v fc ThaEra YOKE AND me liberty to to upi to V vj A i 8 PAGES No paper ten of North Tor unless pMd in- advance No Be Newmarket Friday W TERMS per ItpaJuVW advance THE r THE BEST MADE i THE BEST BALLED Over It to the lb Toronto Park Commissioner Chambers has doubts about the contractor being complete the Administration Building by the set for opening the Exhibition The Upper Canada Bible Society has honored Mr John by portrait as the frontis piece of a booklet issued by the Soci ety He has been he permanent secretary the Upper Canada Bible Society for nearly years All the older residents along the Northern Division of the through York County will remember as first conductor on the line in A- H German of North To ronto has offered to give the Asso ciated Charities of this city forty building lots in and Deer- Park near city limits on which to erect bouses for working men Small tenement houses in demand JACKS MOTHER I Time to Im not go Jack ready yet Well be late You go on without me- I dont mind if Im not exactly on time J Whats up with you Km Jack the next morning entering the room shared by the two- he found his packing his trunk Im going to say goodbye to you Jack I Not today Yes Its a short notice I know but Ive explained to your mother Once Tried ALWAYS Agency for Newmarket AT G A BINNS HARDWARE STORE Furnaces Paints Oils and Glass in parts of the city The city will obtain possession of Park on Oct I The first payment of made on Aug Taxes against the property subsequent to June will be can celled The men employed to catch dogs are making things lively for the canine tribe- The piteous howls of entangled animals arose the attention of street Arabs but when children see their taglcss pets in the meshes of the nets then the chorus is terri ble It appears that ual coroners juryman one of his class A city coroner I thought you had finished that and she thinks the sooner I quit the lesson better although she didnt put it just I have nut I have a letter to that way But I dont j understand said write Cant the letter wait asked Jack in dismay Why all the a little impatiently is right ahead Were I suppose it might if ijing to make a regular week of it wanted it to But I dont You I know But the fact of it i is the perpet nan is not the V to was in my nearness to mine and my thought for her while I had time I owe it to you not of any preaching or talk ing ydu dip but just because you Better and Greater Than Has Been We installed power for running our freezers we wanted our Ice Cream to be as good as could be made The grain is finer and the cream more uniform than could be made by hand WE USE JERSEY CREAM EXCLUSIVELY AND EVERYTHING HAS- TO BE OF THE BEST IceCream Bricks Pints and Quarts BOO a and eyes bright with a laugh and an expressive shake with a loving thought Im one of of his I cant stand it that the calculating sort I always did terrible way your mother has of have a head for mathematics they making boys think Shes put Hall say Now know perfectly before selfish the happiness some one will hearted creature Ive been feel in receiving this letter will go Why I didnt know mother had long way ahead of the small an- been talking to you in that way it might be to me to wait Jack spoke in a little consternation and write it So you sec there is j Im sure she didnt mean to he gain on it jvere My mother isnt exacting said- She hasnt said word to me James still a little impatient and Its only what Ive seen and heard knowing well to whom Jack referred and well felt Im going to my feeling a little rebuke in his words mother Jack and Im going to try which was not intended to show her its time some one was My mother isnt Its only doing a little thinking Tor her still with the light in his eyes hat The friends separated entering I know how glad it makes her when college A year or two later Jack Im careful about writing ami hov received a letter from his old school- it hurts her Im not When mate which ran thus its such a little trouble to take to I dont write to my mother any give her comfort I think I should be more She is beyond where my let- a brute not to iters cannot reach her But I want j A good many boys are brutes ac- tell you how exactly I find things as your mother God bless I Its said It will stay with all my they dont think My life the satisfaction of remembering has intimated to the authorities such making us what a comfort I was in the repeated selection of the cant help for inquests is becoming and the scandal should be ell I think my mother is about well worth thinking of as yours A city evening paper gives the Jsmes with a little laugh ac- made the loving and the doing a part- lord who wanted to dominate the by the prick of conscience of your life Sydney in Tor- military over the civil authority words of his school- ward quiet punch and now Write too Well both aid catches himself whistling that be late if necessary highly popular air Bill Good said Jack But Ill Bailey- Wont You Please Come take long I am going to be Home short Mother says theres many By the timely arrival of Dr Ham- when she knows I have plen- at the shore at Beach one to occupy me just a line to day last week he saved the life of let her know I think of her is little Helen aged years enough She was splashing in the water and A little later the two away from by an undercurrent wave was carried home at a set out out beyond her depth The doctor for an evenings diversion with the saw the child and plunged in to the light heart belonging with the sense rescue after she had sunk once be- of fulfilled duty neath the waves I Im not going home for the A load of hay while being taken to days James said to his friend a the market was dumped at the corner few days later of Church and Front streets The No trouble I hope Jack driver of the wagon had a narrow nothing unexpected My cape from being crushed The road- mothers been ailing for a long time bed is in had condition at this point and now shes going to a health rc- and should receive attention at once sort She docs say he went on Local option agitators are now that if I could make up my mind to having their innings cornc am be near her there is plenty president of the legislative League of good accommodation But I in reply to the statement Aid dont want to spend my holidays at Graham that he knew nothing about place full of sick people Id rath- the local option bylaw slay here says that Aid Graham from the You shant do that said Jack platform of the West fcri Gospel So- heartily You shall go home with Meeting a few Sundays ago llD stated thai he would he pleased to wrUc mothcr the bylaw for She never people to vote upon I hey can set- or tie the dispute between them toj I dont mean at all you Mr James for the Trade she For the Era J J request of the Railways On and official maps let the Georgian Bay or Lake Acid let the public Icide The- public have decided in a It has been recently stated that the similar ease Lake Ontario Japanese Fired on their Own Men St Petersburg July under date of yesterday says that no special change is to be reported in the war area A de tachment of Russian sharpshooters and a squadron of Cossacks attacked a Japanese post in a building at Khudianza kilometres southeast of and bayoneted twenty- one of A few escaped through the windows but were rircd upon by a Japanese company coming to the rescue who mistook the or Rus sians The Russians had one killed and four wounded Russia Will Bock Doom And May Damages and Labor Council has paid the 100 fee to Provincial Secretary J partment for the charter lliat doesnt think it any t on to be issued by the Labor Temple fmiifiMI if flinilx lit BROUGHTuUS mean said good of you and if youre sure I am protested Jack and so ft was settled As a guest in Jacks home lames learned what AGENTS yOR Parkers Dye Works Canadian Express and trawa with tfMpatchl M tit rAT vaia Vt vc Weekly It Covers afcmsj The council has most of the funds fit hand which are required for the J the building you and Mr John of Hamilton has appointed to the position ol bursar at the Provincial Institution of his Maiesty King can he seen In the Window of lhl the tipper Canada Bible Society J M household street This autograph prevailing conscious- obtained by the Literature Committee of the Bible for any appearance of the purposes of a volume M each member seemcl to ex- published in connection tlc WW consideration tenary celebration of the British and ro Society were always a corn- About eighty men watched Miss to me dear boy a fifteenyearold girl the of a little twilight talk paddle out to rescue of three- when It was the privilege of Jack people Miss Miss Inez- and his friend to find her alone for a Kidner and Mr Arthur who time were upset in a canoe A mile nicy were a comfort to me was off the Island shore about oclock reply 1 am getting so I Wednesday afternoon last week nt get along without writing you She deserves a prize medal for her about ho often She laid a tender noble deed iand on his A transfer bus caught between There will he more in it two of a shunting you now really dear as the train on the foot of Street years go on You will be laying up and the hind part got badly damagedand laying up the memory of the The bus passengers hough not blessing your loving- thought Is to verely Injured received nervous others and Messing will return shocks and talk of entering damages to you fourfold There will come a Eight special constable were sworn time your when there will he in last week by Magistrate no more writing of letters home- to do service on the you will realize- the Joy of to keep track with the that London July The Associated Press learns that Count Ambassadorial a con ference with Foreign Secret ry downc yesterday afternoon made what may be considered to a pre liminary reply to the British protest against the seizure of the steamer Malacca He the Secretary that his Government had intention of n rights of Great Britain or any other neutral power and that if a mistake had made in the seizure of the Malacca unquestionably steamer would immediately be rtximd and damages would paid Vessel host Saved A letter was received by the Mount ed Police department at Ottawa which states that a small steam launch used by the police at the posts at of the Mackenzie River ill thc Arctic Seas wrecked the of August last he men were going from Island to thc mouth of Mackenzie when a strong wind came up which dragged the anchor of the ves- scl and blew the steamer ashore None of crew were lost and all thc effects on hoard were saved but next evening the vessel went to pieces The steamer had borrowed from a mission and the owners place its value at No woman knows as much about herself as her neighbors know about her A young woman tourist was kill ed at MS by falling from a Cliff Her companion In the of letting them he laid out at hap hazard by the speculators or anyone who happens first to get a hold of- a promising locality That is good Wider Streets And I hope the Department will make it part of its plan to have the streets wider than the universal of our township roads What a difference it would have made for in stanceif King Street and Street in Toronto bad been five rods wide instead of four rods Five rods or feet makes a beautiful street enough for all munici pal needs and not so wide as to be troublesome or dangerous for pe destrians to cross It is an admira ble mean and no new street in this enlightened day jess On the Square And I am convinced that the De partment will instruct its surveyors to lay out the new towns on the square It is seldom really neces sary to make obliquerunning streets and is a warning against thc hub and the spoke style of laying out a town However pretty a wheel may look on paper those who have to deal with eighWdcd squares and deal as they can with a multitude of obtuse and acute angles at the corners of the streets- have no love for the system Georgian Bay And when issuing maps of the new territory and have occa sion to put in Georgian Bay will they not add the alternative Lake 1 know there is a small inland lake some surveyor has with in last few years dubbed Lake hut nevertheless this was first of Great Lakes discovered It was in and by lie had already explored Lake ami this year ascended the Ottawa River and struck across the portages to Lake I have original Ojibway authority for the sound of thc a Ami word is strongly accented on the last syllable Then he descend ed outlet the French River to Lake It was so known to Indians Indeed whole lake mat all it contained was apparently sacred to the Great Spirit and full of ghostly associations great Island has retained its original name Thc Serpents Riv er was so sailed from a Spirit Serpent said to be occasionally seen sporting In the deep water of its mouth The Indians had two ser pents portrayed on steep sloping rocks on the east side of river near the mouth over feet long with horns three feet long I climb ed up the steep rocks ami examined the serpents close at hand This was forty years ago and as figures though very conspicuous were only scratched on the smooth rock removed by the moss and lichens they are likely to be now I first supposed that rat tlesnakes had been plentiful there No my Indian friends said It was named after the Spirit Serpent there were no rattlesnakes west of French River And Christian Islands were doubly sacred first from old Indian superstition and then from the terrible massacre of the Jesuit missionaries ami their converts by thc Six Nations How Name Came Thc name was Lake the Lake of Great Spirit And It had on white mans maps no other name for It came into possession of Great Britain by conquest and by the Treaty of George ill succeeded in at the ago of He was first of the House born In He said in his first speech from the Throne bom and educated in this country I glory in thc name of Britain It seemed fortunate to a king of whose surroundings it could no more the order reversed But the old In dian name lias ousted the French just as in this case the old Indian name will in few years oust tee English And as for the little Bush- Jake now called Lake I will undertake to find twenty well- sounding Indian names for it some of them with good meanings and some of them only sound I once furnished General Post with names mostly of the latter class- WILLIAM WYE SMITH St Catharines at 4 1 m the Old man Says The men or women who envy those who happen to be able to dress and to enjoy the pleasures of life a little more than those who are com- pelled to work continually will to miserable all their days for how high they get they others still higher The per- i son is never satisfied ami never can be Take the successful men of New- market and you will find that majority of them began just where you did Then why are you not in equally good circumstances If ybu ran a race with a man and lost it you would blame your failure on the race course You started even and and you loaf you couldnt run as fast as he or lacked power of endurance So your failure in race of life Is not due to track hut to your lack of ability as a runner Mr Benjamin Allan of Toronto j was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada AK A at last week years meeting will be held at ton Here is a recipe for paint for barns given by a correspondent Mix water lime with skim milk to proper constituency to apply with brush and it is ready for use It will adhere well to wood smooth or rough to brick mortar or when oil lias not used and forms a very hard substance as durable as best of paint Any color may Ire had using colors dissolved in whiskey J have tried it and it lasted longer than oil paints 1 A LETTHB as a Nerve and Car Tonic the Talk of the World Bon utuiHippi Hon Senator from in a y4i of- trespassers but there may lo while you had opportunity to bless was rescued from a perilous other reasons those you love you a few be said by any Scottish rhynister iccontly to vera court the following bark and howl In German J was complimenting in intfftini ttf and so they must compliment him in to in America also by putting aside my health the expressive name of as a Lake Manitou and calling it trial and began Georgian Bay And it is not a bay It Is properly a lake milts long and miles wide tv A ltd the beat I