J mun CHINA HALL Hi it comes tho fact that pi to do tome fitting for summer yoox time to SPECIAL BARGAINS in China Handsome Dinner- Set SemiPorcelain fine nice pattern colors Bine We sell them at w it would be good buying at mm it Up The cold weather stays right with ua Regular Canadian snow storm again Tuesday The is a till frozen and farmers have not made any attempt to turn over soil yet Surely this weather cannot last much longer For the Easier Trip to and were landed at of farfamed capital of of Scotland on the river being conspicuous j It was eleven oclock we and with the reaches to the river stepped from bur saloon carriage at morning April we left beautiful Beyond and made a bee line for Buchanan Street Station at a station the line crosses the by station where altera brush being the first train of three handsome latticed irongirder passing in quick succession duct Leaving the parish of Little up and a substantial we were ready for rt the right and continues to do so all it is an oakclad eminence Died in of the Caledonian Fores the Inverness A mile situated about a mile from the town Word was received here on Monday Caledonian onleft sidethero is a junction and extent of the and Tummel with a from all directions It away from the beautiful new up Strath Then sea level TOmes Junction and visited were the Ga ol the death from pneumonia of Mr at Csrberry Man J which was very generally resetted Mr a tailor WW USE OUR Phone Market Grocery I and during his residence here made life spring raorniog we leei rue new through a beautiful portion of ill Town Hall the Which Nature has so bounteously Breadaibane country of the many friends who will deeply 0n ilLtJlipM with family in their sore a pleasing M0DaW bereavement AH countrythere is one of j basin and entrance to the it enters what may be called the There being good battle ground of Scotland the the old and right appears the town the olden days the sunshine was enabled to obtain Machine appears the town ift tbe The United Factories expect to put J I is sit- having occupied six in a new automatic Hoop Welder to- coming we deemed it prudent rftfrfM J come from the furthest work by electricity faking- weeks on the road And It was athor- are engaged this week ft a connecting Cyclone Feeders with famous of the four new boilers which will make a good deal less work for the firemen in A Store continues to thrive and each week we to our list a host of new customers M Hardy in charge of Mr Groceries for eight years and for nearly two years for his successors Hence we claim to have some knowledge of your require ments tiredout crowd on the home- and whiskey so much so that For nearly six centuries there the Queen white al1 has probably lived no Scotsman stopped I reach Glasgow again at whose heart did not beat more bold- to luto to twelve having at the name of paid for the extra exertion involved Stirling the centre of interest of Leaving Pitlochry the train speed S 10Piece Toilet Sets Erery piece full siie Rolled tip Basin colon new spring Your choice for worth We have a few very special bar illas la FANCY LAMPS Vert nice patterns and we do to carry over another Mow your chance for a Nice Lamp for little money SUGAR For past six weeks the price of SUGAR has been going op and prom ise to go still higher Do you a or lb bag Special price TEA NOTICE Japan Teas are up now and boa present appearanoea will go higher We will sell you from at prices Mr Wilson manager of the Factory talks of adding another sewing machines increasing the staff as there is such a demand for their goods Master Ross bad the Up taken off one of bis ringers Factory one day last week Excavating has commenced for the new factory the Office Co hundred and fiftv of delicate health tram proceeds over a great stone via- rfhtt J 7L this via- Year Donee Under CNA auspices some friends in the new Sovereign Bank j on Thursday orchestra warnme played an excellent dance program and narrow scribed in a previous letter as soon country side of and passed the river Garry until fit enters Out of Stirling the main line for tho roraantio birchclad banks of the North crosses the Forth at an in- Pass of Killiecranbie Itcresting place Close on the left from the left- stands the high old bridge Stir- window of the railway carriage ling known as the Key to the seconds the train is lands which for- centuries was the through this narrow and dry passage between North and must lc South On the right the steep Abbey fiCcn described- The hills on Craig with its monument was the eit step and spot from which Wallace and his men covered to the height of several down and defeated the with waving birches and army at Kildean Bridge Next other trees Yours truly JACKSON met on night Mayor in the chair Other present Robert son Mold Smith and Dr Richardson The minutes of were rend and The folio win to bo J We have the Best Tea Values in York Our 25c and 40c Fresh Roatsed and Ground when ordered arc each very su perior grades Cooked On Ice Sliced Correctly Westons Bread by express Naval Oranges Lemons etc New California Peaches and Apricots lb Dried lbs for Gal Tin Tomatoes HARDY or- 1 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF FARMERS PRODUCE IN TRADE soon reaches Dunblane duct it enters a tunnel after which Bell Tel toe j Cathedral on a fine Sim- c0mcs scenc the battle ffaaVett day afternoon the minister was- fought in July ihitc lwarn hearers of the import- was import- was The next station the brci which lhc train stopped Sr thc orders and to give the iron flHrf Gunner were the stentorian shout of Perth and the Kingussie there is little to interest E onlyChange for Callander the traveller Ml hut heath or V Co 2190 BO A Packard Hamilton Pack A raauest of J- for to run a 2 motor was granted of Walter Collin Timothy and Mrs Scott- 00 St for water were The Be- tail and Ex- cbenscc of Toronto was referred to RA The Leading Reliable Telephone It was simply the turbulent water Kfd Portcr remained umbering lochs stretches of peai the spend a thoroughly the t Clonal black cattle Houses evening which all those presl Prom Dunblane the road to Perth principally are few and undoubtedly did tends away to the up far between These vast solitudes A host of compliments was paid Strathallan and found the back of are arenas of sport deer and to the Committee of Management and the High on the left the grouse being plentiful Hitherto ihe with so excellently arranged a build- outposts Ben and River Garry gushing over a rocky as the new Lloyd Block the hope up against the bed has kept company with the- rail- was repeatedly expressed that sky In all times this has been the way relieving as it were the mo lar social evenings or a series of lit- great main road to Highlands notony of its route now they part tie dances might be held with and some three miles North Green- company at thc head of the glen the the Clerk with lnetructlonB to reply er frequency than in the past loaning He wonderful perfect re- watershed of the river lying to That the Young Ladies of the A mains of the great Central Roman left The next station is ctl would no to tu Club wish to thank toe gentlemen Camp of Ardoch Beyond Blackford where the rough stream of company locate their in and all who so helped to the romantic Pass of Glen Eagles on I pours down from the north A fa- Council le Ji their the to join Glen Devon and about this point in the journey shortly the railway crosses near- to watch for the Summit Level of Fancy Collars dine Glen Past we the railway which coincides with the Belts and Blouse Sets at Hughes reach Dunning and crossing the Earn boundary between the counties of at and running through p and Inverness The maximum the Wicks of the train makes height attained by thc train is George its first stop in the Fair City of feet the greatest height attained by Those who attended Perth railway in Britain above mean in the basement of the Christian Perth was the capital I level at Inverness The point their At Home a for all of BREAD CAKES and CANDIES IN UNTOLD VARIETY Try box of BonBoas from to per box above all be sure and get a Cake for Church Vast Fridayevening were probably an older story f easily noted I fuller to the train treated to a unique and novel enter- than any other town Here in a a couple of powerful -nle- of the labouring up hipped Mars Here at gradient then The interior pagan tempi was fitted up with mans wors A fireplace fitted with andirons fen der Ac shone brightly and a clock made with only the hour hand slowly marked the time while many candles in brass candlesticks illumined walls upon which were hung 1111 traits of ye folks and festoons trough a level lowland apples corn in the ear and v other old time reminders The costumes worn by many lace and both acted some their most daring adventures Leaving Perth train passes on the side of the Palace of Scone in which Robert the Bruce was crowned in coun try at some points quite close to the river we reach Sta tion in tin- of was lialfway house for lire passengers stopped for five minutes for refreshments The hot tea and sandwiches were a welcome sight am there was great fun trying to get ahead of other fellow in obtaining the desired re freshments and rush with it in hand back lo the train Several collided and great was downfall of china viewed twentieth century adorned the K another ruling range behind and the FRUITS and dor jer pound lAio per dozen place in Town to get by bulk or tMte where you worth of Mr money and the right change Com Vllh the Crowd to the CITY BAKERY Ho our grandmothers adorned the LVtZZu carving Its devious way in the flgU of our fair maidens and fitted fry the aveliw reaches J yccmary to tTperfection although many of the J ScXn way Strict spectacles worn were feinus glasses ta scenic attractions for visitors to be adapted to the eyes to J A lllc of tbe wearers pj K mountains of the district could be motto im V I -ached- About a J to young men were attired In on a glimpse is of whch cutaways and knickerbockers that Castle W with them as names AH through had seen the light of other days commenced in and roofed in I did it with my little Highland in character and improves In Av eared on numerous bo- hut it is futile FIELD and worn when our jpprowh to then vialted the Bridge and wmarket rang a nalrrl The line practically follows for order about and a short pro- the old coach road trotchea of gram rendered the following J X taking part tewildwed I the the railway approach Recitations by Cook a is made through Millard Mr Eve Wood where close to the Scott Millard Mr w is really station the trio bring- unexpected down ilia house os mLliate viclni- form of peat moss The weight of MiBH Miss oharp hut now divested of the ancient the embankment up JvPPd Kt wS X been made the moss on both sides and not til rf IW ft Smci Macbeth- cubic yards of extra material attack a replica of the had been deposited In the pit was a to loan the Company Moved by by J that tho Council of Municipal Corporation of tho of Newmarket to tend to Dominion Express Co a cordujl to a of at Town of that too of another Company at Town of etc Roods to various hereby of thla Win tho ion Co Toronto by Co Lloyd by Mr Robert that too Mayor and and Lloyd a to Inter view tho Of the Bay Railway and to In duce thorn to north by way of By leavo of Mr the of Special appointed to en ter Into the pec laity Co with to tho addition to tholr fac tor by Mr by Mr Smith that between Town and the Office Specialty bo adopted clamvo amended motion the Council adjourned Cor Main Timothy I ESTABLISHED 1867 by the late Mr A Watson will be continued in same stand by his son Mr Watson who for many years has been con nected with the business and is thus familiar with the wants of people NEW TOOK engineer encountered an in seductive peat moss The weight of AT THE i Fear not till Huron Street Storehouse foundation for the rails secured of the old come Leaving the train passes variety brought even oter interesting across the of and to a loM it is quite and sklrtB Battle- Home Miaaloo Fund iwy On Monday son group- of those taking part hive Stook En Toronto this week exporter art selling from to Good to choice butchering sold from to Ordlaarjr cattle 13 to Dry cows to Light to to Milk cows to Sheep to Spring lambs to each Calves from to lb Select hogs fats and toe- has been added and the business will be conducted aa in the past our aim being to satisfy all customers some of whom have dealt with us over thirty years Mr Watson extends his lhaks- for all patronage in pant and will be pleased to meet all old customers as well new T WATSON WatchMaker and Graduate Optician lights well Md at Moore was found in auon From tha point In short in arRC St- time after pawed upturned boat Mr Paul of the St Law- ropes of his Desirable Brick House In Newmarket for Sato on Pros pect Ave north of Mr Canes rooms and summer kitchen in firstclass repair Stable henhouse largo lot plenty fruit Easy terms Apply to J AYLWAUD MRS BAYLYS PRIVATE OPEN I Terms lloderate Boy Wanted To work on aero farm Must ho able to handle team Apply Lot St Whitchurch or Box Newmarket PO A DYKE WANTED A good reliable Lady to take or ders for our stylish cuatoromodo Dress Skirts and Walking Skirts al so Skirt Supporters Writo quickly Dominion Garment Co Box Out fail to realize that some day thoy will know an little their par ents half world Is anxious ta got what the other half got rid of