet remain No simple pleasures bring rigiet purge the heart or care and fret Oar Toronto Ku the Fire broke out in the top Hat of Saginaw Dec the large manufactory building at Beet Sugar Industry Michigan corner of Richmond and ceived today an impetus that will streets on the evening- of the tell in its favor for years to come ibst- occupied Co was patent to every member of the comb makers The Hats below were party accompanying Secretary James occupied by the Canada La it Co Wilson of the department of J A Manning woodturner lure on his tour of the factories of Total damage about the state to look into the scope and At the medical students dinner held volume of the business Four fac- in the Varsity gymnasium on were one at Rochester day of last week the en- one at and two at Saginaw and twined colors of and the former two places Secretary Universities were conspicuous dec- Wilson talked instructively to Rattier- orations The Hon Minister of of farmers on the cultivation of was among the speakers of the beet and kindred farming topics the evening The secretary who is himself a Sir Richard address farmer by family and occupation was at the lock Club in this city last much impressed with what he saw week was full of solid information and he declared after the days clearly demonstrated that during tion that the industry in Michigan the past seven years Canadas be protected and fostered has been heater than that of any not by one method by another country in the world The has a new child At the annual at the here he said and it must provide section of the Board of Trade for it and the of Michigan last weex Mr of Au- may rest assured that the depart- was the presiding officer and agriculture at Washington A gladsome time for friends to meet address will do all in its power to build up uiinn York Township will vote MEDICALEXAMINER Of the Si treasury Recdmrnends When hopeful expectation OIK Township will vote on a focal the industry and help the Michigan When old and young rejoice to greet temperance bylaw at the farmer Returning ones from far ofi plains election in January The party left Detroit on special From North and South from Lendon who came to To- train over the Michigan Central at and West with Long aged seven- The beet sugar special They hasten home the spot loved Rome and married as it was dubbed made its first stop best j on a at Rochester to allow Secretary charge of abduction laid by the gills sen to inspect the plant of the them tis home they uncle Sugar Co This plant turns knew Filled with their sweetest DR LLEWELLYN Dr Llewellyn Jordan Medical Exami ner of fcs Treasury Department of Columbia College and who served three at West Point following to say of Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy One snort month has brought forth m change Mad Snow consider myself well months of Suffering sufferers wit care you it Catarrh is a only by treatment A remedy deed a feeling of respect is that cures catarrh must at kindled us When the yollow fever broke out among the American Unselfish Selfishness sometimes manifests it self in hoarding and sometimes in ending money The miser is a miserable man No one respects him and he does not res pet- himself The man who lavishes his money all on his own comfort his own and luxury is neither happy nor use ful He has friends of a certain kind but so soon as his money has his friends will be gone too The friends of a spendthrift are not genuine friends The unselfish and manly liinii not waste his money nor his time lie gives his money and also to those pursuits that will do most good When the subway explosion occurred in the city of New York a few ago in which much val uable property was destroyed and and many lives lost ode voung man forgot himself and running into the burning powder house trico to ex tinguish the lames lie have run the other way and save his life No one have accused him of cowardice or neglect of duty Hut forgetting his own interest and think ing only of others he gave himself for his fellowmen AH men honor the hero who gives himself for others We may not At the Club meeting last out from to barrens in night it was announced that our and the operation of still old folks loving Sir William would address fog the rough unwashed beets leave true the cfb at its next meeting he bins and come out at the other Await their coming when they December The hews was re- end of the plant pure white sugar Yet often lonely do they yearn jeeived with great enthusiasm was very interesting After the in- To have their absent ones return NEWMARKET TINSMITH BROUCnlW FOR THE come Of presents- they would like to get To send to those away from home While childrens prattle too Of what their little hands could do Six horses were burned to death on Secretary Wilson spoke to Saturday night in a fire at Win about 300 farmers who had gathered hard with horses were badly burned and the great interest building destroyed The loss is about Advice with insurance of Two young men who had been duck- in a who gainer Once round the Are they used to sit fitable And talk of Christmas street west other time but they listened to the- mucous Then catarrh Then catarrh la permanently cured A free book written by Dr on the subject in its mud stages will be sent free to address by The Ohio Distributing the When the uninsured man dies the sympathy of neighbors and friends is aroused and they are disposed to do Briefly Secretary Wilson said that what they can for unfortunate as a farmer himself he had the sympathy and charity do not soldiers in Cuba an officer in charge of a battalion of colored troops call ed on them to volunteer to nurse the sipk He told them that it was a dangerous service not the kind of service they had expected they had enlisted and that many of them would lose their lives if they should undertake it that it was not the kind of death the soldier cared to die and he could not detail them but asked them to volunteer Every man in the Two weeks after the same opportuni ty was given and all that remained volunteered a second time They gave their lives for the sick and The boys with noisy With handsleighs to the woods for lloat Monday afternoon trees Of evergreen whereon they lied The presents everyone to please When sparkling with the Was gorgeous to the childrens sight shooting on the Sand Bar at- the firl teethe place of that aid to which a St Wcstcrn Gap to the harbor attempt- holder of a certificate of life insurance army to cross the in a small physicists to Mich entitled his contract ever may be our opinion of he color- to analyze the soil and teach can claim without true heart HO LI DA PERFUM ES You will want Perfumes and if you desire a splendid assortment to pick from high quality and close prices we shall expect to supply you Fancy to Original halfpound bottles of Standard Extract for those who wish to make a superb per fume present price to HIGH STATIONERY Fine Box Papers are always in demand for gifts especially among- the people at home Have the papers ever shown in the town and our prices are right on them These rare for to OXFORD BIBLES Toe best gift of all in many instances Most of oar are the latest Selfpronouncing Oxfords a large variety to choose from if you come at We also have fine assortment of Prayer Books Hymn Books Ac at prices from to FOUNTAIN FENS We Are agent for toe celebrated Parkers Lucky Curve to In Chocolates and BonBons We make a specialty of Webbs goods feeling certain that it Is to get anything better FRIDAY BAKING POWDER ALWAYS GIVES SATISFACTION guileless age when Christmas dreams Fill the young heart with purest joy When time so tardy to them some longwished for toy Sometimes ere Christmas dawn ap pears Their feet are lard upon the stairs With eager search in semilight They grope for stockings which they know In some mysterious way at night Were filled with gifts down to tho toe Yes here they are without a pause They give the praise to And when they ask what meant Who first had given it that name It was explained that Christ was That Jesus as an Infant came That Ho was born in Bethlehem The first glad Christmas in the mora That angels sang mid floods of light Glory to God and peace on earth That Shepherds trembled at the sight As they j reclaimed our Saviours birth That he had come to die for man And the world the wondrous plan GRANT Richmond Hill Dec to The was had to farm land and he told how best immense in aggregate until the ma parent were annoyed the aw Krowing time of need and then from the J a fire or and Mr J The growing ours is an Mr task We are call- should up IS storekeeper has received ten oH his their contributions are entitled to S2 a it proved that such fcMn a The Christmas traffic at Union l Station has already commenced and will be larger this than ever The will likely have ex tra train between Stratford commencing next Monday The cry of te little children touch ed a soft in Judge Winchesters heart and he let Mrs Morrison off on suspended sentence She was convicted of oplifting at batons The Judge a ter rible scorching He said he not doubt Lockups feuilt of a girl under the promise of marriage but under the law being under years of age he have to dis charge him If Judge Winchester had bad say Locke wouid have been locked behind prison tars The double attraction of an official Visit by of the Toronto District to Occident A Charter No with the of Mask Masters Degree and the ejec tion of officers tho ensuing year no doubt helped to fill the Urge hall in Occident corner Queen and Sts on Friday evening the It was one of the scrutineers Opportunity Presents itself for young men could be grown here than help As the bee gathers the Particles of honey from the flowers In concluding ho said wiiich suffer no appreciable loss from government gives me contribution and stores the col- every year and I have lection in the hive until time of scientists in my department What- need arrives so the society the people of Michigan need of fates these trifling sums receiving from members who do not these I will be glad to give You fanners have only to lit- me know and I am at your service Recommended Better Drainage After inspecting the Peninsular plant at with a product of barrels lor twentyfour hours Secre tary Wilson again addressed a large gathering of farmers along the same lints- of instruction He however added a plea lor better drainage on the level land ol Michigan recom mending the laying of drain tile lour feet deep He also of the of increasing to the acre The parly stopped at lor luncheon and from there went on to Saginaw inspecting the plants of the Saginaw Sugar and i Valler Si gar Co R Y BROUGHTON Parkers Dye Agent Canadian Co t tight Cartage and baggage hand led despatch Telephone No and young women to acquire a vocation this winter that will bring them double the salary at least can command In other office work store factory etc Practical train ing in commercial and railway tel egraphy and railway office account ing places young ladles In line to command from to per month men from J40 to per month We fit you In from four to six months and place you In position the moment you are competent A common school education is all that is required Call or write us for Stock Notes Keep no useless stock to profits loss until disaster comes and the sufferers are relieved from the treas ury where their small contributions have been preserved And so insur ance becomes an equaliser and regula tor applying its stores to alleviate the sufferings of the to prevent the weight of disaster from crushing its victim and distributing the loss over such a wide field that no individ ual is irreparably injured As the flywheel regulates the machinery and thereby preventing entire destruction of the works so insurance comes as an intermediary to relieve the storm of sudden calamity and enable those who suffer to maintain heir position In the business world and to enjoy the comforts of which they must otherwise be deprived If joined in all the cooperative plans of the fraternal society for the protec tion of families wealth would be so well distributed as to drive poverty from our land It is for each member as an equalizer to Bcrnhardt Burns was crushed to death white struggling with a of horses at Amberstburg explosion of acetylene gas In the store of Mr druggist did damage to the store and stock to the amount of A package containing sent from Winnipeg to Vancouver by too Bank of Hamilton has gone astray and a rigid investigation is being made- by- the postal authorities Man Dec A gas mv in the Revere Hotel exploded about this morning Robert full particulars Canadian Railway trie porter was killed and Instruction Institute corner College the building badly wrecked Sis Toronto A hot beater hi the test- of Knowles Bros Montreal clothing house- at burst one day lately The explosion Owen Sound was gutted by fire and smashed stove to atoms and dam- stock owned by aged the room considerably destroyed Insurance IB cattle the talt hardy Air kinds of farm stock should be same time each one is securing own those comforts ot which they Ail rami be deprived The well protected from cold rains and the fraternal field therefore a real benefactor to those in storms Workman feed is better for the w as a worthy citi ng colt the first year than grains Blood food care and training are for producing a clas horse a Marys Church at In to best by theltomari Caltb- be careful not overfeed a to was underfeed in nearly all ewes the more rapid- Sunday iy animals arc and The tollapsc of an tened the profits near Cordova Spain W JW Tlc good which one pure bred sire killing fourteen persons and injuring the back is the most good individual merit will do for the cattle of a community not so highly favored as we are and do what we can to give them the light which shines on us We cannot do much we have little money to give We have little skill to serve We may be tempted to think what we can do is so little that it makes no difference whether we do it or not This is an evil thought The poor widow who gave an insignificant offering has done more to bless the world than the of ferings of all the rich men who that day cast into the treasury of the it may be but a penny it may only be a minute of valu able time it may be a word fitly spoken it may be a kindly deed or only a grasp of the hand The groat God is able to make it finite results He who multiplied the loaves and fishes can multi ply the force of the effort vou forth until it shall be Celt to the ends of the earth Christian Advocate on the Right Side a patient complains of a bad taste in his mouth every morning on waking up says a physician the first question 1 ask him is as to the posi tion he assumes when going to sleep An immense number people sleep on the leftside and this is the most common cause of the unpleasant taste which is generally attributed to dys pepsia If a meal had been take within two or three hours going to ted to sleep on the left side Is to give the stomach a task which it is difficult in the extreme to perform The student of anatomy knows that all food enters and leaves the stom ach on the right side and hence sleeping on the left soon after eating involves a sort pumping op eration- which is anything but sound repose actio of the heart is also interfered with The collapse considerably and the lungs are near Cordova Spain derailed a It is probable A- Utile Unseed meal given occa sionally is beneficial to most kinds of stock and has a tendency to keep the system regulated a Hare BCVSH f i but few men can rest easily so and hence it is host to cul tivate the feabit of sleeping on the right side It is very largely a mat ter habit and the sooner it is ac quired the better tow

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