Newmarket Era, 25 Dec 1903, p. 5

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m THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC BANK PAID OP gl BRANCH General Business A Interest Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED LEGAL J Robertson Banister rotary Ac Newmarket good Farm security Burliter Notary Public Hope to fti lowest Court Bulldlof Ontario Third Class Ait the who were- in at Newmarket have been granted certificates by the Board Examiners They are Cairns Viola Eves Beatrice Mac- Stella Rog ers Webster Kiincfc Norman McDonald A Great Big Snap lbs Malaga Grapes for See our lovely boxes chocolates and Bon Rons also Snow Apples Grocery Day Post open from to a No mail from at night Special services at St Pauls Church and also in St Johns Church Following is the program Monday evening Committee Profit and Loss Mark Subject Miss Lesson Miss Dyke Leader Mrs- Hughes- St Johns The i ON THE Park Bench A Story by ANDERSON I St o Cboppla J flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Days v- Aurora will also be at Hoe Co- Banker and Ontario Ban Aurora to Loan at Bloc to Loan INSURANCE byte Plan Church Mr Arthur Oliver will preside at the organ next Sabbath No one who has gone from us receives a heartier welcome on his return toan he Mr Earl Oliver is also spend ing the holiday season at home and will sing at one or both services next Sabbath The Sacrament or the Lords Sup per will be dispensed a week next Sabbath Treat fop the Holidays The Family Swiss Bell Ringers who are billed to appear in the Town Hall next Tuesday night are said to be the best entertainers on the road this season They play ed for a whole week in Toronto re cently to full bouses and every body was delighted See- pro grams which will be distributed around town on- Tuesday morning- Go early no reserved seats poor at this season Com sale J R Agent for fire and Life Assurance to at Current Bates At the Post Office Newmarket R VRamsay Fir Insurance Agent I i low Kates on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Newmarket- Hits Simpson W Main St and AUCTIONEER Street Now market Bolton Practical Painter and Decorator I or Corn arch Street Lane sad A Architect and Sanitary Engineer Room made foe all and Estimates kinds of Enquiries Bra receive prompt Remember the of the year Not for many years have we had such a stretch of steady cold weath er before Christmas as this season The sleighing is excellent and the bracing If you should happen to discover your wife or other women folks of the family hastily putting away something as you suddenly en ter the room remember you are sup posed to be slone blind to such trans actions A great many little children are sick in town Two or three cases of cbicKenpox are reported Hills bakery is decorated in great shape for Christinas and a fine new show case has been added run on oyster stews last Saturday night at the refreshment parlor The Masons in Newmarket will ob serve St Johns Day on Monday evening newlyelected officers will be installed Rural schools hold their annual meeting next Wednesday Clubbing Rates Era and Toronto Daily one year to out of town subscribers Era and Farmers Era and Weekly Globe A Era and Weekly Mail and Daily Globe 1 year North York only Era and Weekly Mail with premium SO Era and Toronto Evening News 2 Era and Montreal with premium Era and Farmers Sim Balance of year free for all Weeklies There will be midnight mass in St Johns Church on Christmas Eve There will also be mass on Christmas Day at am as well as special religious service on Christmas Day at pm The Church will be elaborately dec- orate for the Christmas festivities It is worth while visiting the Church at night- to see it illuminated of Hamilton On Saturday Mrs Hamilton of Mrs John Eves died in Western Hospital Toronto of pneu monia She had been living with her son in Rochester but came to Toron to this fall to reside The funeral took place from the residence of her sister in Toronto Deceased spent last winter in Newmarket with Mrs Eves S S The scholars of the Presbyterian were treated last Friday evening to a tea in the school room Later a program consisting songs recita tions dialogues and a drill by Miss Glass of girls rendered in the body of the Church the pastor presiding- Presents were distributed by Santa Mr Smith from two Trees to the teachers and scholars Rev A H re- receiving a Sectional Book Case from his class Copyright ISO by Christmas night tad the philanthropists club holding celebration tha fes tival The Christmas dinner bad arrived at the stage of the taase and remarks Naturally the president was first to speak Reynolds said be Indicating by the gesture of a massive band member of the club situated on his may relate your experience night in helping the poor Accord ing to our agreement you remember we were to expend a certain amount In charity on Christmas eve not only for the purpose of giving Immediate relief bo far as our funds went but in order to ascertain something of the extent of the poverty existing In this great city of New York in which we live club members whom was an artist rendered somewhat con- Methodist Exceptionally bright music was provided by the choir last Sunday The three soprano soloists Miss Eva Mrs Dr Rich ardson and Miss Edna were supported in the choruses by six and the other fry ing well filled the singing was splen did The pastor gave two good sermons A freewill of fering of over was given to the Board above the attention Issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Private- Issued at private residence If NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Al HO Ben Hop A tale of the Christ will be given by Dixon Toronto in the Town Hart Newmarket on Thursday Jan under the auspices ol St Pauls Sunday School Su- illustrations including a series stereoptican views pro- pared at great expense will be pro duced The very great interest which attaches to this subject the brilliancy of detail and artistic mer it the views render this enter tainment one of unusual excellence Tickets at and 15c Jan Jan Jan Jan The HOLIDAY GEMS JEWELRY This store Is at Its best Road to serve with the most beau tiful of for preeeatattoti con be It not to select gifts lor of els baa real worth a a a rich out or a toe a come in And have our to to by ooy you fear for later derive According to the revised list of the OI I A districts the following por tion of the schedule of the junior series will be of local interest No Gluts Newmarket St Georges III Varity III and Hamilton Convener J Montague Varsity Met at Toronto Section A St at Newmarket Newmarket at St George Section Varsity at Hamilton- Hamilton at Varsity winners will play games unless the learns mutual ly agree to play a suddendeath game Referees A and Varsity Don Cameron and Ken Armstrong Hamilton J and Webster St Georges and Geo Simpson and J Clarke New- market Mr Norman Rogers Secretary Int fig Soeiety A meeting of the Directors of this Society was held in the Fire Hall last Friday night to wind up business of the year Several ac counts were passed and salaries to the Secretary and Treasurer voted Secretary reported that the appeals to prizes awarded had been adjusted and the Treasurers financial state ment was so that was ordered to be paid on the mort gage debt on grounds One account relating to refreshments caused a it was a just and was ordered to be paid A more strict control over incurring will bo observed year The Secretary was Instructed to do the Extensions During the past two weeks a num ber of extensions have been added to the electric light service The Friends parsonage occupied by Rev Cornell has had lights in stalled Mr Starr has added lights to his premises Mr has added or lamps to the Dominion Hotel service Mr J It McLaughlin has increased his number to and put in a Mr J Cane has had a lights in stalled in his new stable and will also put in a meter Dr Scott has added more lights to and in a meter Hids lalery has had an outside Vamp install in front of the store A meter has been installed lor Mr at his store Mr Ed Richardson lias hud a me ter installed at his residence A Pew Timtly For Young Mr after spending six months under our instructions is now earning per week for six hours work per day at Memphis Miss Nellie Carson- after five months training is now with the Western Union Telegraph Com pany at Detroit earning per month Mr Hodgson after four months training is now the at Tweed earning yiO per month Numerous are leing placed in equally as good positions Our winter term opens January and those desiring to take up the work should enroll on or that dale to ensure them a position in the spring or early sum mer Five- competent instructors of exceptional ability are giving personal and Individual attention to the rapid advancement of- our pupils Young ladles are prepared lor com mercial telegraph positions and young the same and railway as operators train spatcheisi This is a not overcrowded and one wblch will command steady 1 TXT I circled the fountain he went a ond proceeded to a long bench where I stopped near a seedy individ ual who in spite of the steady fall of snow sat napping I tapped him on shoulder roused him from his sleep and asked bis history It was as that related by Reynolds seen better days Most of nave He bad not always slept in paries Few bare And like Reynolds tramp he had a wife and two children whom had been Ions befors to home to the wifes mother the of Reynolds there was nothing sot of the with the exception of the manner In which be stammered and shook tolling if At this point appeared to experience some little difficulty In ar ticulating When he had recovered Really he finished It was distress ing most distressing ft grieved me I thrust a five dollar bill Into his hand and hurried away He had hardly time to resume Ml seat three of the club rose simultaneously Theres some fraud about they cried We went together WO the same man He had the gams wife and two children who were liv ing with the same old motherinlaw By Jovel We were so distressed we apiece and that made fifteen good old solid dollars between us They flung themselves back In their chairs and gazed in an excited and In dignant way from one face to another In search of some reasonable explana tion of the phenomenon The newspaper man suddenly stood It was as be had just waked up Was he tall and be question ed Did he wear a shaggy red beard long hair an old sioueb bat and a rag ged gray overcoat out at the elbows and fringed with a mighty fringe around the hem I say were his shoes THE LEADING ii Q old and did he go barehanded in the Yes yes answered the rest In chorus all bat and more j Then declared ttie newspaper man I too took out a live dollar GOOD UAH HOW hill and mads him a present of it And falling limply back In bis chair he took to tapping the arm of with impatient fingers The artist bad slipped out of the room After a period he returned trans formed His beard was shaggy and red his shoes were worn at the and down at the heels hat was one of the by the length of his locks and the exceeding breadth of bis soft black tie lit their cigars us Reynolds rose was snowing he began Skip all that hastily put in a news paper man Of course if it was Christmas eve it was Tho hapless outcasts In the park had ranged themselves as nearly as possible according to the tree brauchea but being large In number they over lapped them some to the length two branches or more so that these sat unprotected from the snow which soft ly soaked them The newspaper man raised bis hand Will you permit me Mr President Interrupted he to suggest that nil description be eliminated well be here in broad day light It may be as well assented the president suavely to omit descriptions of scenery for as the gentleman has just stated it may have the effect of detaining us longer than Is absolutely Reynolds reaching for a gloss of water wet his lips before he began again i buttoned my to the throat he said then for wind was row and keen and walked up to flrst tramp I came to sat near the fountain on the corner seat of a long bench I touched him gently on the sleeve and said to him My good man how com you to bo here The newspaper man leaned forward bis eyes Were those your exact Words he inquired In so rapt a manner that the president once more let fall the fork Reynolds the question sought In several pockets for a pocket handkerchief and finding one at length delicately mopped bis lids The story ho told be sto mure red would have brought tears to the eyes of the coldest hearted It was not so different from the usu al run of such stories faltered Reyn olds He had seen better days had not always been obliged to sleep In a park etc he bad a wife two children he had been unable to sup port them they were all three with his wifes mother As I say It was not so much the story as his manner of teiUnfc It It affected you description It conldut help but affect you I took a rive dollar bill from my vest pocket and tbmst It hand And then queried the president what did he do Ho been me so deeply affected re turned Reynolds that I whirled about and left unwilling to witness nature of his gratitude Ha down The artist coughed lightly covered his mouth with his hand a moment relit his cigar which had font quite out aad smoke to the celling president motioned to his neigh bor to rise Hit name was scanned hit listeners attentive frowning as talked My resembled to a certain degree that of jay rnxT HAN I N Ton slouch variety his overcoat was gray and long and so fringed at the hem as to assume the appearance of having been fringed Intentionally Ten fingers pointed at him That shouted voices is the The artist bent a humble and apolo getic head yes acknowledged he I am man But you are a member of the club they stormed You knew all about our plan of relieving the poor You bad part of the money yourself Why did you take ours Tie artist shrugged weary shoulders He spread out two deprecating bands I am an artist he explained sim ply InaedKllt necessary advertising for the annual muit year round at good wages there I must have visited at Low I ATKINSON using and the Board adjourned at once for particulars as to not before giving the t Canadian Hallway dcr the Newmarket struct ion St Toronto Col College the same park Union park was- It with a nod to Reynolds Yes replied Reynolds Union park County Qoads ByHLkaui a The feylaw now being submitted for the approval or disapproval of electors of York County at the ap proaching municipal is a comprehensive one Mr J A Rams- den as County Clerk Is now having the ballots prepared and otherwise making the arrangements required by taw for obtaining an expression of the electorate on the of January next- briefly situation may be summed up as follows If a majori ty favor County Road System the by aw will come Into force- for thc Improvement of the lines suggest- that dissenting townships may have the roads designated a arbitration If bylaw comes into force the pro posal is to Issue county about to extend over thirty years This will entitle county to draw from the Provincial fund which will reduce the amount renulred to To re pay these principal and interest will require a rate of of a mill on the dollar about on an of AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET J 1 TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE FOR THE BALANCE OF- I AT THE- T J DO YO KNOW i i i i- The Encyclopedia of Canada IN SIX VOLUMES HAVE YOU HEARD It Is Written by Groat That It tolls all Is known about Canada Thot you may obtain sot for a vory small sum Would You Like a Book for Nothing Cut ant mill Wo will yon a Map 5aiuiln an Account or and a lot of Interesting about CANADA aad offer thai will make vour heart for Joy pill out Coupon to lies today 11 KKOHR YOU SLEEP 9 The Publishing Co Canada Send to address below without cost to me your book on Can ada and your little payment of fer for a set the Encyclopedia J ill lit I Address OLDEST LARGEST MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED AND ONLY NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER IN CANADA i I u Ml jjy V a a mm mi SSSr W ft w J J January Wj P 160 New of id In stones where liberal given free Bend In your once Dont inlu Including Agents the weld limitedLondon WIVES IF ANY OK YOUR for liquor bo removed by food or drink jrlU SAMARIA 31 SISTERS BROTHERS fc ids rs-

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