Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1903, p. 10

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v Vj THE NEWMARKET ERA DEC -S-os- SUVA Notary Conveyiuwr Mount Albert Ontario td a Hooey Lowest on real Arste Jersey Grades for Sale i Heifers- from months to old have been bred also Fresh Cows For further particulars sppiy to STOKES Mount Albert Buggies Repairing and General Prices moderate COOK Agent Mount Albeit Livery Stable in connection Dp Clank SI Senmarket Ji- MANAGER i i ill PERSONAL Mr John Watts is seriously witj congestion of the Mr John Parry a former resident has oeeri in town or a week renewing old acquaint ances and calling on relatives arid THE MARKET There seemed to be more produce on the market on Tues day Prices as follows butter to eggs to chickens ducks to geese to turkeys Stone price paid and seeds COAL arid nut coal for sate pec ton Highest for all kinds of SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT FURNITURE Pit You can save money by buying your Furniture- pert store A STOCK THAN Bedroom and and parlor Tables and We for Pillow Holders and the celebrated Stretcher and Picture a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered hi quantity THEAKER Try Oar Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Back An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT RUNNING HORSES Complaints have- been heard about several young men who have been in the racing horses has a common sight to sec two teams racing side by side down the Centre road or on the town line the drivers urging their horses as if heir lives depended on it The custom is not very good for the horses to say nothing the danger to people on the road who are either driving or walking AN ATTACK OF PNEUMONIA WARDED OFF ago my daughter caught a severe cold She complain ed of pains in her chest and a bad cough I gave her Cough Remedy according to directions- and in two days she was well and able to go to school I have used this remedy in iiv family for the seven years have never known it to fail says lames Merchant Annato Ray Jamaica West India Islands The pains in the chest indicated an ap proaching attack pneumonia In this instance was undoubtedly warded- off by Chamberlains Cough Remedy It counteracts any tend ency of a cold toward pneumonia for sale by Lloyd NEARLY Mr Marshall had a very painful experience one day last week He was descending from an apple tree for some purpose when he lost his balance and in falling his foot became jammed between two limbs of the tree leaving him suspended bead downwards Mr fortu nately appeared on the scene and ex tricated poor Marshall from his un comfortable position after he had been hanging for about five minutes SUTTON A It is our sad duly this week re one of early setters bis com- which took- place the Inst being he seventyfifth of birth Mr was boni Alloa his land some fifty years ago and landed id New York came on to To ronto thence to Newmarket where lie remained sonfe then came to where be carried on the tailoring business for the past forty- eight years Everyone in this town will sympathise with the sorrowing J in their loss Another death took place on the which comes near to this community namely that of Mrs of Toronto relict the late Ay truer Langley architect Mrs was born in and spent her early days on the farm with icr parents She went to To ronto as a sbe and remained thereover since Three of her sisters recently left old homestead and are now residing in this village The Anniversary entertainment in easy chair for Knox Church Sutton last lowering himself BALDWIN BREEZES On Wednesday last three young men Go Herman latter carrying a gun were rilling on a sletgh near here got off and took the track en route for home Some distance away he turned and deliberately fired at his late com- Oar Toronto Letter ISOOMINqT SEE OUR COLLECTION OF SILVERWARE e your wives happy by presenting with a New Roasting Pan to cook Turkey in SKATES HOCK BY STICKS LAMPS CARVERS CARPET SWEEPERS ALL AT A team belonging to J Neil attached to a waggon collided with another rig on Tues day and then ran down John St until the team struck an car killing one of the horses Jones rate several grains of shot taking driver the team on young Pfingles face For tunately he distance was such injury was ihllicted I by a policeman on a charge of ing Jones had a narrow cape of bis life and yet there or woman getting fancy I hear you observing that tfftq christian men women and fool arid gun re still on IN editors who oppose prohibition be scene of action with the liber- Nat has had another ty a man paralytic stroke This sorest of has tssurwd the helpless and unconscious Very position of General Manager of the hopes for his recovery Telegraph Co with A conceited coxcomb called on his lady While he was hanging At the public meeting love While his outer apparel on the hat rack in the hall she overheard him solilo quizing thus You bang there 5S hat overcoat likewise You hang coat Placing his cane on the umbrella stand You stand there cane into the reception room placed an him but as he was into its luxurious evening notwithstanding the inclem ency the weather The views scenes in Ireland and were fine and the de scriptions thereof by Atkinson very Interesting and Mr J of Toronto Miss at the organ sang a number of selections that were highly pleasing to he she depth as he sat down on consider able violence in the Street Methodist Church on Tuesday Rev Dr Carman the venerable Su perintendent of the Methodist Church in Canada was the principal speaker His address was spirited along lines Advancing Canadian citizenship Already very considerable discon tent is manifested over the cumula tive voting system obtaining in city I Prices Count Dont They of the chap that is con stantly cutting slashing without just cause at the Hon Commissioner of Crown Lauds There Will be no prizes at Market here- Murray and Mr Herbert Percy of To- foe refused to contribute their quota jerked it away the iwith want to s 10c tool Such should be the rec- for the majority The Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available Assets Balance of SubBcrtbcd Capital J Total HEAD CANADA MOKTBELL BOARD Or DIRECTORS Esq Chairman J Keq Flolcy SCloui- Sir Accepted at Current Ifatet DAVIDSON Agent Albert Cblct for Dominion- SOCIETY An interesting meeting the So ciety held on Thursday evening last was devoicti to a study Tennysons In An excellent paper on the Life of Tennyson was given by Miss Miller rettected credit on that Miss then read the pa per on In Memo ri am and the sub ject was discussed at length by Mr J A Hopkins Mrs Cameron and others At the next meeting a mo tion will made lo change the night meeting from Thursday to Tuesday As Thursday is one of nights when the store are own there is no doubt that change will be made as it is certainly a step in the right direction The committee have been in securing a piano which will materially assist in the enter tatnmen Us gave a number of executed renditions which called forth many encores Some ol the pieces were of a highly character and in candor let me say were more suited to a public ball than a church edifice The met last week at the home of Mrs McKay Mr Sherman of Point was a visitor at Mr p McDon alds week ago Sunday Mr K Greenwood was in the city on business last week The St James Sunday School en tertainment will be held in the Hall on the evening of the 1 si inst con sisting of magic lantern views Of a trip through which will no no doubt IfC iKith interesting and profitable Mr John has taken to him self- a partner to share together lifes joys and sorrows Our wish is that their joys may be many and their sorrows lew A complimentary farewell supper is to be tendered to Mr Vrboman in St James Hall on the prior lo bis leaving for the North- West Tlw Methodist congregation pro pose having a Hot Fowl Supper New Years Day as A match between ladies Hockey Club here and hat of lea ver ton is being arranged for Mr Richard fleering is feeling quite poorly at the present time STRAYED Into the premises the undersigned lot Con Scott about Nov 20th spring calves Owner is re quested to prove property pay ex penses and take them away EVANS of the expenses And the other merchants did not justified in shouldering the whole burden- so promise rare treat to those who patronize Jobnsonfs cert in the Town Hall The music is no cheap fake but the high est such as played by artists It with genuine sorrow that we learned of the decease of our es teemed friend of Sutton- lie was a man of many good Quali ties arid few faults We shall miss him when we visit that burg I felt quite flattered recently on learning that an aged couple whom I esteem had given uji local paper and subscribed for the Kra so as to get the This was quite a pretty compliment to me I take it I have previously referred to singing eighty years age bis voice one When perfect set of teeth so that articula tion would be true he must have- been a good Of course Scottish songs are his specialty The old dame is fooled for once The wedding is not coming- oil on the Some time later trustees of school have vainly been endeavoring to secure a male teacher There will probably IO a at also but the same clear head and firm hand will continue the management of The Eaton Co on and after 2nd of January will close both store and factory at pm and or the Christmas holidays the store and factory with its hands will be closed from pm on Thursday even ing the until Monday morning the allowing the pay to go on as if the business was all in full go William of Newmarket was found guilty at the sessions on Mon day afternoon on a charge of assault brought against him by Maud his niece He threw a stick of wood at her and hit her head The executive committee of York Township Council on Tuesday pas sed- a resolution advising thc electors to vote against the County Councils proposal for constructing roads If the south part of the County oppose the scheme the north part have greater reason to do likewise For stealing overcoats Fred Cham bers was sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment William lo four months Fred Hewitt to sixty days by police Magistrate this morning Thais the reason we let others do the talking while we do the business pounds Finest rants pounds pound Lemon or Peel Rolled Oats bum Comfort Black Tea splendid alue And best of all we will allow you for your Butter and lb for Dried Apples PARK SUTTON WEST AND BELHAVEN SUITINGS AND BANTINGS A LARGE FALL STOCK JUST ARRIVED Fit and Workmanship guaranteed We solicit your order SON Merchant Tailors and Gents Furnishings is p and a WANTED In days Intelllnuii person to the work of TRAVELLING DISTRICT MANAGER twenty a fratn LINSGOTT COMPANY Brentford I Stock for Sale At prices Shearling Shropshire Rams Ram Lwnba large Barred A Royal Blue strain White Amdesn All pure bred Lot Con of J THE BEST REMEDY FOR CROUP From the Atchison Kan Daily Tliis is the season when woman who Knows the beat remedies lor croup in demand in every neighborhood One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in be middle of the night by a whoop One the children The croup rem edies are almost as sure to be in ease of croup as a revolver Is to be lost in case burglars There used to be an oldfashioned remedy for croup known as hive syrup some modern mothers say that Chamberlains Cough Remedy bet ter and does not cost so much It causae he patient to throw the phlegm quicker and gives relief a shorter time Give this remedy as soon as the and it will prevent the attack It never falls and is pleasant and sate to lac For sale by Lloyd Mr Hoy and Miss Foster of Island were guests at fr last Sunday wee The Rev A Rutherford went to thc city last week Mr visited at and Bowman last week Messrs John Howard and Scott went to the Winter Fair Mrs Cross was in ihc city last week Mr A of Newmarket is giving music in the village changes in the ownership of property in the village is the talk at present Olive- Gum Swamp tannery With the lion Commissioner ol Grown Lands to tan cow and hides and the work done at the Gum Swamp tannery we should be well served The class of hides tanned here are not or Viol Kid but Gum Swamp Kid Hicks says Rain Is probable this week Mrs bridge Young of Brace- is visiting her sisters Mrs and Mrs Hoot GAINED FORTY FOUNDS IN THIRTY PAYS For several months our younger brother had been troubled with indi gestion He tried several remedies but got no relief from them We purchased some Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and he commenced taking them Inside thirty days he had gained pounds in flesh He is now fully recovered We have a good trade on the Tablets Bros Merchants Long Branch Mo For sale by Lloyd Burglars manipulated the com bination in the safe Mr Arm strong of Oil Springs and got away with Rev Father McGurty died at All members at the meetlawa This mokes third death- front injuries sustained in univer sity Ore- New York Dec Two men were you like Co If I can ft y mo your KnA I wilt with a last Tuesday A number of accounts were passed and will in the printed sheets Messrs and ap peared before the Council with refer ence to of way across township roads lor the Metropolitan extension A By- Law was passed Dtovldingfor same and guarding the ratepayers Cut ncil- adjourned sine die found dead early today in a finished room house hero death being due to wood alcohol A third man in the hospital dying and he four I member of party by the- drink has disappeared Brantrbrdc Ontario Sore and swollen JolnU shooting torturing muscles no no It to nut WANTED TO on rir sleep that means rheumatism- Iti 9 kUM in flfikt to lgnt mi ex a Fain Balm has con- ore a TrAvcii- application gives relief Try it iw T Lloyd it Mil t I Write our ffwlrwncd sketch or mod I of your In- Utmost opinion a to It pplIcaUonhiYcofUt3 prosecuted by conduct fully In lhWiiHfic prompt ly Invention furnished procured through Motion without In throughout of and MARION MARION Patent Expert and Solicitor I VoV Bits Atlantic Driving a German Patrol Across a River- Cape Town Dec According to an official despatch from the district a laager was attacked and captured by a German patrol on Saturday last The Hottentots drove the Germans across the river firing heavily and severely wounding Lieut and one private The Hottentots subse quently retreated losing three killed and two wounded More fighting is expected During the engagement ape po lice came under the fire the Hot tentots who say that they shots at the police oTicers by mistake Notes To make gilt butler one must have clean utensils to work with Thc character of the feed decides to a great extent the yield and of the butter from any Succulent feed increases the How of milk but does not materially in crease the portion- of water in it An extra yield butter will nat urally follow the use richer feed If cow has been The conditions cream at time of churning as to acidity has much to do with njaltty the butter In dairying no slipshod method of dealing with milk is ever justifi able The manner keeping a cow reg ulates production and that In a large degree regulates profitable ness of the whole transaction It is necessary that a cow eat a large quantity feed to give a largo yield milk but It Is not every cow that has this capacity Thc mtlk and butter qualities of cows are more derived from sire IVan the dam It does not pay to overstimulate a cow to secure phenomenal results the cost of such is greater than the profit and It In jures the cow i So long as the cow is warm and comfortable her flow Is steady and normal bat as soori as these conditions arc changed and and exposure to cold rains or storms and sufficient food takes their place hex rmlk yield will decrease Comfort is very essential and necessary to keep a cow- up to beat in giving milk during the Win Bin tori toSW of J Our Stock Now Complete Nice Nobby Goods Prices Right D RAMSDEN ALBERT One reason why some peoples prayers are not answered is that hey tail to enclose a stamp No matter how great a philoso pher a man may be he can never figure how he caught that cold A baby was bom to a certain minister recently That evening the officers waited on him with in cash The next morning when the congregation assembled two wags stood before the church door and one bet the minister would thank tho for money and the other bet he would thank him for the baby When the reverend gentleman rose to pray he said we desire also lo thank Thee for this timely little succor The boys are yet undecid ed as to who is the winner T ALBERT DRUG STORE f BALM OF SYRUP FOR COLDS C OUR IMPROVED CONDITION POWDER FOR HORSES MOUNT ALBERT WE AUK ron i Ms Presents INCLUDING Ladle- Collars Waist Bags Men Ties Glove Silk Handkerchiefs We have and prices right full lino Groceries We also carry a full line of Patent Medicines amoog them Remedies and Cure Prescriptions and Family receive personal attention or night T LLOYD Queen Heater FOR WOOD Good Cheer Furs Lemons Nuta at right We a and Orangey prices We Our Rubbers FOR GOAL OR WOOD Heater ALSO I MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON Good Cheer Range COOK Wood R0WLA1 Mount Albert to advertise In the t J

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