iu THE ERA- FRIDAY Vqoj HALL Our goods than ever are this year Our selection Japanese China comprises very fine and useful as ornamental pieces Sue Our Window Next Week Weeks Iibeal- Hems WHAT OK A Mr Rogers a from Vic toria College preached Sun day Mr Archer is expected next Sunday Charter services next Sunday il be of a Christmas character Special anthems by the choir in the rooming and song service in the evening The pastors theme in evening will The man who had no Christmas I i a ax At the regular meeting Mon day evening a donation was made to the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto and Recorder in structed to send a letter of condo lence to Matthew Brown an ac count of the death of his only sin Our New Line -OF- Rich Cat Glass Largest Variety and Finest Quality of Handsome and Use- Pieces to be found out of the Ci ties and order to make it more popular we are selling every piece cheaper than it would be under different circumstances We can give rod a nice Bon Bon Dish at a Cologne Bottle for or a beautiful Berry Bowl for as much more expensive as you up to a very fine Vase at This piece Is a work of the finest class Have a look in our window especially next week As usual we are having our regular Tables of Fancy Novelties IOc and 25c DINNER SETS CHINA TEA SETS TOILET SETS Lamps Lamps Lamps See our new Ruby Lamp for It is a handsome small sized Lamp We have them at most price up to for a Perfect Beauty Two Newmarket rinks went to To ronto on Tuesday evening and played a friendly game at Granite but were defeated by shots Follow ing is the score Granites Newmarket Dr J Bruce A Jos Irving Stewart HTWilson KE7ITLEBY A LONG CHRI3TMA3TIDE i into Hew On Wednesday of this wee Miss Terry daughter of Mr Alex I lQ tola country En England Terry line was married to Germany and other parts of Europe Mr of fee- i getting sup- ssss s r Mr aid Mrs Frank have amusement of after a years sojourn In P afl Manitoba fc self comparatively little attention la paid here to the observance of the numerous designated holidays which in other lands go to mate up The period opens with St day which falls on Dec and closes with St Distaffs on Jan first named festival in some parts of England as Doling day on account of the of bounty of charitable individuals and in most cities- with tbe at the present time the day given up city all largely to anniversaries of chart- H Band F Hughes F Doyle A Webster Howard Love 15 H Total Total Try Flanagans for cheap groceries Big crowd in town last Saturday These are big times everywhere In the homes in the stores in the Sunday Schools Everywhere Christ mas preparations are in progress The prognostications of the weath er wise that a thaw last week would take away sleighing failed to materialize Subscription renewals for arc are pouring in The people appreci ate the Era as a local Dont miss the hockey match next Tuesday night Mr Case has made a good job of fixing the Armory of the in the building for the Cadet Corps The Primary kids are practicing for a school concert on Tuesday after noon KING CITY The Hon J Davis is to give a banquet to the members of his bible class past and present next Friday evening in the Town The boh gentleman tor a number of years has conducted a flourishing bi ble class in Connection Methodist Church of this denominations attending- As ho has table societies and the distribution of bought a home in benefits among poor needy where he intends moving with Is also the day chosen for the election his family in the near future he has of church officers a custom adopted taken this method of saying farewell here In some denominations end It to a few of his many appears also old rhyme that his Bible Class His certain public officials were elected at will be greatly missed as same time as his My roasters all this Is t Thomas day Mr of Toronto has now cant tar youll bought a farm north of King City And when you to ward mote do comes most highly recommended as a christian gentleman and doubt will make a useful citizen Great preparation is being made we understand for the Methodist- Sunday School entertainment to take place here on New Years evening The merchants of this place are do ing a rushing Christmas trade and their display of Christmas goods will credit to any town north of To ronto A very interesting song service was held in the Methodic last Sunday evening Mrs Aubrey Davis and excellent young choir were assisted by Mr Fred Evan gelist of Richmond Hill The pas tor Rev Hi 14 gave a prac tical talk taking for his subject How we may have a happy Christ mas The Farmers Friend The Townspeoples Friend r The Mechanics KESWICK Grocery We lead always never follow can depend on the groceries here being just as represented Jwlity first with u then price as few as possible Our Fruits and Peels and this year are up to the SELECTED VALENCIA CHOICE VOSTIZZA CURRANTS BUCKINGHAM CLUSTER TABLE RAISINS PULLED Oar Selected at lbs for trade winners on School will hold Christmas fcc are Very fine Orange Lemon Peel at Ifc lb a few Boxes in fine condition at lb r wont last long ORANGES want your will do to please you The Leading Reliable Obituary The death Mr John Culver- well of Toronto is announced The sad event occurred on Friday from paralysis Deceased was fifl years old and had been in failing health for some time He was well mown in this part ol the country many ago Deceased was a son of Ibc late James J P the family coming to Canada in and later on engaged in milling at Deceased married in El len a daughter of the late Samuel Ellen a daughter of the late Samuel Trent who resided on a farm in Whitchurch about two miles south of this town deceased leaves a wi dow one son and five daughters viz- John Alexander of Car oline of Toron to wife of A of Toronto and three unmarried daughters Isabella Anna and living at home r Hughes Goods Stock is complete Call and ex amine it making purchases Some Good The following advice is tendered by the Statesman to the business people of that town The editor being mayor of the town is in a position to give fatherly ad vice Will the merchants profession al men and otbers who do business with and make their by the the people of West Durham pardon a word of advice bearing on their in dividual duty and responsibility The thought came to us late but we will express it Did it ever occur to you fellow citizens what kind of town this would be no one did any more to keep It than you are doing or have done every business man In town begrudged the time necessary to attend meetings for advancing the towns interests and stayed in his shop fearing a customer may not be as well served or that be might he asked to do something In helping on some locaj enterprise what would become of the town hare business men we never aw at such a meet ing never knew tbem do any thing to popular J the town nor spend a dollar progressive meas ures was forced from their pockets all such a they wo would very soon our beautiful town a parallel Gold smiths Deserted Village You lit tle know gentlemen what great re sults could be achieved you all Join hands to promote the common interests of If you have failed to do your share in the begin at once Tfcexe plenty for all to do rMr hope auch good men will chosen As constables for the ensuing year As will not grudge the watchman good beer As for St day which closed the merry round of that anniversary Is now rarely observed anywhere hot la the good old times In England was not the least among happy festivals the year It takea from the fact that on this day It was the custom for women to re sume for a few hours their labors at the distaff or the spinning wheel It was sometimes called Rook day to honor of the rock which la another name for distaff Leslies Weekly THE PlRST CHRISTMAS The Sunday Schools are busy paring or their Christmas entertain ments The Christian usual Tin Methodist School will hold their Anniversary on Sunday and Monday the and of Dec Sunday jvill be a very special popular pastor of the Circuit Rev J Simpson will preach morning and evening and conduct a Decision Day service in the afternoon at the School On Monday evening the annual en- will he held consisting recitations and music by the children and others The committee have al so secured a Gramophone which will be quite an attraction There will be a Christmas Tree on which will be a present for every person attend ing the entertainment The KOTM elected officers Monday night for the ensuing year with the following result Commander Com Leslie Stephens Keeper Win Keeper John VanNornian Richmond Cole Master at Arms lathe 1st Master of Guards John Rose 2nd Master of Guards Wight Picket Terry Past Com Physician Dr Law Next will be held on Sat urday celling the inst when a social time is to he spent Antony those expected here to spend Christmas are Mr It Morton of Belleville College and Miss Vera Warriner daughter of Mr Win Miss Vera has been absent from home a of vcars She is engaged in teaching school in the States It is expected that our Morton will address the in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening A great interest is being taken in the this winter Last Sunday evening despite the bad weather there was a fair attendance and a very profitable service Mr and Mrs J Terry o were visiting at Mr Ter rys- on Sunday last Cooks bay has been partly rozen over for two or three weeks The ice is about five inches thick now Municipal matters are beginning to be talked up Plenty aspirants as usual and unless the old Council re main as they are now a sharp con test will bo the result The many friends our genial young friend Mr Fred Tay lor has been at Toronto Gener al Hospital undergoing an operation for appendicitis will bo pleased to hear that he has returned home and expects to soon resume business again Dame rumor says that we ate to have a wedding In our village before long the Gomel According to Chapter And she brought forth firstborn ion and wrapped In swaddling clothes and laid him in manger be cause there was no room for them in the inn And there were In the same country shepherds abiding In the field watch over their flock by night And angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about and they were sore afraid And the angel said udto Fear not for behold bring you good tld logs of great Joy which shall be to all people For unto you la born this day la the city of David a Saviour which Christ the Lord And this shall be a sign unto you ye shall find the babe wrapped In swaddling clothes lying la a manger And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God In highest and on earth peace goodwill toward men And It came to pass angels were gone away them Into heav en the shepherds ffd one to another Let us now go even unto Bethlehem and see this thing which Is come to pass which the Lord hath made known unto And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph and babe lying In the manger And when they It they made known abroad soring which was told them concerning this child And they that heard It wondered at those things which were told them by shepherd But Mary kept all these and pondered in heart And shepherds returned glorify ing and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen It was told unto them All we ask is to come and see us and take advantage of the Dont forget we have just purchased Balance of Stock of a Large Wholesale Clothing Establishment CLOTHING TO CONSUMER AT E Dont fail to take advantage of the Great Bargains Offered companion middle to live with and care tor an elderly lady la town Enquire at this and The Druids always sought the mis tletoe by the full moon and when they found It rejoiced and worshiped Aft er cutting off Its twigs with a golden sacrificed two milk bulls beneath the The sacred was thett Immersed la water and the resulting concoction their tfcmedy for all diseases The early Christians would not permit the use of the mistletoe their churches because of Its heathenish origin consequently was hunt only within the private abode and usually to the kitchen Any maid caught standing beneath a branch had to forfeit skill to the gallant eagerly awaiting bis opportunity With each kits a berry plucked and when all of the berries disappeared the bare branch was useless to man who wished to claim the privilege of saluting fair damsel there after The mistletoe said to have been the original magical shrub or for bidden tree In the garden of Cincinnati Enquirer flJI ninety la la the West Indies Is very well observed To meander about among palm trees or orange groves and flelda of sugar cane on Christmas day with the tharmometer at degrees to etude certainly ha the seat of novelty to a northerner If you are to British West Indies oa da year will most attract- In all which you farm a part whothsr la tfe the home or chorea by of whites and color not a lira A sweet girl graduate thus des cribes the manner in which a goat butted a boy out a yard in the neighborhood He precious end his anatomy against the hoys afterward with an eager ness and velocity which backed by the goats avoirdupois a momentum that was not relaxed un til the instigator the vehement exasperation was lauded on terra flrma beyond the pale the goats jurisdiction GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 116 LEAVE NEWMARKET am Dally tor Muskoka Wharf Wanted Middleaged Apply to Box Vet connecting boats or points on Lakes North Bay and am Daily except Sunday or Harris Wharf Daily for Allandale Barrle North Bay and points in the Canadian Northwest pm Dally except Sunday tor Allandale Barrio and OrllUa ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Dally North Bay Wharf and am Dally except Sunday and Barrio pm Dally Cana dian Bay and XMAS MERRY XMAS New Nuts lbs Mixed Nuta lbs Walnuts lbs Filberts Almond Nuts lb He Brazils per lb Pecans per lb Sweet Mexicans to California Navels 30c to CANDIES Cream Candy and lb Chocolate Drops and per lb Drops per lb 10c Peppermints per lb 15c Conversation per lb 15c Walnut Chocolate Drops lb Candy Images from to Santa Stockings 10c each Butter Cups per lb New Oranges Good Oranges per dor Florida Oranges to 30c Mixed Candies at Lowest Possible Prices Eating Figs to per lb Cooking Figs per lb Layer Raisins per lb Raiaina per package Nice New per lb 8c Choice New Cleaned for Boots children do not as a general practice hang up their Dally except Sunday from Christmas eve but use their Meaiord Bar- big boots and i Mixed Peels per lb Lemon and Orange Peel lbs Dates to 10c per lb Game Ping Pong for Grapes lbs lbs Cranberries 3 25c Put Lard by 25 lbs Sugar for with your Order We import our own Best Obtainable GIVE US A CALL ARE THE LEADERS IN GOOD AND LOW A MERRY TO ALL I c