I Pains in the Back Art SYraplbnS of or of the or and are nested to of these organs of courage and some times by gloomy foreboding and de spondency I was taken 111 with kidney and became po I could I took without benefit and Anally abided to try the Brat bottle road better use- and six bottle mid a woman When my little tin km a aba could not anything on Stomach and JUa which rfi Carta kidney aid the back and fea ayHem Election Protest Ttflals THE FRIDA V One Thing The True Secret of a Success Remarkable Or Saturday last the dates and places trial of all the eight pend ing Ontario Election protests were by election I Pink Pills for pale i j People do only one out the Justice Moss Chancellor Boyd Mr Mr Justice success GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NEWMARKET MM am for Wharf for North Bay 1005 am Daily except Sunday for OrllUa Wharf pm for North Bay and point in toe Canadian NorthWest pm Bally except Sunday for Col tint- and ARRIVE NEWMARKET Daily from North Bay and am Daily except Sunday from Meaford and lM pm Daily from points in Cana dian NorthWest North Bay Orillia and rie pm Daily except Sunday from Bar and Metropolitan By Co NEWMARKET Boyd Mr Justice Street and as pilots- North Perth at Stratford John Brown Liberal Sept am Muskoka at Drawbridge -II- P Conservative same date as above Sic Marie at the Soo Smith Liberal Sept am North Grey at Owen Sound A McKay Liberal Sept p ml North York at Newmarket Hon J Davis Liberal Sept Centre Bruce at Hugh Black Conservative same date as North York 1 North Norfolk at Arch Little Liberal Sept North Renfrew at Pem broke E A Conser vative same date as North Norfolk at am Hungary Oaf TOFOtlta Popular Excitement has J High Schooltangle between the Dangerous Point County of York and Toronto was arranged and April Hungarian upon before Committee situation hero is regarded as alarm- the Legislature last week Justice success Tbey Socialists threaten to pro It is estimated that the losses ally make new that and claim a general strike throughout the by the big fire week are no more But good blood is the best country and in an event it is total will be a little over only mot political Steles Count and the loss to the eases Most diseases are caused by Hungarian Premier will taxation will reach the whole country under martial this year besides loss of profit law Popular excitement seems to on waterrates be reaching a dangerous point The validity of the local option neuralgia nervous the critical condition of things is law recently by Toronto and the special secret aliments I to of and Day to the courts are Following the event at the The new power house which Sir due near Gross- William in sometimes laugh at the idea flfiLSK in which a So Toronto for the installation of the little mcdininU 4i killed commander of the tube system will OT Raises of Wood paleness I pies eczema indigestion kidney trouble backaches id blood Ignorant people F at the idea SFfflP in I can cure all these cialist commander of tee diseaseshut that gendarmerie by the killing in all probability be on Front street hey we caused one wounding of east York street bridge troublte The foolish S gendarmes a general We Bell phone linemen have S5eSV along or every symptom without E j J Mi Weaves till brad ago good ev W 4 rf SS82 OT en thinking of the one cause at the root of them all Dr Williams Pink Pills strike at the root bad blood land nothing else fill the veins With new strong red- blood which races to every corner of the body toning the nerves and bracing each organ to throw weakness and The Chief Justice stated that the disease In a brief way here is some above list of dates had been arranged proof of confirming the above with the view to the other work of statements John Craig Ont says the Judges who will hear the mats- waR two presiding on each case and the my right arm or leg I had to Judges above named will occupy the be lifted like a child Br Williams bench on all the protests to be tried Pink Pills have cured me ami to my t the cure seems like a was no hint in court says Telegram of any Miss Blanche lluramt With regard to North Renfrew it is Que The doctor toM me the Court of Appeal will was consumption had ailernate chills and fever and severe couch in a few days of the Cower- application to set aside the Dr Williams Pink- decision of Chief Justice Moss who Pills and my health and strength a substitute petitioner to have fully returned Mrs John place of the one disqualified WaT For many years I lor want of property qualification suf mam that make the lives of so many women miserable I never got allowed take the Five thousand teamsters at Budaheea planted and on them are strung pest workmen at new and delightfully straight wires the chief town of the disI The Dominion Alliance at its and a large number at Shoge last week passed a the county of expressing disappointment now stride did introduce its Eight of the persons wounded temperance legislation this disorders at- yesterday have session- The question caused a brisk died J Met using Dr Williams Pink Pills and have made me well like a new person Mrs Albert St Marys A votccoo the amended Grand Trunk i cripple Pacific agreement was reached on toe and resulted the Gov- Williams Pink Pills Now the proposition being carried by lor to againsta majority of Sir Wilfrid made a mag- cook speech in support of the says Pink Pills plundering and inceadlar- ism were begun in some of the neigh boring villages today but the tary was called out and speedily suppressed the disturbance MM ARE ALL PRETTY ah unnecessary question be cause so many women have such poor complexions We want to all women with pale sallow checks about Fcrrozone which quickly imparts line color and gives the skin a clean rich appearance Its pure blood that makes fine complexion so producing lots of vitalizing blood building up the debilitated system increasing the circulation quickly brings the glow of health to faded cheeks Its no trouble at all to beautify your looks simply use anything to relieve me until I began Try It Price at th of agreement before the debato closed druggists For the Era In m q To Mr and Mrs Matt Brown J During the past week a patch appeared in the de- daily press From us thou art gone dear baby In a bright home to dwell me of a severe attack We know thou art an angel as In that world where all is well Mr William Holland says suffered lor two years from debate w Insurance companies are considering a proposition to increase rates in the congested parts of the city The is said to be in the neighbor hood of per cent on former rates On Friday forty cases theft and on Saturday twentyfive were brought to the attention of police by women whose bags had been opened and the cash abstracted Most of the complainants are people from out of town One lady lost about taken from her when she was on her way to pay on a mort gage- By the explosion an acetylene gas machine and a fire which the home of Mr J at was destroyed on Saturday- Francis Morgan who attending the apparatus when it ex ploded was badly burned and was admitted to St Michaels Hospital where he is doing nicely The fc Toronto firo brigade went to the fire but as the house is a long way from a water main little could be done The lost is estimated at Mr is a dealer in railway supplies at Front street west and bis office miraculously es caped the fire Tuesday night A large number of men are employ ed cleaning away the debris of the Of Weave but thse to live Interest of mod whose cure complete restoration to health is the talk of Gait and the fiuch in the iov remarks of the case of Mr Weaver Gilt portrait above Mr a splendid specimen of manhood and the picture of robust health Junes give him no more trouble He is and healthy well and I MR WEAVER Weaver I and the plctui a give him no more trouble than he has for ten Mr Weaver ao given to January A Slocnm For five years I worked if a grinder to the etler as the Axe Factory here The from the did for me has done others It Rave me grinders consumption I was compelled of course to quit I per sisted with two local pliysictans and suited a specialists Their all ou have Grinders Corttumptlon and may live thre months but liable to drop at time This ago I then almost abandoned myself to seemed my fate my two having of a few Viaraprcvloui advanced stage of the was had en 1 and ft I advertieraent of Psychtne and I to try It Through the and assistance of KBTTJUWKI in charge here at thai tirrt I procured your eat The very fitt tattle relief and after taking stating town siie along the trouble- I tried of the Canadian Northern Railway to help roc been sold to a Pink Pills A despatch from this week declares the story bit of tbe trouble was i Pi out any Not one town Pink Pills have site has oetn sold the whole thing ih for thou- a fake sands of others they will do or you it you will give them a reasonable It is stated that the Department of trial Sold by medicine dealers Fisheries of Ontario is making an everywhere or by mail from the tort to destroy the in Ontario Williams Medicine Co waters because ravages at cents a box or six boxes by them among other more valuable members finny tribe Yot we miss thee darling baby Morning noon and night For thy loving smile dear Eves made our look bright Special every and Saturday Up to the attention is being J g directed to waters of the St Clair I Flats and Point but we W trust member for North York fe request Mr to extend Klondike Dust It is a sin to wish thee back To this world of grief and For well we know that our own la truly thy great gain Father and mother sister too- your darling weep more Live for Jesus and departing You Will find htm on before- BY A FRIEND MONEY BY MAIL It ft let which by which rat by is oonytnf- If sc Bad it interesting carp in River Carp have multiplied amaz ingly during the past two years in these to of bass and other more valuable fish A Canada Permanent Veattra TORONTO Vancouver BC April Mail Awards destroying Lake and the Holland lately into the output of the Canadian Klondike estimates the total amount yellow metal ship ped south from the northern capital at This in his opin ion is a conservative figure for it is based almost entirely on statistics of the express sent to Han Francisco fur the American Not a cent of I his worth of gold was taken front the Alaska camps The estimate prepared by Mr has Been a surprise even to the most sanguine for it was not generally supposed that the Canadian Yukon had proven anything like as rich In virgin as ihe figures given above indicate It to be A remarkable and note worthy feature of the investigation made by Mr is the fact that he discovered the output of the Klotnltke to he constantly on the in crease The Express- 1 Itraid last week rises to remark The latent political re port is that Mr Lloyd bar rister is to he the successor of The Commissioner of Lands in the political arena of North York There is nothing like aiming high Somebody told Mr Lloyd when he moved down to his new quarters over Sovereign Bank and looked down upon the sanctum that the man inside with wheels En his head would be giving him spe cial attention and now It looks like it The report however according to the journal giving its circulation relegates the Aurora aspirant after an position to go away back and stt down for affirms that Mr Lloyd barrister Is to be successor of Ihe Commissioner of Crown Lands in the political arena York My I my these political reporters hand things around unexpectedly sometimes ANTON rhe Standard Cop fa Boot ftny too good Bold by Wi Pier At if WONT CORK CA TARRH All the medicine in the world taken into the stomach wont cup and its useless squander after the session commenced on tablets and liquid Opposition arranged certain bun Catarrh a disease feeds at which man from Mant- W passages throat and bronchial j was invited to air himself tubes fttomacli medicines cant At St fellowship meet- reach these parts It in Mr re- healing which Is plaudits for exclaiming breathed all through the air pawiagci While the government grows weaker that is sure to reach the scat appreciated totters the No failure ever known If vativea became stronger and yet was used it heals more strong and the result seems a and doesnt irritate it soothes kills foregone In the light the germs and therefore cures Use of proceedings in the only the one certain and the further fact that the cure Two months treatment predicted toltereis are still trial sire at the stand It loots as I the had gone Into tottering In stead of showing strength all along The readers this paper will pleased to learn there is fct dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all and that is Catarrh Cure if the cur to the medical fraternity Catarrh a disease re quires a constitutional Halls Catarrh Cute is taken acting directly upon the arid mucous surfaces of the there by destroying the foundation ol the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in its work The proprietors have so much faith In curative powera that they offer One Hundred for any mi to cure Send for- list of Address pJ Sold by Druggists Iftllla are the The cigar factory at has been closed and about two hundred hands are out of em ployment WHY FLESH With acid corn salve when buys a bottle of Com Extractor Its purely never sore- and acts en tirely without pain Use only Put- man a the best mention of copper plates engraved with portrait Sir Laurier One these was ISitf thing that out intact the Comfort Soap Works The Government has made a of 1000 for a fruit honey and flower show to be held in this city next fall and it Will probably be the finest show of fruit honey and ever held in Ontario The License Commissioners of Stratford have issued a warning that any hotelkeeper infringing the law this year will have his license can celled The adoption this rule generally would put a stop to liquor Act violations Roderick Macrae alias James was sent to the Central Prison tor a year for stealing a watch and chain from Philip Sharps who was on a carousal Majesty the King has sent a message expressing sympathy with the citizens of Toronto in the severe loss caused by the recent Are With the troubles in commercial circles incident to the recent confla gration the determination of the insurance companies to increase rates in congested and the turmoil of a municipal election to fill a va cancy on the Hoard of Control city has had quite disturbing time this week well bo Ho employed for five years in grinding room of James ft Cs better as Axe Factory In Gait Here he contracted ftom rioporaated with local Physicians for over a consulted a number lung They all did their utmost to cure but declared Mr Weavers an case of grinders giving him but three to live Mr himself de spaired of a permanent cure two of brothers before Mm bad already died of Mr ho was published A flic of Toronto and Gait quite a sensation hi this town have been tcotea of people if realty the I haTe null of lite enquiries Some hardly think that I was so near deaths door But I can soy for certain that advertised and became convinced it tolrylU have the and ever to livery word as h is true to the facts of the case Yours It is but seldom that receives such at a at la receiving dally Seldom Indeed thai he come- forward to state their case second times that all may be convinced of the truth Scores of people recently called upon Mr Wearer to alt that had been true Medical men evidenced a dirf to the Rood work wrought inquiring a told by the mm la SUKEEH it ft School Lesson Lesson PRAYER AND PROMISE May 1 Luke OR JESUS EXALTS MANS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD Golden Text Auk and it shall ho given you and find Luke Central Truth Siod hears and answers Soversi and warehouses at Wtrmlpcg floVxM4 by a In To w dont you feci It rather s your are would Ilk to Id for If art abort i Indicative of a sudden call I can lead you anhyalclan and a coroaKcsMtt mt organs its tins man for Sixty Vere burned to death by a fire Coopers lively stable at Medicine Hat on Friday not Just what Whitney seized with in t that decline and are not re turn Thmaands of tor appjftncoa of OTlyorWiTWio J ill- Jlj letfnkbuliiterhaUy that removes hence the euro is catties ft with t It is to A months treat la regard to It at the store For Sale In by J Y Point was never too busy to pray and ho who has true spir it of prayer has no in find ing a time and place for it opening words of grayer teach that God is tho Father of all heliovers in Christ and that are oil brethren Let us be Very jealous for the honor of name If we really desire kingdom to come we will first of all ffQH to it that the kingdom is set up in our own hearts Matt The third petition indicates submission of our wills to Gods Willi I John The plan is to food only tho hungry Matt Only a forgiving spirit can coivo forgiveness Matt The prayer for pardon ia put first he prayers for spiritual blessings because can bo no blessing unless is pardon God docs not tempt men But He permits thorn to le tempted Job JM2 Mark 1 But with every tempta tion no sends a way of deliverance I Cor 10- 13 The spirit of is the exact opposirQ of presumptuouB spirit so often seen where men rush into you suiter from TroubIe Asthma Throat Disease Pneumonia Catarrh of the Stomach busy town Is a of what is Flesh System or ilS- aVi where a 13 required the lbl of this Ate to others will act more promptly or effectively of la the dally as a For aale at all stores or if have not tried a sample can be obtained by writing to Dr A tory Kin West Canada Dr TjwUae on prevention and exure the man exoted the A sample of will sent free charge to all who desire to test it Write to- I b X4n4m Offices and ltwtokesiajl Toronto It fence has the test of atandara the Order through our local direct from us THE PAGE WIRE FENCE Montreal St Winalpeg SOLD AND BY ART J AURORA