Newmarket Era, 22 Apr 1904, p. 5

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ONTARIO 1 f CAPITAL STOCK PAID OP Tola hud General NEWMARKET BRANCH general l TaAKaAOT2I Interest Allowed on Deposits lira at ax rorari in Draft Weeks toeal pit Me Two freight cars were derailed on the switch depot last Friday morning and the wrecking train came to their assistance Rev of Berlin President of the City Mission Work the Church- will III Progressing The directors Bank of Canada have declared the usual quarterly dividend of per cent payable on the May last Mrs A Young On Thursday afternoon of week niece of Geo Wood accidentally ran a hook Into her thumb The more she pulled it the worse it in the flesh so she took a razor cut the flesh to the re in the Mission Hall above alongside of the hook arid Lyons storey on Sunday- April moved it- without further ceremony at 3 pm Everybody welcome- She would make a good hospital nurse LEGAL fco Street to on rood t Solicitor Court Ontario its shoes Medical aid was sum moned and when last heard from was doing nicely flee III alto be for J iyiOfiUrlorHa Rom Co IX Reformer Block A A cent for to t Current 0riCAtihePotOfBceKewirurket fl Ramsay Fife Agent on Firm Town Property Shop Simpson Frank Btrt4t Bolton ftfi At the lodge meeting last Friday night two new members were Sunday a boy named Ira proposed and one Others Tra have Mr Glad- S well the for cut about the head expects to return to in the course of three or weeks jUnQerneath when the horse became frightened jumped- the i down and cutting his head with Moyes was here Jast with his private car being ac companied by representatives the Dominion Express Co The latter are opening branches along the line j The Manager was met by some of Of Reduced Rates and spend a few our town lathers and the days at the Greatest Worlds coals about hot keeping up to Louis Mo The largest regarding the north end ever held Fiftyfour States also the dumping of freight participate and fifty Foreign the side of street remaining tries have their exhibit Return in some cases over Sunday tickets on sate on and after April dies were promised and the cars com- will be issued via Trunk running again to the north Railway at Single Fare good for days fare and one third good for days and at SO per cent of double fare good for and will allow stopover at any in- Canadian Station also Detroit and Chicago- Tickets and information on application to Tfmk Agents or to J j McDonald District Agent Very good market last Prices were as Butter to Eggs to Dressed chickens to Maple syrup to Apples to basket Apples to Potatoes to Live Chickens to Old hens to pir Life geese lb Live turkey hens lb pair Hides to lb Sheepskins to Tallow to ft Farmers Lard to running again end on Monday morning Good Skirts Neat fitting at Hughes Jos J Vim tat lor prompt fttteatloa Iiynaan MARRIAGE LICENSES Public fioard met oh even ing last week AH members prcs- of last meeting were and The for Febru ary wed the number on the roll the average Attendance to the to I- STVIV VU total dent 1 HI total reeltvent in the B the xwrns to niaU the work from March wan At and Head Stores tatn and to of Primary WIWB the flow bank that the School Hie of or extrication- from Board of sturgeon Fan- to bo jr J Thou A Methodist The large congregation last Sunday morning was delighted with the thoughtful earnest and practical mrin Rev Willson the Victoria student who is supplying the pulpit of the Christian Church till the July If Mr health is spared we predict a brilliant future for him We understand he intends going to the NorthWest field alter ordination at next Conference Those who attended the prayerser vice on Thursday evening of last week had the pleasure of listening to a very encouraging address from Iter H Moore of Vandalia Mich Mr Moore supplied the pulpit for the late Rev Dr for several weeks and married a daughter of tire late Oliver of Street It is years since he left Newmar ket and reports blessed from hie laborers In Michigan lie was the guest of Mrs J while in town His visit was brief being called to on account of the death of his sister the first break in the family withiji itm J sons who die I and will be allowed to retiove the body for interment save a number of bodies finding their to the school of- anatomy and cause some grief young students it will also save hard things being said about the J of the Old I I An Ottawa correspondent A great many people do not com- states that the idea mence to save anything for a rainy a central camp of instruction day or declining until they be- this year has been definitely abandongin to feel the Infirmities of age The Minister of is creeping upon them or see threaten- get the best possible proper- clouds gathering Let every per- but there has been no time yet son young and old who reads this to examine the free site which was item begin to lay up something if offered the department near is only a very small sum After Lake by the Ontario Government have commenced to save you The Winter has been so long and the will find that it takes a dollar snow so deep that it whole year to earn from feasible to carefully inspect this pro perty Accordingly central camp of instruction has been post poned for the present Taxation Bill or- no CO An extension of time for three ears has given to the Ontario Hay and Western Railway by the Provincial Legislature in to earn Its subsidy This line is really the James Hay extension of the Central The Hallway have al lowed the and Railway Co to cross the II at the junction of these lines J King and Aurora stations and also given power to effect a junction with the latter This tarries the right of reciprocal ft is announced that owing to the of spring and treacherous condition the the season for fishing with hoop nets has been ex tended from April ISIh the end of April Hoop nets may fie employ ed ordinarily from October I tint April J ft for the taking of course fish such as pike and mud eats the Legislature on Monday the law was made clear that no tele- or telegraph company a deemed to have acquired a over private tt i flftdrtwrrt Ayuv A a The reports of way over a of property because its wires or cables have been to private or have been carried across the property was enacted because In home instances the compaftiCM have set of this kind the Principal and announced that the wore adopted and Naming and Northern Ontario Rail way Commission has Recently award ed a number large contracts In connection with that railway The i the The main features of the new Taxa tion Bill as it passed the Legisla tion this week is summarized by the World as follows Exemptions of the crown in any pro perty churches public educational institutions city and town halls public roads municipal properly public parks penitentiaries poor houses immigration societies in come from surplus funds of friendly societies scientific or literary insti tutions official income of governors income of military officers income a farmer from his farm fixed machinery for manufacturing or farming purposes except for produc tion of motive power dividends from stock in incorporated companies the income of which is liable to assess ment toll road stock income from personal earnings in up to in towns up to nonhouse holders up to rental from real estate except interest from mort gages assessment for local improve ments officers of superior courts ap pointed March Business Tax Distiller per cent of assessed value brewers per cent of land except such land occupied as a malt ing house which will be per cent of assessed value Wholesale merchant insurance com panies loan or trust companies ex press companies or financial firm per cent Manufacturer per cent not li able to business assessment as a wholesale merchant stores more than five branches where assessed value ex ceeds coal wood or lumber lithographer printer club per cent in cities over coal dealers per cent Barrister physician oculist medical electrician dentist vet erinary engineer surveyor or archi tect agent etc per cent Retail merchant in cities oyer cent other cities over cent- all other muni cipalities per cent Photographer theatre concert hall skating rink boarding stable res taurant hotel per cent Telegraph or telephone company electric or street railway transmis sion company per cent exclusive of plant Where assessment of any person under the business tux is less than be shall he assessed for 9250 Income Tax person not liable to business assessment Incomes not derived from the busi ness under which a person is assess- able Income from business over the amount of business assessment Agent or trustee who controls In come of persons living outside of the province bo assessed in respect of such income Telegraphs and Telephones Telephone companies CO per cent of gross receipts In cities towns and villages in cities over per cent in townships a mile for one wire additional wire 750 a mite Lines not exceeding miles are not included Telegraph companies in cities towns and villages per cent of gross receipts in townships J40 a mile for one wire a for each addition al wire act comes into force June a tfoiiar a three to five cents and after you learn this it will be very easy for you to be frugal and saving Watt At a dance in Dublin a young briefless barrister met a lady of ex alted position with whom he was so much that the week was out he called upon her father to ask for her hand The old man began proceedings by asking what prospects he had to the barrister replied Well none at present but when my uncle dies Ah when your uncle dies re plied the father as he rang the bell Here John show this gentleman out till his uncle dies Two German officers and seven troopers were killed and fourteen men wounded in a battle with the southwest Africa THE FIRST AMERICAN LIFE INS GO in What a Mutual Life Policy Means to You IT MEANS to you of all that is no dying First there to win but the modern policies Mutual Life win whether you live or die That the power is your own hands to protect your own future by an income or provide for- those dependent upon you to yon IT MEANS to yon In addition to the value of your insurance your pre miums earn interest IT MEANS to you That the oldest American Life Insurance Company which has paid more to and holds more for its policy-hold- era is behind the J contract million dollars paid to pol icyholders more than any other company House of jo H cm St Htrwraarket Inspector matter referred tht report were left In the Com for the bridges over the He River was from of the Primary BObool andHr ft a of W rxff4PnKM on without J wr of Board on Public Board In to J a ln On Board Send he minion Co and Will cost ap proximately The contract lor equipment has been awarded to Ihc Oar Manufac turing Co the lowest tenderers and calls for three flraV class coaches and two and express car delivery to be made in and October The 100 flat cars pounds ca pacity contracted for with Rhodes Co of Amherst have all arrived Era to absent friends One o the Ash stories out la told by a young man who applied for work of a wellknown business man Ho you want a situation said the ycshlr replied the youthful ap plicant Hvm you over Ashing Occasionally you fishing last Day yesterday Catch anything Not a thing You can come to work next Moo- yon Jike if you tell ing that you may bo a partner In the firm one of these days Remember all these things If a Mutual life Policy Ho Company means so muck An of Profit My policy for Issued In 1888 on return premium distribution- plan has matured In addi tion to in paidup Insur ance you have declared a cash dividend of which- over per cent of the urns paid which will purchase additional paidup Besides having protection for plus all premiums during the years I made a good investment Yours with thanks William A iV Both large and small policies in this class received same pro bo considered at your leisure you cart seeuro formation about the cost kind of policies how much Interest your premiums earn etc from the largest Insurance Company In world Company of Hew York THOMUS Toronto I a- j- J ajwa AND SHELF HARDVjARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A TO PLEASE YOU AS REPRESENTEJi J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET i i TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS TOR HIRE b j UY YOUR J now while the assortment is complete and save the advance which must come in price mm it Go Dont stick to money like a burr to a cows tall when other people have a legal or moral claim on it There is an old- farmer down cast who rides into town on the rear seat of the trolley so as to hang on to his fare until the last possible minute There are plenty of men in business just like this old screw who carry around in their pockets or hold In their banks money that does not be long to them The man who know ingly keeps money a minute longer than it Monies lo him is a rogue What business have you to compel a inaii to ask again and again for what is his By what law do you com pel a man to run alter his own all rights the borrower is servant to the lender and instead of the lat ter seeking repayment the borrower should seek hint not unto thy neighbor go and come again and tomorrow I will give thee when thou hast it by thee Confectioner Splendid gt On Queen St East for sale by ft 20 bearing fruit small fruits site in town Apply to GEO Newmarket EXPERIENCE Rank Poison is Created When Food Does not Digest and That is When Sickness Commences If the man or woman who does not feel right will at once look to put ting stomaoh right they will strike right key Every ache and every pain is a cry of too much of which has been made in the converting food Into nutriment It bo the or of the kidneys telling they overtax ed and cannot filter poison tit may bo weight pain or distress In the stomach that tells of menta tion and decomposition instead tit di gestionIt may be dull which lells poison has reach ed the fluid which surrounds the brain cells The first cause is the samelack of gastric juice to proper ly digest AntlPUl the Great System Treatment Is a new discov ery which so acts on the mucous of the stomach a natural supply of gastric Juice is assured To prove the wonderful action of An tiPill you may have a trial bottle by addressing Co Niagara Falls For Sale in Newmarket by J C for ring without Scientific a Farm for Sale Being lot con 3 andconalstinfir of 5 under and hemlock farm Is situated about miles from Newmarket and la to both church land- house On wo4 frame bank tloa and stabling for a gcsljAdHfkWirttb solid brick kitchen awlfrAteoo4- a goodwall a never falling creek younn orchard coming- fflto- bearing plenty fruit Toe Is well fenced and soil in a good clay and la good state cultivation Usual done last Fait sown given Easy terms can U de4lrcd For particular w on the premises or thru Newmarket P

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