Newmarket Era, 22 Apr 1904, p. 2

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Invert foments 800 Buaoeli of Turnips Enquire Morton one mile a east of Terrible inTTOPQnto J Mouse to Rent No Victoria Are Enquire WILLIAMS 0er Toronto Jobbing House Forty Wholesales LOST THIRTEEN DOLLARS Mr Ernest Hughes of Toronto was home over Sunday Miss Carter Bradford is her sister Mrs SEE BANGS OF Spring carpets OUR STOCK OF SPRING WALL PAPERS IS NOW COMPLETE Field Stone Wanted in terrors Irresist ible in its force and calamitous- be yond any disaster that lis yet over taken Toronto was the great fire swept through the wholesale centre of the city ba Tuesday leaving in its track acres of smoking ruins where a lew hours before there had been huge warehouses and facto Suitable for concrete work State filled with the costliest of for any quantity up to dise totae at the tannery site I Thank be wind blow toward Newmarket was DAVIS LEATHER CO loss have written firemen and w above ail mass of spectators massed on Bay street or Toronto north ol the police lines home for a few days last week The trolley and electric light wires Miss GUI of Toronto was caught by falling wires were broken ring Miss Foster for a few days last and hung in festoons of brilliant week and purple flame across Front street Mrs Proctor of Away- to the south toward the bay was visiting with Mrs where the Casket Com- on Monday factory a dozen ware- j Mr and Mrs John give houses were being licked up the J delightful Flinch party last rose literally hundreds of feet day evening into the air The shriek and sob- or the fire engines the calls of the we fiery Tlniothy Seed for On Lot church Coo of Whit- SILAS TOOLE Newmarket PO Card of I desire to thank the friends and neighbors who were so kind during tbe illness death and funeral of my dear husband SMITH a car horses Mrs Geo Wood entertained a number of ladies to a five oclock tea last Friday Dog Lost A dark colored English Setter Female Any information regard ing whereabouts will be thank fully received by A Boyd of the Newmarket Laundry Anyone found detaining her after this notice will be prosecuted Richmond the great fires of history The fire mass and the terrible sound of J area probably includes acres flames overhead made a combination Wesley is hounded roughly by Lome street and of sights and noises Dantesque NorthWest where he went with the Queens Hotel on the west the almost inconceivable Esplanade on the south and midway The Mayor and members of Council between King and Wellington on the appealed to ail tie surrouhd- A Targe part of the block cities early in the evening- The between Bay and south Hamilton brigade responded first and h Cane gave a five Wellington has been destroyed one company with Chief clock tea last Friday afternoon to a The wind was a gale from the reached Toronto Buffalo northwest but veered at times sent two fire engines and twenty most to the northeast In the firemen who left that city at main however the course of the fire oclock is from he northwest and the strip The London itself arranged blotted out of the heart Toronto for a special and despatched of about feet wide by a quarter their brigade The Mayor also a mile long cphoned to for help which of the great warehouses like was willingly The Chief of the Fire Brigade in escaping from the third story of a burning building had his leg broken It was the arrival the Hamilton brigade that turned the fight in favor of the firemen saved the Queens from destruction i Ontario Government will suffer some loss and wilt be considerably gird of those Gordon Com pany and Warwick Brothers Com pany had stock and machinery in worth from a quarter to three- quarters of a million The destruc tion of at least forty of great establishments is complete and the money loss cannot be less than million dollars The fire had its in the second the destruction the floor of trie E R neckwear printing establishment of Warwick factory on the north side of Welling- and As soon ton at and is supposed to be due to an electric light wire- as The Trustees of the Methodist Church at Holland Landing desire I The employes of the Telegram to express their appreciation of the fought the fire inch by inch in a fash- noble efforts Miss Rosa beyond all praise- The great In collecting sufficient funds to place plateglass windows broke under the unfortunately only the latest new organ in the church free of heat the window frames caught fire scripts were saved The other and hereby extend to their the building was filW with smoke scripts the third readings the old thanks BrickGlad House for Sale In Newmarket That Commodious Brick House sit uated on Millard Avenue almost fronting Church Street owned by Miss Jennie Armitage is now for sale There is a small stable on the lot- The house is in excellent and the property makes a very desirable residence Possession can be given by 1st of May next Foe particulars apply to Webb Newmarket or to Vendors Solicitor ADMINISTRATRIXS Notice to Creditors but the Telegram men using their own hose won the day The firemen too seeing that if the fire leaped across Bay Street so high up the whole centre of the city would be destroyed turned several branches upon the Office Specialty Companys building and subdued the flames after the roof had fallen in By the Walls of the warehouses on the East side of Bay north of Wellington were tottering and before all the floors had fallen in the first building to collapse being that of Davis Henderson which fell with a crash that brought terror to the thousands Friday number of ladies Miss Clara Kelman telegraph op erator at Preston is spending a cou ple of weeks vacation at home Mrs Jackson gave a Thim ble Tea to a number of ladies at on Tuesday afternoon Dr Allen of was here for the LeapYear At Home and re mained over Sunday ffith friends Mr T Webster and son from Aberdeen Scotland were the guests of Mr- Frank Duncan oil Sunday Master John Morgan entertained a and a half schoolmates last Friday evening and they all had a jolly time Mr got home from the Hospital in Toronto last week and is feeling like a new person His looks indicate it Mr George Lyons and Leonard Agar of spent a few days last week with their uncle Mr Luke Moody ofYongo Street Mr A and son of Oril- son and grandson of Mrs David statutes the royal assent and many other important documents were Sunday on account of Mitchells The firm in esc- Hness for years and naturally in K McMillan of time an immense amount ma- Dakota writes as accumulated the loss which d A is irreparable Please continue the Era another Over printers are thrown out a welcome work by the fire j find the necessary Over employes have been toe machine going are thrown out of work and latest fig- covered up with snow yet bring the loss up to over twelve ny snow banks here are feet million dollars on which there is More eight million dollars insurance the firm saw that the factory was threatened they instructed Foreman Foster to gather together as much of the Government manuscripts as possible Mr staled that firms are wiped out men were injured Notice la hereby to the that all other an I nut the Either foard late or Rut who on 1Mb da of March are required to to the Soli citor for the of the of the Esther BOd full In of their aijatnet the aatd Betatron or before the of Mar thereafter the aMett of the aald will the thereto regard inAojf had only to the cltliaa the notice April for the New market GRAND TRUNK 8iS WORLDS PAIR ST LOUIS Exhibits shown by Fifty Foreign Governments Live exhib it covers acres The popular Route to the Worlds Fair St Louis Mo AH the world Is epitomized In this Exposition It Is the wonder of the century REDUCED RATES IN EFFECT APRIL allowing stopover at any Intermedi ate Canadian station also at De troit and Chicago to Lob Angeles or San and return going April to Inclusive limited to June Opposition in Trouble The Dominion Parliament during the past week was enlivened by a spirited discussion regarding a stolen document which the leader of the Opposition made public use of and thereby led to the imputation of being a party to the theft The Fi nance Minister classed Mr Borden with receivers stolen goods The point made was that Mr Borden had obtained a private and confidential letter and it been published in the newspapers as much at least as suited his purpose had been publish ed through his agency alone Until he offered explanation Mr Bordens honor an a public man was afljet- in the eyes of the people of Cana da Sir Wilfrid too was equally outspoken The letter he said had been stolen Nobody would say Mr Borden had stolen it Perhaps the person from whom he got it hadnt stolen It but it had been stolen and stealing a viola tion of the law Mr Borden piuii snow fell last week than we got the rest of the I winter Seeding looks away off yet This leaves us all well Yours truly Mr David McCaffrey of Aurora to be the new Deputy Regis trar for North York assuming the about the 1st of May Mr McCaffrey is well and favorably known in and around Aurora and we a hearty welcome to New- A cablegram from London he land on Tuesday state that sponsible position S with the Boot and Shoe firm that the Earl of is likely to succeed Lord as Governor- General of Canada BOTES Messrs Underbill He is an energetic and competent young man and will no doubt discharge the duties of his new position with Premier Ross announced to satisfaction to the public House on Tuesday in reply to appointment will be a source ol leader the Opposition that is was gratification to his many friends not the Intention the to bring in any legislation this pen sion In regard to the UcenKe law City state that the Premiers hill relating to the liquor Was In type and destroyed the Government printing office during the big fire on Tuesday night Several amendments were made to the Statute Law during the closing Week the Ontario Legislature Hereafter when a vacancy occurs in the Assembly the writ for a new election must issue within three months Power Is given under an other clause to enable the Inspector of Registry Offices to compel the attendance of witnesses when enquir ing into the conduct of an official Special Excursion Tickets On Sate Dally point In Montana Colorado Itab Oregon ard California trains to Canadian with Sleeping Car will leave Toronto every Tues day during April at pm travelling without Live the Pacific leav ing at further information arjd ticket Aeot as In civil cases also where a bave teen that it a seeret and on an independent business the document had bo J may dismiss him published it For the sake of his from office cause Mr had made use of a document whose origin he could not explain and his position could not be Justified This was a hard dose for the Op position- leader to swallow and he resected the imputation of hiving misused a public document Alto gether there was a lively fccene train on the Mexican the Opposition side the House felt lrWk near Eight persons were The Toronto on March by Rev Pear son at Trinity Church Kenyon Sutton to Mary Hooper of Bath the parson age on April ft by Rev Percy Mr Allan of Churchill to Miss May eldest daughter of Mr Samuel of At the Methodist Toronto by Rev Hill on April Mr Oarfleld Rogers Miss Cora Henderson both of Newmar ket Among those from Toronto who attended the Leap Year Ball were Miss Miss and Mlse Kelman Messrs Foster Hodge and LEADING Furniture Undertaking House that they had been humiliated by the unauthorized use made a docu ment marked private and confiden tial The Canadian Press Association Canadian Ticket Agents Associa tion hate completed for an excursion from Toronto to St Louis May and via Grand Trunk and Illinois Central in Two special trains of Pullman cars It will perhaps be the moat represents body of newspaper and railway killed and thirtyfive injured An avalanche from the swept the hamlet Switzerland The Inhabitants ere the time and thirteen were killed A bylaw grafting a of men that ever left Canada tc the Niagara been made for PA Catharines Railway at You cau buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash I Parlor worth for Bedroom worth for worth for 500 All other kind Furniture At Reduced Price fire broke out at the Paris tine Works about this after noon the efforts vol unteer brigade numbering nearly men the blaze made rapid headway and waa not got under control till oclock The entire plant was Nice Line of Fancy Hookers A SPECIALTY One fireman Hatch attended to at Residence killed while with the have their wives flames and several were erioaily in- company at rates AND BEHEFICIAb FOR SPRING As we sell for buy for we cap quote you prices that will induce you to at this store and save big money by so doing We- yourselves are independent buyers and we ate always on alert for special values for our stores arid are in a position to handle very large on which we get special prices This week we have several specials to offer Roller Window Blinds each only New Window Blinds in Fawn and Green Roller and Brackets complete regular value for each CURTAIN POLES In Oak Mahogany also a now line Telescope and Whit at each complete ROLLS WALL PAPER roll Holla Glimmer Wall Paper In Green and suitable patterns for Hill Dining Parlors or Bed- Rooms papers roll This price is for Saturday only WOMANS SKIRTS 12 Only Womens Skirts made of Grey and Black Homespun seven gored sizes from to waists very special fit SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS each Only Ladies Black Mercerized Sateen Underskirts made with deep flounce frills all sizes very at each STEEL FILLED CORSETS pairs Ladies Steel Filled Cor sets made good coutille sizes to perfect fitters regular and pair Saturday to clear at pr Best Cashmere Hose in Canada We have them in plain and ribbed sizes to all wool Without ex ception this one of the best lines of hosiery in the Canadian trade to day Boys Gingham Shirts each Boys Blue and Black Striped Ging ham Shirts sizes to regular each On sale Saturday MENS and HATS A big line of Mens Soft and Stiff Hats all sizes regular and 1250 value for KID BOOTS PAIR Pairs Womens India Kid Boots sizes to patent leather toe cap special at pair line is not all solid leather Good School Boots for Boys Girls In Oil Tan Grain Leather guaran teed solid leather very special at per pair Mens Grain Bleacher Cut Boots Pairs Grain Bleacher Boots sizes to very special at pair MENS OVERALLS PAIR Mens Black Denim Overalls double well made all sizes regularly sold at 50c pair Saturday pair GROCERY SPECIALS Good Cooking Raisins lb Fruit Biscuits lb worth Soda Biscuits lb worth Good Lemons Good Navel Oranges TRY A POUND of our VICTOR CHOP TEA 2oo lb Cold Cooked Meats on Ice Sliced to your order Ham Jel lied Hocks Jellied Veal Pressed Beef Bologna Sausage Hams Bacons Rolls Fin est September Cheese lb Bring your Produce to this store Every day Market Day Highest Market prices in trade NEW SYRUP Of the best grades will not be in abundance year We shall however have some we can recommend Moody was visiting with her sister Mrs John Wade at King City a few days last week a4 The Cradle LINTON At Aurora on April the wife of Mr Linton of a son Sutton on April to Mr and Mrs Wm a daughter PARK In Sutton on April 100 to Mr and MrsWm Park a son April to Mr and Mrs a son PEREGRINE- In Holt on Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Albert Peregrine a son BLIZZARD In Holt on Tuesday April to Mr and Mrs Oliver a son In Mount Albert on Thursday April to Mr and Mrs John a son The Tomb In Whitchurch on April Prancla aged years and days At Indian Head on April Ursula wife of in the year o her Deceased was the daughter of Mr Henry Grose of Keswick On Mon day her sisters received a cheerful letter from her and on Friday came the startling telegrams telling of her serious illness and death Inter ment took place at Indian Head by her wish beside her two children who were laid there less than a year ago Deep sympathy Is felt for her husband and relatives In their afflic tion MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive ana Prompt Attention OUR SPECIAL BLEND BLACK TEA OUR SPECIAL BLEND MIXED TEA OUR SPECIAL NO JAPAN TEA Guaranteed to please or money back NECESSITIES Soaps and Soap Powders Keoiine Soap and Lye Scrub Brushes Clothes Pirn and Lines California Navel Oranges Valencia Oranges and Lemons Bananas and Green Goods for Saturday Christies Fancy Biscuits ah km Potatoes by the Bag You can get no better anywhere BOG ART- Totepnoaa Ues phono 0 Spring Suitings and Overcoatings and Irish Tweeds and English Worsteds to up In Latest Styles and Fashions A Call Solicited FWILLIS NEWMARKET OPPOSITE TITO FORSYTH HOUSE

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