Newmarket Era, 1 Jan 1904, p. 2

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h THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Sleeting of the legislature is made that Ontario Legislature will meet for despatch of business on Thursday day of January Three riections have taken place since last session and although two of these result in the return of members op posed to administration it does not follow by any means that the EDITORIAL NOTES It must grate pretty on Mr J P ear to have the Ontario Opposition press shouting out Good boy Bob tie man from are the big men in Conservative just now The announcement is made that Hon Mr Blair has resigned his seatJ far St John and been appointed Government has lost tho confidence chairman Railway Commis sion also that Mr J Leonard who has resigned the position of As sistant General Manager of the will be appointed a member of Commission Board Province At same time it does appear seemly that tbe Premier should lose no time in placing in the bands tho Legislature to which under our system of con stitutional government he is directly amvoable Opposition press is critcizing Government lor calling the House tor business on above date on the that it will necessarily post pone trial of pending byeelection protests but leading Liberals retort that this is purely a grievance For months past Conservatives have simply marking time with these protests so that at the last they The House was prorogued last March and h they have bad six months harp upon just such an excuse to proceed but have done nothing but fish for evidence Election The Conservatives have been waffl ing a desperate attempt to question Hon J Davis regarding the gen eral election of May 1902 in connec tion with their protest but on Mon day Mr Osier decided that Mr Da vis need not answer any questions re lating to said election unless the same had a bearing on the last This settles it- It is an old saying that a horse race and an election are uncertain and the contest in North Renfrew last week furnishes another illustra tion At the general election eigh teen months ago Riding was car ried for the Liberals by a majority of but on Saturday last Mr the Conservative nominee was returned by over Mr Hale tbe Liberal candidate This extra ordinary change is being proclaimed by Opposition organs as a condemna tion of the Ross Administration but reliable men who took an active part in the campaign state tlat nothing could be farther from the truth The record the one way or the other had previous little to It is given out at the Crown Lands Department this week that the Gov ernment had received J SCO as the first instalment the lumber men who purchased timber limits at the recent sale Mr Ross Account ant of tho Crown Lands Department slates that this is in excess the amount required under the terms sale as some purchasers paid up in full this week Rev Dr John Putts President Rev Shearer Secretary of the Lords Day Alli ance are in Ottawa to interview the Minister of Customs an I the Minister of Justice legislation next session Parliament to secure the thorough observance Sunday as a day of rest throughout the whole Do minion The Privy in has given a decision that legis lation of this character belongs to the Dominion Parliament instead the Local Legislature Over the longdistance telephone the Toronto Telegram made the following enquiry after the Renfrew election of Mr J P Whitney You never held aloof in Any way from Mr I Back came this reply I ton sec where there exists do ground lor such a question The Oar Society Column In determining the result the turn over being largely attributable to the persona influence and popularity of the successful candidate rather i to any change in the political sentiments of the people Mr Dun- lop himself was so conscious of this- fact that in his speech at Pembroke where returns of the polling were re ceived took occasion to thank the Liberals who had supported him and to caution his Conservative friends against unseemly remarks calculate to antagonize many warm personal Liberal who had helped to rnake his candidature a success The past political history of North Renfrew ever since Confederation has been more noted lor changing its allegiance from one side to the other fhan nay other constituency in the Province In the realm Federal politics it has usually returned Con servatives but lor the Legislature more than half the time it has elect Liberals difference in the personal strength the candidate appears to have much to do in determining the result In this respect as a Toronto observes the electors of North Renfrew seem to bank more on per sonal friendships than on party poli tics Mr the member eiect is a man well known through out toe length and breadth constituency and personally popular with the people while on the other hand Mr Hate is quite a type of a man in this respectsenjoys only a limited personal acquaintance in the constituency and is to a large extent without platform experience difference between the respective men is said to have largely contribut ed to the Liberal slump on polling day Wednesdays despatches from Pembroke state that the Liberals of Renfrew have already decided to protect Mr election Bribery and corruption will be tbe principal grounds of which It is said evidence be found in every part of toe Riding Eight teats in legislature are now under protest Scant of Rapids Mich is here on a her Mrs Hewitt Mr Forbes of Whitby Collegiate formerly of Newmarket Staff was catting on friends town this week Mr and Mrs Ewers of Bolton and Ewers St Christmas with Mrs St Mr Joe Billings after spending six in Dakota is here on ft hol iday trip He nan his him He well Tie inland returns for past fecal year show that the con sumption of spirits Is increasing In Canada while that of beer is falling off answer is lawyer like he neither de nies or admits Reading between the lines it is clear Mr Whitney is pre pared to accept ail the advantages Mr Carney may bring to him but he evidently dont his Company Sir Richard has a written intimation to his constituents in South Oxford that it is not his in tention to seek reelection in that Riding In consequence being af flicted with rheumatism he finds it impossible to devote the time and attention to a constituency so remote from the capital he considers desir able A press despatch from Ottawa intimates that Sir Richard will seek a representative seat for one of the districts in Eastern Ontario as he has no retiring from Par liament Old Santa down in Renfrew seems to have made a mistake and dropped down the chimney Co however think otherwise By the way isnt the time up for a in the leader ship of the Opposition Bob stands good chance for first place with the MPI from North Toron to a Things are working lovely says the Mail and Empire and the anchor still holds a place at Holland Park Fruit dealers are making quite a fuss because they are not represented on the Railway Commission Thev heartily endorse the action of the Gov ernment in nominating men to keep the railways up to time as regards and to correct Ireight griev ances but consider a fruit dealer and exporter should have a place on Hie board This is all very fine but the same may be said of every class of produce exporters of country fruit men should re- that are not the only pebbles on tbe beach This how ever may not prevent them from their interests before the commission and thereby have any ac tual grievance An Associated Press despatch dated London Dec states that Mr An drew MPP for North Ox- lord died the day previous under painful circumstances For some days he had been In a nervous and more or lees excited over the Engl ion press his speech of a few days before On morning he awoke gasping for breath as though be had heart trouble After taking a of med icine he felt better and went to sleep- in the morning going to his room his nephew found the door locked aM Mr dead in side with throat cut by a razor Deceased was elected tor North ford as successor to Sir Oliver in and his death an other vacancy in the Legislator Elder expected In town last night to complete arrange ments for accepting the pastorate of the Christian Church here on tho 1st of July next Mr Oscar Pretty and wife were here for Christmas Mr Frank of Detroit was home for Christmas Mr Chas Case spent Christmas holidays in the city Miss Walsh of Peterboro is visit ing in lown this week Miss Clara of Preston was home lor Christmas Mr John Kennedy of was home for Christmas Miss Maud Adams was the of Miss over Sunday Mr Frank Sutherland got home Ottawa for Christmas Mr Lloyd spent his holidays with Bert West Mr Hunter of spent Tues day in town calling on friends Mr Howard Cane spent Sunday with Mr Aubrey Davis at King Miss the Misses of Toronto were home for Christmas Miss of Chicago was a guest at Tarry All over Sun day Mr Ernest Hughes of Fort William is home for Christmas Christmas festivities brought Mr Harold Brunton home from the North- West Mrs Fleming Toronto is in a few days at Mr Lambert Pear- suns Mr Lehman and wife of Toronto were home for Christmas hol idays Mr Robert and family spent Christmas with relatives in lord town Dr and Mrs Richardson enter tained some voting people on Wednes day evening- Mr and Airs Belfry of spent Christmas with their son Mr Belfry Miss one of the stenogra phers at Canes Factory was home for Christmas Mr of join ed the gathering at his lathers on Christmas Day The Misses of Toronto four of them are hare for New Years holidays Mr A and family spent Christmas with Mrs par- wits at Port Miss Mamie Millard came home for Christmas spending three months in Toronto A number of Young people were entertained at Lawyer Robertsons on Tuesday evening The many friends of Mr Little will be glad to hear that he is improving nicely Miss Crawford Toronto spent Christmas with her college chum Miss Jessie Mr Percy of Toronto spent Christmas holidays with his uncle Mr Webb Mr Armitage of Man writes We should not like to do without the Era Mr David Little of Mich is spending the holidays with his brother Mr Little Mr W of Toronto and Miss Van were visiting with Mrs over the holidays Miss Helena of Roches ter is spending Christmas hol idays with old friends in town J Stokes was in Town on Tuesday He takes the of the Home on Monday Miss Anna Miss and the Misses To ronto were home for Christmas Messrs Arthur and Karl Oliver of Toronto were home tor Christmas holidays also Mr Walter Mr of and his brother Mr A of were home for Mr Clarence May got back from the North- West on Thursday of last alter an of four months Messrs Schmidt Knopf and of the Office Specialty Works spent holidays at Chester Mr and Mrs J T Craig of Sandhill spent part Christmas holidays with Mr and Mrs A Coombs Messrs Will and Stanley Brock also Misses Mary and Lucy Brock of Toronto were home tor Christinas holidays Mr Cecil and Mr Alva with the Canada Paper Co at St Francis Mills were home for Christmas Miss Ada Lehman who has been teaching at was for Christmas also Miss Nettle of Toronto All tbe children and grandchil dren of Mr John Rogers were home for except Conductor Jon athan Rogers Mr Bert Cane and his aunt Marrow Toronto spent Christina at Betfoy homo Mr Mrs Cane Rev A J Pant Grand Prelate of toe Canadian Order of Chosen Friends was in town last week and paid an official visit to Newmarket Council No if Messrs Frank and Cowjeson of Moose Jaw came here with their parents to spend Christmas holidays with old friends Mr Jack Taylor of the Dental College Toronto spent the holiday season with his sister Mrs Hunter in Town Mrs Clark and Miss Clark returned to Barrie on Monday after spending a two weeks visit with Mrs Dr Clark Mr J Wright of Louis Mo spent Christmas holidays with his father t and gave the Era a call on his way home Mr Geo Davison and wile Barrio also Mr Davison and wife of spent Christmas at the homestead on Niagara St Miss Nellie Halladay after going to Acton declined to accept the posi tion there and took one on the Public School at instead Mr and Mrs the Patent Ottawa was in Town on Saturday having spent Christmas with his parents in King The Irwin of Detroit form erly of Sharon came over to attend the funeral of late Mrs Irwin and are spending a week with their parr Mr A New York Miss Mabel Miller and Mr Mil ler Toronto were Mrs guests at over Christ mas Mr and Mrs JI- Griffith Of Wes ton Airs and children also Mr of Toronto spent week with Mrs John Raven- shoe Mrs Walker Morton of Newmar ket and Mrs Fred of are spending the holidays with their sister Mrs Robert of Out I Mr J of the I villa Tribune accompanied by his cousin Miss Net a Wells visited at Mr P A milages on Sunday Miss Wells is staying for a week with friends around here Mr and Mrs W Joan of To ronto were in town on Tuesday on their way to spend a days with her lather Mr David of East who is one of the few remaining pioneers die Township in his year Miss Lloyd of Chicago is spending the holidays with her uncle Col Lloyd also Mr and Mrs Lloyd of Toronto are expected for New Years Day Mr Carl Lloyd tuner for the Co at Toronto Junction is also home for the holidays Mr and Mrs Martin St entertained the members of the Christian Church Choir to a delightful supper last Tuesday even ing The young folks report having a jolly time and say Mr and Mrs certainly know how to make their guests enjoy themselves A family gathering took place the residence of Mr J Brodie on Christmas Day and those from a dis tance were Mr J Montgomery also Mr and Mrs A and children of Sudbury Mr- J Montgomery also Mr and Mrs Montgomery and child of Toronto There were 23 took dinner and tea Mr Walter J Armitage writes from as We have plenty ol snow and good sleigh ing Owing to the dry fall water is very scarce causing the famous very scarce causing the Armors much trouble with their dairy cattle and other stock Cheese being a good price this summer times are good in these parts Hie following from ml in Newmarket Mr John War ren and wife Miss Kuan Miss Gertie Muir Messrs James Hodge Will Mosier Art Wilson Harold Hughes Bert Willis Waitc Clar ence ICves and friend Joe Warren Geo Ironside Wes Osborne the brothers Tlie genial countenance of Mr J IS a former popular manag er of the Ontario Bank in this town to be seen again on our streets His holiday is all the more cordial as bo has but re cently recovered from a protracted 111- ness Mr is using his ability with renewed vigor on behalf of the Canada Life Assurance Co and as heretofore his efforts are meeting with marked success f WEEKLY NEWMARKET STORE NEWS AND Following our usual custom we will devote the Month of January to White Goods selling We want to make this one of the most successful sales in the history of our business Commencing on Saturday morning Jan uary 2nd will offer Big Bargains in Seasonable White Wear Sheetings and Pillow Cottons At old prices which means a saving of per cent- White Cottons and Lonsdale Cambrics Fully 15 per cent less than usual prices I Table per cent less than regular prices Towels and Towelling Bought at Special prices and will be sold away down low Flannelettes and at a saving of 15 per cent THE LEADING if- Mrs gave a oclock boa on Wednesday I Mr Will Armitage of Toronto spent Christmas with parents Mr and Mrs Louis Armitage Mr Moore ard daughter of spent Christmas at Strath- and are visiting relatives in and vfcin a tew days The At Mown on Dec to Mr and Mrs Henry a daughter At Dec to Key and Mrs a son The the resi dence brides father on Dec by It J Simp son Mr Victor Thompson of Alberta to Miss Li lian of Holland Landing WHAN At by toe Rev B Chestnut Mr Henry North to Miss Jennie Whan of lenient School Opening January 1904 Furniture Undertaking House You can your Cheap For Cash Till January 1st Velour Parlor worth for Bedroom Suites worth lor Couches worth for All other kind of At Reduced A Nice Lino of and A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John Millard w phone and of December at the Metho- dffft parsonage by Rev Geo Brown Edward to Mary Net tle eldest daughter Mr Mack- lem all tie village of Tomb King on Dec Infant daughter of At Industrial Home on Deo Elista from North years on Deo Margaret widow of John Barry formerly of T PENCILS XT BOOK EXERCISE PENS Holland Linen Note Paper Cream Marlborough Linen All three are elegant ami now See them when buying your stationery FASHIONSSHEETS ON APPLICATION Some Books Games Toys and Suitable Gifts for S S Entertainments at prices to clean out and Fruit Oranges Currants Lemons Raisins Grapes Figs GROCERY SPECIALS S A MAW ST NO NEWMARKET Orders will receive and Prompt Attenfloji a I- It 4t It Ik Tins Pink Salmon for lb Tin Baking Powder Laundry Soap bars for lbs for a lb Tin Beauty Pears lb Tin Pie Peicheo Pure Lard by the A Good Cotton fresh ground AD OAK PASTRY Central telephone

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