Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1903, p. 12

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t i j THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC 18 is ft which irresistibly the to toe woman life mat- time A treat covet arc constantly mean to beautify Let a woman perfect health There can be no general good health for women while here is of the womanly FOR WHO CORED- Backed up by over a third of century of remarkable and uniform cures a record other remedy for the disease weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained the proprietors of Dr Pierce Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to pay legal money of the United States for any rase Of Female Weakness or Palling of Womb which they can- Hot care- All they ask is a fair and reason able trial of their means of core I used fear of roar tod one of GoMcn Medical ry writes Elmer Sheirtr of Lancaster Co Pa nod can My I am cored of dreaded trouble Am in better health than ever before Every one who know me is surprised to roe look well Id so poor In at I could not wilt Today I Dr Pierce medicines me Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser la on receipt of to expense of customs and mailing only onecnt stamps for the nd Dispensary Med ical Proprietor Farming For Profit Every Farmer should keep these three words constamlv in mind arid conduct his farm on strict business principles Guess work ami haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and uptodate far mers By reading The Weekly SllXp the Farmers Business Paper you will get the very latest and most accurate in formation regarding your busi ness The Suns market reports are worth many times the sub scription price to you Every Farmer in- Canada should realize the full value of the service The Sun has ren dered him in a public way It was due to the action of The Sun in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards drainage across rail ways and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been emended We will send The Weekly Sun from now to 1st January in combination with The Era for 150 Subscribe Row Samples for the Asking RECORD PINE ORCHARD Miss our popular school teacher is training the pupils for a concert in school house on Friday Dec commenc ing at oclock As the proceeds are for the Sick Childrens Hospital a attendance is anticipated ZElHYH be for The rink will soon the opening carnival Municipal elections are current talk The had a good meeting at Mrs A Wilsons on Satur day afternoon At the meeting last week Jos I- Arnold was ejected Superintendent and Marshall assistant The school is in condition- AURORA forenoon the driving Agricultural KINO CITY- The second of the of lilies in nctiOn with he worth Lea- to was en in the en Nov Dr His tijrci on the Ancient TahcfiiJtlc He had for ion a irUnut re and after the of the original one The lecture was attended and apt reciatcd There was a attendance at the Socufy meeting on The Mr the The was by Rev Dr Rev Win Hums and Rev Newton Mr- A Davidson the schools on Monday On Mo day Dec til Mr ON AN ICEBERG HIS In substance the story of lay a Nova Scotia lad of i who was taken off an at sea by a pass- lug ship and treated in Father and went out fishing on Christinas ere lust from Clarks bar PLUM PUDDING- rial for In a one pound of beef kidney free from fibers and chopped TeryJflne one poind of seeded Malaga raisins one pound of currants cleaned and washed In plenty of water one pound of bread emmbfl sifted through a sieve a quarter of a pound of lemon peel chopped very fine one pound of powdered sugar tour of flour a quarter of an ounce of nutmeg and allspice a pint of brandy and eggs Mix the welt together Dip a strong cloth In cold water and wring It out to extract all the moisture We were after mackerel and I were doing but had been long Spread It open on a table and butter It out when a bay Of luudy fog liberally with butter softened to the- us we concluded to put of cream Dredge over back After groping our way east for with sifted flour and shake the A System of Complete and TonicFood Treatment DR ll6f Specialist Mrs J McDonald a hour we struck and thing or something struck us Miss Crumb were visiting at Mr I and I was clean overboard I Fishers during the past wccK j know that the keel of our boat cot- Airs Fisher who has been or tided the spur of an Iceberg scera wee is still very ill When I rose to surface heard the On Monday sou Vn Old man but I could had misfortune him it to me that the his leg while sleigh spur got between us In the first piece Quite a from here fended then we were altogether When You Need On Wednesday shaft in tbe Works On Saturday evening Beaver Tannery closed for the purpose of installing a engine and other machinery The many friends of Mr Thomas will regret to learn of his death which occurred at his late residence north of this on Thursday morning after an illness of about eight days On Tuesday Dec 1st to Mr aid Mrs a daughter The are busy preparing or a concert and tea to he given on the evening Friday Dec One of our old esteemed residents in the person Samuel died tin Friday Much sympathy is fell for the sorrowing friends and relatives Quite a number from here attended lox social and concert in the school house of No on Fri day evening and report an enjoyable time r Horn On Dec 1st to Mr and Mrs Walton a sun Mr Frank Koran left on Saturday last For Hamilton where he has se cured a position A gang of men have commenced work at the depot here to build a round and we understand will put in a turning table the latter be ing highly necessary as the engine will be unable to back in when the snow gets deep Sou one stole a blanket oR a horse in the Queens Hotel sheds one last week What might have resulted in a very serious accident occurred oh farm of Mr near here on Monday last While Mr King was putting the belt on the engine to cut feed it started to run and threw him with great violence around the wheel and under the front part of the engine He was picked up unconscious hut we pleased to report that lie is almost his former self again the angeliltx services in the tisf Church Aurora on Sunday The Family of Swiss Hell gave an entertainment in Crosslins Hall to a crowded house They keep up their refutation for giving a firstclass concert the FAST WKKK by the entire berg- I to get on a ledge of myself there by shoulder against a sllgbt projection overhead When thought I was on top the berg would keel over until found myself on the side and at one time It turned a complete and threw me once mow Into the water I had good mind to give up then and accept what seemed my fate but I thought of the folks at home and that my father being probably drowned tin family would have to depend on me So I made another effort The berg was rolling and presented many points here and one of which I Dec Queen Alexandra j and by Its means lifted myself to the ledge from which l bud Phone town No and get the best In j HURON STREET Mrs of was call ing on friends on Monday Miss Thorpe and Miss Day spent part of Sunday In Newmarket On Monday a sad accident happened at our Planing Factory While cut ting lumber with a circular saw Mr Belfry fingers and part of the thumb from the right by the latter coming in contact with the saw The Presbyterian Church will hold its anniversary on last Sabbath of the year Dee- The ser vices the Rev A Cranston M A the popular pastor of has been secured for that oc casion Rev Dr of Toronto wilt lecture on Monday evening Dec Subject Rome city of the seven hills and western centre of early Christianity Mr A jeweller was great ly alarmed at the conduct of two strangers who entered his store on Wednesday night of last week be tween eight and oclock Mr was standing at the glass case with his pocket book In hand and on Unking up accosted thus Hold up your hands Without moving from his position Mr bis upon a revolver he quickly presented with tbo words Thats what we have One of the strangers replied Thats our business and Mr answered Thats what we keep for It The little dialogue ended by one of the having some slight repairs made to his watch and leaving premises Further gave Mr the impression that they were travellers as they remained In town part of the next day The part played by the strang ers might have been intended for a joke hut all the same it was Gold at Drug fjtore with and and it Co wholesale might have cost one or both of them AruKista Toronto lives Witness Gillettes Chambers to cheap Pistol ridges in rifle saves dollars In am munition THE HARDWARE SPECIALTY CO Toronto The escape of murderer Casket at Calgary is said to he duo to on part Mounted police guard Heave It ir ii Ibe Ktrtbe Vat had what was apparently a narrow escape from a lire breaking out in her bedroom at House early this account of the inci dent id and the lurid appearing in the newspapers suggest exaggerations The facts seem to be that an imperfectly electric light wire fused ignit ed a beam between of her majestys bedroom and the ceiling of the room beneath in which the Hon Charlotte bedchamber woman was sleeping Miss Knollys who was awakened by the smoke hastened to alarm the who was fast asleep Her Majesty don ned a dressing gown and she and Miss Knollys then aroused the other members of the household The household lire brigade which is well organised speedily quenched the file The damage amounft to only a few hundred pounds caused by water 9 9 The offering of the Metho dists at has lifted the mortgage oft the church The twoyearold daughter Mr Vesper a Hamilton butcher was burned to death her clothing catching fire The tannery of the A Davis Son Limited at Kingston in which Hon J Davis is a shareholder was damaged by fire on Thursday The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer Wrong feeding is loss Right feeding is profit The uptodate farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk his pigs to get the most pork hens to get the most eggs Science But how about the children Are they fed according to science a bone food if bones are soft and undeveloped a flesh and muscle food if they are thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia Scotts Emulsion is a mixed food the Pod Liver Oil in it makes flesh blood and muscle the Lime and Soda make bone and train It is the staridard scientific food for delicate children thrown Realizing bat I could not maintain myself In Unit position I climbed once more to the top and this found myself in a saucer shaped cavity Whipping out my knife I backed a way for dear life until bud scooped out a I WAS OF much gathering Send for free sample still deeper hollow and hard work succeeded in a pile of pebbles and sea weed on which rested my feet my body the up at Ibis I was In danger of fulling out or on when the berg over as It frequently did I was therefore obliged to be constantly on the from my exer tions though fearing sleep might mean death could not resist the drowsiness that came over me so I fell asleep When I awoke after a few hours It was eight and tbe stars were In the sky Though my hands fret were numbed did not feet us cold us one might Imagine ft Is useless describing my sensations thought of sad Christmas mother and the kids would pass without me and perhaps without old and prayed to Sod to save me I was glad the morning came morning but I suffered fearfully from hunger and thirst especially from thirst Christmas day passed over me like Christmas eve and at the dawn of the I gave up hope nut one should never despair oven though hun dreds of tulles out at sea on an lea- berg for that evening taken off the berg by a boat from the by Captain and bound tor tin Azores The captain treated me well and after staying on the Asores few weeks I came to New York in a Liverpool That Is about all concluded the young fisherman from Nova Scotia And say doctor I dont to no mot Christmas days on a Washington Post to remove any excess of the flour that failed to adhere to the batter la the center of the the prepared mixture Form It In the shape of a ball and op the edges of the cloth bringing the four ends together all around bo as to Inclose preparation well then lighten and tic firmly Have on tbe fire saucepan threequarters full of water When tbla boils and lee remove It and bare It stand for five minutes before cutting string Un do cloth carefully and Invert the pudding on a hot Sprinkle It with sugar Four over some brandy or rum and set it on Are Serve Iroma- with bard To all with Throat and Lung Troubles I Offer My TRIAL A large sample set oft the series of Remedies cents worth of Free I offer you different better thin the of standard which when taken together and according to my brine a permanent and radical cure of Consumption by log the germs and poison from the system and building up weak nd bodies with healthy tissue A System of treatment Ibat does more lhan any one plunge in plum pudding It conk for hours Then through years of study and xperimeDL A v S liberty to test skill eminent Lung any I it or as a i sauce St Louis For Plans uls of butter whites of two cup powdered sugar One gill of brandy and gill of boil ing water Cream the butter add the sugar and until white and light Add the whites one at a time beating all while When ready to serve add brandy and wa ter Stand in a basin of boiling water over Are stir until creamy and It Is ready for use A without brandy is made as follows One of corn starch one of butter one pint of boiling water one egg onehalf cup of Put cornstarch egg and sugar in a bowl and mix them well Pour over them the boiling water and stir over Are thick Add any flavoring and Apple Take one quart of cranberries two of sugar two of wa ter Pick over berries carefully and wash In cold water Put Into a porcelain lined saucepan with enough water to cover and cook until tender Then add the sugar and re move from the stove Just soon as the sugar has been dissolved Serva hot or cold Select the berries careful ly boll them slowly without stirring If treated In this way they will retain their shape and the snuco will be clear and transparent Apple la for roast goose Peel and core six tart apples Put them In to a saucepan and just cover with wa ter Boll until tender then press through a colander Add a of butter a dash of nutmeg or cin namon and sweeten to taste sore Out ihU ttm a wrapper of on iti you Lay CHEMISTS Toronto Ontario all druggist -i- i Kfttr The church was beautifully decollat ed with Christmas and the air was laden with their odor As the service was about to little Kitty pulled her mothers sleeve sod said In an awe stricken tone Oh it smell Work For Heat In silverware there are toilet articles such as Jars cold cream Jars silver mounted brushes combs clothes brushes whisk brooms Dusks and shav ing brushes Oath robes come In the most attrac tive guise the man who has none will surely bless the sister or mother who gives him one Gorgeous heavy silk em broidered suspender neckties of white allk linen or silk handkerchiefs and chest protectors are some of men must expect as they generally put off buying them until after Christmas Other decorations for a mans den are the hideous but picturesque Japanese masks swords and bayonets Panel in sure ly please If they are well A would not be amiss and one of the new corkscrews with a horn top silver trimmed would be highly acceptable- Klaxd Old Man What did rich old uncle of yours give you useful bet Yes a little device for sav ing coal bills Ah An arrangement to at tach to heater No to keep on my desk Its a bill fllePhlUdelpbla Press Bald Scalp shiny Then Its probably too late You neglected dandruff you had only taken our ad vice you have cured of Christmas day In the of the Pacific ocean on the one hun dred and eightieth parallel of latitude and there Is where Santa starts and ends great and only of year the dandruff saved your hair and added much to if If not entirely bald now is your opportunity Improve ft flair Vigor for I j of Tie yeaiioIdKAabftvcabMty brown du I for Hair c lAVtCU Specialist as his system of Home and no doubt you that the Lungs of the vital Organs which ar diseased and weakened require the most trcita Have yon any of these symptoms which lead to La Bronchitis Pneumonia and Consumption v An Cough Night Sweats Pleurisy Chills and fever I Do You Spit Blood or Phlegm Difficult Breathing P in the Kidney Trouble Are You 5bin Pains Below the Collar Bono of or Inflamed Throat Indigestion Hemorrhages Weakened Voice Fickle Appetite Catch Cold Easily Accept Dr Treatment and thoroughly test fics which taken according to will statt you on the to fc and your contiouance to treatment for a short time will your Many eminent physicians are amazed at the cures through Dr Si System or Treatment while others place their under Sfocunis Trcstmini CAST ASIDE ALL OTHER MEDICINES and bury prejudice long enough test the rcrnedy as its effects tot will I directions are to Simply write mentioning your druggists name Dr A Kit St West Toronto Can Persons Dr Slocums Free Offer in J Treatment to Toronto Mention this paper IMPORTANT As this box containing Free Trial Treatment nailed we ask you to pay charges amounting to upon the delivery the your express office Or you can remit us and the box will be sent prepaid J PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It Is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of so men of our day At they feel at feel 60 and time men to make an army OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you what purines id enriches the BLOOD strengthen the vitalize the organs nil unnatural drains end losses ana fits a man for the active duties of life Cures Guaranteed or No Pay We treat care Blood Blank for Borne Treatment KENNEDY MB Shelby St Octroi Cured Security KK ANY LADY CAN MAKE weekly Jo her locality IN HER SPARE TIME notation Ia mid the year round Will gladly scud to any latly who may need to and will con thai In no Farm for Sale Befog lot con and consisting of acres about un der cultivation and acres timber ed with hardwood and hemlock The farm situated about three mites Newmarket and convenient to both church and school house On it there are a good frame bank barn with atone foundation and stabling fox cattle and horses a good brick- clad house with solid Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house a never failing spring creek a young orchard coming into bearing and plenty of small fruit The farm Is well fenced and the soil Is a good clay loam and In a good state of cultivation Plowing will be done this Pall and wheat sown Possession given 1st April Easy terms fan be given if deeired For particulars apply to ARMSTRONG on the premises or Newmarket p o DAVIDSON Drawer 1 S Steer Came upon Lot 3rd North about September first a steer coming two year old Owner must prove property pay expenses and take it away WILLIAM Stray Heifer Came upon the premises un dersigned about first of June a yearling Heifer Owner requested to prove property charges and take It away STARR Lot h of Whitchurch Newmarket PO Farm for Sale Wanted wanted at once Firstlass security on town property Enquire at Era office or Andrew Hunter 100 acres Soil of rich clay an loam in excellent cultivation watered buildings The to make money from tee flrt GEORGE Aurora OLD NEWSPAPERS and at New- market FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE V

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