Weeks Local OH A j ft of Childrens Day at the Temperance Hall Sunday- at pm Good program Summer Goods Such as Freezers- Refrigerators Hammocks Oil and Gasoline Stoves marked away down to clear out Bums Hardware Mr has removed his grocery across the to the premises formerly Leh mans Drug Store This Is a good stand and with much and good cellar Mr be in a position thin t6 sup ply the needs of growing Aug is the date of the Firemens Excursion to St Catharines and Falls and In order nave a chance to delightful trip tie day has been declared a Civic Holiday Special train leaves Newmarket at Dont miss it For further see Bond hake Park this warm weather there will be a big crowd at Bond Parfc oh Saturday afternoon to tear the Highlanders Band and the four big Vaudeville Acts from Newmarket are only which includes admission to the grounds Special cars every during the afternoon and returning home after the concert See m Big Stock of Harvest Cheap at Hardware Six Houses Work commenced this week on ax more detached houses on Tim othy street west nearly opposite factory Mr Jos Cody in conjunction with Mr Allan How- ad have bought the property from the late John Eves Estate and are putting up the houses to rent It Is said that three are spoken for by Specialty employees Abandoned The contractor lor the gas well succeeded in pulling out all his pipe and the outfit left yesterday for Ber lin The Development Company was figuring on selling the flow of water to the town but Mr Geo wanted for the property and would cost to pipe the water to the reservoir at tie WaterWorks The contractor offered to bore a new 10inch well near the for less than therefore- the gas well wan abandoned entirely THE J fop York It is evident that the Commission er Crown Lands has interests of tie people of North York at heart all the time as frequently we hear of his efforts along the line of their interests One the many good acts late has been the providing of fish for Lake The residents around Jacksons Point and in Sut ton are loud in their praises of the efforts of Mr Davis It will be re membered that last season Mr Da vis was instrumental in stocking Lakes Wilcox and with thereby providing the Town ships of King and Whitchurch with ample fishing grounds for years to come Blouse Sets Collars and Belts at Hughes The Specialty The fourth annual of toe Employees of the Office Specialty took place at Bond Lake on Tuesday afternoon and evening j i grand success The Everybody Should Take weather could not have been more A vacation A few days spent favorable and at least people and cedars if not able to take time for longer rest will do you good and enable you to do better Charming the Lake were present including from To ronto Proceedings during the after noon were enlivened by music from the Regiment Band from Bays Georgian Bay Lake Sim- j The games- and sports were en- Kawanha Lakes the Mackinaw into with a great deal trip or the Sea but the most exciting was torts all are reached via Trunk Railway System The tour ist route of America Call at Grand Trunk offices for tickets illustrated literature and full information Too to A quantity of Mrs Wilkins furni ture will sold on Market Square on Saturday morning t Tent Services The expect hold a of a Tabernacle on Niagara St Newmarket fcg Saturday July at pm continuing until Sunday Aug nth Services each day at 3 and pm Sunday services at am 3 and of Toronto will be in charge of services assisted by other ministers welcome the Tug of War between Married and Single Men in which the former were victorious The prizewinners are as follows yd Open Roy Boys Boot Coiling tire W Cook Broad Step and Jump Linden yd Dash Roy d lagged and and Race Everen 2 J- of War Married men Ladles Nailing- Mr Weir Mrs Fat Race- J Weir Ladles Fishing Content Mr lira Mrs Simpson Pie Eating Contest Martin Consolation Race 2 When supper was announced there was a rush for the Pavilion and in the space of two hours people had their wants fully supplied but the fragments did not occupy many bas kets By oclock the floor was cleared and dancing commenced to the Very Something has been going wrong with the electrical machinery st the Metropolitan powerhouse the Keek The other morning the car that leave Newmarket at got down to the North End and could WI up the hill til nearly oclock On Wednesday evening the freight car got in the same and kept there over two hours All strains of Prof Collins cars were late the same day and the passenger cars did not to come up to the Royal Ho tel the result being that a number of were disappointed Worry About The hole that lets the Water in Jets it out again Its with cheap enameled kitchen The little aggravating pin We the bottom lets the water out tot it unfortunately hard to get from Toronto under the man agement of Mr Peppiatt For two hours all the available space was fully occupied and when last cars reached Newmarket a little before eleven everybody appeared to be thoroughly satisfied that they had had a good time The Committee desire to express their thanks to the following friends who so generously contributed to their sports programme IN GOODS A en pur Dan ford Roche Co Wright Gardner springs no holes only A Hardware Town do their kirt to make the Flower next week greater success than ever wry Book are now open and when it left with the Secretary the ill call for your flowers and return them after the Show si are worth competing for will grow larger as the grows popularity Show open on Wednesday numbers of cither the or Agricultural Society e fitted to ill others the On Wednesday Brass Band will iJ the Worth will run an- Rogers Atkinson Co John IM Jackson It- A Smith ABrvnton J A W Allan Co The prs J Smith Stewart If V Bcnne Co Hun ter Bros The Sutherland Watson IN CASH J Doyle Keith Lundy- I A Evans Sorncrviile J Hardy Pearson Sovereign Bank Dr Webb Luke Doyle Boyd Gamble A Bogart Ross Dr Wesley I The Who thinks all men arc angels bad remain single and nurse the delusion unless she is prepared to cook the meals in Im ported ware Sold only 1 annual Of the Christian Sunday School took place at J3ond Lake yesterday Mrs Simpsons drug has a new- coat of paint S Newmarket has bad a surfeit beggars the past few days Mayor Canes auto was repaired last week by an expert from the fac tory and is now running in good shape giving excellent satisfaction This is a most beautiful time to take a drive in the country and see nature all her richness New Telephone directories were dis tributed among the town subscribers on Monday When the mercury is hovering about the nineties fifteen or twenty minute sermons are likely to make most impressions The fruit crop will be scarce this season- Raspberries are plentiful but apples cherries plums and pears are a very meagre crop hereabouts Reunion Joel Hughes was born in Philadel phia Pa on Feb and with his father Job Hughes removed to Canada in settling on Yonge Street near Newmarket Sarah Phillips was born in Phila delphia Pa on Sept and with her Isaac Phillips came to Canada in and settled on Street on the site of the pres ent Phillips homestead A number of other families all be ing members of the Society of Friends commonly called Quakers accompanied these two families and formed the original Street Meeting of the Society of Friends It is presumed that these young people Joel and Sarah were not or iginal in their courtship and mar riage but were united by the well established and good old ceremony accredited to Friends Society on Ju ly Street at that early date was an almost unbroken wilderness and legend bath it that Joel and Sarah both bestrode one horse to ana fro from the Meeting House From this happy union of strength and were born children 3 dying- in infancy The following ten children married and settled in Cana da children being born to each un ion Age has precedence ia the list Mark Hughes deceased married Catharine Brown William Hughes deceased Ellis Hughes deceased married Sar ah Powell and Amelia Amy Hughes Powell deceased mar ried Jacob Powell Job Hughes deceased married Gray Edith Hughes Van Allen living James Ellen Hughes Lloyd deceased mar ried Hiram Lloyd Hughes Johnson living mar ried John Johnson Isaac Hughes deceased Mary Hughes Irwin deceased James Irwin Elizabeth Hughes Hughes deceased married J Hughes Samuel Hughes deceased Sarah Hughes Willis living married George Willis On July at the residence of Mr I on the wedding anniversary of Joel and there were a few of the of this worthy couple Of the three living children who are widows two were present Mrs Hughes Johnson and Mrs Sarah Hughes Willis who by their sprightly manners and many loving reminiscences of the past added very much to the interest and happiness of the reunion The grandchildren present were as follows A Hughes towcll J Pearson Hughes and wife Eunice Wisconsin Hughes and husband Mr Tecurnscth Amy Hughes Morton and husband Alfred Keswick Ont Hughes Oakville A Hughes Patterson VanAllen McCallum Kady Fred It Willis and wife Elizabeth Reynolds and wife Anna Aurora Ont The grandchildren present were Lulu Clarence M Sylvanus Pearson Byron Willis The ever present kodak did its work in several fine groupings There were several members of the party present who had not met for over years arid many old memories revived and long forgotten incidents both pathetic and mirthful were re viewed Song and story run and feasting were the order of the hour Many times during the day si lence would fall on the gathering and it would seem as though the spirits of the long departed ancestors hovering over us and the memory of our own departed dear ones came benediction and cheered and calmed our worldweary souls here were many pathetic partings as with- out doubt there would be no more earthly meetings but many a silent prayer ascended to the throne of Grace that we might be allowed to meet to part no more J Pearson Hughes Historian A Canadian Wins 14- V J I Sale SATURDAY July sale on Market Square rVewmarkct at Hi am crockery re frigerator etc Terms cash Duncan Private of Vancouver 13 Wins and a Gold Medal Badge July pm Private J Perry of the Vancouver won the Kiugs prize with a score of 321 points The Kings prize is the blue ribbon of the meet so to speak being the most coveted of all those offered- It is competed for in three stages of and yards and is open to all volunteers and volunteers Seven shots at each distance are allowed The first prize consists of given by his maj esty the King besides the National Rifle Associations gold medal and gold badge The cash prizes aggre gate in value and other sil ver and bronze medals are also awarded -p-ooo- Russians Sink Another Steamer Tokio The Russian squadron sank a- merchant man this morning miles oft the coast of Province The name of her ship and nationality is not known and nothing has been learned of the fate of her crew Witnesses ashore saw the merchantman follow ing the fleet Then they saw her fired which she disap peared The Russian warships were last re ported at 1 oclock this morning to the southwest of Pro vince steering to the west It is supposed that the squadron is waiting to catch the Pacific mail steamer Korea from San Francisco for Yokohama with foodstuffs and material for the Japanese Govern ment Heavy rains have again stopped military operations in but it is announced that as a consequence of five days severe fighting rlie Ja panese have materially improved their position The capture of Kiao Tung by the Japanese was preceded by an engagement in which the Rus sianswere routed with loss A Runaway Marl Train Piled Itself Up On Dock At Owen Sound Owen Sound July A wreck in the Grand Trunk yards at yes terday afternoon was the culmination of a most thrilling experience The excitement commenced at Ben Alien seven miles out engineer Brown of discovered thai the speed of the marl train which he was hauling was getting greater as they went down grade lie whistled for brakes but the train kept mov- faster and faster lie repeatedly whistled until finally the signal could be heard from the local yards As the train approached the yards at a high irate of speed he reversed the engine but the immense weight of the marl train only caused the wheels to skid The brakes refused absolutely to respond Like a flash the train passed the depot and fire man Johnston jumped for his life The engineer stuck by his train to the end of the rails opposite agent residence when he jumped The locomotive plowed ov er the roadway across to the dock and finally half buried herself In the timbers of the wharf and almost touching the hul works the schooner Ida A Oiscri of Bay City- Five cars piled up on each other and terribly wrecked and broken timbers and wheels- stuck indiscriminately from the muddy mass- of marl with which they were loaded The engine is not seriously dam aged and the loss to rolling slock Is confined largely to the wreck ed cars and their contents The wrecking cars will have the greatest difficulty iii removing the locomotive Heft 5000000 London Monday July A de spatch to the Daily Mail from Gene va says It is learned from a trust worthy source that the fortune left by the late Paul the late President of the Transvaal is be tween and It consists chiefly European securi ties The bulk of it goes to the family Killed the Shanghai July f A report comes from to the effect that a Is current there a French bishop a priest arid two have been another priest tak en and three chapels burned at Sichuan near Two hundred Soldiers have been despatched from for the scene of the out- raise- v JftV IS years old daugh ter of J Rv fell overboard from the steamer North Star during a moonlight and was drowned wife of- Japanese Consul died at St Bay where she had been the guest at the- house J French in Checks ALL COLORS Our regular and quality for per yard Ladies White Cotton Underwear Ladies Corset Covers from upward Ladies Drawers from upward Ladies Skirts from upward- Ladies- Night Dresses from upward Tweed Suitings Just received In per yd black Sateen Silk finished 100 and New Grocery Specials Pure Lard by the pail We give you a special price Cold I Meats sliced and cleanly kept Large Bottle Pickles Perfection Baking Powder lull ft Tins Canned Pork and Beans Canned Pumpkin Canned Tomatoes Canoed Peas i c J A THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER THE ROCHE COMPANY To- Day J Pieces of Come and see them on 2nd Floor A New Piano For Sale Price THE worth 3 Tfipped on Hail Halifax July a carpenter employed Curry Co on the new addition to the Sydney public building was killed instantly on Saturday after noon by falling from the scaffolding of the and striking on his head on the asphalt sidewalk He tripped over a nail which was pro truding from of the staging foot boards and fell headlong to the a distance of feel His brains were dashed out and he died without uttering a sound I Kincardine carried a bylaw to raise to extend the light and waterworks systems Stock Watrkct In Toronto this week all cattle are per less except milch cows which have advanced to for the best Calves have advanced to and per lb No change in sheep have advanced from to per July Flour per barrel 14 BO White Wheat per bush a Rod Wheat per hush a Spring Wheat per bush a Buckwheat a Barley per bush- Oats per bush a Rye per a Wool per IB a Hay per a Bran per ton a Shorts per M Butter roll per a per dot a Potatoes per bag per lb a 7- a ordering a Suit of Clothes or Pair of Trousers go where you can gel the j Best Fit Style Workmanship These Qualities are assured if you choose from my Stock of 1 SCOTCH TWEEDS and ENGLISH WILLIS OPPOSITE THE FORSYTH HOUSE MAIN STREET NEWMARKET j Toronto markets S July 3 White Wheat per hush a Red- Wheat per bush a- Spring Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per hush a per a SO Barley per bush a Eggs per dor a Butter roll per lb Potatoes per a Dressed Hogs per a Hay per ton a Wool per lb a 0 Chickens per pair Chickens per Turkeys per Beef fore qur Beef hind 00 a No am BEST HORSES is a I