Newmarket Era, 25 Dec 1903, p. 7

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FRIDAY DEC Hi i- I I K v to CHINA HALL Oar good ire this year thin selection Japanese China very fine and useful as welt as ornament pieces WHAT OOrKO OH III pulpit next Sunday will be oc cupied by Mr Wesley of Varsi ty Toronto morning and Communion service has been post poned till tee first Sunday in when Elder will officiate Society I Am going We are going art going You are going He is going are going to toe Friends Church Sunday evening at oclock to bear toe World Owes Quakerism Years There be a special New Years Market here next Tuesday and buyers from Toronto will be present See Our Window Our New Line -or- Rich Cat Glass by far the Largest Variety and finest Quality of Handsome and Use ful Pieces to be found out the Ci ties and in order to make it more popular we are selling every piece much cheaper than it would be under different circumstances We can give yon a nice Bon Boa Dish at a handsome Cologne Bottle for ft beautiful Berry Bowl or and as much more expensive as you wish up to a very fine Vase at This piece is a work the finest class Have a look In our window especially next week- Arm Broken About two weeks ago Oscar Hurst son of Mr John Hurst of Jersey who is attending Newmarket School fell while playing in the and broke his left arm It is getting on nicely R Big Srrsosh When the clerks came down to Sutherlands store on Monday morn ing a general surprise awaited them The large plate glass in the south front window was all smashed to pieces As no goods are missing it is supposed to have been broken by the wind on Sunday night Rent Changes Mr has sold his farm of acres on the of Whitchurch to Mr Archibald Smith of for and purchased the residence of Mr Joseph Cody on Eagle St He tales possession on the 1st April next We are glad to welcome Mr and family to Newmar ket Church A special meeting of the congrega tion too place on Tuesday evening to discuss the action to be taken re Rev Mr call to Chat ham It was decided to most em phatically oppose his removal front Newmarket and each organization in the will send strong delegates to the Presbytery which meets on Jan to decide the matter Poisoned- About three weeks ago Mr Louis Hanmers cat took a fit and he seized it intending to throw it out the door The cat turnad on him and bit his arm Blood poisoning set in and Mr to Toronto to consult a specialist He has been following medical instructions- but his arm is swollen till it is stiff and the wound breaks out like a running sore every few days Besides this a of spots have broken out on his neck and Lou is having quite a serious time Death of Ifflfc Our readers will regret to learn that Mr Wlidman manager oC the Office Specialty Works has met great affliction in the death of his beloved partner which occurred on Saturday last the re sult of pneumonia following grippe She was in her year and leaves three little boys For the Era County Road System Closing Interesting programs were given by the pupils in Miss room and Miss room on Tuesday afternoon while In Miss room a taffypull was enjoyed The seniors presented Miss Hoi I day who has been teaching during the Model term with a handsome mantle Clock COMMUNICATION MERRY AS Christian S The annual tea of the Christian Sunday School took place on night A delightful program of songs recitations and dialogues was given by the scholars Mr Eves the Superintendent occupying An especially pleasing number was given by little Miss Georgia Mann Candies were distributed to the chil dren and Mr Anus Williams was remembered by his class About the finohof Mrs Emily of Sharon was in town last Saturday in communication with an Era reporter she remarked that her mother has often told her that she remembered distinctly about the hauling of the historic anchor from Toronto to the shore of Soldiers Bay with oxen in the winter of ISIS At that time Ihe family occupied the Wesley farm on St north of the Industrial Home which her grandfather the late John bought from ihe late Wing Rogers in IS07 at an acre- Mrs Anna Dunham Mrs Arthurs mother was born in 1806 and she told her daughter that she remembered when the magazine at Niagara was blown up during the in vasion as the concussion shook all the windows in the houses As usual we are having our regular Tables of Fancy AT and DINNER SETS CHINA TEA SETS TOILET SETS Lamps Lamps Lamps See our new uby Lamp for It Is a handsome small sized use ful Lamp We have them at most any price up to for a Perfect Beauty Grocery We lead always never follow You can depend on the groceries bought here being Just as represented Quality first with us then price as low as possible Our Fruits and Peels and Spices this year are up to the stand ard CHOICE SELECTED VALENCIA RAISINS CHOICE VOSTIZSA CURRANTS ROYAL BUCKINGHAM CLUSTER TABLE RAISINS FINE PULLED FIOS Our Selected at loa lor are trade winners Very fine Orange Lemon Peel at lb a few Boxes Selected in fine condition at So lb They wont last long NICE SWEET We want your trade and our to please will do The Mm Reliable Christmas Market Talk about your Prize Markets They are not in It with our regular Christmas Markets Last Saturday was one of the big gest markets we ever bad One buy- ex paid our nearly and another buyer nearly The prices were the highest ever paid for poultry and eggs in Newmarket Turkeys sold as high as 19c per lb and new laid The ruling prices were as follows Butter to Eggs new laid 2d to packed Dressed chickens and SI Dressed Ducks to pair Dressed geese to lb Pressed turkeys 16 to lb Live chickens to Old bens to Live ducks to g5c Live geese lb Live turkeys to lb Pigeons pair Dressed Hogs to Beei 5 and Hides lb Calfskins to lb Sheepskins to Tallow Potatoes to Apples to per barrel Apples to basket Young pigs to The quantities bought by the are as follows Mr Cook Toronto lbs and pair geese Mr Waldcr Richmond Hill turkeys geese pr ducks 150 chickens A apples bags of potatoes and hogs Mr Bowes turkeys geese 25 ducks chick ens and pigeons Mr Webster W0 lbs turkeys geese and apples Mr Toronto turkeys geese chickens ducks TO lbs butter and dor cot Mr Richmond Hlll60 turkeys geese and chickens Mr turkeys 60 geese chickens W pr ducks lbs nutter doz eggs bags potatoes and barrels apples Mr turkeys and W geese Mr actual count lbs turkey lbs geese pr ducks W chickens lbs butter and eggs On Tuesday there was hilly as large a market as on Saturday but prices were a little easier was the highest Pld or turkeys for geese and for eggs Mr fully another ton of fowl Mr secured turkeys pr ducks and chick ens Mr Aull of Toronto turkeys pr chickens Mr fowl Note Three ago Mr of chickens to Eng land bought on this market and re ceived lie per lb Methodist The School entertainment on Tuesday evening was a great suc cess The school room was packed people being present Trie trees were laden with gilts for the little ones and looked very pretty The program for an impromptu one was excellent and some the little ones deserve special mention namely The Christmas Stocking by Hewitt Rileys Raggedy Man by Annie Thomas and the Telephone Message to Santa by Hi I ma Lloyd When the pastor was giving- a short address old Santa arrived and was greeted with great cheers by the lit tle folks Although assisted four or five others he distribution of presents occupied nearly an hour The Superintendent was the recipient a goldmounted Fountain Pen ac companied by a case finished in white satin and containing a complete writ ing outfit ornamented with sterling silver The gift which was made bv the teachers and officers was appreciated and duly acknowledged The efficient Treasurer Mr J Hughes received a pretty charm for his watfchchain and nearly every teacher in the school was kindly re membered by the pupils in their several classes There were surprises School Entertainment There was a big crowd atffehe school house pa Street South of the Home on Tuesday night and a time is reported Mr P Pearson Newmarket made a splen did chairman The children did their parts well and the music was sup plied by Miss Rogers and Miss Town of also Mr the teacher and brothers Mr was the recipient of a handsome Fruit Basket as a mark of appreciation and esteem and he consented to remain another year- At the close of the program a Box Social took place and everybody enjoyed themselves Try Flanagans lot cheap groceries A couple of Town sports were prac ticing shooting pigeons on the pond last Wednesday and let three birds set away from them Service in St Pauls on Christmas Day will be at am and Spe cial music It is worth while to go down town and see how prettily the store win dows are dressed The farmers are bringing in a lot of grain and pork these days Between and 30 loads timber a are being delivered at the United Factories this -week- A car of live stock was shipped to Toronto on Monday Mr Taylor it is reported that the Potter house on Queen St has been purchased by Mr Oscar Stephens Aurora V Hookey The first hockey match of the sea son was played in the Rink on Tues day evening when the II How- land team winners of the Wholesalers League Toronto last year played against the Talagoos of Newmarket There was a good attendanco sitting room in the gallery being at a premium The visiting team was delayed on the road up and did not get on the ice till after nine oclock When the puck was faced the visitors secured it and after two minutes play landed it in the net The next goal was rather a surprise Doyle got the puck In the faceoil passed It to OHallarn who scored ia sec The third goal was put in by K Doyle in about three minutes The visitors scored the goal their last in the first half The Talagoos settled down to play and simply rained the shots on goal At the end of the first halt the score stood for Newmarket Trivctrt was the only one who decorated the fence In the second half Newmarket be gan if they were going to repeat the score making goals in min utes Then Toronto woke up a little and scored The went to New market and Toronto New market Toronto Score Fred Doyle Trlvett and a Toronto man on the fence There was no very exciting playing only one man the rover doing any thing for the visitors but having no support could not accomplish much The Talagooa had a good line up but they did not expect such a walkover With such a strong team from one In stitution Intermediate and Junior teams ought to have a good showing in their league matches I The point Wills Probated The will of Walter Henry of Aurora who died on December last was probated in the Surrogate Court His property consisted of in Aurora real estate in mortgages 75 in household goods and in cash He bequeaths alt to his wife William Simpson a King farm er leaves an estate valued at comprising household goods live stock book and cash in bank son William Henry and his daughter Fannie he leaves each The residue of hie estate he directs shall be divided among his daughters Mary Adeline Cora and Delia Bea trice The of the late John Proctor farmer of King filed for probate in the Surrogate Court disposes an estate valued at over The will directs that the estate he divid ed among the three sons of the de ceased Nelson Thomas Franklin Ja cob and Walter Proctor who shall out of their respective shares each provide a portion for their mo ther Margaret Proctor Another son Matthew Wesley Proctor also re ceives a small legacy KING CITY Over people assembled at Cross- leys Hall last Friday night many coming long distances to do honor to Hon J Davis who for over has taught a Bible Class in the Methodist School hero The banquet was given to the mem bers and the Sunday School by Mr Davis owing to his contemplated removal to Newmarket Alter a sumptuous repast a program of speeches and music followed Ad dresses were given by Rev J A Rankin a former worker in school and now President of Toronto Conference Mr J Marker of Ham ilton an of the Bible Class Mr Geo the first Su perintendent of the school and Rev Newton Hill pastor Miss Crossle gave some wellrendered so los also Mr Graver Lloyd and Mr George delighted the audience with selections on the trombone There were also patriotic songs by the children the Sunday School A pleasing feature of the occasion was the presentation by the school to Mr Davis of a handsome goldheaded cane by Mr Kennedy station agent accompanied by an address read by Mr John McDonald of School expressing their appreciation of his past services and sincere re gret felt as a school at the loss sus tained by his removal from the vicin ity to a very suitable reply was made by Mr Davis expressing Ms sorrow at having to sever his connection with the school One of walla of a Brooklyn armory fell Wiling three and injuring several workmen Fred Doyle cover Frank Doyle Shrcoc Count v Council decided to ver It forwards discharge John Ross keeper of Doyle House of Refuge at owing to Referee Dr Clark Timekeeper complaints his treatment of the In- mates County Road System In my opinion the important question that come before the municipal electors of the county on Jan to Aybolnfnyer of a County Road System Under he provisions of Chap Edward Gov- eminent sot aside the sum of for improving highways County of York an the Metro politan County of the Province has ever been a source from which very large have been drawn an nually to open up improve and rtst In developing not the new loads of but also and other public- work both Pro vincial and and In conse quence of Us geographical position not received nor has required very much assistance for public Im provements other than- high ways Province is fast being or its timber lands from sale of which and mineral lands and largo revenue le now being derived The County Is not blessed with too many good high ways should we not accept back some of money acquired from tho sale of properties which hare been enhanced by expending our money on to develop recited Act the County Council with the assistance of from local municipalities In county formu lated a System of Roads and passed a bylaw designating such a System of County In con formity with the Act and forwarded copied of same to the several Township Councils for their approval or disapproval More than one- third of local Councils disap proved of tho designation and then necessary for ua take a vote the ratepayers of the whole County qualified to vote on money upon the question as laid down In aforesaid Act Are you in favor of a system of County Roads which the Council decided to do on January next Act provides that Councils of Townships who not satisfied with tho roads in the by law may have selection of roads lu their respective municipalities set tled by ration under Municipal Arbitrations Act c that If voting bo fa municipalities affected by the bylaw need not accept Countys designation bar may adopt such roada as can bo mutually agreed upon or settled by arbitration It Is to debentures for or ex tended over a period of thirty years bearing per cent of which sum the will repay tho County back onethird of all sums properly expanded in construction of roads under the said as fast as tho same la completed to tho satisfaction of Department of Province municipalities affected by the System namely Cast Whitchurch King York and are equalized for County pur poses at The total amount required to repay In thirty years with Interest at three and one-half- per cent Is an annual sum of making annual tax on a assessment of twentythree cents ninety- six hundredths of a cent that a farm at would pay an annual tax of than towards a sys tem of good roads and after first year as soon aa completed ho would receive a rebate of onethird or cents his assessment provisions of the County bylaw no municipality be In jured It provides that a sum equal to annual amount levied In each municipality must year be expended In municipality It may be argued Why not let Government tho grants each local municipality an- awar Is Within the County there are eight municipalities affected if of thorn placed under ono management the system will be uni form and oik set of road making machinery will suffice for tho whole County every municipal man well knows that It la loss ox to oversee got of men than eight The pro vides that along the System of tho labor may be commuted and tho money expended by the Township Counoll to roada outside of the System Wo need Improvements not only In our roads but In many In In oar system of Improving hem If thn say Wo MERRY M New Nuts i Mixed Nuts lbs Walnuts lbs Filberts Almond Nuts per lb Brazils per lb lSc Pecans per lb I New Oranges Good Oranges per Florida Oranges to 30a Sweet Mexicans to dor- California Navels to CANIE8 Cream Candy and per lb Chocolate Drops and 20c per lb Gum Drops per lb Peppermints per lb 15a Conversation per lb Walnut Chocolate Drops per lb Candy Images from to Santa Stockings 10c each Butter Cups per lb Mixed Candies at Lowest Possible Prices Eating Figs 10 to per lb Cooking Figs per lb Layer Raisins per lb Seeded package Nice New Raisins per lb Choice New Cleaned Currants lbs for Mixed Peels per lb Lemon and Orange Feel lbs Dates to per lb Game Ping Pong for Malaga Grapes lbs Cranberries 25c Pure by the Pail A lbs Sugar for 1 with your Order Wo import our own Oysters direct The Best Obtainable GIVE US A call WE ARE THE LEADERS IN GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES A MERRY TO ALL proving their roads shall wo their Copies of the bylaw muni cipalities now ready and will bo distributed among electors In a day or two In voting remember that If yon not satisfied with tho roada designated by County by law your Township Council can them J Woodcock Co Councillor for No York Newmarket Dec i Touan Council Regular meeting Council Mayor in the chair Mem bers present Messrs Robertson Lloyd Smith and Accounts were ordered to be paid as follows David Lloyd portage ace lor Grand Trunk on on Express on boxes sup- putting in no Blacksmith ace Peter snow cleaning Peter Austrian cleaning boiler OHearn snow cleaning P J Anderson ticket to To- child J W assisting elec trician e The Packard Electric Co sup plies Account Smith for ing was to the Inspector to bo paid if found correct Communication of Co ro their lights was referred to the Com The sum of two dollars was passed to be paid Col Lloyd or expenses to Mr re Gordon Carried Council adjourned 5 i J E RT ON Y TIME will If you Shorthand and Typewriting AT J Y M A BUILDING TORONTO ONTARIO right to teach Famous Gregg In Toron to- also teach all commercial Bettor Information Torm Jon J Chartered Accountant We Good General Stnut Wanted Highest wages Apply to Mrs J Davis King Town Carting All orders lor carting will be promptly attended to Moving a Good bus kept tot tare HUNTER Reel of School Newmarket Hello Santa Glaus Call and inspect our stock Can dles Oranges Pigs Table Raisins Dates etc loading up elsewhere We have Finest stock In town Peanuts Almonds Filberts St Wal nuts per lb Mixed Candies lbs for Good Cream Candles lbs for Perrins Chocolates to lb Malaga Grapes per Oranges doz for Navel Oranges doz Fine Huge Lemons do Christmas Stockings each Finest Select Raisins 3 for Freeh Trout Salt Trout Ciacoes A addle Finest Standard Oysters Homemade Sausage lb 10c per lb feel Unit the frontier count low whose rondo this Province what Cranberries per bo hi For DURABLE ROOFING BEE PHILLIPS NEWMARKET Aent for Careys Magnesia Flexible Cement Roofing IF YOU WANT TO SEE Stratton and Gamey together call fit Livery from are unit but alow only thluvf Hearty walking and over- and frlghteua ibcu Is on tbe road Our may and thin but that aint our fault We didnt them with good limed but for buggies you must pay more GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Dally tor Wharf connecting with boats for points on Lakes North Bay and am Dally except Sunday for wood Orlllia Wharf pm Dally for North Day and points In Canadian Northwest pm Dairy except Sunday for Allandale Meaford and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Da Huntevltte Wharf and am Daily except Sunday from and Barrio pm Daily from In NorthWest North Bay and Bar Dally except Sunday from tie and I SSfiii 1 Of J i

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