Stock Reducing Sail Happy Wishes its numerous Customers v V Vt Branch opened Jan ROSS Manager New Year to All IT k I rife 9 dozen 20c dozen Choice Sweet Oranges Choice Florida Oranges r Choice Navel Oranges dozen Eating Figs per pound Weeks Hews WHAT GOING ON ftABOXJT China Big reductions to clear the balance Stock Lamps and Odd pieces Fancy China and odd lines lines generally Our Special Combination Dinner Set for worth should you Only a tew left Come soon If you want one For we sell you a Printed Set would be cheap at A number of fine China Sets New Style fine quality to dm at Reducing Prices I- ff Grocery Some Bargains For Yon We have several odd lines Laundry Soap which sell too slow for Ms quality la good Regular to clean them quick Bars for Clover Leaf Salmon for Mice Can Lard quality pound The Quarterly Communion Service will be held on January instead of on Jan as formerly Mayor elected JHunieipal NEWMARKET All old Council elected by ac clamation- Mayor H Cane Councillors J Robertson J Col Lloyd A Smith J Hughes and Richardson AURORA Those Pops Blankets Are great value at Fife Brigade The annual meeting will take place the Fire Hall next Wednesday evening and a full attendance of the firemen is requested 8 a Roche Company Lim ited are selling Bread at a large loaf 11 to choose from fl Jolly A party of ten came down Bradford on Wednesday evening and after enjoying a on the Rink partook of an oyster supper at Hills Parlor before leaving for home Come ag Buy A large size Steel Snow Shovel at King Christian Special services will begin next Monday evening will be assisted by Mr B of A sermon on the New Year will be preached next Sunday at pm Mens pair at We want A General Gleaning up before The Leading Telephone DAY Studio Open till pm Come in the Morning WJ Smith Newmarket HeadQuarter for all kinds of BREAD CAKES and CANDIES UN UNTOLD VARIETY Try box of from to per box And above all be and get a Cake lb for Hockey on Years The Barrio Juniors will play the Newmarket Juniors on Friday after noon at Newmarket Skating Rink commencing at Go and cheer boys along Tuesday evening St George Juniors of Toronto will play New market Juniors at Newmarket Skat ing Rink This is the first schedule game Friends Mr conducted quarter ly review on- Sunday morning at the Friends SS The pastor and Mr Robt Rogers both speaking a few words at close Pearson Hill and Starr are entitled to nave names in the Primary class Honor Roll for the quarter Meeting Ihe Cemetery Board on Wednesday next at the Registry Of fice at 3 pm Mr Jos Cody lias purchased the of Mr next Methodist A billiard table was put Into the Young Mens Club on Wednes day evening and encourage mental develop ment Farmers get out of the mud and vote for Good Roads next Monday Try Flanagans for cheap groceries Mr John Rosamond of Albert has bought tne residence tbe late Mrs Irwin Victoria Ave and will take possession next week At tie Separate meeting on Wednesday tbe trustees were relectr by accl Wood or Goal at cost price to clear out at Hardware Councillors running Brook- bank Bond J Caster Nelson A Taylor and Webster Trustees W A Smith and Taylor HOLLAND LANDING Reeve ttra Lane acclamation Councillors James Duncan Bell B Thompson West Joshua Goodwin Sydney Goodwin Frank Harcourt Foster School Trustees Longhurst Lane Davison Willis Hodges Chapman SUTTON Hot election on Monday For Reeve Peter and Martin McLaughlin For Councillors W Taylor A Burrows Grant Park king township All old Council elected by ac clamation Reeve J A Phillips and WHITCHURCH fa There is a fight on for the Reese- ship between exReeve Lemon Baker and exCouncillor Clark Councillors Souls Leathers Skin ner and Thompson elected by accla mation EAST FRANKLIN he home of Mr At oclock his daughter Etta very Large time town Xmas Day prettily dressed in navy blue ladies About fifty persons gathered on the cloth trimmed with white medallions mill pond and enjoyed themselves entered the parlor leaning on her la- Miss Peg Union Street is vis- and was united in aunt Mrs Ceo to Air Terry by the Mr Cunningham all the way Rev J Den n en Miss Blanche spent with Morton played the wedding march his parents bark to Frank- About guests sat down to a sump- Nomination was exciting in our dinner At 3D the- dinner little town Monday The mayor was being over Mr and Mrs ejected by acclamation but we under- Terry started lor Little Britain with stand James Win old boots tin pails and cow bells ham George and Ed tied their cutter Among the Parks will stand for council many handsome presents given were The school concert was a grand a silver butter dish set in success Things speciaV mention silver pickle dishes set of bedroom were the opening address by little dishes glass table sets J down Belle Cook United Workmen by l boys club swinging by four girls the Nice New Dates per pound Table Raisins per pound- 15 Two pounds Walnuts Chocolates per pound Creams per pound Walnut Chocolates per Cream Almonds per pound Ma pie Cream per pound Humbugs per pound m Peppermints and conversation L6z song by little Kate entitled Nobody only Mother the drill by twelve Indian boys foaac Toole with his gramophone and Santa with his little wife Proceeds amounted to over Miss Flossie lias accepted the position of typewriter George Success We were pleased to welcome Isaac Hose and daughter Carrie back for Waller and Warren visited at Ben Cooks Dakota must agree with Mr Fred Harper He returned Thursday look ing much better after a nine months trip Choir practice at eve Everybody welcome We understand one our council- men is in favor with electric light one in favor with street and one in with the Roads Move ment Vote for the The Robin will ji A Merry spent has been lot of most of your readers in this locality notwithstanding Nomination at Sharon Good 1 The ratepayers Following that te were nominated For Reeve Rich ard Boyd and B Kitely For CouncUlors John French Frank H silver teaspoons silver salt and pep per shaker pearl handled butter knife silver butter knife silver meal fork silver fruit spoons cheese dish of vases lamps 2 bed spreads table cloth framed pictures silk picture drape large carpenters saws double boiler clock broom dish and dollars in cash The Methodist services on Sunday and Monday were very lurgiy at tended considering the weather The Entertainment at the Christian Church on Christmas night was a de cided success The proceeds were The Anniversary of Sunday School last Suit- day and Monday was a decided suc cess The attendance on Sunday morning afternoon was large but in the evening was smalt on account of the very bad weather The sermons by Rev Simpson were excellent- and the afternoon address to the children will be remem bered by those who heard it On Monday eve the church was packed to the doors an unusually interesting program was i en The gramophone operated by Mr J was a treat especially to the Children The Christmas Tree was beautifully decorated and well bailed with pre sents Proceeds of entertainment about which with collections on the Cranberries per Good Salmon per caniiY- pounds Best Raisins pounds Currants Seeded Raisins per pkg Fresh Lettuce and Celery a Fresh Oysters Direct from Baltimore GIVE US A CALL 5 8 10 i WE ARE THE LEADERS IN GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES j in the Act above mentioned It is proposed to raise the sum of to be expended the roads set apart in the above mentioned By- Law or such other roads in lieu there of as may be agreed on with the dif ferent Municipalities interested Of this amount White Gauntlet Lost many took advantage of it Among those who participated in treats in the vicinity our Burg we have noted the following Mr Case and family of Au- greased the amount to about Sk Aucora Nearly all the candidates addressed electors also Messrs J Wood cock and on the County Road System following have resigned Kitejey Howard and Tbirsk NORTH The old Council elected by acclama tion Reeve John Barker Mor ton- Jiiincs Stiles and Charles HOLLAND LANDING Nominations on William Lane Reeve elected by acclamation and the following School Trustees Willis Hodges and Lane Councillors who will- go to the Polls on Monday next las Thompson West Foster and Sydney Goodwin The following spent here Miss and J Mr and Mrs P Ham ilton Miss West Morton A and Chapman Miss Rosa Goodwin and Mrs Fisher Mr and Cook and Mrs Image all of Toronto and several Miss K Jones and Mr of London are spending their vacation at home here farm Mr County Rood System The most important question Sutler and wife Toronto at Mr the minds of the ratepayers Of spent Christinas at Mr Proctor rt with Mrs Howard the one to be voted on on Dr A Midland spent On Christmas Eve either In town or on the Town Line West Finder the Government greatly oblige by leaving it at contribute a sum that has been estimated at from thirty to for- thousand dollars This would loave from to to be 01 raised by the County The annual levy based on last equalized vote and influence assessment for issue of per cent solicited for 12000 year debentures Would IT A RTT be if levied on the whole County of a mill on the or if levied As Reeve for only on the Municipalities interested Voting Monday Jan and through which the roads pass namely King Markham Vaugfaau Whitchurch and York would require a levy on a mill It will thus be seeu that on a farm assessed at which i seems about an average the annual levy in the instance bo and in the second This would seem a trivial amount compared with the benefit derived I from having a system of good roads oIdeat Cavalry Corps in Canada Among the advantages of a County to this District in tta Road System that might be pointed atter P January out are the following A uniform 1 Dates will be used in a subsequent system throughout the whole County notice which would naturally result from THE Body Guard Orange and doz Grape per pound e Best plaice in Town to get by bulk or to where yon get worth money and the right Come With the Crowd to CITY BAKERY No NEWMARKET Horn they In Hastings Replying to an enquiry regarding County Roads maintenance Mr R AyJesworto County Clerk Has tings writes The County of Hastings has miles of County Roads miles being Gravel exclusively kept up County and the annual appropriation for sald Qravel Roads for several rem been not only tut also improves County further expends about on Coun ty Bridge and pet year Total Ash Sale Register TUESDAY Jan iects of the late Mrs Irwin will he sold on the premises Victoria Ave- Newmarket commencing at one oclock Terms cash P Duncan FRIDAY Jan Milton An drews will nave an important tale of stock and implement on lot con King credit except for hay grain and sums under or pet cent tor cash Sale at one Smith toot Fire at Calumpit in County Count pines destroyed 260 homes Sever- for all purposes mills were lost and persons people are well satiated with our were rendered homeless The loss is Conty Roads System wfth his uncle Wilfred also Mr and Mrs Ste phenson and Miss Delia Mrs H Charles and family Aurora and Miss and Frank of Toronto Mr White of was in the village on Saturdays- Mr Walter Wiggins of Toronto spent Christmas with friends Mr Albert Stephenson of spent holidays under tins parental roof Mr Archie Murray and wife of were the guests- of Mr Jos Murray Misses Love and of Toronto with patents Mr and family spent the day with his wifes people at Pine Orchard Mrs remaining for a few days The families of Mr Geo William and Pratt spent the day with Mr Kilts Hughes Newmarket Mr Ed Blackburn Toronto was with parents and friends here We must congratulate Dr Watson of Michigan upon the vent of a son into his household Mr John Lloyd of Bradford dis trict spent Sabbath last with his mother here calling on Proctor Miss Mabel Elliot of Cayuga and Miss Gertie spent at home Me thinks I hear those wedding belle Singling around Tory Corners Bachelors on the may yet be reduced Telephone are all up and ere the New Year Is fairly ushered will be had with Au rora it being private Company Proper connections render it very lit tle cheaper than telegraphing how ever more convenient for the public it may prove The Acetylene Gas Company are pushing the enterprise along have their mm etc on band Jan next namely Are you in favor a County Road ft And justly so for it seems to me there is no other matter requiring greater consideration at our hands at the time than the Roads question The Improvement of our country roads is not by any means keeping pace with the advancement made in young and prosperous country along almost all other lines We have it is true some good roads in this County but the great proportion of are still In a primitive state and often utterly un fit for travel at some seasons of the year this condition things con fronting and In view of the act that the Ontario Legislature in their wisdom saw fit to pass act setting aside for ihe improvement of the highways In old er Ontario and also if view of the fact the best roads in the Prov ince today are said to be in Counties that have adopted County Road notably the County of Hastings where have had a sys tem of County for upwards of years and where they now have according to the report the Good Roads Commission over miles of County roads which are kept in repair by the annual expendi ture of about per mile The County Council of York at an ad journed meeting held on July af ter consulting delegates from the dif ferent local municipalities in County who had been Invited to attend prepared a ByLaw setting apart a system roads as County Roads giving fU 1st and read ings on that day Tills ByLaw which has been print ed add circulated among the ratepay er was submitted to the Councils of the different municipalities or their approval or and they appear to have been divided their opinions the matter Count accordingly at the Session held in November submit the question Are you Jn On Wednesday of last week Dec favor of the County Road System a very pretty wedding took to the as provided for KESWICK having the roads all placed one management Because of the Countys large jur isdiction they would be able to em ploy a competent superintendent and also proper foremen who would have charge over the different gangs of men who through having constant employ ment at same work would become and consequently better re sults would follow for tho money ex pended The County could also pur chase a full outfit uptodate machinery consisting of Grader Rock Crusher Holler Trac tion etc and thereby be able to leave a finished piece work be hind them ready lor traffic instead of a bank of or broken stone strewn along the middle of the road which in most cases requires a whole seasons travel over it before being fit for use This would bo almost impossible to the small municipality on account of the heavy expense in purchasing ma chinery Then the County taking over and maintaining the leading and travelled roads the local municipali ties would be free to devote whole attention to building and main taining the less travelled roads in the Townships so that every man would be whether he lived adjacent to a County rod or not The construction of County roads under experienced workmen where are properly finished with up-to- date machinery would be valuable lessons to less experi ence that would aid materially in im proving present methods of construc tion The local might also for a nominal sum hire the County machinery when not in use which would be much cheaper than purchas ing for There are many other point that might be touched on but space will not permit Only Freeholder and year are entitled to vote on above question JOSEPH ROGERS Co Councilor IN THE COURT OF APPEAL FOB ONTARIO The Ontario CoDtroyertetl Elections Act Klootlooofa for the of of Ontario for tho Electoral of Norm of of York the Dominion or Canada Province Of Petition TO WIT Del ween Kennedy Proctor and Uriah March Petitions AND Take Notice above will be tried at aw market on Thursday the day January at hour of of clock in forenooo on such other aa may be the day of ruber By order J A of of Appeal- WUWtf WORLDS FAIR ST IaOUIS APL Cost Exposition Site acres NEW YEAR Holiday Rates Bridge LIMIT fata forth o Hb Mat Jan until Jan lib MM pyi For WjTP Good General Wanted Highest wages to Mrs J Davis Krng-