Newmarket Era, 25 Dec 1903, p. 8

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I THE ERA FRIDAY DEC is around Hie Hot WIDEAWAKE COR- TO RECORD few Miss Smith 1- Tt direr diet without air to breathe The consumptive dies without to the air or of rendered incapable of one our breathing by disease The blood teachers has handed her it flows in and the lungs resignation to the Hoard of Indicate the consumptives pro- and intends to teach at- after grew As the longs grow weaker Christmas vacation The las Dougherty farm was in Saturday to of for the farm acres is situated just out side the village limits and is a de sirable property in every a oxygen inhaled and the blood change from scarlet to pur ple Oxygen it the life of the blood as the blood is the life of the body The effect of Dr Pierces Gold en Medical Discovery upon weak lungs is to strengthen them to en able the full oxygenation of the blood arrest the progress of dis ease and heat the inflamed tis sues Lung diseases have been and are being cured Medical Discovery in cases where deepseated cough frequent hemor rhage emaciation weak ness and night sweats have all pointed to a fatal termination by con sumption Some years I was a victim Of that dread disease con writes Mr cbas P or Sitka White Co STai to my room for several months Bay friend eight or had given hope my until day a advised to Dr Pierces Golden Medic rand after I had taken the contents of the bottle I began After J was I honestly believe from the ayave entirely cured I am now a and hearty nun Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated Impurities Fire Inquest Dec inquest to determine he origin a nUjnUr fires which Have occurred hero rtvtnily and are bettered to have been work of was resumed today having been re journed Dec in order proline Nothing convict wan faroulit our although eighteen new witnesses Were ami the probability is thai the investigation will he dropped un less the Crown is able t secure nine incriminating evidence tit parties The inquest has adjourned for a month Council at Suttons Hotel Tuesday Dec Council met thorn on Members all present Reeve in the chair Minutes last meet ing read and continual- The following bills were ordered to be paid Joseph Billings salary Dr medical attend ance Wood Dr medical attend ance Paddy Pat ton Joel Edwards Sanitary tor King yds gravel John road work Win services as of Bill rep to bridge lumber services as i White road work John road work John rep to bridge J- Wells drawing gravel I- road work telephoning c Joel rep to bridge J Walton Cr Davis road work fc Hon rep Machine Dr Rev been For Profit Every Farmer should keep these three words constantly in mind and conduct his farm on strict business Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and uptodate far mers By reading The Weekly Suv the Farmers Business Paper you will get the very latest and most accurate in formation regarding your bust- J Suns market reports are worth many times the sub scription price to you Every Parmer in Canada should realize the full value of the service Sun has ren dered him in a public way It was due to the action of Tub Sun in giving voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relating to cattle guards drainage across rail ways and farm fires caused by railway locomotives has been amended We will send The Weekly Sun from now to 1st January in combination with The Era for Subscribe How Samples or the Asking to the illness and draft of his was a Washington has from the circuit lor a few the at Clinton The was years of age Aid met at the of Mrs J There good attendance Mr Mrs Luke Jordan of India Head are visiting relatives and friends here The concert in the school house on the the was a decid ed success There was a large at tendance and splendid program Pro ceeds Miss Irwin and her brother en a couple of weeks with relatives at Mr and Mrs Frank Hancock spent Saturday with relatives near viiie The snow is quite deep here with sleighing The oldest in habitant does not remember to have seen cold Weather at this if the year si 15 ttt t 15 7 fit to IK 1 to 50 J El i IV is J Law several CO IS When You Need was opened on to the delight of lately Frank- Cook tame home from night The Skating rink Saturday night last he young popple Mrs- Fred has been to for the past ten days bedside her motlier who died on Saturday ami was buried at Miss Edith returned from the West after an absence of over a year The ilr preached the missionary anniversary on Sunday afternoon and gave a most splendid discussion after which was subscribe and collectors ap pointed Mr Pickerings son Walter about ii years of age who was work ing at Eatons store in Toronto died on Saturday evening from diphtheria and the remains were brought here on Sunday for interment On account of it being a disease remains had to he driven all the way from the city J J Pearson certificate J J Jenkins postage express ft shoveling Webb road work Porter road work J Curtis rep to bridge Lemon road wot use of Hail for Council meetings Walton typewriting Ac re Webb services as 15 II Legge services as of it W Lark in services Phone Arm it age as Councillor Phone Leggc services as Phone Alex services as Councillor Phone Phillips Lark ill Thai the follow ing claims he paid being two- thirds value same John Hoys damages to sheep 2AHI James White 1531 SW Mar shall Win Ihiys Stephen Leonard Nor man Walker 2H1 William Phillips That the following Sheep Valuators be paid the sum op posite their respective names Hugh OBrien 200 George Hill James Pearson Phillips MacMurchy That the fol lowing persons he paid the sums op posite their respective names for the erection wire fences on the High way Samuel Charles Armitage6i0t a no O4J o Phone No town and get the best STREET QUlettefl Supplemental Chambers to cheap P Pistol ridges in rifles save dollars In am munition CO Toronto Oflicial returns an In the Canadian canal of tons of freight and in the American canal a decrease of 2M100 tons as a in point The Band Dr iSahes Kidney and Cough r JKlflrul ort KlVi r aiti klxa 1 J itptJI it TL oi I M4klu If Ktuf it Mr James J Wilsons little boy had his arm broken while playing at school one day last week In response to the annual appeal of most deserving institution Tbellospital for Sick Children To ronto the pupils of the Public responded very generously by con tributing 1533- The Regiment Hand concert Thursday night of last week was a most affair both of attendance and merit cleared HO file special religious services which hate been conducted by a number of students from University Toronto here for the past two weeks closed on Tuesday evening During the services about persons signi fied their intention of leading a bet ter life On Saturday night a number of the business men this place met In the Masonic Hall and presented Mr McCraw formerly agent for the Grand Trunk here but who wan removed to Newmarket with a flat tering address accompanied by handsome easy chair as a token of the high esteem in which Mr was held while agent lor the company here The Mayor acted as chairman and Mr D A manager of the Ontario Hank read the address and made resent at ion Congratulatory speeches made by Messrs Ill Underbill and others Mr replied In a suitable manner Banner Phillips That the tender of for Printing copies of ByLaws be accepted Larkin the be and is hereby instructed to pay John sum of he J an Is dec and all papers for purchased fey the Council MacMurchy That Mr le paid the sum of and Mr James Pearson be paid the sum of inspecting wire That the fol lowing persons be the amounts opposite tbeic respective names being wrongfully assessed or having- performed Statute labor Isabella Jennings Wells the IVeas be and is instructed to J Wells and Joel Col lectors each on ac count i On of at day of Dec at oclock am confirm the i Jaimanae The Rev R Hicks Almanac for is now ready it will be mailed to any address for 30 cents surprising how such an cms book can be sent prepaid cheap ly No family or person is prepared to study heavens or the and weather in 1901 this Hicks Almanac and Prof Hicks splendid paper Word and Works Both are sent lor dollar a year Word and is the best American Li Hicks Almanac it is too well known to need further Few men have labored more faithfully lor the public good or a warmer place in thc hearts of the people Send orders to Word and Worts Publishing Co Lo cust St St Louis Mo Bits of Young man said the professor as he grabbed a frisky young junior by the shoulder I believe Satan has got hold of you believe he has was reply Mrs Harrow Our neighbors tery shiftless people Mr How do you know Jlrs When io over to borrow they have it And why asked the should we respect the ajcd its generally the old what has all the Robbie plied of the host on nobody llstfncd and It was a relief when dinner was announced- Understood that dinner was to bo of the Christmas and there a roast of of following an flsh wooden tray Two raonatrous turkey and a chicken pie filled the table with the yegtttbles and such astplclef etc Every thine was pot en to gether save the wero and pure water for the Turk and Pr8lan At last everybody seated was well done by three men the big hotel ThoGreeko Armenians bad come to dinner and they did full justice to It The rest of the guests were more circumspect or bad appetites The amount of bread they consumed was astounding The Persian ambassador of honor with opposite The waff an orthodox Turk of old school pasha the same hut he was In some ways not strict in he took a tittle wine first bunker pitted the wine to tongues and one would have oneself In Jests and couplets were made passed back and forth In all the thir teen languages spoken The dinner lasted nearly three The dessert consisted of a treat plum pudding covered with blazing rum and several fine mince pics The Turka seemed an instinctive fear of a pudding Satanic blue and took tut nee pie bo much of Turkish cookery la based on minced meats the thought mince plea were safe The Greeks and Armenians managed pie and fruits and ate with a good coining appetite everything offered Then came coffee and cigars and ladles went back upstairs Mr had his cue to bring the gentlemen all up as he could that they might have Christmas games They bad become a little more sociable among themselves but as soon as they were back among the women different elements arated again Into tbelr component parts and it was desperate work to get them Interested In Enapdragon Turks seemed to fear the flames of al cohol and would not even try to pull out the plums Finally one of the Greeks Bang one of native seesaw caterwauling after that the games were given la favor of an impromptu dance The Persian and the Turks THE GREAT yftg sick Toronto It or Every Child In Ontario Who Cannot Afford to Pay For A CHRISTMAS DINNER IN CONSTANTINOPLE lit A Dont forget the old man with the fish on his back For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world and is still traveling bringing health and comfort wherever he goes To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs To all weak and sickly children gives rich and strengthening food To thin and persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own He stands for Scotts Emul sion of pure cod liver oil a delightful food and a natural tonic for children for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength SCOTT Toronto Ontario and all A The wife of proprietor of tho Levant Times In Constantinople Mrs wishing not long ago to show to some of the inhabitants of that what an old fashioned Eng lish Christmas was like and Incidental ly to cement valuable friendships for her husband In certain Influential quar ters sent out for fifty per sons There was a curious mingling of nationalities in the responding Greek Turkish French Ar menian Russian American Spanish Hebrew German Italian Al banian and one Japanese Possibly there may have been more nationalities represented but only thirteen different were Mr house was situat ed In directly opposite the of Pasha As the guests arrived on horseback a few on foot a few In coupes but more In sedan faces of the women In the opposite could be faintly seen against the kafasa for Pasha was one of the guests and of wives could accompany him was another There were two Hebrew bank direct ors the Persian ambassador and the Japanese consul house was built originally for a Turkish residence and three rooms were decorated with boll and mistle toe brought all the way from England The Greek and Armenian ladles were richly dressed In heavy silks and vel vets under their fur lined wraps They wore a profusion of Jewels of barbaric design These ladles riot In bright colors and dazzling effects this occa sion were painted red and white and had their eyebrows blackened other ladles handsomely dressed but It remained for the two Jewish to exhibit tine diamonds in ex travagant numbers In sucb a mixed assemblage It wan Impossible to establish anything like sociability the poor hostess grew haggard with the effort Turks looked with preternatural gravity nod bowed with exceeding The Persian ambassador might have been a wooden Image for all the expression on The Albanian Blood in In solitary grandeur bis stiffly starched fustanelle standing out like a ballet dancers skirt Japanese consul smiled and bowed right and left with praiseworthy Impartiality The Eng lishmen stood In a group While the tireck and Armenian got and were with ani mation while the word fell from tbelr lips as If money was only worth Spanish Italian and German gen tlemen paid strict attention to the la dles who sat in the two upper parlors The Hospital for Children Toronto is but a local It it child from any part of par cannot pay for treatment has 1 he same sin- dip Kama privileged as Toronto within its walls This in the reason Trustees eal 10 fathers and mothers On tario for their money jroe but to help the so the miroy con go rait to help children This is thc yeai the Hospitals life The story of years is wonder ful out for in that period 1 children have la over ami Itltll iijiprovl jtst there were SOS ami In its ts of tliesc 193 were cured mid improved Mcturc of flub feet be fore mid after of money mercy to Your money by some mothers and wealth You give o the And the Hospital to he children Corporation of City gives far raatn of Wiry child whether from or country The- citizen of Toronto iboui year tuwRrds ill a i every in be Hospital whether or country IK ksjiivb Toronto Iocs its in the poil work and the Trustees ask do of Ontario hoi from Of patients of Toronto In thrvo the from liferent of Ontario not average third of the entire number In fiix years 1410 outside ircntctt and years Mist they will average a year The average of every patient I he cost day A or two means a lot of money out of your pocket but it a load of misery out of litil life Kay gives results A came in one left one a perfect See what llio hand of does the crippled children of Ontario kindly limped the Hospital ing our There Cots ami md the country nre placed io by men pictures of and They tell their surely you will help us in this good work If dollar could the icl of a little or girl with clubfeet would gludlv give It and your dollar Will to do thnt oil the handicap of give children a start in the race of life Twenty children who entie in clubfeet home year There arc many In Hospital today rentmrnt ysUi If you know toot or y of AITCK child the club fiKraitK Money kept from the Hospital is mercy fcept from the children tick send hi I the Hospital Send your contributions or to of the Hospital foe Sick Children Street Toronto jiarenis name to ip I Offer to the Sick A TRIAL LOCUM Lung Specialist To Every Sufferer with Consumption Catarrh Bronchitis La Grippe Pulmonary and Bronchial Troubles If you have any of following symptoms it that the germs of consumption are in Accept Dr generous offer IN TAB AGES Are your weak Do you Cough Do you have In the cheat Do you up your throat aore and Inflamed Is your appetite bad Do you have night swesta Are you losing flesh Are you pale thin and weak Do you have rinsing in the Do you have hot flashes Is there dropping in the throat Is the nose dry and stuffy Have you a coated tongue looked on gravely while the rest danced maintained Impassible grav ity until signi fied that be wanted to go home He was IN Ho had secure la his belief of the Innocence of the pie eaten three big pieces and the crust was short ened with fat of the unutterable flwhl His departure broke up party Not one of them had understood any thing of the object lesson on an Christmas In spite of the lan guages spoken The poor hostess hair turned white night find next week her newspaper type was distributed Bosporus was the press censor GLADYS Cnll your disease what you will these symptoms indicate that you have in your body the seed of the most dangerous of maladies In order to let all people know the marvellous power of his system of treatment Dr locum has decided to give free lo all sufferers as a test his free trial treatment WEEKS TRIAL OF DR SLOCUHS SYSTEM OF TREATMENT FREE Nothing could be more reasonable more generous than Dr Sloctima offer The System has cured thousands and tens of thousands of cases of in all of the disease A system of that accomplishes more than any one can ever accomplish A system of complete medicinal and tonic food treatment that destroys and eliminates all germs and poison front the system and assists nature in building up healthy lung and body two essential functions for a permanent Accept Dr offer to day and cure borne among Simply write Dr A Limited 179 King Street West Toronto Canada mention your druggists name and state your post and express offices and you wilt receive treatment promptly by express- Mention this paper Pffli Farm for Sale You can hardly find a home without Its Cherry Pectoral Parents know what it does for children breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold in a single night wards off bronchitis prevents pneumonia Physicians ad vise pa rents to keep Hon hand JIM for J C Throat pais old tho the approbated the rala Being lot con 3 and consisting of cultivation and with and farm is situated about miles from Newmarket and is convenient to both church and school house On there are a good bank barn with stone foundation and stabling cattle and horses a good brick- clad bouse with brick Klteben and frame woodshed a good well at the bouse a never failing spring creek a young orchard coming into bearing and plenty fruit The farm Is well fenced and the 6ol is a good clay loam and In good siate of cultivation Plowing will be done this Fall and wheat given 1st of April Easy terms can be given if desired For apply to AHMSTKONO on premises or thru Newmarket P Money Wanted wanted at once security on town property inquire at Era office or Andrew Hunter coo- about j tractor and builder at acres timber- market Farm for Sale acres Soil of rica clay and loam in excellent cultivation watered jrood buildings kind farm to raake money on from ftrot- RUSSELL Aurora Steer Estray Came upon Lot 3rd Concession North about September first a steer coming two years old Owner must prove property pay and take II away WILLIAM A a

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