Newmarket Era, 25 Dec 1903, p. 2

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t THE NEWMARKET ERA WANTED Apply to MBS WALLACE BRUCB Prospect Ave Newmarket Cook and House- Maid to go to the City family of Jour Apply Sat urday or after to Mrs FOX Hur on St Newmarket STRAY HEIFER Came on premises of lot coo North about middle Not Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take It away MRS J CUNNINGHAM DAY Studio till Come in the WJ Newmarket Hurrah for Christinas ATr PILLS Its HeaIQuarter for kinds of Goods in BREAD CAKES and IN UNTOLD VARIETY Try a box of from to per box And above all be sure and get a Cake lbs for Si Oranges and Grapes per pound Lemons per dozen The Best in Town to get Oyateis by bulk or served to suit taste This is where you get the worth of your money and the right change back Com With the Crowd to the CITY BAKERY Phone No NEWMARKET The Sovereign Bank OF CANADA Directs your attention to its facilities for drafts on all the leading and Can ada United States Europe and elsewhere at the lowest rates This is the safest simplest and cheapest way of remitting money Now the time to open an account in our Savings Bank Department Interest allowed on the Daily from of deposit to date of withdrawal and a year XT If yon live at a yon or withdraw by mill with afty Newmarket Branch Cor Main Bedford BRUCE Manager GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM CHRISTMAS AMD HEW YEAR Holiday Rates port Arthur Marie On and Huron Buffalo Book Pall RATE LIBIT Single Faro for Trip retai lor oo4 and valid until For Information tod apply to Agent Newmarket Ontario Election YORK AT- NEWMARKET JANUARY Our Society Column In the election court at Osgood Hall Toronto last the for the trial of the respective election protests In Ontario fel mem bers returned to the Provincial Legis lature except were Hied as follows North York Newmarket Thurs day Jan- at am Centre Bruce Thurs day Jan at am North Perth and Jan at pm North Norfolk and Cross Monday Jan at pm North Grey and Cross Owen Sound Wednesday Jan at pm Sault Marie and Cross Ste Marie Tuesday at am Newmarket has again been selected for the big If nothing more serious is revealed than the ex amination for discovery developed the results will be disappointing to toe opponents of the but If indiscretions have been com mitted by any Hon Mr Davis friends of a nature sufficient to void election toe Liberals of North York are ready to again duplicate vote of previous elections No trou ble about that Mr Davis is all right A- FRIDAY thing corner The Little in the Toronto referring to tie cent presentation of a beautiful wait ing stick to Hon J Davis face tiously remarks Hon J Da vis has just been caned but Herb Lenno didnt do it Right you are An Ottawa despatch says there no truth whatever in the report pub lished in Conservative papers of the Premier leaving for California for his health The truth is that Sir health is now excellent He will spend Christmas at his old home in With its accustomed regularity the Canadian almanac for 1901 Sound its way to sanctum week It is a welcome publication containing as it does a fund of information in such a handy form for reference that we wonder bow so many business people get along without it Price Cop Clark Co Toronto publishers Referring to Hon Fosters temperance and protection views the Globe winds up an editorial thusly He Foster can do more for Cana das real and abiding prosperity by putting down whiskey than by putting up tie tariff Hoa Mr Fosters own words are Give me one genera tion of people who are total abstain ers and I will with a five per cent tariff undertake to show greatest regime of prosperity that has ever come to this country Centre York Conservatives on Wed nesday nominated H of Richmond Hill to oppose Mr Arch Campbell for tbe Commons at the approaching Dominion elections Tike knowing ones say the selection of Mr is only a blind to pave the for exFinance Minister Hon Geo Foster the latelyde feated of North Ontario At anv rate Mr Arch Campbell will not be loosing much sleep over the nomina tion of as his opponent for Centre Yolk Here is a nut for the Conservative admirers Johnny Smith Co to crack At an organisation meeting of the Liberals at last week Mr A Whitney brother of Mr J P Whitney Op position leader in the Ontario House was elected president Among resolutions passed was toe following Resolved That we are inspired by pride and gratification that the banner Province thfe Con federation stands foremost in the world as being free from all debt un der the honorable of Sir Oliver Hon Mr Hardy and our highly esteemed leader the Hon Geo Ross and distin guished colleagues Mrs was burned to death at home near Chatham State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County 1 Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior of Arm J Co doing business City ot Toledo County and State and that said firm will pay the awn Hundred each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cared by the use Halls Catarrh Curs FRANK J Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this day of De cember 111 Notary Halls Catarrh Cure is takes inter nally and acts directly cm the Wood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free J CO Toledo O Sold by Druggists Halls Family arc beat r I I Leslie home frbm Varsity last Friday Miss will spend with Mrs A at Miss Morton Tecumseth St is Christmas holidays at Miss is spending holidays at Georgetown with her sis ter Miss Susie is home Pickering College tor Christmas hoi- idsys IJrs John King of is spending Christmas with Mrs Morton Robertson Rot back from the laet Saturday for the Christmas holidays Mrs Geo is spending the holidays with Postmas ter Mr and Mrs J apent Saturday with Mr Cook of Miss Smith sister of Alderman Smith is back from foe the holidays Mrs- and her interest ing quartette are speeding Christmas holidays in city Mrs and children axe spending Christmas with her par ents at Miss Nellie has a position on the of Acton pub lic school year Col Lloyd is in this week Board of Examiners at Ontario Vet College Mr and Mrs Hoover also Miss Hoover arc spending the holi days north of Mr Jaffray Robertson attend ed a Club Ball at on Fri day evening of last week Miss morning for her home at where she will spend two weeks holidays Mr Geo has given up his school at and has come to Newmarket to reside Mr and Mrs A J also Miss axe spending the holidays at Toronto Junction Mr Thos McDonald and son Mr Teddy McDonald got home from Moose Jaw in time for Christmas Mrs Arnold of cousin of Miss has returned home after spending a week in Newmarket Mrs Sarah James of in renewing for Kra desires to be to friends in Mrs of came here on account of the illness of her mother Mrs Hill of Mr Glen Case came home from Toronto yesterday for Christmas and expects a cousin from Buffalo to join him Mr and Mrs Cowiesoo of Man have returned to spend the holidays with old friends in North York Mr Harry representing the Farmers Sun Toronto was in town on Tuesday and gave the Era a Mr Hy Belfry of Bradford has moved to Newmarket occupying the house vacated by Mr Thompson on Prospect Ave Miss Kennedy school teacher at is home for the holi days also Miss McCaffrey who teaches in Midland Mr and family also Mrs W and intend spending Christmas in Toronto Mrs Hamilton of Toronto visited her aunt Mrs John Eves on Monday Mr Moses Vernon returned to Toron to with her on Tuesday Mr Foster has accepted position of Principal of Merrtton Itc school With improved health wish Mr Foster much success Messrs Gideon Walter and AIHe Vernon of Scott were in town visit ing their aunt Mrs or Michigan at Mrs John Mr John of JerBey was in town on Wednesday looking for a suitable house to live In houses are a scarce article In New market Mrs John Eves left on Tuesday with her sister Mrs Centre Michigan who has been visiting her where she will spend the winter Hon Senator Jones of Toronto Irwin Esq Clerk of the Peace and Dr Irwin of Weston were here yesterday attending the funeral of late Mrs Irwin Mrs A Cane and Miss Francis Cane arrived here Wed nesday night to spend the Christmas holidays with Mrs J Cane and Mrs Mr and Mrs Collins of St Cath arines and Miss Ewers of Toronto were expected last nlgfat to spend Christmas with their parents Mr and Mrs Ewers Church St Mrs Jones of Toronto ar rived here on Monday on account her mothers Illness and Mrs Man ning Rot here from on the train Wednesday morning Three hotels and a private resi dence at London Ont were entered by burglars on Tuesday night Our Toronto Letter Wednesday was nomination day in Toronto for Mayor Board of Control and Board of Education will be nominated in Ward Divisions For Mayor no less than three candidates were proposed via Messrs and Manes the latter Socialist nomi nee For Board Control eight candidates were proposed and for Board of tducat5on no less than were named out of whom the elec tors are to make a twelve In the municipalities of Weston and North Toronto efforts voters are being towards ousting from the Council for men woo prevented ques tion of local option being submitted this January A guest at the King Edward was arrested last week charged with iheit of articles from dining room The person charged did not deny the impeachment bur put up tke excuse that the articles were as Souvenirs manager the hotel says this souvenir gag is played out Heretofore when guests have been seen taking things articles have been chaffed In the bill but the trouble grows and it costs money to keep employees on the watch The express companies have now re ported to Game Warden re specting the number of deer they han dled season The total is given at 3400 nearly more than Street Railway Co made an other sharp move other day and strung a feed wire the Metropo litan to the Toronto Street Railway system As soon as Mayor Ur- quhart heard of he ordered the wire cut and told the company there was a proper business way of doing fliings without taking improper liberties This brought the company to time As the time approaches for the com ing municipal contest the crop of candidates grows amazingly Geo editor of Social Jus tice is dangerously ill No Issue the paper will be undertaken this month At the election of the officers An tiquity Royal Arch Chapter No Kt ExComp P Lee was one the scrutineers A was served in royal style by Cbolwill with a musical entertain ment of very pleasant character dur ing which the usual loyal toasts were honored ALE To Ioclusivs- HUNT SALE December To Inclusive rTEmARKET AND a r We want to make business fairly 1mm during the remaining days of And to make these five days of the old year memorable days in history of our business we will inaugurate A GREAT DAYS Boot and TO CORE A COLD DAT Take Laxative Brsmo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money it it falls to ours Groves signature is on each box Cradle VAN Dec 12th at Toronto to Mr and Mrs Artiiur J Van former- of Vendor a daughter GRANT At the Manse Richmond Hill on the Mrs James A Grant ft son and grandson to Cody of Newmarket In Sharon on Deo wife of Purdy a daughter in Mich Doc 20th to Dr and Mrs Watson a son and grand son to Mr Lambert Pearson of Newmarket Genuine Reductions in all Departments In order that there may be no misunderstanding bring this advertisement with you as we will adhere strictly to prices named CLOTHING DEPARTMENT off all Mens and Suits Overcoats Odd Pants Smocks Overalls Mens Furnishings Department off all Collar Ties Shirts Underclothing Hats Suspenders Gloves Shoe Department off Everything in our Boot and Shoe Department DEPARTMENT off Linen Cottons Flannels Shaker Flannels Prints Towellings Blankets etc Dress Goods Department off all Black and Colored Dress Goods Silks and Trimmings and off nil limngg Small- Wears Department off Ribbons Corsets Hosiery Gloves etc Wall Papers and Carpets off Wall off Carpets Mantles and Fur Department off all Ruffs Fur Coats of Ladies Jackets at Cost Price GROCERY DEPARTMENT Tins Salmon Price price or 10 Tins price Sale price Tie T Sale price We Tin IS Kippered Herring reg price Tin doz Tins Heinzs Pork i Deans Sale price He Tin Tins Feet Boneless reg Sale price Tins Chicken Ham Loaf Sale price Fosters Baking Powder lb Tin reg price Sale Price Art Baking Powder lb Tin price price PREMIUMS WITH ABOVE I PHONE NO Dishcloth Soap Large Bar price Sale price ft Bars Pure Toilet Soap Sale price a lb Tin Pineapple Sliced price Sale price for lb Tin Peaches reg price Sale price for 1000 lbs Pure Clover Honey Strained Sale price per lb lbs Pure Honey in lb Sections Sale price lie lb lbs Choice Evaporated Apples Sale price lb Cans Corn Good Sale price each Prompt delivery to all parte the On Tuesday last Court Ap nea dismissed- tite application Mr for a new trial Tna Conservative press will now turn the hose on the court appeal Joseph of Que was convicted of bigamy before Maie- Talbot of Hull and sentenced to two years imprisonment in St Vincent do Paul Penitentiary Col Davidson president tbe Saskatchewan Valley Land pai y states In an interview that his company settled 10000 American families In the Northwest this year and expects to do better in the conv year As a result a coroners inquest and subsequent proceedings at Mrs Christina Saunders and her sis ter Miss Phoebe Davis were on Tuesday committed to stand their trial at the next Assizes charged with murder tiro formers in fant child and John the childs reputed father Is charged with accessory to tho fact and with assisting in concealment the birth SANTA OWN STORE THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture For Cash I Till January 1st 1904 Parlor Suites worth for Bedroom Suites worth worth for All other kinds of Furniture At Reduced Prices A Nice Line of And A Night calla attended to at Residence John Millard Phone and The Altntf Aurora In Trinity Church Dec by Rev rector Mr A Godfrey of the P Otta wa to Miss Edith L Wells daughter Mr Richard Wells of Queens Hotel Aurora The Tomb IRWINAt her residence Victoria Ate on Dec- Philadelphia her year Toronto Dec 1905 Eleanor beloved wife Jan P Wlldman aged years a a I MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Cartful and Prompt Attention Christmas Toys For little folks interesting lines of Tin and Iron Wooden and Toys Surprise Boxes locks Stuffed Dogs Horses etc Banks Horses Tops and lots else CHRISTMAS DOLLS All sizes Bisque or China Heads with and without hair cloth or feather bodies little and big ones pretty ones too from up to CHRISTMAS GAMES- More than one hundred assorted much more than wo can here suitable for young or old Any price from upwards CHRISTMAS BOOKS Any quantity of good Titles cloth or leather bound Burnt Leather Bound for Poems Birthday Book Childs Story Books Picture Books Annuals Numbers Calendars Globe Graphic London News CHRISTMAS GROCERIES CHRISTMAS NUTS CANDIES CHRISTMAS FRUIT Fine Chocolates and AGS EACH Central Telephone Office STARR j itA

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