Newmarket Era, 29 Jul 1904, p. 2

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I fc iH- Ju lost In Newmarket on Wednesday be tween our Livery Office awl Mr residence a Green Carriage Administration Whenever comes back to York tor an the electorate Will be ieady fcbereto no Finder will please return uncertain sound The sentiments or call get the other one as I pressed by Hon S at have a mate for it Sfc and Webb Mayor Cane left for British Col umbia yesterday on a business trip- Carrie Mr Ed Brown or 1 irHlB8 Steckley of Snowball over- Sun- Barrie Teacher Wanted School Professional- Apply at log salary to J FIELD Newmarket PO back from Detroit is the recent Toronto demonstration clearly showed M j holidays in bad given Agn Keswick of prosperous no isU Toronto or a week crease in tee public debt and enormous increase in her trade and Morrison is spending once commerced Coming down to depart- couple of weeks holidays at if Got- Grimsby r FARM FOR SALE mental service had nothing else than Sir Miss of Toronto is William administration opting with her college chum Mr Department to go to the country upon that alone was enough to justify a renewal of day Mrs J Sutherland and Miss The Misses were visiting at A Martin of Bradford spent Tuesday Long Branch last week j in town Miss Bessie Gardener is visiting her Mrs Hewitt at Mrs Andrew McCaffrey and two children are spending a couple of weeks at Mrs Speight and children from IS Cane acres being lot In the rear of the of Whitchurch Good frame house good barn good stables and other buildings Good Orchard creek across tbe farm church and schoolhouse on the farm About acres of good standing tim bermaple hemlock and cedar GEO STEVENS lw27tf Newmarket PO Farm for The East Half of Lot In the Con or Whitchurch acres Thereon are situated large barns feet with wing feet and stone sialics for horses and 28 cattle Covered barn yard ft Hog pen for bogs feet Implement house Qx25 ft Also good brick drivinghouse with harness room and three stalls The dwelling house is frame rooms and in good repair Never failing water from artesian well with windmill and tanks at barn and bouse The scil is a rich sandy loam in nigh state of cultivation The fences are nearly all new cedar rails For terms and particulars apply to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Summer Nights -AT- LAKE PARK ON Afternoon from people to when Sir Wilfrid took office they had in this department deficits of or annually With letter postage of three cents on let ters for points in Canada and five cents on those for Great Britain When Sir William proposed to reduce the postage to two cents on all such letters Sir Charles and the Conservatives said be was going to throw away a million dollars and that it could not be done But Sir William has demonstrated that it could be done and as Mr Fielding observed- the whole history of the empire there is no record of de partmental administration which can surpass the turning a large annual de ficit into a surplus with a better service and a million dollars of re duced taxation North is to be congratulated in having so able a member of the Government as its re presentative in Parliament Georgetown are spending the holidays with her mother Mrs J A Allan and two children also her mother got back Ish placksclimidst shop in house enquired Hans Hooflumyer as he pulled up at the Village Smithy with a horse to he shod Grants to Societies in Edna spent a few days in last week Miss Clarice leaves for Orchard Beach today to spent part of the vacation Mr Hall of or ganizer lor the Foresters has been in town this week Mrs Ingham Sharpe returned from Minnesota last Saturday after an absence of ten months Mr and Mrs Watson were at Oak Ridges last week attending the funeral of his mother Miss Matthews of is spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs Watson The Editor and Mrs Jackson were the guests of Reeve Baker and wife at Baker Hill over Sunday Mrs Luesby and family I Allandale and Mrs Traviss of ville are visiting at Mr Rhine- harts Mrs J Davis has been making frequent trips to Aurora lately on account of the serious illness of mother 1 Parry Star Mr and Mrs Low sr or Newmarket ate visiting in town with their daughter Mrs Percy Judging from the persistent mors respecting coming changes the Agriculture and Arts Act Gazette Miss May Hotl ine to to county township gim Newmarket is a guest of her if Mrs Alex Milne and will and horticultural societies not be surprising to hear of de- Sat July Highlanders Bund SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES Including Admission to Park Aurora Adult Children 35c Newmarket SPECIAL CAR SERVICE Cars Will Leave Newmarket Those buying Metropolitan or Railway tickets will be admitted to Bond Lake Park free To others an admission of cents will be charged NEXT ENTERTAINMENT Saturday Afternoon Aug Grenadier Guards Band With their Soloists both vocal and Instrumental FARMERS Buy Coal for Threshing At per ton Twine GOO and feet to the pound BEST HARD COAL Nut and ALWAYS ON HAND J Huron St Storehouse Farm for half of Lot number twenty- tiro In the Filth Good flrt- In For term and condition apply to LIYD Solicitor Newmarket T LLOYD Park Ate Newmarket termination the Department of Agriculture proposing an alteration in the basis of grant distribution next session of the Legislature From the investigation made by Mr H B Cowan superintendent ag ricultural societies it seems that as a general rule associations paying out the largest sums for special at tractions are giving the least for ag ricultural purposes An examina tion returns to the Department demonstrates that in several counties in the Province there are so many exhibitions that they conflict with eachother seriously Fewer but better exhibitions would be a great improvement and more ad vantageous as an educative force to the farming community In analyzing yearly reports from and Township Agricultural Societies Mr Cowan in an article published elsewhere in todays Era gives reasons for pro posed changes Seeing that a Dis trict Society is only entitled to as a yearly grant under the Agri culture and Arts Act we arc at a loss to understand how a society received as sets forth Possibly there may have been a union of district and township societies but so Hie fact should have been so stated Again wouldbe interesting to know if the disproportion between grants and rnoncys paid lor agricultural pur poses were sufficiently numerous to call for the changes or If the instances given were cases If the discrepancies were mere isolated cases weather condi tions and other untoward stances may supply a reason but if sufficiently numerous to create a suspicion then by all means Jet the basis of grants be changed and so change- to fix a minimum sum proportion to grant to be devote especially to agricultural purposes This would cover the and remove suspicion Of late years no doubt the tendency has been to wards special attractions and speed ing fa ring or to Ik more plain horse racing but such exhibitions as that held in the town of purely agricultural horticultural dairy domestic manufactures and fine arts are really the most desirable as an educative force In rural districts Mrs Jackson gave a Flinch par- the States on Tuesday evening at on Thursday evening Mayor and Editor last week hammer of Waterloo were here Miss Rbeta and Miss day inspecting our electric light plant Miss Maud Richardson is spend ing her vacation at Clarksburg Miss Alice is filling her place at the United Factories Cornell who has been quite ill for three weeks left on Wed nesday for Kingston to recuperate Mrs Cornell and daughter accompani ed him The family of Mr- Yates private secretary of Hon J Davis arc summering at Mr Frank Terrys Keswick Mr- Yates was there over Sunday Mrs J T of Detroit Mich is spending a few days at Roachs Point with Mrs J Binhard on her way to Orchard Beach Maine The late John Cooks grand daughter formerly Miss Gertie is summering at the Hunter Home stead on St accompanied by her son from Toronto Mr Philip Morgan left yesterday for Newfoundland Mrs Morgan and the boys went with him to Toronto to see off and will spend a week in the city before returning home Mr and Mrs Foster of Merriton are in town for a few days While they are absent from home Mrs A of Indiana is over on a six weeks visit wit her mother Several Newmarket people attend ed Mr Richard Crakes barnraising on toe Col farm West re main some weeks Mrs Cane has gone to Orchard Beach till September Other I last Monday It is an members of the family are taking Mr family are taking turns keeping house here Mrs Of gave a de lightful Pit party on Friday after noon of last week There were six- immense barn Mr Crake formerly lived at Sharon Rev J of Dover New Hampshire in renewing his sub scription writes the Era the most newsy paper that comes to teen lady guests in attendance Miss Frances and Miss Annie our home Mrs and the daughters of County Counj children have at our summer Lundy left on Tuesday to cottage Wcntworth Lodge on the spend a couple of weeks with friends j shore of Lake Wentworth since July in lam there a part each Mr and Mrs returning for my services on A Iron Piping inch i inch arid sou at the Fall River Mast July cotton manufacturer yesterday re jected a plan the Board ot Arbitration to postpone a cut In wages of per for two weeks which has been announced for Monday of texile worxera at once ordered a strike on Monday About mill workers will be affected of Toronto were visiting in town on Monday end spent th3 balance of the week with his father Mr Peter in Mr Toronto gave the Era a fraternal call last Friday on his way to tbe city file Reidman was manager of the Herald at Sut ton for some time and had been there visiting old friends The Parry Sound Star of July says Mr J Cane of Newmar ket and party who were travelling the east shore of the Georgian Bay in a houseboat were in town on Thursday and called at the Star Office Mr Geo Allan of uncle Mr M Hughes arrived in towns on Saturday on a short visit When gelling on the boat at the in a crowd of people Mr Allans pocket was picked of a roll of bills amounting to Mrs Low jr and children left Thursday for Belleville to spend two or three weeks with her sister Mrs Nurse Her mother Mrs Terrell accompanied her Toronto where she will spend a week before going on to to spend a couple of weeks with her son After an absence of over forty years Mrs Thomas sister of Miss Lydla Clayton is over on a months visit accompanied by her daughter Miss Thomas Their home Is in Pennsylvania Mrs Thomas sees wonderful changes and misses a great many familiar faces Mrs John A- Bell of Calgary writes that they are nicely settled In their prairie home She says living Is high compared with prices Ontario For instance eggs arc a doz and is the lowest they have been this season Fruit Is very high Milk quarts for Washwomen get a day Dress makers charge for making a plain dress Work has Just begun on a new Presbyterian church the present one being far too small to accommodate the people They arc great churchgoers here Mr Fred Glover who formerly reslddd at writes us from Salmon Arm BC as follows This place is In British about midway between Calgary and the coast It Is a new district on the main line of the and is adapted to fruit as well as- vege tables and bay Not much grain is grown here Both cattle and milk arefchipped from here in considerable quantities and eggs and butter are good price here the year round The settlers claim to hate a good climate milder than New York Lords Day I have the month of August for vacation I am pleased to learn through the Era of the flndsual prosperity of old town of Newmarket I have also been pleased to note that the Era is always on the side of progress exerting Its influence in the interests of whatever will pro mote the true prosperity of the town I am gratified to hear good news from the churches The real- pros perity of the town will be propor tionate to the righteousness of the citizens With best wishes for your continued success I remain Yours Canadian A Gale on bake On Friday evening excursionists on the lake encountered some unpleasant experiences While returning from Roachs Point the Elgin Lewis was overtaken by a gale and for some time considerable doubt existed In the minds of those on board as to whether she would succeed In reach ing shore The course of the steam er was directly in the trough of the heavy seas the height of which had never before been seen the oldest sailor on board Water Hooded ttio lower decks and a number of the passengers many of whom were sea sick took the precaution to tie on life preservers Gazette THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash Velour Parlor worth for Bedroom Suites 1485for1250 Veour Couches worth 6655 for All other of Furniture At Reduced Prices A Nice Line of Fancy Rocker A atfcftfeft at John IT Mi Dont laugh at our Teutonic friend please fie meant it all right hut has it ever occurred to you that if hed dropped in at this store and asked if the Grocery Shop was in this house and we said Yes there wouldnt have been any thing incongruous either in ques tion or answer It is a fact theres a whole Grocery Store right in this Commodious Store and we have not spared time money or expense to make it one of the Most and Complete Stocks in this section of the country Buying as we do for in large quan tities enables us to buy on a close margin This saving we share with our customers We want a share of your Grocery business and feel assured that our Prices will warrant you considerable saving on your pur chases We guarantee satisfaction or money back Oriental Bird Seed package Bottle Catsup reg for Heintzs Guikins quart Heintzs Sweet Mixed Pickles y New Cheese pound Good Butter pound Vo icing Sugar pound Good Cooking Prunes 5c pound Good Cooking Currants special for Goldpn Net Salmon tins for Warrior Salmon 5c tin Apples lbs for 25c Fcrce packages for Quaker Brand Beans tins for Hunters Big Bar Soap 9c Shell Brand Castile Soap bars for 25 cents i Boot and Sloe Sale Still Continues r I PINE ORCHARD We are pleased to see such a large number attend church of late The Sons of Temperance held a moonlight at Wilcox Lake last Wednesday evening Driving is appreciated these beauti ful moonlight nights Our pastor Mr will preach a sermon for little children next Sunday evening so would like to have them all attend Miss Florence Toronto is spending her vacation with friend Miss I Penrose We would like to have a large turn out at Lodge these nights S WATSONS JEWELLERY STORE The Cradle town on July 1001 to Mr and Mrs Ward a son MANNINGIn Toronto on Inly the wife Mr Manning formerly of Newmarket a son STOKES In Mount Albert on Sun day July to Mr and Mrs Stokes a daughter Tomb Kettleby on July 1004 Rogers aged years and days WATSON At Oak on July Mary Watson mother of Mr Watson aged RUSSELL At Brandon Man July Frank Russell former ly Newmarket aged years Aurora July David aged years and WILLSONAt Sharon on July in year ST NORTH AH will Prompt MMkfyV I ESTABLISHED THE OF BUSINESS A WATCH Is to tell time It to look nice to ho useful It must tell the truth though It must run for years without any very variation If it will do that it a ood watch no matter what it looks like If it will not do that it should be corrected or got rid of Wo have watches which we guarantee to keep good time cost from to as high as you would care to go Wo would like you to see them T WATSON Watch- Maker and Graduate Optician REMOVED To Larger Premises owing to Increase in Business and will be pleased to meet all our old customers and welcome new ones at Many have availed themselves of the MoneySaving Opportunities offered by our SrmiAnnual Clearing Boot Sale Just days more Friday anil Saturday Come with the crowd it NEW STORE Lehmans Old Store J J

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