Newmarket Era, 18 Dec 1903, p. 9

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THE Awe roaoato NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Interest Allowed on Deposits it aafaa DRAFTS ISSUED AT American tad pS CO BOSS J c Main Street to o rood Public Lori ltB Court Building Ontario Conveyancer South of Poet flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will at on Saturday nod Co Banker tod Ontario Bank Aurora to Loan Her Re for Block to Loan INSURANCE a A Agent for fir Life- to Loan interest at Current Bates potto fflceKow market Fire Insurance Agent iir Bates on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Over Tin Bhon Newmarket MPs Simpson Main Sundries and Goods AUCTIONEER Street Bolton Hewitt House Decorator ttasi Cor Church Street Millards Lane and A Ellis and Sanitary Engineer Room Ml Warning Chamber and Estimates or ail kinds or at Era Office will receive prompt attention liymaih Issuer of It was Mr Walter who was so remembered whwt leaving for California and not Mr Elgin stated in last weeds issue I Light In on Friday Anson pleaded to breaking into Mr Geo Wights store at Queens v and Daniel Forsyth to two charges of receiving was sentenced to tbo Central for months and Daniel to months J3odeI School County meet in tbe County Council Chamber Toronto on Saturday to issue cer tificates to tnose who were success- lull in passing the Model examina tions Gents Shaving Sets Musical Albums Floral Calendars Sofa Pillow Covers Silk Table Covers and are good presents See them and other nice goods at Hughes A Busy Season Mr- A- men report that the have been this season have just finished put ting in five furnaces including a new one at the Royal Hotel and they ex- to ficrtsh the plumbing in Hon J Davis residence next week Wills Probated The late John who was killed by tbe boiler explosion left in real estate alt which goes to bis widow An estate of including real estate in Cash was left by J late of The entire property is given to the widow flips Clanks Reception There were a large number of call ers at Mrs Dr Clarks reception last wee The rooms were tasteful ly decorated with chrysanthemums carnations and palms Mrs Clark received in her wedding dress and was assisted by Mrs H Lloyd Miss and Miss Clark The bride received many congratulations on her comfortable and wellappoint ed home on At the last meeting Mrs J McKay gave an interesting caper Ancient Rome Following is the program next Monday evening C E Committee A Vision of WorldWide Peace Christmas SubjeetMiss Ethel Halladay LessonMiss Lottie Clubine Leader Miss Hoover OST STRAYED or STOLEN Hup- Lime Light Views and Lecture on Ben Hut will be given by the Dixon Toronto in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening Jan in aid of St Pauls Sunday School Newmarket- By MARY mi by a HE man who sail that a bit apartment house was a til lage la itself didnt know a about It or else he had Here you can who I am this Wont you let me light am the from the flat As aba spoke she turned to the switch In a moment the room flashed Into a blase of Lane Blared at her as If at ft of train ing cam to Ma aid- Wont you sit down Fancy lie said courteous ly I cant little trifle of a sprained ankle J Yes I know girl Interrupted aympathetlcally The janitor told me I am so aorry The man found pity sweet I dont want to trouble you aba TH6 LEADING I a Tillage Lord would went on but I am looking for one of Kingston Among the prisoners sentenced in the Sessions on Saturday was Al bert Hamilton who obtain ed money various widows by representing he would although a married ivan Judge Winchester said he didnt know of a more contemptible act and him to the penitentiary at Kingston for three years Schools close on Tuesday Nearly two weeks holidays Next Friday is Christmas Monday will be the shortest day in the year The streetlight on the top of the fountain looks well Next Thursday is the last day for posting the municipal statement The will be sent to any ad- dress in the British Empire or Unit ed States tilt the end of for one dollar How would it do as a Christmas present to that distant friend who is interested in the news of this locality- Sat- high eggs a lb Clubbing Rates Era and Toronto Daily Star one year to out town subscribers Era and Farmers Advocate Era and Weekly Globe MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Bra Office Pipers iwuod at private residence NEWMARKET WORKS DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stone CaU Before Ordering- Elsewhere Allan HOLIDAY GEMS JEWELRY Era and Mail Era and Daily Globe year North York only Era and Weekly Mail with premium Era and Toronto Evening News Era and Montreal Star premium Era and Farmers Sun 1 50 Balance of year free lor all Weeklies Farm Produae There was a good market We were informed as as a dozen was paid lor a lb for turkeys and lie hi geese Following were the ruling slices Eggs new laid to 35c packed Butter to Honey lb Chickens to Dressed Ducks to pair Geese to Dressed Turkeys to lb Fork Beef and Apples to 20c basket Apples to per barrel Potatoes Live chickens to Old hens to 50c Ducks to Live Live turkeys to lb Sheepskins to Calfskins to lb Hides lb TaKow lie Wood per cord ay It a collection of hostile camps with a janitor as the only means of communication By way of emphasis for worda Frank Lane threw across room Illustrated magazine he bad been pretending to read It landed with a crash It to floor a small vase stood on the Corner of the mantel Broken of rolled Ik all directions man started feet was of his childish rel ics bit was precious But sank back a sroan Ha had for- gotten sprained ankle The pain In It made him remember It almost Intolerable for a few mo menta was not what brought the tears to bis eyes tsars of weak ness and He that- It was the day before Christmas and that he was up In his bachelor apartments with a sprain ed A solitary dinner at the club ft HUHKIKD AND WORRIED ALL DAY 1 I WISH TOO WOULD LET US KEEP IT was never wildly festive for Christ mas but even that was to denied him this year There was a rattling at the hall door Lane hastily brushed aside the tears as the of the Janitor cam la Wom anlike compassionate Her face beamed as she cried A for ye Lane postrnan left It an I hurried It up It might cheer ye a bit sure Improvement Club The prospects are that there will be a good debating club here this winter At the meeting last Friday evening it was decided to launch out in that direction without any par ticular organization Mr Angus Williams was appointed Treasurer The following program was arranged for next meeting Paper The Functions Gov ernment by Mr A Debate on Hcsolved that a pro tective tarift benefits the state that adopts it Affirmative Messrs E A Coombs and Howard Cane Negative Messrs Angus Williams and L Jackson judge Mr T J Robertson Next meeting in Barrister Lloyds on Friday evening the of January at oclock And the worst of it is that you arc a little ion down and have mighlv chance to catch up Every thing seems like a grindstone wearing down your nerve You are irritable a been ye and get less sleep than is absolutely Invalid laughed shortly From necessary Better stop tilings a lady friend He had been raised in get worse Your best plan is to use on orphan asylum and as far as for a while and give your knowledge went bad not a living nerves and brain a chance to pick up relutlon ills position In the business is the finest tonic a world was entirely due to bis own man can take It makes new pluck and energy He bad not had blood nourishes the body strengthens time to make lady friends the nerves improves the appetite and When the woman hud gone he still rehabitates whole system Fcrroone Price Try The a Wonderful Invention a Telephone and Phonograph London Dec The Mail announces that it has reasonably successful experiments with a recording telephone called the electrograph which is the invention Craven an engineer who was once an assistant Thom as at Park New Jer sey The mechanism combines a and phonograph Messages spoken into the telephone transmit ter were sent over a dozen miles be tween London- aud Twickenham where they were received by the phon ograph without audible sound by direct electrical on the vibrat ing diaphram When the phonograph was disconnected from the wire and reversed the messages were reproduced audibly and distinctly Mr Craven declares that his curiously at the package In bis lap It was In bad order The atrlng was loosened and the enveloping paper torn The address was blurred but could still out the in scription Lane and the name of too apartment house It really for him fingera trembled with eagerness as he slipped off the outside wrapper and disclosed dainty tissue paper and ribbons must sorely be from a girl he thought Inside a creation of violet silk He eyed It dubiously but then face cleared He had seen similar curios In shop windows It must be a handker chief case But the name of sender l hold of the case gingerly and carefully turned It Inside store tit Its best Ready to you with the tor staat CM be Is tot to gifta Jot bat oi- a what the of a rflft ant Has jggg 1 till pieced to show you to lay by amy Cot deHvety at Very Low Prices ATKINSON CO SohooL l3y reference to our advertising columns will be noted that the win ter Term in the British American Business College Toronto commences January This College has earned such a reputation lor prac tical work and superior Instruction that the Management it difficult to fill all the applications which are received business for office help The famous system of Shorthand which Is acknowledged out No card appeared It must have slipped out on the way He sniffed appreciatively The was strongly with violets It almost seemed as If the fair donor herself glorify ing his room with her presence Yet the question of who had sent it still remained unsolved He knew whom lie wished had sent Itthe girl In flat above She was the girl who when ahe came In from the office of an ago as the leaves a permanent record of conversation Americas the only school in To ronto where system can be bad as- the control of Gregg has been se cured foe Canada by the Federal Colleges limited of racJL the British Is Toronto to a knowledge of la coupled la Bookkeeping Rapid Calculations Penmanship etc no young person need fear but what they will be able to secure a the world will bo the greatest addition to sat down at the piano and the conveniences of business since the rattled off a Jolly that was invention of the telephone a genera- j when things bad feone well or crept Id quietly and sang soothing lullabies that when the days work bad left her and blue Lane sympa thized for he had felt Just that way himself rang the electric bell as ba reached hand back one Canadian homes is a perfect panacea for all internal and exterrkl pain Mrs of Mortis I couldnt tola of being with- I aeh it Ill get a sick headache bare a trouble with my stomach or I can rely on to cure me promptly position In I To up a cold or rub on for or neuralgia has A catalogue this school may be no equal Its priceless In my by addressing the Principal Y Is king oyer all pain MX A Building Toronto Ontario and costs realities In the of the Jan- break upon day Then he straightened up aoddenly The standing la the doorway was not to be with tkaJasv It was a girl with brown curia wandering down to ob struct a pair of dork It was girl of the fiat above The girl stood I moment In the gathering dusk then stepped forward with riiiMoii division beg roar pardon for Iniindlng on you anoloyetlcilly dont be- my Christmas presents which lost strayed or stolen It must have come for my cousin writes that It mailed tome days ago Instinctively Lane spread bis hands dainty trifle In his lap Yea the pillow hid It from view It Is a handkerchief case made of purple silk As our names look some thing alike I thought it might have come to you by mistake She looked at him expectantly Now Lane bad been mentally plan ning bow he might keep that handker chief case He was a thief In every thing but the deed But he could not answer those searching brown with a lie Yea have I thought It was mine And be held it out weak ly Then sudden Inspiration came to him I wish you would let keep it he said pleadingly I will bay you anything in its that you like Us Lanes color deepened Why she asked Because be said vehemently its Christmas present I shall have have lying here in the dusk im agining who might bare sent it to me and cant bear to give It up I would not care so much If I was up and around Yon dont know how blue a fellow gets ahut up her all alone- Lit tle things come to count a lot lie looked so helplesa lying on couch that the girls heart went out to him and she bad a fashion of fol lowing her heart more readily than her bead You poor fellow said gen tly 1 know Just bow you feel You shall keep the handkerchief case Cous in Laura will never know and several others And you must count it as a real Christmas present from me Only dont give lu Its place except to wish a merry Christmas when down to see you In morulDg I bring some of the good ies from my home box Tbey will make you forget all about the ankle She hurried away Lane did not know that it was because she wlslied to bids tears brought to her eyes by the dumb look of gratitude on his face And lay back and wished that the morrow might come Before another Christmas the two flats were empty Mr and Mrs were keeping house in a large flat on the ground floor His wife always de clares that he stole her heart and handkerchief case at one and the same time on that memorable Christmas eve AND I A SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED- J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE FOR THE BALANCE -OF- AT XMAS WITH THE GERMANS In the In the Shops and I of As the handsome shops reveal the Christmas of the rich Germans also we the Christmas joys of the other the peasant class The toy stores the dolls In all the national costumes of the world and windows all bristling with combating soldiers Candy Candy Is distinctively American In Germany and France It is bonbons In England sweets The Germans do not eat cundy as a habit as we do but on Christmas time to their Idiom it goes loose But it Is the that la dis tinguishing delicacy of Not a bouse family r person In Ger many Is without It it la sort of hard spice cake made In all sorts of shapes The writer last Christmas In the home of Baron von The day before Christmas the drawing rooms were closed No one dare enter except the baron and baroness who came In and out of those rooms very quietly and myaterlQUSly On Christ mas eve the first event of Interest is the Christmas eve dinner which Is characterized by the of karp- In bier and the bringing forth from their secret hiding places of the fa mous cakes marzipan pfef- and Dinner ends with the Joining of bands and all Qeaegnete Wash ington TORONTO JOBBING tit DO YOU KNOW The Encyclopedia of Canada IN VOLUMES HAVE YOU HEARD That It Wrltton by Groat That It tolls oil that known about Canada That you may obtain a set for a very small sum Would You Like a Book for Nothing Out out and mill toUnv A Juvenile Ill be glad when Im a grownup man said tbo thoughtful youngster Whyl Because then I can get my Christ mas presents without having to be good beforehand Star Been Himself Cbrismus kin be made so much the stern will let his wander back tew time when he made a dash fur the himself Ole Nutmeg We will Bend yon a hook containing Maps Portraits an of WW era and a lot or Lit and make you an otter that will make your heart for Joy Fill out attached coupon tnd mail to us to-day- II fOK K YOU LBKP The Publishing Co Canada Send to address below without cost to me your book on Can ada awl your little payment of fer for a set of Encyclopedia Name Address OLDEST MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED AND ONLY NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER IN CANADA of Tale Though soma are dead and soma are 0ed To lands of over ata holly berry his red merry children keep their They hoard with atcreoy that for Molly Santa On eve the holly Amid mow birds are fled knew He deep On land and The are The tame that free north at home the barley They brew they the hour to folly How and to They alng slug the Wends let pay the wonted fee The yearly tithe of mirth be It la a duty no to be half Weigh ho the holly Andrew After 1st PRICE a T- New yew free num ber Send In your it once Dont miss a aloglo every where liberal given Sample copy free THE WILLIAM WELD CO LONDON ONTARIO WIVES IF OF YOUR haUutafor liquor win bo or drink lmpojbi rice BAMAIA SISTERS BROTHERS

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