Newmarket Era, 22 Apr 1904, p. 6

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j y v a- iv v v DAVIDSON Mount Albert Ontario number or good ior SEED OATS New Century Oats lot Sale Salt Fanners Binder Twine always Highest market paid for all kinds grain SHIELDS Mount Albert DAVID In the Town Hall Tuesday April Dont miss Everybody is going I The best and cheapest only a ordered this month May be delivered any time during Jersey Grades for Mount Albert Heifer month to old been bred also For BuaG1ES STOKES Albert Dp Just received a carload of first- class McLaughlin Buggies all styles Some nice rubber tired jgies 0 Law Zephyr and Mount I St Albert MARKET There was a good attendance tot I the market on Tuesday Prices The Liverpool follow butter to we Wo chickens to C at as INSURANCE COMPANY Available Balance of Capital OFFICE CAKAA BRANCH or Andrew two ft ton Esq Sir Alex La cos Albert worth J Deputy Chat La coat Chief for Dominion Dont fail to hoar this charming play in the Town Hall on Tuesday next Over 100 reserved seats have been sold already FURNITURE You can eave money by buying your Furniture at the RUNAWAY The team belonging to Mr the Centre Road became frightened on Tuesday and ran away upsetting the wagon Fortunately no one was injured and not much damage was dope BALDWIN BRUEZKS On Saturday Chas passed the milestone of lifes journey and has entered on the long stretch to the during- which he will have to stop on the way about a thousand times for luncheon Win ters chills and ills and pills strong er men than him oft kills The past three months dealt roughly with his vitality but be is gaining taking active outdoor exercise walking Im in a great hurry to tell of our boy Roy An intimation a possi ble wedding last week materialized into a real love match Master and Miss Dora Riddel Dora Darling were quietly married in To- April Roy though somewhat youthful not yet 111 manly young not to buckle to work and the bride a local and beauty- Both bride and groom are of mine and I unhesitatingly wish them good luck The news like a thunderclap to some otters however were posted Let me introduce ilr and Sirs Archie Smith to their neighbors at their new home near Holland Land ing Youll find Archie OK and Mrs Smith a model young woman Let my old friends and Wright and and their wives drop in and be neighborly Tell em the Owl said so The Toronto Star evidently has not got on the runway of Canadian Beau- tics Let me suggest that their ar tist take a jaunt to Baldwin and take some snap shots at our local beau ties Then theyll have some gems of art to decorate their walls Elijah does many a good act that the world at large never hears of Here is one of his most recent kindly feeds A family property was create We at sorry to learn of diphtheria at Mr Gilbert Johnsons Hope to hear of their recovery soon Mrs Clam Stephens and family are visiting in Raven hoe We are watching for rink to reopen as we are having another winter Remember the Pancake Social era Tuesday evening April under the auspices of the Good furnished Vera was visiting in our week The League intend hold ing a social on May 2nd Further particulars later- Weeding bells are ringing around our burg- Miss Wight and Mr Harry of Aurora visiting here over Sunday Snowballs Hotel around petitioning for a transfer of license this week Miss Toronto is visiting at Mr Jos Davidsons at present The new merchant is open Tor in the grocery Sorry to hear of severe of Baldwins interesting scribe but pleased to know he is still able to boot Ladies Aid Bethel was held at Mrs Sennetts last week and was well attended spine from being present Pleased to have Messrs and Wright at Endeavor Sunday ev ening- Mr Yeomans singing is highly appreciated and we trust he may come often News scarce very scarce J Patterns to Buncoed in D r A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OF Bedroom and Extension and Parlor and Fancy are aux amenta or Pillow Sham Carpet Stretcher and Framing a delivered free of charge ordered in quantity ALLAN Try Oar Own Emulsion of Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We the leading makes Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT TOVES SCIATIC RHEUMATISM CURED I have been subject to sciatic rheumatism for years says H agreement Wilton Junction Iowa ing very hard feelings Elijah got together those who were at logger heads ami by wise council and pa tiently discussing points dispute I used Chamberlains Pain secured an amicable arrangement have been thoroughly cur- and allround satisfaction My joints were and gave me much pain and My joints would crack when I straight up Balm and Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many months It is certainly a most won derful liniment For sale by If Lloyd The boys those plagues of new ly wed couples who got on Roy SUTTON A magistrate court was held here last Friday- to adjudicate upon a charge laid against the village Con stable Mr of being drunk After some discussion the court adjourned for a week to allow the parties to secure Counsel and summon witnesses Preparations are being made to re pair the dry dock at Jacksons Point The pavilion at the Point is a complete wreck This was caused by want thought to shovel the snow the roof Mr Sanders proprietor of Lake- view- at Jacksons Point was tip to make ready for summer business We are informed that Mr ros ier has purchased the recently sold here Mr Amos Millard tried to cross the ice to Island with a load of hay but happened to strike a weak spot and one horse went on APRIL SNOW Our citizens were somewhat sur prised on out on Tuesday morning to find the ground covered with snow and a howling blizzard in progress Snow shovels which it was thought would not be required until next winter were hunted up has opened business at i u with Mortons and the sidewalks shovelled Wed nesday the drifts in some places being two feet deep A rare spectacle for the of April wjb seeing sleighs go by loaded witi- saw logs and to hear the familiar jingle of shigh bells Some of our weather prophets hesitatingly announce that there may be a thaw before the Of May desired to act as captain I refused the proffered honor Im not built that way My lad deserves to be pat on the back to encourage him not to rob bed of his hard earning Besides it Is still fresh in the mind that rumor that there came bear being a free fight over the division of the spoil at the last similar occasion Geo formerly of Baldwin in competition with Mortons Geo will rapidly make himself a fa vorite It arouses my ugly nature when I see a young man desert a true little sweetheart and its right well for them sometimes that Im hot big and healthy with a prominent phonological development behind- the ear as I would make things interest- for such scallywags A Keswick trail on his homecoming I through the ice but fortunately it was got out without any serious loss or damage Miss Annie went to the city last Tuesday week intending to spend a week there with friends Mr Amos Kay student at Toron to Medical College came home last Friday for a- couple of weeks vaca tion The party leaders at Ottawa given a practical illustration of how well can play the asinine roll when a great moral question is brought before them for discussion and adjustment It must be evaded It would never do to interfere with the cigarette or tobacco interest It must not be viewed from a moral standpoint but why simply became there aro millions of its votaries be hind It with voting power It would also effect the revenue which of Queen Heater FOR WOOD Good Cheer oak FOR COAL OR WOOD Heftier ALSO PERSONAL Mr A Moore US Mich was in town last week and favored us with a call Mr Moore bad been summoned to to attend the funeral his Sister Mttie wife of Mr J Oak Mrs Oaks death was the first in a family of fourteen children Six of her brothers as pallbearers Mr Frank West has completed ar rangements for opening a drug Zephyr Mr A Miller of was town this week Good Cheer Range For Coal ot Wood J ROWLAND Mount Albert Seed Grain for Sale Standard Oats per bushel buckets or over per bush Idea Beardless Barley per bushel W lbs Eggs for Hatching Duck Pen Ho per Pea Ho BEST COUGH FOR CHILDREN When buy a cough medicine for small children you want one it which You can place Implicit confidence You want one that not only relieves but cures You want one that unquestionably harmless You want one that is pleasant to take Cham berlains Cough Remedy meets all tticc There is nothing so good for coughs and colds In cident to childhood It is also a certain preventive and cure for croup and there Is no danger whatever from whooping cough when It is given It has been used In manv epidemics of that disease with perfect ftuccess For sale v i 21st anniversary of Muriel and Mr Franklin birthday was celebrated by a birth day party held at Mr William per evening per Rock Eggs per Albert Starr P for Hatching Barred exclusively Royal Blue Rioet The kind Many of the young people spent a very enjoyable time The the recipient many beautiful presents among which was Bet presented by Mr Franklin Black Music and parlor games characterized the enjoyments of the evening after which the la dles escorted the gentlemen to a nicely provided table In the small hour of the morning the gay com pany- dispersed Those In whose behalf the party youth who used to Sundaysevening out this way please read above Everything seems to point to the fact that the Con party desire to shake Whitney Would they bet ter their chances by accepting Dr Ive heard of pol iticians being so cruet that they would dissect or even vivisect their political opponents true Whit ney Is of rather volatile nature hut theres always a calm after a big blow I recently made some references to the pleasures of nature study Kind me a child that does not take delight in watching the habits and nature birds To know ttus name haunts and even more particulars such as food nests etc of all birds is not pleasure such things arc easily by the form of the bill the feet and legs Let any child go to a wild beast show Doesnt he more than enjoy the show But his delight would be intensified if he were a wise head on such topics The knowledge I possess on such topics is a delight to Mr and Mrs Will Mitchell mourn the of their threcmonthsold infant It died suddenly last Fri day Herman was riding on rays democrat last week horse gave a sudden spring forward throwing Herman oil his balance As ho fell bis foot caught between packing box and box the wag on thereby causing a very severe sprain Crutches are an auxiliary to his locomotion at present A frisky steer which went ugly gave John Miller a rolling tumble through the mud and water last week Such rough experiences take the starch out of the backbone The scouts for the suckers the van guard of the great shoals of shad are up A few have been bagged The millinery is rushing out and the cash pouring In to Ingles coffers cchirsc is of infinitely greater im portance than the moral or social well being of the community The language of lavcrgne mem ber for and Osier of Toronto cannot well be expressed in milder terms than to say it was Idiotic Mrs Rev Varlcy Mrs and Mrs Frank went to the city last Monday The Rev Jf McKay of Norwood the pulpits of Anglican church here a week ago Sunday and the Rev Everest last Sunday Mrs Richard is very ill- very little hope Is entertained of her recovery Miss AJIre Scott is home from the city on a visit A young Englishman giving the name of was buncoed out of sixty dollars at the Queens Hotel on Friday last He was a new arrival from the Old Country and came on as far as Toronto looking for work In the city he ran up against a Mr Chat ten who represented himself to be a steward or one of the Northern Navigation Companys boats running out of He was looking tor an I assistant and as wanted work it seemed as though the two were well met Arrangements were completed and the two started for checking their trunks for as at this point ex plained they would have to wait over for a railway connection On ar riving in the town on the noon train left his trunk at the sta tion but ordered sent up to the Queens where rooms were secured footed all the bills and paid board in ad vance till the next morning He him self went on to on the evening train the arrangement being that the Englishman would follow the next day It was smooth sailing far apparently but there was trouble in the morning when Broad- hurst asked Mr manager of the hotel for sixty dollars for which he produced a receipt signed A and stated that he had given this sum to to hand over to Mr safe keeping had received no money at all and then the story came out The Englishman stated that on the previous afternoon Chatten had seen him handling a roll of bills which was in his trunk and had suggested that it would be safer to leave it in the hotel safe for the night He then offered to take it down to the hotel Manager while was unpacking his trunk The young Englishman thanked him for his ad vice and the money was shortly afterwards brought the bogus receipt When the denouement took place a few inquiries revealed the SUITS the Latest and Nobbiest Designs HATS AND See our assortment of New Caps JPr PTESJ Our New Shirts GEO HAIGH SON MERCHANT TAILORS FURNISHERS SILVERWARE Stock New Complete UptoDate ROASTING PANS CARVERS WIOUNT LAMPS CARPET SWEEPERS SKATES HOCKEY STICKS i PAINTS OILS ETC ETC ALL AT J ALBERT OTE3 MOTHERS IF ANY in I or dunk tent etld 31 irin HOLLAND LANDING Mr Owen Is spending a few days in town Wo understand the farmers within the municipality axe seriously think ing of asking East to take them back into the Township There is a petition going the rounds Mr Stanley has accepted a positiop in Toronto and left here Monday morning We understand that Mr West has given up the idea of going north and has started droving Mr West shipped a carload to Amsterdam fact that held no position jly with the Northern Navigation Com- The Council are about to repair the pany and last few 1 town Not before it is were expended in buying a ticket needed back to Toronto where he proposes Who was young man who came to make things warm for if nearly lacing drowned while returning police can run him down Ad- home rather late night last week vancc Quill Jack is in town again John is paying us a visit before starting on his summer tour Mr John exreeve of has moved into the house ALBERT Our Spring Didnt Reach to BETHEL CORNERS long winter seems loath to give up Its sway will see spring in the near future persons hereabout have begun spring work but Wednesdays cold wave put a stop to their reeding The new proprietor of the The young English tenor had been lately vacated by Mr Roland asked to favor the company with Mr Daly was up north buy- song and responded with an Inter- cattle last week of Happy Be Thy Dreams in which tho old chap after the singer had finish- ly manifest It is truo that many contract colds say young man said a blunt nd from them without Wall Papers and Carpets Are In for Spring It will pay you to see them before buying elsewhere ROSS BROS TAKING DESPERATE CHANCES vvviw Hum mum aim A in old chap after singer had finish precaution or treatment and you didnt sound a single leads others to take their chances and tho song Is full of I beg your pardon air replied the mistaken singer it doesnt go any than John Eraser a boy of Fort William fell on a broken pop bottle and was killed J 40 per setting of have much reason a guarantee thicks to to recollect on future anniversaries replace egg at hall price happy evening spent arid all J unite in wMJng them many yMMAlo QavlHe plcwaot return of the day Impure blood always shows somewhere If the skin then bolls pimples rashes If the nerves men neuralgia nerv ousness depression If the Sarsaparilla stomach then dyspepiia biliousness loss of Your doctor knows the remedy used for 60 years from I ttf fca4 A If A Will ATCO- for Impure Blood td by HALKD under- tt1jcd nd for Pert Collin rne vtl he urtlll Friday May for Port County Ontario loi to two win plana and to tho of luiit In cbhrtM of Ontario Toronto Charlefl K4i Work and at of wo of will bo but at liberty to trader for one or both wilt not on forms and alined natures of An on a chartered bank payable to tbo order of tho of for thousand dollar each tender In the case of partita for both will wilt bo forfeited if the party or falls to complete will he returned ten der The the J eat or tender By order of Vf Ottawa April without authority from Depart went will not bo paid for It v stead of need ed attention It bo borne In mind that over cold weakens lunfcs lowers tbo vitality makes tho system less able to withstand each succeed cold and paves the way for more serious disease Can you afford to such desperate chances when Chamberlains Cough famous for its cures of colds can be had for a trifle For sale Lloyd William was crushed to death against the coal chute coaling a MOU engine at Montrose j For the first in two ties the voices of women singers were heard in the Vatican Ladys Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets I have I believe sold fifty boxes of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets on the recommendation lady hero who flrat bought a box them about a year cov er tires telling her neighbors and friends about the good qualities of these Tablets P Shore Drug gist Rochester The pleasant purgative effect these Tablets makes them a favorite with ladles everywhere For sale by Lloy J y Aim I AUK LICENSES DRUG A STOCK OF Field and Garden Seeds Just arrived Carrot Sugar Hoot Mangel and Turnip Seed at right prices A Full Block of SPRAYING MATERIALS on iWo arc a full line of PATENT aoyogalVKhcAitaatloCuro- Family attention day Dig LLOYD Balls for Sale Bulls for sale year old and one year old and year old Also ft Tarn worth Hog Lot con J HUNTLEY Sharon to S NEWMARKET DENTIST be Albert Block 2nd ana of each month

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