THE FRIDAY DEC tfeeks jail 8 ON Christmas Tuesday will be in Newmarket AH the To rtto buyers wilt be present and the inca demand will male lively a good for tie farmers Candy Toys to Bulls Comfits A ton of Candy or the Christmas trade See ld Grocery Christinas A Tree and Entertain ment for the children will take place a the Methodist School Room next Tuesday evening at oclock The parents and friends are There will be no Rink en gaged to open tfce Skating Rink son Go and see you like s i There Nothing Nor sweeter for a Christmas pres ent than a box choice candy from f Property Going Up of the best evidences of pros perity and prospects of Newmarket the advance in real estate The brick residence on Queen St pur chased by the late John for about three years was sold this week for A- match will be played on next Tuesday evening Newmarket and tee Co Toronto This team won the championship of the City Wholesale League last year A good game is assured Puck faced at Admission and 15c Chureh Prayer meeting in body of Church list night Thursday at Tree and Enter casement this evening Friday Tea served to children at after wards lor adults The public arc to enjoy the entertain- neat that the children are providing Silver collection at the door Rev Clerk of To ronto Presbytery has cited the New- market congregation to appear at the January meeting of the Presbytery when with all parties present the call from the First Presbyterian Church of Chatham to Rev will be fully considered There is such a demand for lock boxes in Post Office that Mr is considering the addition of another section Jack frost got into the building on Sunday night and burst a waterpipe grocery has a striking sign Miss Ross room of the Model school will have closing exercises next Tuesday afternoon Mr Allen Howard of has bought Mr Howards res idence on St but he does not intend to move here till spring The Director of both the Agricul tural and Horticultural Societies meet tonight to wind uo the business for the year f Gardners foundry has had so much trouble with the new engine boil er that they think of shutting till the factory starts again Two liquor eases are to be heard before Squire Jackson next Tuesday Our merchants did a splendid last Saturday First hockey match of the season next Tuesday night St Pauls Friday of next week being Christ mas Day the services in this be Holy Communion at am at am At this latter ser vice there will be special music in cluding Smiths pretty anthem Be hold I bring you gird tidings The the Parish are earnestly led to receive the Holy Communion at- one of these services Church will be as usu al United Factories The new smokestack now several feet above the building One of the new boilers is in posi tion and it is expected ill the pines will be connected this week The large water tubes are also in position for the second boiler The Supt in charge expects to have boiler connec tions completed by Christmas The foundation that the engine was resting upon has all been torn out and a new one is being built The shafting for the factory is way and quite a lot will be in position by Saturday night The new fly wheel Is iiromiscd to be ready on the of January It wit be feet in diameter with inch face and will weigh about ten tons The present calculation is that the will resume work on the January and have all departments in full blast by Monday the Pros flssn A meet of the Newmarket Driv ing Pa Association took place at the House on Monday following were elected for 1904 Ross Dr- Webb Keith Managing J Woodcock A and Howard details were discussed m con nection the races on the ice here next month Verdict of the The Inquest oil the death of John was concluded on Thursday night of last week The jury went to Mr Harry and took his evidence Mr- he wan In the boiler room about minutes before oc curred and there wan plenty or wat er In the hollers He heard the fire men Wow out water that morning Ho could give no cause for explosion So far as he could see everything was In good con dition Jury thnn retired to the coun cil chamber and brought In the fol lowing Tout the deceased John came to his death in Newmanfeet on Nov 18th from scalding and inhalation of steam caused by explosion of No In a series of four boilers the fac tories in Newmarket owned and operated by the United factories Co Limited From the evidence the jury finds that the engines and boilers wore in charge of competent men and that the boilers had plenty of water In them the steam and safety valves were in proper working order and to the were all In good condi tion The Jury further find that the firm every precaution to en- sure the safety of their employees In their Newmarket Factories and that no cun bo attached cither to any member of the firm or to any of their employees The of the explosion is a mystery Sons of liOdgo Newmarket No of the of Benefit Society elected their for on Wednesday evening last week as follows John Martin Hardy VKC Clark Bet n iiill A Webb John Weir 2nd if Wiley Trent th A Bowser TruttcesflroK John Wp to Supreme lodge is prospering financially and is rapidly among citizens Wednesday in AO on Jan Made Him I witnessed a most amusing seen on a train a few weeks A young man got on the train who had just started out to bo a travelling sales man He had all sorts of grips and a full supply railroad literature At the next station a farmer boarded the train He was carrying a bas ket of and looked from the fields The farmer left the coach door open and the young man looked up from his magazine and claimed Why- dont you shut the door You look like you were raised in a stable The countryman sat down and in a few minutes began to snuffle as if he was weeping Say old man have I hurt your feelings called out the youth If have I am very for of course I really did not really mean that you were in a stable But I wan raised in a stable the farmer replied sadly and it makes roe homesick every time I see a jackass Ogilvles elevator safe at Argue Han was blown open and robbed of An exchange says the farmer nearer out of reach of trusts than any other man in world- can burn his own wood cat his own meat eggs mutton and Johnnycake and sleep under a roof that Ik not trior to any corporation Belleville Dec ells barn one ot the finest in the county and other three miles north of Madoc village were destroyed this morning by fire with all their contents excepting the slock Joss Insurance The fire was caused by thrasher Town Council met on Tuesday evening per Statute Members all present Ben Manning was heard with refer ence to separate school tax on pro perty purchased and also tax on house disposed Richard was heard regard ing loss horse Following bills were passed Packard Electric Co meters and supplies Govt testing me- ters oo Express on goods Constable services re Gray Medical exam reWmVGray Starr stationery Hamilton Packing Co supplies Joseph electrician United Factories sharpening DICK J Stick wood broken brick services re Main St Geo wood for markets Manning work at Power House- Mrs services Gordon family Stewart do Wilson and Gordon family J supplies- lockup account Bill for supplies for Property Com referred to Inspector to be paid if found correct Bills of Newmarket Era and ExpressHerald referred to Printing Com A rebate of was allowed the Specialty Co on their bill for domestic water on ac- drinking purposes Bill of medical Health officer 47 referred to Board of Health A good deal of discussion took place over the bills for the Gordon family the Council feeling that it was an imposition to take care thorn as they had only been here six months and have relatives that are well on Mr Lloyd enquired if the agree ment adopted by the Council some eight months ago had been signed by the electrician The Mayor replied that it had not The matter will be taken up by the Fire Light Committee at its next Mr strongly opposed the payment of the account of Engineer McDougall claiming that his wotk was not completed he also protested against the indifference of the Metro politan Railway in fulfilling their agreement to run to the North End The people there are greatly annoyed and Council is making no effort to compel Co to regard the He felt like applying to the Legislature to annul the agreement and compel the Co to remove their rails Mr Smith asked if aeons claim for wages was settled Mr replied that he had been unable to sec him yet Mr Robertson stated that he had read the act carefully regarding the establishing a Free Library and was of the opinion that where a Pub lic Library was in existence previous to the passing of the Act it was not necessary publish a ByLaw to obtain the opinion of the electors Moved by Mr Robertson seconded by Mr by a certain petition of the Directors of the Newmarket Public Library there should be established in the town of Newmarket under the provisions of Cap 232 and by a certain other petition of J A and a number of other rate payers of thesaid town it was also prayed that a Free Public Library should be established And whereas it is desirable to sub- the question of establishing such library to the electors of the said town entitled to vote at municipal elections Thercforc it is resolved that shall be submitted to the municipal electors of the said town at the time of voting for municipal electors the following question Are you favorable to the estab lishment in the said town of New market of a Free Public Library V And that Clerk be and is here by instructed to ballots for voting on such question Carried Moved by Robertson seconded by Mr Lloyd That the Collector be to collect witHout delay all overdue ac counts due to water and Lighting departments of this town or water and current supplied also installation accounts Carried Moved by Mr Lloyd seconded Smith That the Clerk be instructed to write to the Metropolitan Co and notify them that their passen ger cars have not been running to the North End of the town as re quired by the agreement for the last week to of many persons and that unless the agree ment be carried out properly the town will take such legal steps as they may be advised- to enforce the terms of the Moved by Mr Robertson by Mr That the petition of Lloyd and others re farm lands be referred to the finance Committee to report Carried Council aofourped It Will Pay To do thing on time To put into thing ones effort Td lake care jfll that has entrusted to But taking care docs not mean boarding or starving ones self To look every man squarely in the face and show bird you trust him The best kind of confidence is- not the the kind that eads one to hand his pocketbook oyer to another but which inspires the friend to do and win for pay as one goes Store and other debts are like chain the prisoner must drag wherever he To think read and plan as well ai works A half hour of head work is worth many hours of heavy tugging at the Wheel To faitbfuHy every engagement made and keep it time TOlisti to good advice- We may not always be able to follow that cbvrteii- but it will help us about making up our NTS Indies Fancy in Variety at from to is oven larger than usual assortment from to a f Ancient SILK BELTS In all kinds and styles SILK BLOUSES from to In nil the Newest Colorings Beautiful Good- for and FURS Mens Wear Neck We have anything you may want in Furs Have a look and the prices for Xmas Braces Initial and of other Useful Piesens Men Grocery Specials New Currants per lb Bent New per lb Crosse A Orange Peel per lb Citron Peel per lb iOc Cooking Figs per lb Cooking Figs new per lb bars Comfort Soap 2Dc bars Old Brown Windsor Soap Best Sulphur Matches box Lemon Oranges Candies etc for in Best Goods at Lowest Prices A YOU NEVER FAIL WITH BAKING POWDER Some few- is on one our an argument was raised as to which of ficer could boast the most an cient name A young naval thinking it rather hard that the should have it all their own protested that he should lay claims to the oldest name He said name is aniiy officers taking the idea a young lieutenant jumped up Vv- narnis our genial first came to the and said vou ever heard of the saying As old as the hill My name is Hill- j He was speedily a jolly captain a cavalry regiment who brought out very quietly You are all in the My name is Ginning Benjamin I myself Ginning Illustrat ed Bits ESTABLISHED 76 THE THE DEPARTMENTAL STORE OF NEWMARKET FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS One In Captivity Museum Patron Well what new have yon for the holidays Manager The rarest tiling on earth tbe man who doesnt buy more Christ inas present than be can afford Thru He Took Another Comfort Brown you think It nonsensical all this kissing under the mistletoe Thomas Sure thJngl a Utile nonsense now and then Is lahed by the best of men and On Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Dec 22 23 and 24 A Synonym Spacer Give me a for Word Christmas Popper moodily Broke Mothers Bring Your Little Ones to Fairy Land A Cay All hall the genial time of year When every heart Is kind When far and near there good cMf care left behind Old feuds forgot old Now hearty clasps of hand far and wide at ChrlatmaaUd Love reigns throughout land Forgive forget a truce to pride Healed arc all rifts At gay on every aide Were worked for Christmas New York Journal Stock in Toronto this week exporters arc selling from 450 to Good to choke butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle Dry cows to Light feeders to to Calves from to lb Milk cows to Sheep to Lambs to hogs fats and lights THE ITED THE CASH AND ONE PRICE STORE WANTKU TO VkIj for well In a lew itillliiK On and with nil payable In each Money if ad- vaiictil in ruslifiiK House t Newmarket Dec Flour per barrel a White Wheat per a JO Red Wheat per hush a Spring Wheat per bush a Wheat per bush 0 a Buckwheat 1 0 a 0 Bailey per bush a per a Rye per bush 0 a CASTOR I A Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought it 14 Bears Signature of Hello Santa Claus a Hare BwjM Call and inspect our stock Can dies Nuts Oranges Pigs Table Raisins Dates etc before loading up elsewhere- We have he Finest stock in town Peanuts Almonds Filberts Wal nuts 15o per lb Mixed Candles for Good Cream Candles lbs for to lb Malaga Qrapos per Oranges a doz for fioc Navel Fine Huge Lemons Christmas Stockings IS each Finest Select Raisins for Fresh Trout Finest Standard Oysters qt Sausage nctlh per lb per KNOWLtiS Wool per lb Hay per ton Bran per ton Shorts per ton Butter roll per KggSi per Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair Ducks Geese per Turkeys AT SJmas Stockings Filled with all kinds of Toys To Give Away a 800 a 16 a 17 00 a a M 25 a SO a 0 a 70 a 08 a 0 0 For Three Dollars worth of excepting Sugar and get a Beautiful Set of Silver Spoons with Orange Meat- Delicious Breakfast Fowl These are a Few of Our Bargains a 0 16 Yellow Sugar for Clean Currants per lb j Magic Baking Powder tin for Celluloid Starch Bananas and Choice Pickles one Dates pound Figs one pound COME EARLY AND AVOID THE CROWD AT FLANAGANS Newmarket Street r Toronto markets mr f aw There Is No Doubt White Wheat per a SO Red Wheat per bust a Spring per bush a Oats per a Barley per bush 0 a 0 Peat per a per doz a Butter roll per lb a Potatoes per bag 0 a phosphitea rifay per ion a Wool per a Dreesed Hogs per a Beef fore a d Beef hind 6 a per lb a per a J a Store Phone No That Stock or Drugs Sundrlt Is If act to any other In county Careful Buying Means Careful Selling Hero Are a Few of Our Prices of od I for SO Oil with Iron and my Aromatic Wind of Cod Liver regular Genuine per ounce I Dont forget that we all Dr MORTIMERS DRUO tORB v OF DR GREENWOOD Dr Greenwoods Cmphorlod box Perfect FAR L