Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1903, p. 5

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pleasure that you in hearing Sir I some faults is almost absolutely Sir Richard Cartwright on Canadian and Imperial Affairs ANGLOAMERICAN ALLIANCE Would Result From an Imperial American Trade in Britains Hands United States Farmers Could Not Stand Tax on Food Exports Masterly Presentation of Canadas Growth and the Expansion Policy of the Government Frauds in the Census of Grand Trunk Pacific to Make Another Ontario Between Winnipeg and Quebec Sir Richard itic Nestor of Canadian politics never stood high er in the estimation of the people of Toronto than last night when after delivering one of the greatest of many great speeches illuminative of the his tory of Canada down am the ringing cheers of an audience that taxed the capacity of Association Hall For almost an hour and a half he dis cussed domestic affairs Canadas ex pension under Liberal rule the rea- sons for and results of increased Gov ernment expenditure the census the national debt and the Gov ernments railway policy then or half an hour he spoke of Imperial trade issues advocating an AngloAm erican alliance to be brought about by a British and its consequent upon American farm exports During the two hours that Sir Rich ard spoke the audience were too in tent almost to applaud though there was plenty that both before and iter An AngloAmerican Alliance Particularly when he dealt with Im perial questions was his audience feus to catch every word It was felt nut the utterances were those of a statesman and an economist As ever during his years of public life was outspoken and uncompromising an economist he would not counten ance protection as a statesman lie Jaw that conditions might be created which a tariff might serve a desir able end The end he desired was the of the empire and be yond that an AngloAmerican alliance for political and commercial purposes The United States had placed their trade in hands because oxo more than half their exports to the British Empire A British that would levy a tax on the exports of the American farm take per cent off the Am- evcan farmers profits and quickly force the United States into reciprocity the British Empire Wjth the of an AngloAmerican fiance three and a half continents Would be dominated by the Saxon race Canada declared Sir Richard did not to gain at Englands cost and we Dominion had shown that it could without the United States Nevertheless he had no Parliamentary fcnUge to describe the man who the advantages commercial and Wlical of an alliance between the and a nation that thirty years would have a population of A quarter of an hour before the halt opened a crowd many of them waited at the doors and meeting opened it was pack- Sir Richard iwl itercd grams to emphasize and illustrate the unprecedented expansion of Canada during the regime This was the first of a series of meetings to be addressed by Dominion Ministers Sir William Mulock presided Some of Those Present Among those present at the meet ing were Robert Mat thews Controller William Burns Wal ler E Johnston K Frank A KC Hume Blake Archibald Campbell John Bertram Hugh Cameron Rogers Hon J Senator Cox- John Pugs- ley J Allan Senator J K Kerr J H P McMahon P George Watson KC Senator Jones John A Carter Alderman Charles Hon John Dry den I J Cosgrave Hon Wood J A Mac- S janes J Atkinson Aid A Ames Ham ilton W Cox KC Coulson Henry Swan A IS Wheeler A C Boon A A A Allan Robert Bcith K Cowan J W Hon Biggs KC R C Seua- Kerr Dr John Ferguson Rev Duff Hon J Frank Denton O An derson J Herbert Denton Rick- Newcastle Orr RJ Fleming J Leslie J Hay Malcolm J Peter Jlyan Caldccott George Anderson John King KC A Davis Dickenson Douglas KC Sir Williams Introduction Sir William Mulock was greeted with applause when he stepped for ward to open the meeting He was brief saying Ladies and gen tlemen OrT behalf of the Toronto Reform Association I extend to this audience their- most cordial welcome to hear tonight the address of one Canadas most gifted sons our grand old man Sir Richard Cart- wright Applause I would not add the word old in describing Sir Rich ard Cartwright if I did not feel that perhaps am his compeer in years and therefore so far as that goes he has no advantage me But Sir Richard for the last forty years has been identified with pub- lie life in Canada and in season and out of season regardless of the con sequences he has ever been fearless in expressing his opinion as to what was in the interests of his country tiis beloved Canada of ours There fore in a city like Toronto the teat Richard Cartwright and therefore ladies and gentlemen without further remarks J beg to introduce to you the speaker of the evening Sir Richard la An Enthusiastic Reception The mention of Sir Richard Cart- name brought forth loud moments He said Mr Chairman ladies and gentlemen Some consider able time has elapsed since I had last the pleasure of addressing an audience in the city of Toronto and some rather important events have occurred in that interval Much water has flowed down the St Lawrence and some things have taken place in our political life When I last addressed you I very well re member that the atmosphere of To ronto and the parts adjacent toit were almost blue with the denunciations that Conservative journals and Conserva tive speakers were levelling at a cer tain old friend of mine Mr Israel He according to those various gentlemen was a monster of iniquity a most man Mr was the very the Admin istration arid likewise its master As I observed there has been a new un derstanding of by those Con servative speakers During the interval I served that at a great Conservative love feast held Montreal Mr Tarte occupied the foremost place in the procession The prodigal sou was welcomed back MrTBoraen fell on his neck and kissed him Laugh ter If any detail should be wanting it was the fatted calf in the person of Mr Monk Mr Bergeron being de tained by other pressing engagements Now we know on the very highest authority that there is much joy over a repentant sinner Evil Spirits Work We know also on the same that there have been eases where an evil i spirit has temporar ily cast out of a mam and that after ten or twelve years of march ing tip and down the spirit has taken unto himself seven other evil spirits worse than himself Laughter And they have entered into their form er habitation and the last state of that man has been worse than the first Loud laughter Now it is not for me to say which particular role Mr is enacting at present in the Con servative ranks I have ray suspicions But I am bound to say that my own of Mr Tarte does not vary from that which I entertained of him when he was a member of the Lib- Government He is a gentleman active and plucky end at the same time intelligent fearless and straightforward able chivalrous and witty And I have not forgotten nor will any of us soon forget the excellent services which he rendered to the country twelve years ago when he rid the fold of the ter rible mass of corruption which had festered in the Conservative ranks for so many years For that good deed we continue to cherish a kindly regard for Mr Tarte and I would say to our Conservative friends that they might perhaps take a les son from what has occurred I think that in they would do well to show a little modesty but I do not wish to appear to be asking for the im possible I think however they should exercise a little caution in expressing opinions prematurely about public men For myself ladies and gentle men such is my charity towards my political opponents so boundless is that am prepared to say that I like Mr Tarte and that even if he had been all that their fancy painted years ago I am prepared to say that there are many much worse men than Mr Tarte possible There may have been sins of omission there may have been sins of commission I remember thaf the Duke of Wellington when asked to express his opinion as to who was the t General observed that it was not the man who made no blund ers for no General had ever lived who made no blunders but the man who plause which was continued until- after saw earliest and repaired them he had been on his feet for some quickest Laughter and applause Judge by Results Now do not pretend to say our Government has- been immaculate but I ask you to judge us by the broad results obtained results manifest to every man who knows anything of the affairs of- Canada arid to contrast the position that Canada occupies today in 1903 with the position in which we found Canada in Cheers Sir I demand to be judged by these results and will tell you what I claim for the Liberal party and what I claim for the Libera Government to whom the Liberal party has en trusted the affairs of Canada for the last seven and a half years- I say sir that in we found Canada in a condition of stagnation in a con dition almost of depopulation at least of growtii so slow that we had come absolutely to a standstill found Canada and degraded in the eyes of the world and ask you sir to look at Canada as Canada stands today If We laid down the reins of power tomorrow sir I say would leave Canada at the very highest point that Canada has ever attained commercial financially and politically since Canada became a nation or a confed eration at all Cheers I say sir that we have greatly reduced the bur den of taxation for our British pre ference was a more farreaching mea sure than perhaps even its friends or foes were aware of Applause I say sir that in addition to that have our gross re venue and very nearly quadrupled our net revenue I say sir that the increase ill the total volume of trade in the period of seven and a hall years has been more titan equal to the total increase of tradein the en tire thirty years which preceded pit regime Cheers We found the population of Canada in almost at a standstill the truth told I believe that for many years pre vious the population of Canada had not been increasing at trie rate of a year does not matter so much Let the tetf you that I -believe- this increase in the total volume of our trade means first of all that the people of Canada are getting full value for their money in all the exchanges they may make next that the taxes extracted from the pockets of the people are in the bulk going into the public treasury and lastly as a general proposition that whenever there is a great increase in the volume of trade there is generally a great amount of prosperity in any country Sir it is an interesting fact that not only has the growth been what I have described it in the last seven years but that that growth is going on with perhaps as rapid an in crease at this present If you will look at the last Gazette you will se that in the four month ending November 1st our volume of trade was In for the same period it was that the volume of our trade in four months has increased by while be tween and fourteen years the volume of trade increased by FdiiF months of Liberal rule show an increase five millions more than fourteen years under our prede cessors Applause I do not say that amount of increase is going to be maintained I do not even say that I desire it There may be even too of a good thins Laughter We might increase possibly a little more rapidly than is in all respects quite de sirable- But do say that as a gen era rule you may depend upon it that no great increase takes place in trade unless it is accompanied by a increase in prosperity A Regular Increase Now in deference to those of my friends who think the total volume of trade is not altogether a mailer of great here exhibit like wise a diagram showing the increase Exports Farm products Year ha S3 li3 ISTti 1S7S IS79 IKS S0JWooa 336357 That ill hist of Conservative Canadian miliora water powers ia thw world at their exported only barrola of flour In the year ending Juno they exported barrels an in crease of seven fold The comparison of with may not he quit fair to the Conservatives as was a poor crop Taking the last seven years of Conservative rule and first seven of Liberal administration the flour exports wore 189095 barrels barrels Seven years more of will sot many an idle water power at work grinding Canadian wheat for worlds markets The artist will bo able to make a pile of export Hour as high as the waterfall by To til 491265 S79II45S Si65t67 9749149 113337t interest you wilt perhaps with some surprise that the year that we came into office in the value of Canadian Pacific Railway stock on the market was an average of ftftyseven cents on the dollar And The Change of However ladies and gentlemen had somewhat graver matters to lay you tonight than any little about Mr or the Conservative journals Sir a period of seven and onehalf years has passed away since the destinies of this country were en trusted 10 a Liberal Administration You all remember that that Liberal Ad ministration succeeded a Conservative Government which held power for eighteen years Now sir I think the time has come at which we may very fairly contrast together what has been done Cor Canada in those two terms of eighteen years and seven and oneHalf years respectively I do not pretend or my part that the Liberal Govern ment is immaculate I have as Sir Wil liam Mulock lias told you had for years the experience of public life in Canada and for one thing I entirety agree with the late Sir John Macdonald that Canada Is by no means an easy country to govern In factCan- occupies an almost unique posi tion difficulties political and geographical We are a homogeneous population by any means arc serious questions race and religion constantly cropping up Altogether the gov- eminent Canada presents and will present considerable difficulty That thirteen men administering the affairs One Year and Ten Sir there Is every reason to believe that last the increase of immigration and the nat ural growth of the country the nat ural increase of our population who I am happy to say arc for the part remaining in Canada the growth of population in Canada ranges between and souls and was rather nearer the greater figure than he small In the space of one year under the Libera Administration a number of people have been added to Canada equal I say number that were added in ten years under their predecessors Cheers Now gentlemen this for the material What as to our reputation abroad When came into office sir I say and no man can honestly contradict my statements found Canada ignored and slighted If Canada was noticed at all by the foreign press it was to cast some sneer it was the place and home of or as an old Conservative Premier was wont to call It with respect to his own Cabinet of a nest of traitors Cheers and laughter Gentlemen how stands now Sir Canadaleads the English states men of the highest rank are quoting what Canada has done arc holding up Canada and our acts and policy as an example to their own countrymen Sir we hold today a high place in the coun sels of the empire As have said Canada is known is for Can example is being followed Time will prove and on that shall have something more to say before I sit down that the policy of Canada ad opted may prove the chief factor in set tling great questions that arc now disturbing the whole British Good Fortune Well Used Sir Ihcrf may be greater things yet shall not say that we have done ail that I hoped to do or all that I think 35t681t should do Wealth Not Everything Growth in material wealth no doubt great value very great mi- you had been so disposed- and had and I am not likely to money you might have bought the Serrate it But if I had seen- that whole of the sixtyfive million of Can- ail growth accompanied by a similar stock for in stagnation in matter of the cash in there arc population in Canada millions of that same stock It 5fS5l to that which look place has been selling at an average of the years between and all through the year and you would sH6w2w I would have regarded our work have to pay 100000000 for the stock 84974 las extremely imperfectly done Sir which you could have got for am happy to be able to tell you en in Applause volume of otfrlexports If they the most The Entries wilj they will the growth ft fe of population in increase has been relatively as great total volume of our imports gait with 557000000 or in it had increased to 1 in 1896 and in the lastyear in My second fact is this and shows enormous and most gratifying light increases We began years ago those with which increased to in and in Illative penen of of tnide of for yearn to WA Country Increase of growth in store for us if wc do not miss our opportunities I grant I am not in the least disposed to deny it that the Lib eral Government have had great good fortune but the Liberal Government have used that good for tune greatly the welfare of Canada Cheers Mr Chairman these are United State proud words They would be very foolish words for me if were Increase Manufactured Exports Nor have the manufactures lagged much behind This gentlemen a a new diagram was thrown on the screen is a diagram showing the in crease in exports of our manufactures They amounted to about 2000000 in to or a little more in i6 ami they amounted in to by no manner of means bad showing for a Government which was declared to be a determined foe to manufacturers of Canada and under whom according to Sir Charles one universal wail anguish from the distracted manufacturers would resound from earth to heaven Comparative Growth This gentlemen is a diagram in which as a Canadian take some pride This shows you how Canada Lias compared with all other competi tors in the commercial race during the last seven years The at the top relate to Canada then conic Japan Cape Colony then the United States a long way behind Italy Ger many Hifgium the Argentine Repub lic Switzerland Great France Gentlemen I advise you all who sire to see what the relative progress of your country has been look at that diagram and it well It fact ar facts arc fl notamounted manifest Standing in the House I n W3 lor the ten months of Parliament the of the current year the number resooct too a but Professing to intend to settle here those facts arc whether they did or notamounted laid on the table truths which showed that in twenty immigrants who we have every constituencies in lower Canada frauds reason to believe all remained in Can to the extent of an addition of amounted to Applause people had taken place in lower Call- The at the time of the census t There was now but too much reason I have spoken before of the increased to believe that the frauds which took volume of our trade in four months place in these twenty counties were which equalled and more than equalled duplicated were perhaps increased the total increases in fourteen years even ah over Ontario all over the under our predecessors not the slightest an over the under our predecessors Rut you have Maritime Provinces whether or not I have Growth of Trade northwest I cannot say The Evidence of Fraud Sir these proofs as said are ac cumulating they are accumulating in the census of the United Slates which we have w the opportunity of com paring with our own They arc ac cumulating in connection with muni cipal statistics they are accumulating more in the researches which arc being carried on under the supervision of Mr when our census under the Estimates prepared by Mr are obliged to compare their Foster and in carrying out works returns and to check their returns with which were begun and put under con- returns which were made in tract by our predecessors and there- sorry to say that the year nt which is evidence of worse national debt amounted to I cannot on the present On the first day of July enter into a analysis lla debt under ibis present and gne you all the details which have and led to this conclusion but I can give doubt that among the many sins the Reform Government was the reck less way in which they had increased the national debt it was even assert ed that they had increased it very near ly onesixth as much as our predeces sors had done in a similar time Laughter and applause Gentlemen I think you wilt all admit are not for the addition to the na tional debt which took place in the Now sir I am throughout there this that the Conservative Government went out in and the Liberal Gov- Canada Colony If Ml W03IS2S 000 or if not more in the returns and that to a great extent the Liberal party were eminent have been in power from thereby defrauded of the increase which to I do not say that there is really did take place after they en necessary connection between these oflice in I will give facts gentlemen but some of you one or two brief illustrations haps may see your way to make it which have been put into my hands very lately to show as I have said Trade With the United States the extreme carelessness with which Now sir I might pause here to re these matters were conducted Sir view one or two of the complaints if there is one thing more than of hall a con can J ilttai Britain not n total for only and ex ports or stated not in a position to justify them to the Rtp letter 1 am aware that it is much easier to inform an audience through the eye than through the car What has and what has been done within the years I told you but a little while ago ladles and gent so rapid had been the growth of the volume trade of Can that within the space of seven years under our regime Canada had more than the total vol ume of its trade as compared with years preceding In the total vol ume of trade amounted to Just in it had grown to or thereabouts being an in crease of From to It has grown to cheers being an in- create of In seven years against an Increase of ioooooooo In the thirty preceding- mi mc and Prosperity Si which have conic to my ears chiefly other to be to is our agricultural statistics in a country like Canada shows this that today in Can ada is first in the commercial race Applause And you want to know in racing parlance where Canada was in I am sorry to say that Canada was nowhere Now think we can let in a little more general light on the subject 1 do not want to be confin ing it to myself Laughter This to Richards to turn on the lights in the body ol the hall He continued I commend these diagrams to your serious study because as I have said show at a glance the enormous almost w Cropped Untitled Acres States gentlemen who make these complaints appear to think that it is all right if we are- to sell to Great sir found very late- on- examining the returns of the Great Britain but all wrorjg that we country under crop that in the census Stalc of the then per as I am wrong in saying the myself J would be glad to see that hut the census authorities at condition things altered But sir any rate had returned acres when I hear men who ought to know as being under crop when the better in the press on the floor of dtilcs in thc possession of the Census Parliament alleging that the people Deuartment showed that there was Canada are most grievously illtreated acresunder crop That is because forsooth some sixty or sev- to say that they had added four and a million dollars worth of goods half millions to the nominal acreage imported from the United- States under crop throughput the Dominion duty whereas we send very of Canada Sir that is a very bad free duty into the United States I am tempted to ask these men census and which taken together States consist and much more than justify my statement if the present Govern that there hasbeen the grossest and to put a those same IS 1 a A J

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