Newmarket Era, 1 Jan 1904, p. 8

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fcT THE i i 1 I A r I Norm til a woman bare no I so fir aa feelings of discomfort are each period civilization has added its Con di tfons of offering to a large propor tion of American women The great of cases to inflammatory or congest within territor ies which can be overcome by the right treatment- course this local irritation is followed by headaches back aches irritability and indeed often results in nervous prostra tion or collapse which might hare been by proper treatment REWARD FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT CURED Backed op by over a third of a century of remarkable uniform a a no remedy for the and wciknesses peculiar to women ever attained the proprietors and makers of Dr Prescription now feel fully in to pay In legal money of the United States for any of Leucorrbefl Female Weakness or Falling of Womb which they cannot care AH they ask a fair and trial of their means of cure MEDICAL Asso ciation Proprietor Buffalo When You Need 0R- town LOU No and get the best in HURON STREET NEWMARKET EFFORT MONEY TIME Shorthand and Typewriting AT THE Y A BUILDING TORONTO ONTARIO In- to teach I In Turn well all Setter Information Fro Winter Term Jan J BROOKS Principal liife around the Hut COR- FIND TO Every person seems to have on an extra smile this week Nearly all the geese in this vicinity died within the last few days Mr Charlie Wright has purchased a lively little driver from Mr Hodge Wood is all the talk among farmers at present DURABLE ROOFING HPHILLIPS NEWMARKET lor Cement Wanted wanted at once town property Kuquire at Era or Andrew Hunter con tractor and builder St New market Cabinet Co lost their dry kiln filled with valuable lumber by fire Loss estimated at between eight and ten thousand dollars EVERSLEY The patrons of the cheese factory arc wearing smiling faces and slapping fat pocket books as a re sult the prosperous year the fac tory has accorded them After de ducting all expenses the margin left for the payment of the milk to the patrons was higher than even the most sanguine had ever hoped for and was without procxknt A successful school concert was at the close of the term on Tuesday last under the management of Miss Chap pel I who has taught the school very successfully for the past year AJ program of choruses recitations and dialogues was rendered in a very pleasing and able Fruit and presents were distributed from a Christmas tree During the enter tainment Miss was with a handsome chair accompan ied an address KING CITY annual Christmas tree and con cert of All Saints King will be held in Hall on Thurs day evening Jan A program of dialogues recitations and tableaux will Ik ftiveii by the of the school Bert Harvey Canadas fa vorite singing comedian from Toron to will also take pari in the concert The Mr lum of Toronto to Miss 12llza of King took place at Toron to on Saturday Dec Rev A siieriifendcnt of the Mission officiated Miss Maud Farm sister the bride was brides maid and Mr Duncan Ross King was groomsman The anniversary concert King City Methodist Church Sunday iSchool will hold on New Years evening in the Town Hall when the celebrat ed boy singer Clarence Glass of Methodist Church Toronto and the distinguished elocu tionist Miss Lillian Campbell the Hamilton Conservatory and Miss M Love will render an interesting pro gram A dialogue by special favor under the direction of Miss of Snowball also be given The children of the school will also render several numbers A very pleasant surprise was given Miss Laura OBrien at her home on evening when a goodly num ber of her associates in Choir Sun day School and League as- on the eve of her approach ing marriage to show their personal friendship and their appreciation of the valued and cheer service ren dered lieu- An program music recital ion speeches was given at the close of which a nicely worded address was read by Miss Todd regret at the thot of separation but full good Wishes I for her happiness in the new which she was soon to enter This was accompanied by Miss making the formal presentation of a handsome rocking chair and an elegant carving set- Thanks uresscd lunch was enjoyed farewells were said and another eventful epi sode 111 the life of one of our most valued and popular young ladies was ended The home of Mr and Mrs James OBrien was the scene of a very pret ty but quiet wedding on Wednesday morning at oclock when Laura their second daughter was united in marriage to Mr IV J Thompson late of this town The ceremony was in formed by J under an artistic green arch Id the presence a few near relatives and friends The bride looked charming gowned in navy blue pebble cloth with cream silk vcsline The number of valuable wedding tokens testily to the esteem in Mrs Thompson is held by her many friends Many gathered at station wr the train and with liberal showers of rice bid a loving farewell and expressed wishes for a prosperous wedded life as couple for their new homo in Toronto to England ace pleased to from the published statement of Messrs Co brokers whom apples were consigned that they arrived in Icnt condition and a portion of the barrels of Northern Spies brought the highest price paid on the market The balance of the consignment also brought high prices Undoubtedly bis is the finest lot shipped from Canada and Sir William is to be con gratulated on the care bestowed on the culture of his fruit Last spring Mr Frederick planted two acres of sugar as an experiment He sold the beets to the Berlin Sugar Factory On he received a statement from the Company enclosing a cheque lor the amount due him The gross weight of the beets was lbs and the The Anniversary Services of ley Methodist Church will be held on Sunday 3rd of January when Rev Peter Campbell returned Missionary from the plains of the Great West will at am and pm On Tuesday Jan an old time tea meetingwill be provided by the ladfea aid A program will be given by Mr Miss of and Miss King City with Miss O Brien accompanist drescji by Rev A Pearson of Aurora and Kev Thos Campbell of Richmond Hill Chair taken Mr and Mrs Robert Hacking To ronto with Mrs Mary Hacking is tic OF THE mswS A Sketch JONATHAN JOYCE TINY TONIC net ifiisht after being cleaned at the I re 1S971 The percent S Toronto last Thursday Will Richardson is visiting her sister Mrs James at of sugar was 710 The price paid was 556 i3 the amount SI which after deduct ing the freight charges from here Berlin price of seed and use of implements leaves Air Bod fish When it is taken into consideration that the land was i not prepared for this crop the yield is certainly surprising Se veral other farmers in this locality grew from two to four acres but we have not heard of their result Ban ner OAK RIDGES For some time past the residents of this section of the country have been annoyed by a gang of sneak thieves Among those who have suffered re cently is Mr King who had tur keys stolen from bis premises Oak Ridges School was the scene oi a merry entertainment and treat on Friday afternoon at the close of the school A part of the program was the presentation of a beautiful silver tea service to their teacher by Miss Ball accom panied by an address BRADFORD The banquet tendered to Mr Win Wright at the Central Hotel on Thursday night of last week was a most pleasing and successful Over fifty stalwart men of the town and township including several min isters were present to do honor to the guest of the evening and in a ORCHARD The concert given by the pupils of Tine Orchard School was a great success The proceeds which were over were sent to the Childrens Hospital Mr Davidson SecretaryTreasurer of the Institu tion on- behalf of the children was pleased and complimented the pupils on their to help in such a worthy cause The chair was most ably by Mr Eves During evening the following address was read accompanied by a hand some Gold Chatelaine Locket Dear Teacher- It devolves upon me to vou in the name of the scholars of this school a slight token of our esteem and regard To myself it is a source of immense pleasure to bo their mouthpiece on this occasion since sincere delight may some amends for my many shortcom ings I am not now addressing you as our teacher but as our friend our dear trusted and very much tried friend for how often have we not tried your temper and your for bearance Dear Teacher we will ever keep your image enshrined in our hearts and shall look back to the school not as an abode of penance but your kindness iCopyrlght by tree for the dis play of presents Is an evolu tion The true origin and sig nificance of arboreal fea ture of are- uncertain Appar ently It la derived from an ancient cus tom The pagan races of northern Eu rope bad a deep veneration for trees of the gods For instance the linden sheltered the spirit kindly to babes When celebrating festivals the chosen tree of the differ ent gods were decocted lights wreaths and tassels and offerings the spirits were suspended In branches The Romans used greenery In the festivals of Saturn celebrated in and carried he custom among the Germans The Kgyptlsus used trees for interior decoration their fa vorite the palm A work of Action produced In Franco yer years ago contains a pleasure and amiability in in Br all ford It is not very frequently that op portunity is given to a man to re main prominently before the commun ity as a public officer for the space of years but this is the case with who or that long period has tilted with much acceptance the position of Clerk of the Township West In order to mark the completion such a lengthened term a movement was inaugurated by the people the which cul minated in the presentation to Mr on Friday evening last of a beautiful furlined Overcoat and to Mrs a About one hundred persons were present on the occasion and a most enjoyable time was spent no iii love J Sons presented each of of then married employees with a for Christmas dinner each Mingle employee with a quart of oysters County Treasurers sale lands for arrears of tuxes for County District No was in the Coun cil here on afternoon There were five parcels offered two in two in Holland landing and one in all of which were sold for that them fall Mr James of and Bros Co wholesale this place iiUrohiised Sir William Toronto locks apple crop and exported them OH v01 Vl can I Bold at Drug Store Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con sumption Eat plenty of pork was the advice to the consumptive and years ago Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most ScottsEmulsionisthemod- method of ceding fat to the consumptive Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs Scotts Emulsion is the most refined of fats especially prepared for easy digestion Feeding him fat in this way which is often the only way is half the battle but Scotts Emulsion does more than that There is some thing about the combination of cod oil and phites in Scotts Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs 1 A sample will be sent free request tut In form l SCOTT CHEMISTS Toronto Ontario dl Farm for Sale lot coo Whitchurch and consisting of acres about un der cultivation and acres Umber ed with hardwood and hemlock The farm is situated about three miles from Newmarket and is convenient to both church and school house Oh it there are a good frame bank barn with atone foundation and stabling for cattle and horses a good brick- clad house with solid brick Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house never failing spring creek a young orchard coming Into bearing and plenty of small fruit The la well fenced and the soil is a good clay loam and In a good state of cultivation Plowing be done this Fall and wheat sown Possession given 1st of April Easy terms can be given If desired particulars apply to ARMSTRONG on the premises or thru Newmarket P O- 33tf may have so rendered tangible form mark their appreciation it Our studies have bean illuminate his worth during a business career by your patient The of over twelve years the grain little gift we offer you is value but it is rich and gratitude and respoct Please accept it and with it our united hopes that your life wilt ever he as as you have made ours on behalf of the school A Penrose Lloyd Penrose fln Editors Dream- Last evening I piking Willi an editor aged and gray Who told me of a dream he had I think twas New Years day While snoozing in his The vision came to view For he saw an angel enter Dressed in garments white and new Said the angel Im from heaven The Lord just sent me down To bong up to glory And put on crown Youve been a friend to everyone And worked hard night and day Youve enlightened many thousands And from few received your pay want you up in glory For have labored hard And the good Lord is preparing Your eternal just reward Then the angel and the editor Started tip toward glorys gate But when passing close to Hades The angel murmured Wait i have got a place to Its the hottest place in hell Where the ones who never paid you In lor men always dwell And behold the editor saw there His old subscribers the score And grabbing up a chair ami fan lie wished lor nothing more lie is hound to sit and watch them As singe and burn And eyes do rest on debtors Whatever way they turn Said angel Come on editor The pearly pates see But the editor only muttered This is heaven enough for me A OF THE of a tree having Us branches from top to bottom decked With burning can dles with the of a child at the top sending forth a brilliant light Thin tree in some way symbolized the candles representing and child typifying Christ It la said that the Christmas tree was adopted In France England In Prince Albert Is credited with having Introduced it in England first Christmas following bis marriage which was In Within a few year after that one of the trees Windsor castle bore gifts valued at But more than a century before Prince Al berts advent an improvised Christmas tree called a besant was carried in processions In at it consisted of a pole decked with holly or other evergreens aud ribbons to gether with oranges and apples and sometimes a pair of dolls The Irrepressible desire for novelty has led to variations In Christ mas trees A society woman having a couple of valuable pet dogs got up a dogs Christmas tree and invited forty more of the neighboring thorough bred pups to the oration device by which Santa la cooped up In the trunk of a with his head showing out at Is very simple yet very taking young It Is accomplished by having wo empty without beads fastened one above the other and covered with moss bark and lichen Through knot bote voice Is heard The being on casters the Imp Inside can it about the platform to the Infinite de light of the children Another device for having a voice Is sue from the Christmas tree li accom plished by the use of the tclephoua the receiver being hung in the tree The absent ones can then familiar tones to those present and when speakers very dear and unavoida bly absent message Is the beat Christmas present hat can con ceived of for the occasion An elec trical outfit for lighting Christmas trees has been Invented at small coat One clever boy used with novel re sults by applying It to a magnificent evergreen standing In front of his home It was lighted on Christmas eve after a snowstorm which decked branches with fleecy garb The heat of the lamps melted the snow and then It froze In all manner of shapes When lighted Up again on night the pendent Icicles and Icy armor glittered like a myriad of gems sus pended in glnre of shifting llvfcta a system cleanser nd tonic gives Health energy force Tonic Tablets give good tiontbe first step to human strength They help Nature to sweep impurities from the blood thoroughly cleanse and tone the stomach and wake the liver and kidneys to nor mal activity When the digestion is perfect the blood pure when every organ is doing its duty you have energy and ambition life is worth living Why not try Ironox Tablets in on attractive aluminum pocket case cents at druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of price The Remedy Co Lim ited Out St Stricture is anion raeu as Varicocele it Interferes rata arc troubled Stricture If you believe jo are it don it It will you- let by cutting or it Our Now dissolve stricture tissue it disappears and can never return We cure Varicocele and Stricture without nitration or of time may be taktiat home privately- Stud tot cur Free Book on VnrlCOCtlCi Wo to Cure or No Pay Sidneys AH sexual affeet are a of disease Have you aching or weakuets ore the small of tbe to urluale depotll la urine coldness of bands or a feellor J the Dont neclect your kidneys Oar New Is guaranteed o cure any disease of organs or no Names Without Written Consent of Mich Bays I bad varicocele In and two yean I was on twice undergoing great suffering but only got relief was advisee to try the Now Method of A K enlarged six stricture tissue was removed in weeks my sexual energy and vitality retimed I was a man in respect I you doctors wil my heart GUARANTEED CURE HO PAY Before Treatment We treat and cure Debility Varicocele Stricture Ilia Gleet Weak Part Goaorrbtea feint Discharges Book Free Write lor for Home SHELBY STREET Detroit Kennedy OLDEST LARGEST MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED AND ONLY NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND HOME PAPER IN CANADA After January 1st PRICE 150 New net this year ChrlBiuJf Send In Dont liberal terms riven Sample copy free THE WILLIAM WELD CO LIMITED LONDON ONTARIO I WIVES MOTHERS IF ANY MEMBER OF TUTNK9 the for liquor can bo removed permanently by TuKIiu lu or drink Failure Impossible loiiimoniAiirpnco entuafru It 31 Jordan Can SISTERS BROTHEBS Farm for Sale Ion Ever Pern I will yon a Canvass In ir I tin Ontario FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE ftcrea Soil of rich clay and loam In excellent well watered good buildings Too bind to make money from the flrtt GEORGE RUSSELL Aurora 0 YEARS EXPERIENCE All for carting will be promptly Attended to Moving a Good bur kept or hire THOS HUNTER JR Rear School Newmarket Trade CoPtniOMToac ljwcrlp0Q g our opinion lknilHcilrcoofldenlW HenU ibrouifh Mono A to- tatho Abndiot A hi

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