Newmarket Era, 1 Jan 1904, p. 6

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i- to Loan at C DAVIDSON Notary Mount Albert Ontario I haven cumber of good farms at on real CHRISTMAS I Jersey Grades for Sale from months to also pear old have been bred Freeh Cows For further particulars STOKES Mount Albert apply to Buggies Repairing and Prices moderate J COOK Mount Albert Livery Stable in connection Dp Clank Halo COAL Stone and nut coal for sale at per ton delivered Highest price paid for ail kinds of grain and seeds SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT not All this No You can save money by buying your Furniture at the PL SIM Furniture Store A LARGER STOCK AN EVER OF Bedroom and Parlor Extension and Parlor Coaches and Fancy We are also agents for Pillow Sham Holders nod the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture a- Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered Id quantity ALLAN THE MARKET The attendance was fairly good at the market on Tuesday Prices as follows butter to eggs to chickens to ducks to turkeys We wish our many tends and readers the Era a loppy and pros perous New Year Today is the first day the first leapyear for eight tears No doubt many of the fair sex have been pa tiently waiting for it will delay their proposals intended for the i of branch should be in writing tender necessarily accepted forget the entertainment in the Methodist Church Fri day On Wednesday Dec a very important and pleasant event took place at the home of Mr Eli when his only daughter Ethel was united in marriage to Mr J son of Rev Mr Brace performed the ceremony in the pres ence of a large number of relatives invited guests The bride was assisted by her cousin Miss Annie Harrison and Mr sup ported he groom The I ride was prettily dressed in crepe and the Iridcsmaid in lawn The wed ding march was by Miss Martha Brooks The hi was the recipient of many and valu able presents CROUP The cough which indicates croup is usually wellknown to mothers of children No should be lest in the treatment of it and for this purpose no meoi- has received more universal ap proval than Chamberlains Cough Remedy For sale by T Lloyd Air and Mrs and Miss spent Christmas in villc Mr and Mrs Christ mas at the home of Mr Stokes bridge Mr and Mrs spent Christ mas with friends in Mr ami Mrs Eugene Rouen spent Christmas in Toronto at the home of her father Mr J A Mr Vandewater of Chicago is ending a week with his parents here Mr Andrew of Toron to University is in town for a weeks holidays Miss Janet McNeil of Toronto is visiting at the noinc of her aunt Mrs Grace Watson Mr and Mrs Thus Rowland spent Christmas at the home of her father Mr Alex Lapp at Cedar Grove Mr Arthur Steeper of Toronto was rioiiK- for a short holiday Mr and Mrs Harry Lapp of Cedar spent Christmas at the home of Mr Davidson Mr and Mrs Keller of Mid land were in town lor the holidays at their home here 00 SUTTON Last Saturday Mr Cole was seized with a fainting spell and had to call in a physician Smallpox is in the village of as a place of penance but as a of enjoyment whore the paths of learning were strewn with lowers and whenever memory recalls our schooldays our hearts will warm toward you as they do today Dear as a friend please accept our earnest good wishes Signed on be half of the pupils of S No by Clarence Moulds and Charley Greenwood The present- was a beautiful Gents Companion and Shaving Set Mr was taken completely by surprise but replied very neatly and feelingly Large numbers regularly attend tbtr Church to hear the able discourses by Rev Mr our popular pastor o BREEZES Amongst others following spent Xmas in our burg Fred Taylor of Artie and friend Will Toronto and Aird Artie is a genuine phil anthropist He home loaded down with boxes for his many friends including several for a young lady the pretty Miss Mum A handsome fuzzy little adorns his upper lip greatly im proving a naturally young man so our maids think Miss Lucy Crittenden is also a phil anthropic young lady She passed This is lite season for the reunion round her toque on Christmas eve of friends and we Ilellen Scott who notice that Miss and received a liberal contribution for has been in lilii Nathan Thomas family Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug MOUNT ALBERT IN THE Mr and Mrs Rear have just received a letter from their son Cor poral Rear o the Amer ican army now in Manilla Corporal Rear left Washington on the of September and reached Manilla on the of October travelling 3165 miles by rail and miles by wa ter He writes We are just for over a year is home on a visit and her friends were pleas- Nick to meet her it v Mr Geo Crocker is home from Yorkton on a visit with his family after an absence of two years Mr and Mrs Bailey are having a visit from their Sons Win and Wal terthe former from Toronto the latter all the way from Winnipeg Miss Millar of Lanark is spending holidays here with her sister Mrs Win The Rev Stanley Robinson of was also acting St Carrying a bag filled with char- main structure of the new bridge is now complete we pro- 1 nouuee it a complete job and a credit to the contractors It is quite prob able it outlast most of the pres ent generation As soon as the ap proaches arc temporarily repaired it will be open for traffic The Bachelors Club had a jovial meeting at the Corners on Xmas eve There was Jolly Tom Smart unhurt Geo Crittenden was bustled out of the road uicly by the same coon Punishment administered without law is the just deserts of suoh fools They should not be al lowed out with a horse There are more than one such goodies apparently were too much for many A very small crowd at Market on Monday Our merchants took in somewhere in tho neighborhood tour hundred and fifty dollars in cash on Monday prior to Xmas They also took in consi derable produce as extras Owl A public meeting will be held the Temperance Halt on Saturday night commencing at oclock to the Good Roads question Mr Joseph Rogers and Mr Arch will address the meeting The annual entertainment of ville Union Sunday School will takt plate on the evening of Jan A good program is being prepared and a good time is expected School Report ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Promotion Examinations To Jr Class Total number of marks number required to pass James John Floyd Her man Barrett To Ill Class Hunter Walter Armstrong Donald shields 2i Oliver Sibley LEEK Teacher SEE OUR COLLECTION SILVERWARE HUSBANDS roake by presenting therm ft Pan to cook Christmas Turkey in SKATES HOCKEY STICKS CARVERS CARPET SWEEPERS ALL AT HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT SUITINGS AND A LARGE PALL STOCK JUST ARRIVED Fit and Workmanship guaranteed Wo fioliclt your order O SON Merchant Tailors and Gats Furnishings ami the Misses Leek of Mount Bashful Bob and Albert spent at the home Mr Mrs of North Dakota of is hale fellows well met They drown ed their sorrows until felt so jolly they wished to embrace every- a visit here with her mother Mrs body including their spinster friends Leigh hi youthful days I a whole the past week has a hisy and dread of a caning From exciting one socially as and political well as mil- Monday side the walled city of Manilla most Church of Tree Tues day Aid of the Presbyterian Wednesday Methodist enter- Church Tea and Handkerchief sale Thursday Presbyterian Tree Entertainment Friday Day intermingled with Church service feasting and drinking and ALBERT DRUG STORE fSE BALM OF COUGH SYRUP FOR COLDS C OUR IMPROVED CONDITION POWDER FOR HORSES CATTLE c of the business carried on by They are finest tailors I ever saw If you order a uniform today tell them you want it to morrow you will get and it will be made right too are very sporty On Sundays all they do is carry round their game chickens race horses drive in one- pony rigs they call The ponies are only ft high but they keep up a all day All the stores arc closed 1 or hours each day on account heat and the people take a bleep every after noon Every drop of water we drink is first boiled on arxxmnt the chol era and fever germs soldier caught drinking other is court- martial and fined liven the ice is made from boiled This is quite a shipping port The day we came in the hay I counted ships at anchor and all but the American transports and one other ship had Ihe British Hag flying Good cigars can be bought at one each cigar ettes for cents gnid and silver rings all engraved and made right here from to All the are full of bedbugs cheerful manner in which friends Hon J Davis Warden accepted theirs it can not be so dreadful as it would ap pear on his resignation as teacher of Utica was presented with a handsome goldheaded ebony cane valued at sixteen also with other souvenirs of regard to cap the climax on Saturday the lis retiring from teaching and taking We also carry a full line of Medicines among them Rheumatic Cure and receive personal attention day or night T LLOYD Oru v Queen Heater FOR WOOD Good Cheer Mrs Johanna of Fergus Falb Minn fell and dislocated her She had a surgeon get it bad into place as soon as poiisible but it was quite sore and her very much Her son mentioned that ho had seen Chamberlains Balm advertised for sprains and soreness and she asked him to buy her a of which he did It quickly re lieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for sevoral days For sale by T Llovd FOR COAL OR WOOD -ALSO- Good Cheer Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert pay to in the Era Mr Hiram of Toronto was in town for a few days Mr aid Mis David lirydson To ronto spent Christmas the home of Mr Milton Mainprise and Mrs WJ Ross and Mrs Long ijent Christmas at the homo of Mr of wood Mr and Mrs Stephen Winch of were in Own lor Christ- nj- and Mrs M of Toronto ftvro in town for a few days visiting relatives Mr and Mrs John of Christmas with friends in Messrs Percy and Norman of Toronto spent Christmas the parental roof Mis Jessie Davidson is spending Christmas loiiays hi her home in Mr and Mrs spending week at the home of father in Mhis of the G bridge school spent a lew days acquaintances here celebrated North Renfrew election Rev Neil McDonald and Mrs Mc Donald spent at his lathers The Hermitage Mrs and three chil dren of Manitoba arc visit ing here with Mrs Win McKay her sister Nominations took Monday Four were put up for Reeve Messrs Martin and Vrooman withdrew For Council- Messrs Martin Ceo Taylor Alex Burrows Peter Grant Martin Win Park Roadway Win K Green wood and Luke Consider able pretty heated discussion took place over some matters particular ly about necessity It the erec tion of a new Town Hall and Lock- Up Greenwood and withdrew from the contest Misses Nellie Hawkins and May Hawker are home for the holidays Christinas has passed oh very quiet ly around here Mr Roy of High School is spending the holidays at borne The entertainment in the school- house on Friday evening was a de cided success the absence of or chestra being the only thing A good program was pro vided and at the close the presents which had weighted down the beauti ful arch and tree were distributed There were many surprises the great est being perhaps on the teacher Mr Ross Doan who was invited to occupy the chair a lew moments at the conclusion of the program when Ihe following address was read presentation being made at the pro per Dear Teacher I have been requested by the children of this school to offer you a slight token of our alTcetion and regard I cannot tell you how delighted I am to be the means of conveying you the expression of- our united love What we offer you is but a poor symbol of our feelings but we know you will kindly receive it as a indication of the at tachment which each one us cher ishes for you in our heart of Reacts We know that we have often tried your temper and forbearance but you have dealt gently with us in our waywardness teaching example as well as precept advantages of klidncss selfcontrol We shall never forget you We shall look back to tills school in after life slot I a position as clerk in the Civil Ser vice at Ottawa lady friends treated so well to dainties that I feel reluc tant to make the necessary exertion to write I forgot to practice what preached not lo life Owl too muchly The man gave he John Smith Confederation a lUt to crack in last weeks issue I suppose theyll crack it as Sampson did the heads of the Philistines c With the jaw bone of an ass The new year will be ushered in by a new teacher in academy We hope he has a strong arm and a wilt ing band that he may whale those previous youths who boast theyre going to run show Henry Lake from the wild and woolly West is visiting his brother Win Lake Georgian It is understood that a man who recently married under compul sion is now in dread that sweetheart No a will pounce on him for a breach of promise suit Pis always best to He with the old lov be fore vou are in with the new A dcidcd advantage a has over a benedict is that he dare speak in complimentary terms re specting other women folks without living in mortal dread of the Misses going off in a fit of hysterics There is such keen rivalry amongst our merchants that they arc almost on the point of explosion Ihe wedding is calling or much comment as the bride elect is one of our trusted and sweetest young women idol and and on ly child her doting parents There was much disappointment be cause of no prize market It will be looked after next I find that Murray were en tirely blameless The right party has shouldered the responsibility Never mind who It was Some of our young damsels arc al most at open warfare over a gay youth In one instance ma is taking a hand in it The youth thinks its fun How he titters Our young folks have not yet en joyed a roztedAxzlc on the skates They havent got Artie T to keep the ice clear of snow Joel Thompson has got down in his corner in Gum Swamp I One night recently whilst the Owl carrying a light- and a neighbor were en route to the village a reckless vagabond driving without bells tearing along like mad and run over the aforesaid and In an instant the Owl was n the snow No 1 WHITCHURCH Class Beatrice Lloyd Edna Elsie Penrose Lun- Walter fcr III Adclla Lehman Lauretta Lundy Bertie dificlu Lundy Earl Lehman Jr III Penrose Eunice Lit- tlcjobn Clara Miller Jessie Hamil ton Herbert Da vis Jess Dewsbury Cora Gladys Penrose Francis Muriel Van Willis Freddie Hill Ella HStewart Starr Fred Reynolds Clarence Lehman Gordon Stevens Moss Charles Annie Moulds I Hairy Penrose Freder ick Starr Frank Mil ler Gordon Moulds Jr I Etta Willie Norman Hopper Kenneth Hopper Garnet Miller aura Pen rose Cyril Littlejohn Tom Smith Roy Reynolds Eva Pierce Rose Pierce Herbert Stevens Present every day during year For Lehman Absent one day Lehman Willis J Our Now Complete Nice Nobby Goods Prices Right D RAMSDEN ALBERT For the Era The County Roods Scheme D Teacher IS Mr Jas our school teach er was united in marriage to Miss Ethel of Albert on Wed nesday the at the home of the brides parents Rev A P Brace BD of On their return from their wed ding trip they will take up their res- in town Mr of Manitoba visiting relatives and renewing in town and vicinity Mr Walter of vis ited his aunt Mrs T Maglion this week Mr and Mrs John and fam ily of Toronto spent Xmas at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs Winterstein and fam ily attended the funeral of their uncle at on Saturday Mr and Mrs P P Steol and fam ily spent Xmas with relatives at Am ber Mr Mrs John Hustler of Luther are spending a few days at the home of his sister Mrs John Anderson farming community generally is greatly interested in the County Road Sytii The communication in last weeks Era has come entirely too late A question of so great moment nceds to be thoroughly dis cussed and understood before the electors should commit to it There are a few things that most of the people understand 1st That the control of the roads will be entirely taken away from Township Councils and that this con trol once given away can never be recovered however dissatisfied people may be with the new system 2nd The people will still have to pay for the maintenance of the roads TO MOUNT ALBERT WE ARE HEADQUARTERS Xmas Presents INCLUDIKC Ladies Handkerchiefs Collars Waist Goods Chataline Rags Mens Ties Mufflers Gloves ami Silk Handkerchiefs Furs We have something nice and prices right STOMACH TROUBLES A disordered stomach may cause no end of trouble When the fails to perform its functions the bowels become deranged the liver and kidneys congested causing numerous diseases the most fatal of which are painless and therefore the more be dreaded Important thing Is to restore the stomach and kidneys to a healthy condition and for purpose no better preparation can be used than Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets For sale by LloyoV Melton who fractured his skull by falling on tho pavement at died from his Injuries Electors of East Gwillimbury Your vote and influence respectfully solicited for the election of As Councillors for opposed County Road System to Wo have a full line of Groceries without being able in any way to and Orange Lemons Nuts at right control that expenditure and there prices is no absolute guarantee what that expenditure may be It is not a Guarantee RllDDerS light matter for us to assume a debt of 160000 This is the nominal ROSS BROS sum but some think that when the work is begun this amount may be found and additions may bo necessary from time to time For some strange reason a few of the farmers seem to think that some of our trusted Council officials have worked more in the interests of the Metropolitan Railway than in the interests of the farmers and this double love this serving of two masters makes them eel a little cau tious about entrusting the County Roads to them The question is what would County officials do if they were ask ed to allow the Electric Lines of railway to be laid on these improved County Roads Until such questions these can be satisfactorily settled it is scarcely probably that the rural community will vote away their rights in the public roads RATEPAYER East Dec CHAMBERLAINS REMEDY This preparation is intended espe cially for coughs colds croup whoop ing cough and influenza It has be come famous for Its cures of tUesc diseases over a large part of the civilized world The most flattering testimonials have been received giv ing accounts of its good works of the aggravating and persistent coughs It has often saving the life of the child The extensive use of it for whooping cough has shown that It robs that disease of all dangerous results It is especially prized by mothers because It contains nothing Injurious- and there is not the least danger in giving it even to babies It always cures and cures qaicKly Sold by Lloyd Seven thousand were burned to death in the East Buffalo stock yards Three persons had a narrow es cape from death In a fire that do st roved Miss Sarah Smiths dwelling at Corn well The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available llalancuof Capital Total HEAD CANADA Of Andrew Gaul Chairman J Deputy Chair man Samuel tou Alex Accepted at Current Haiti DAVIDSON CSMITH Agent Albert Chief Agent lor Dominion J OF MARRIAGE LICENSES PROMPTLY 5ECURE0 Write for our Interesting books Invent- J Help and How you are or Send uf a rough sketch or model of your in entiou or Improvement and our opinion pi to whether It patentable application have often been protected by us We conduct fully equipped offices In Montreal and Washington to prompt ly dispatch work and quickly secure Patent the Invention Highest references furnished Patents procured through Marlon St Ma Hon notice without charge in over too newspapers distributed throughout the Dominion Patent of MARION MARION Patent Experts end Solicitor York Ufa Hotel at Petrol was destroyed by fire Five horses were cremated in flro which destroyed stables Sutherland at a sub urb of Ottawa on night- Loss

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