Newmarket Era, 8 Jan 1904, p. 1

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A V f- YORK AND ADVERTISER to know to and to yguc frWy to above liberty- No paper sent outside PA North York units id Advance MI No J each i Newmarket Friday Jan 8 19041 TERMS per annum if paid in first at the Finish of Off to a Good Start in National Stoves gaining in favor all the time Oar Toronto Letter The annual rally the Meth odist Sunday Schools of Toronto and vicinity was held on New Years Day in It is estimated that about 5000 people wore present The whole service was a bright and cheerful one Mr A son Hon John pry den was married last week to Margaret Miller daughter I Davidson Labor leaders in this city axe ter ribly disappointed at the way labor candidates were turned down at the recent municipal elections A man must have something else besides the shibboleth of being a bilker in the lodge room City physicians report that not since has there been such a wide spread la- grippe as is now prevalent here Thousands are suuering and hundreds are seriously ill with pneumonia and bronchitis re sulting therefrom A hour sat down to luncheon at restaurant in connection with the Canadian Club given to For the Era Who is that standing at the door His back is turned as we survey It surely Is young looks so well and spry today His poor old lathee now is dead Borne down by troubles hard to bear Well do our best to the lad And give him hearty welcome He needs the sympathy all Of and old of ribband poor very nice in him call At each and every persons door He is so young to take the charge Of such a race up of continents do large He must in every place as yet Unknown measured out each His are His cares are day He will not cross the bridge alone For men must help in every way And on their shoulders must- The good and evil of the state And all depends on their resolve to either course relate Hon Clifford During the course of his observations on tV oc- t each Ypuautoknowmore about these Celebrated Ranges Sales 50 per cent ahead last year Sole Agency for Newmarket and vicinity at Binns Hardware Wishing you all a Bright Happy and Prosperous New Year if HA NEWMARKET NO a The balance of our Dress Goods Stock T0BQNT0 JOBBING HOUSE the Hon gentleman an insight into the policy of the Gov ernment regarding immigrants from the States to the NorthWest Last year 10000 immigrants from the States located in the part of Canada A tew nights ago a Chinese gambl ing den was raided by the Police Besides the fifty or more Celestials found in the place there were three white women two of them claimed to be married to Chinamen the other professed to be glad she got away safe She was only years of age Id the exit a host of Celestials got away scattering silver all over tho floor where the gambling was going oil The newlyelected for North Renfrew was in the city at the close of last week He Was interviewed by the senior Opposition organ here but docs not appear to have been mentioned The coldest time for years was ex perienced here Sunday and Monday Two young lads the eldest years hailing from were arrested last Saturday night hopelessly drunk When they had sufficiently to tell who they were they told the po lice that they had come to the city to visit an They were let oft on a promise to go home Mrs Win Mackenzie on Now Years entertained with a masked ball The disguise in almost every instance was so perfect that only the exchange of confidence led to the limited few being known to each other will be a state tanner at House on the date of the opening of the Ontario Legislature Recruiting lor the Toronto Light Horse has been going on this at the Armories The outlying dis tricts of York Township were visited by recruiting officers last week and a large number of both men anil borne secured About SCO arc still needed A named doing business at the was nested the other day on a charge of fraud In September he issued a But has not come to bribe the poor Or gain by flippancy We know hes honest to the core Comes of ao honest ancestry His hands are clean pure No stain of fraud or His object is welt understood He is not after place or gain To seek the worlds best highest good His one desire throughout his reign So full of purpose and will Hell doubtless bravely do his part If as truly fulfill Much joy will fill the worlds great heart Let all our aims be for the Gods Word our guide our lamp our eld No chart so sate for age or youth And will true satisfaction yield When earths short years with us are done Well step upon the golden strand Our labors oer our victories won And in the concoutse stand GRANT Richmond Hill Dec ooo G T Smash at WANTED A to Canadas in the town and surrounding country ted take orders for Our Hardy Specialties In Fruit Trees Fruits Ornamentals Shrubs Rosea Vines Potatoes Ac true to name and Ire from Sao won Scale A permanent position right cm salary or STONE WELLINGTON Town Carting for caring will attended to Mo7ing Good bus kept tot hue HUNTER JR Public School Newmarket North Grocery Call and inspect our stock of Can dles Nuts Oranges Figs Table Dates etc before loading up elsewhere We have rbe Finest stock in town Peanuts Almonds Filberts Wal nuts per lb Mixed Candles lbs lor Good Cream Candies lbs for Chocolates to lb Malaga Grapes per b Oranges lor Navel Oranges Huge Lemons Christmas Stockings IS each Finest Select Raisins 3 ibo for Fresh Trout Salt Trout Clscoes Finest Oysters Homemade Sausage fttt per lb Cranberries per KN0WLE3 Prompt delivery to all parte the Jan 2 Three more engines will be relegated to the scrapiron heap as the result two freight trains of them a doubleheader coming in the yard last night It seems that a freight from the North and the regular Toronto were giv en the semaphore signal to enter the yard together which they did at full speed I The impact was something terrific statement resulting in the complete wreck of the three engines while many the cars were also smashed to kindling wood crews were to jump and save themselves A MAN HATES When he wakes up with a headache and a bail taste in his mouth Some thing is needed to settle ihc stomach clear away the dull heavy reeling and create a little appetite Just a tumbler of water some and pour in a stiff dose of Youll pick up Immediately and eel tiptop in a few minutes hasnt an equal for a condition of tills kind ft stimulates cures the For the Era The Shroud of the BY A what- varied manner doe- restless deep ever continue to claim its holocaust of victims Nov lashed into frenzy by tornado it grips some gallant ship and burls it with all her living down into the abysmal depths now as at a mighty carries to their eatery tomb anas men women and children now when a mighty whirlpool it en traps the incautious mariner within its lethal influence and whirling is barque round and round the abyss length Iter 1 roar in its surging vortex too in other moods the ocean also somejUmes lays hands on those who embark upon her heaving surface A few years ago it was latj that a vessel was far north amongst the which had been driven and fro in that inhospitable clime for a number of years locked tight in the grip of the froen sea during the long arctic winters and lor a short time in the socalled summer partially leased amidst floating masses of ice The crew had left the probably adapting Ihcir to sleighs and had doubtless all perish- long before The cordage and ging were in rags and vessel pre sented an extraordinary appearance neglect and age battered by the snowy storms of many winters writing from recollection the last in the log was dated twelve years previously and bruised by iceshroud which from time to time had hugged her in its embrace Hut in one of the cabins was most pathetic and piteous spectacle all- There at a table his head in his hands as if plunged in misery and grief is the of a man but course he has long been dead intense cold preventing decay the on ly sign of which is a little green nmuld upon his temple And there lying on the berth at his side is his lair voung wile beautiful even in and peacefully resting as if in gentle slumber And doubtless ear ful of exposing her to the perils of a long journey over the icefloes and hummocks he had elected to take his chance of rescue and had allowed his crew to leave them to their fate And soon prisoned beneath vst drilts of snow and hemmed in by grinding Roes soon to be locked tight in the icy shroud and plunged in the Cimmerian darkness of that long arc tic winter her young life ebbs slowly away until at length his throbbing heart has ceased Ho beat and that is loft to him is her cold and soulless corpse And now he is alone Alone in Ins desolate misery alone in that drear v biting north alone with the dead form of her whom he had loved so well And the iron has entered his soul distractod with a corroding imwving grief and lacerated with a MRS COOPER gcnlptnrcaa to tte World For the Chief Weeds in Clow The spread of noxious weeds can be attributed to no single cause- seem to naturally adapted to ra pid spreading and besides there arc various natural and artificial agencies which aid in their dissemination Not least important among thesa agencies is the seed grain every farmer purchases yearly seed of grain or grasses and cloven with little thought of introducing weed seeds in this way As a mat ter of fact however he seldom gets seed perfectly free from weed seeds erf some hind Occasional these are not particularly injurious but not frequently they are most undesirable and being introduced unconsciously gain a strong foothold before their presence is suspected in this con nection some particulars of the anal- of seeds from the Department Agriculture at Ottawa should be of interest as they show to what extent these conditions prevail over two hundred samples of the my of Arts London England Is on one of living Ruskin great during only seeds in in eat sculptors and of oca- j lhe over thirty different kinds lory Mrs an ardent represented Of of and in a letter January inese Sheep written from Washington J Sorrel- False Flax showing a surplus of but when he failed last week his liabilities were over 30000 A newspaper man A for years court re porter for the Telegram alter only four days illness died at St Mi chaels Hospital last week Taken with bronchitis it soon developed in to pneumonia Deceased was years age There is no truth in the rumor that Mr Aylesworth KC intends run ning for North Oxford The news Slems lo think the originated in the which set the story afloat Here is a conundrum for Editors carry how is it passible for Mr yoU tor hard days work Try tthitney to do so with a minority of Largo bottles cost three Some people are like par rotsthey talk too much and say too J was below The corridors and at the Parliament buildings arc ting on a sort of sessional appearance Wat a Cleaning brushing dusting Is dollar never of things Just now as the will be here James Wall for taking a registered letter out of the not be longing to him containing was sent week to the KinReton ni Mr ftoss is unable to the sick feeling and the with a w thing Is needed to settle the stomach zero it North man who squeezes his wife In looking over our subscrip tion accounts we t are led to believe that some awfully good women in this section are not getting the pres sure they deserve Ex A subscriber who was in arrears fox five years by the Police to a rural paper was dying and the Magistrate Wall Is a hard case and has already served one year in the pdlttor dropped In to see him How do you feel asked pencil of bitter desolation with a broken heart he sits beside Iter and dies Hut if they both had served their God and if the record of their mis deeds had been washed away by the who was as substitute that parting was but for a few snort moments and with a jov they clasp hands in the Ian J An Open to Mothers cannot praise Babys Own Tab lets too highly writes Mrs Beach Campbells Bay Que From the time my baby was bom bo was troubled with pains in the stomach and bowels and a rash on the which made him restless day and night I got nothing to help htm until I gave him Babys Own Tablets and under their use the trouble soon disappeared and all my friends are now praising my baby he looks so healthy and well I give him an occasional Tablet and they keep him well- I con heartily re commend the Tablets to any mother who has a young baby Thousands of other mothers praise this medicine Just as warmly and it on hand in case emergency Tablets cure all minor Ills little once they act gently and and are absolutely safe by all druggists or sent post paid at a box by writing The Dr Williams Medicine Co following take pleasure in mending lor catarrh and- la grippe I bavonford tor and little of J am Cooper for a fret book on titled Health and Trrfabbok written for and bo to be of groat every woman Address Dr Ohio The Poor man and the Please sir said the tattered gar give me a few coins I havent eaten a thing today and have no place to sleep The welldressed man stopped sharp ly regarded the beggar a moment and then said My man my luncheon today cost another fellow and now Im walking from here to seventysecond because I havent a nickel My rent bill ol Is due tomorrow Im 1000 overdrawn at the bank A man that owes me killed himself yesterday My yacht auto diamonds and paintings are all mort gaged and my wife is suing for di vorce Now sir which is the worse on beggar took nickel from his clothes and handed it silently to the man Tbe welldressed man looked aston ished Then he throw a five dollar bill at tattered mendicant and walked away New York Press Tewible Catastrophe at a Chicago Theatre People Killed and Crowded out last week Quarters Canada Thistle and White Cockle were most commonly present often at the rate of several thousand per pound In Clover and Al- sike of each of which were vera hundred samples there were upwards of forty species of weed seeds those being commonest size approximated that of the clover seed This in Red Clover found Curled Bock Canada Thistle White Cockle and while In Alsike White Cockle Sheep Sorrel and Black were prevalent The primary cause for this prevail ing condition is no doubt growth of weeds with the crop for seed and the tendency of farmers to buy Im proper I v cleaned seeds because are cheaper than and to a casual examiner equally as good grades It is usually safe to regard cheap seed as of an inferior quality and on this- account to avoid buying It Dodder was present in twelve sam ples red clover at an average rate seeds per pound this is con siderably more than was the case a vear ago and was no doubt due to more seed being imported from the south where this parasite thrives much better than here The analysis of several samples obtained from Chili showed that Dodder is a very common impurity in seed from that country the sample having upwards of seed per pound and somewhat less There is no proba bility of Canada ever having to im port seed from Chili but as both countries have a common market for their surplus supply the presence ot this impurity in the Chilian seed should aftord the Canadian product a considerable advantage Were it not for this circumstance the Chilian Rett Clover seed would prove a dangerous as it Is well colored and high vitality and with few other objectionable impurities samples of exported and Red Clover were Dec About five hun dred and fifty people killed and injured within ten minutes from English Seed merchants this during a fire in the Iroquois Theatre the newest the largest and as far as could make it the theatre in Chicago A few of these people were burned bo death by fire many suffocat ed by gas and scores were trampled to death in the panic that followed the mad plunge of the frightened audi ence for the exits It will be hours lefore the number dead is accurately known and many days be fore all of- them will be identified The fire broke out luring the sec ond act of the play The theatrical company which was verv large es caped to the street in nearly all of them however compelled Ml these showed a uniform quality none of them free from weed seeds but had been apparently well cleaned as there was a notable absence such as light seeds chad or weed seeds either larger or smaller than the bulk of the sample Small numbers of Cockle Black Meddick Fata Flax still remained In the Al sike and of Foxtail and in the Red Clover Tbe germination was uniformly over ninety per cent The average quality was therefore considerably better than that or the seeds retailed in our own markets It always be how ever buyers that while the aver se Quality of our seeds may be low highest grades arc always offered for sale and this quality is in toe lo fiee into the snow no cloth ing but their staKc costumes The lend the most profitable accounts of the origin the fire arc A All looks bright the Mr K Clark confined jthe subscriber I thought to bis home with an attack of la so said the editor Youll see the grippe Iblazln ten minutes Ex conflicting but the best reason givn is that an electric wire near the low er part of a piece of dropscenerv and grounded setting the seen- Cry ablate of Ag Ottawa IF YOU DONT SIJ3BP WELL Its because your nerves are in a weal irritable condition Tlie bylaw to establish a free li brary by a majority of about at Woodstock Tho fire that destroyed Dr drug warehouse and and u corc goods establishment at Sf ca Quebec caused a loss last writes Mrs J Nineteen theatres Chicago have I rundown been closed until such time as sleep and felt perfectly rajs- provide asbestos drop curtains and and take otocr precautionary benefitted I can Jan was car- anyone suffering from by a majority of for the Issue overwrought nerves andsleepJcssnesB of debentures for an appropriation of No ionic is better l0o for sidewalks Price druggists t 1

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