Newmarket Era, 29 Jul 1904, p. 4

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fc THE NEWMARKET ERA JULY it Mil Stuffed Up the condition of coast sufferers from catarrh especially In the difficulty la in fag the bead and throat fib wonder catarrh headache Impair the taste and hearing the derange the stom ach and affects the appetite To cor catarrh treatment mart constitutional alterative and I vu 111 for four months with catarrh In and throat Had a bid I and persuaded ma to try It I adTiw alt to it It ha aod ma Max must Wert Hoods Care Seas The Toronto World makes the statement the the dai ly newspapers in have passed into the hands of men who are also owners of public franchises and the men whose names are put on the signboard outside the office are mere blinds for those behind them Money makes the mare go On the fiftytwo bills re ceived the royal assent in the Senate Mr Justice Sedgwick of the Su preme Court officiating for Canadas Governor This brings the number of bills formally passed at the present session of parliament up to one hundred Among those as- the- mucous srwfcda seated to was the bill to amend the GRAND RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for Wharf connecting with boats for points on North Bay and Sod am Daily eroept Sunday for Allandale Meaford Oriltia Wharf pm Daily for Allandale Collingwood Orillfa North Bay and points in the Canadian NorthWest pm Daily except Sunday for Stayner Colling- Barrie and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Wharf and Barrie am Daily except Sunday from Meaford and pm Daily from points In Cana dian NorthWest North Bay Huntsville and Bar pm Daily except Sunday from Bar rie and TORONTO AND NEWMARKET S CO mi CI W sss as BO c National Transcontinental Railway Act The Globe fittingly rebukes the Conservative organ at Toronto for its misrepresentation of the member for North York and says Sir is falsely represented in the Mail and Empire as disparaging the militia and this is made the text for an unnecessary defence against an attack that was not made Thank fortune the Canadian militia does not need the defence of the Mail and Empire By a press despatch from Ottawa we notice that Mr Archibald Little has been appointed postmaster of in succession to Mr David resigned The appointment has been pending for some time and is received with approval by both po litical parties Mr Little has been acting postmaster for the past ten years during the illness of Stir- ton who has been confined to the house most of that period On Dominion Day Lord enclosed a bill of exchange for as Canadas contribution to the Queen Victoria Memorial Fund to the Lord Mayor of London England Replying thereto the latter says In enclosing your Lordship a receipt beg to assure you that this munificent donation from Canada will be greatly appreciated in the mother land where the and affection for the Sovereign and the Empire By Canadas sons have been so often em phasized and are so implicitly recog nized London the House of Commons last night Mr David Lloyd- George Liberal member for Carnar von moved the adjournment of the House in order to call attention to a definite matter of urgent public namely the conduct of in taking part whilst still an officer of the British army in a political agitation against the Canadian Government It was purely a political agitation with Lord as the center The case was similar to that of General hut there was a double rea son why it should not be permitted in Canada It was grossly unfair and mischievous that Lord aM slioukl be allowed to stir up strife and a feud between the two races in Canada Ask His Return Lord said Mr went to Canada as the Hardin was a man who though but had traveled he was well wearied with the world Without family or tiesno one her trteaki threshold of tbYslispdfteEiititebte dwatiered A few feet In front tier a was bflcK her He had and standing on the beside was little child The car lurched and the little fellow swayed only be caught by a strong arm threw Then the mans head darted down aria Alice smiled the screams of childish She watched them for a moment iw ho called out settling down It was with a very elded picture In mind a picture of a home that was home In the fullest of ths word where there a wlf whose life would be bound up In that home where there romped lit tle who would welcome with smiles and with drooping faces see Arid It was this feeling but dully that made look cer of the Canadian Government and upon Ellison with something of no one imputed any misconduct to doubt albeit much of admiration Mm than want of judgment Not being in agreement with the Canadian Government the latter dis missed him at once When he be came an officer on half pay he could stand as a member of the Canadian Parliament if he desired and not be deprived of the fight to take an ac tive part in public life He believed it undesirable for any officer to take part in public controversies and the War Office had informed Lord donald that his conduct was undesir able and had requested him to re turn to be heard in his own defence He bad instructed Lord to return home and not to take any further part in political controver sies Cries of hear hear a g WWW 88 M o So to en CO A J to si 9 Special Excursion Rates every aeaday and Saturday afternoon PROMPTLY SECURED Write our iDterettlnr or How you arc of and we will tell you opinion at to whether en rally We cosdact fully offices In to prompt- ly wwicacd cur Marian A rion notice without over the Patent of MARION MARION Expert and Officii To Dressmakers Room to rent free of charge For Particulars apply to A you wish to do well Veep strong succeed in everything you undertake and live an old age do like the Japanese lake copious draughts of water and deep Inhalations of air Not one of these things will cost you a cent the advise fa free peas and beans are not very fresh when cooked a pi of baking the size of a pea added to the in which they are will make them tenderer and preserve the Emu color a teaspoonful of sugar when will Improve the flavor It is announced from Ottawa that the Minister of Militia has practical ly completed negotiations with the celebrated gun and ammunition firm of Armstrong Co of for the establishment and operation of factories- at various points in the Dominion The capacity of the existing factory at Quebec is said to he 20000000 rounds annually The factory under the Armstrong Co contract is to be near Ottawa with a capacity of This will more than double the existing output An Alderman of tlte city rff Ottawa so it is announced intends to have the financial committee consider the advisability of an application to the Legislature to secure authority to levy a special tax on bachelors Speaking of the proposition he said Bachelors use our streets and have the benefit of the whole corporation service without paying a cent to wards the maintenance of the city The special tax moreover may have the tendency to increase the number of marriages Old bachelors arc far too numerous in Ottawa anyway Wonder if our PostmasterGeneral or his Deputy have considered the following feature of postal law The authorities at Washington have fixed a penalty of on any Hone taking mail out of the oth er than their All postmasters are liable to make mistakes and get the mail into I he wrong and the Jaw says people must examine their moil before leaving the office and if they have other than their own it must be returned at once Its the fault or the postmaster makes no difference This includes newspapers as well as firstclass mat ter It is high time the inci dent ceased to be paraded in the par ty press Should the agitation reach the point of becoming a factor in the approaching political cam paign the Administration which has arraigned itself on the side of ele vating the civil over military rule will not only be triumphantly sus tained but the result will he to weaken rather than strengthen the calculated to cement the peoples of the Empire together Lord recall by the Home is pretty conclusive evidence that the British Government also enter tain this view of the WITH CRICK IN THE BACK are up against a lot of trouble unless you have a strong remedy like to settle pain and disoige stiffness from the mus cles and joints on the painful spot not much rub bing because has more pow er than ordinary remedies You wont suffer long after is annied for It almost instant ly Mr Phillip Adams of Oakland says If I hadnt sed I guess my back would be stiff yet A few applications ot took out all the soreness and stillness I can recommend for any kind of muscular pain also for rheumatism Price City Found Chicago Scientists Discovery Ruins of Babylon in Udnunki the Ancient Adah per haps the oldest city in the world has been discovered by the University of Chicagos Excavating Expedition in Babylonia This city has for many years been the object of search by Orientalists It Is mentioned in the code of Hammurabi an early King of Babylon which document translated recently by Prof Robert Harper director of the expedition He has just received news here in a cablegram from Prof J Banks field director of the expedition The uncovering of ancient Adah is one the most important achievements of recent years Dr Banks informed Prof Harper that he had found bricks bearing the syllables at the lowest level of the ruins He is certain that these bricks identify the city of Adah With a force of men he excavated the ruins at and found the remains of four temples built one above the other which he named according to the Kings who built them The dates became earli er until finally the bricks identifying were found Anions other articles which Dr Banks found are marble statues onyx and sandstone lamps and many bronze objects m Bows 1Mb Life was joyous to Alice Ellison Her blood ran high and nothing had crossed her path that tended to make her feel aught but the Joy of living It was nature therefor that she should laugh dance and Sometimes though It palled hsr would sit the silence or her room wondering why she not truly sad And always at the picture of rose b fore her and her heart grew tender And then something would crop up like the weeds the parable choking out these tiny seeds of love And that ftomethlns pitifully like the vision bad but Just caused a momen tary gladness But the clear blue eyes were so cold the fine month to firmly set with determination the chin so square that she would rise impatient ly crying out Ah no he would never be tender nor sweet nor nor For she too bad her picture of what a home should be and while she scarcely dared dwell on It he could do It was there In the clouds her head a home In which there a woman whose lifes one aim to keep the tired lines from her face the worrying cares from his heart to maintain forever the smile on those little upturned faces at knee But the husband must be one with a heart warm enough to take and profit by the sympathy she held out to him In such good abundance a man who could understand the hearts of those little children In the arms of that woman So thinking much but understand ing little of each other they went their separate ways until one morning early when a train drew out from the depot Alice seated In the chair car Allyn swinging on to the step of the coach He wss off on bis vacation and in the curlings of the smoke he saw not the face of Alice Ellison but cool green nooks by running streams He heard the crunch of the dried leaves beneath his feet and felt the tugging of the trout upon his line had bid Alice two even ings before expecting to leave the city then and ha recalled her look of good frank friendship as she had pat her hand In his What a pity there fa not more to her he mused She Is so at tractive but she lacks weight The train was coming to a stop and rose and went out on the plat form They were slowing Into a pic turesque little town with green trees In eight of the depot and big southern homes white and In the sunlight Was that Alice Yes there on the lower step of coach ahead of him she stood with an Impatience barely bidden by quiet manner waiting for tbe train to stop was smiling oh so brightly and the train had scarcely come to a stand still she had sprung down and was running across the platform to meet could not his own eyes A little girl with brown legs flashing bare above low socks and face left bars by the bonnet that bung about neck reflecting brightness be bat seen on Alices came rushing down the Pretty And she reeling tx more than smile at the fellow turned to go back to her terestlng book train was crossing the loaf bridge over and Alice paused in tie the Pullman and the chair car Stand lag at the window she looked out upon the of the moonlit lake and sky and felt very tired and small and useless She was not blue nor she morbid but somehow her heart re belled at going back to that old life la the empty so shallow so Alice Ellison Why why where did yon from voice trembled but did not care She held out both hands to Allyn his own closed over a sadden picture flashed her She heard again tbose laughter saw again a mans head riend swiftly down like a boys beneath tbe tug of hay bands a face- habitually cold alight wttfi something divinely warm as ft had looked at her across head of little iltce from ts door way of a st receding train Her heart if bound frightened her drawing her away she turned anil looked again upon the moonlit water I was called home unexpectedly on business explaining when be noted that she was not listening He stepped nearer to side Mtss Ellison be began Then he saw bow the moonlight was caught and shimmered In the tears that lay on her cheek and which could not help any mora than she could have told the reason why they fell- rVhars the matter There was a long pause and when she was Us a tired childs Nothing only Im so tired She had turned and Involuntarily stretched forth her bands again but Allyna hands slipped pas tiers and folded his arms Ob you dsnt know how you She raised wet to his and as he bent tow over her the weight slipped from bar heart and the old Itfs that bad so tired became a of past it We One Hundred Re- l form loo with shriek of Joy J threw herself Into Alices open The uptodate character of the Methodist Magazine is shown in many its articles There compre hensive and wellillustrated one on Japan In War Time with map and numerous The Francis Joseph of Austria is the sub ject of an interesting article portrait another very well illustrated article Is on In British Columbia A strong ar ticle on Church Union by the late Principal Grant is reprinted Morton contribute an paper on The We al ward for any of Catarrh that cannot be by Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Props Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney or the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions arid financially to carry out any obligations made by their firm West Wholesale Druggists Toledo KJnnan Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best Although water Isnt Intoxicating It makes tight There were a number of deaths In New York City caused by the beat on Monday and Tuesday IV One by the Dr on Canadas Opportunity and Duty land other articles make up a I attractive number for August very IA and I the open The whistle blew sgaln Alice was moving off with a young and man who had Joined her Silas KlllsonS How do you do Alice turned about quickly Oh she gasped I thought you were In Wisconsin moved to ward the train not losing hold of the little bund that lay In hers could not get off Wish I bad known you were aboard the train watt Bon voyage culled Alice Then bending toward the child Wave by- by to Mr Hardin A sunburned little band clawed air and Alice raising her head looked up at They both laughed On of that northbound trip all that was a little country railroad station with Us usual motley setting Standing forth all were the same two figures the the child one In gown of softly cling tag blue the other rutted White apron The two visit to brother came to an end and the train fast drawing Alice sweet peace of country Ihi rush- and whirl of ftat old Jo hi city in her chair dresinljy looking- out of to tljecohriuston that she Qtts fcghed a rose wearily the motion way toward Babys Danger The Hummer months are a bad time for babies an timet for motlLors In the and bowels art- the cause of the many- rummer of babies and young child ren the reason why the hot weather months are more fatal to little ones than any other neason Own Tablets should bo round In every homo where there are yoiuiK and their prompt use during hot may a preci ous little life The tablets cure con stipation diarrhoea and stomach and guaranteed to con tain no opiate or harmful drug Mrs liabys my little one cried almost with any act such as do no not iliiiirt or them tholr will not tablet B cat be had any or by mall from Williams rock vide On t Pilco cents a box The raw material of a certain large establishment near New York City consists of empty fruit and vegetable cans rescued from the dumps The principal products of this manufactory are wihddwsash weights elevator weights and bal last for boats After delivery at the foundry says the American Machin ist the cans are piled into a large iron grating under a sheet iron hood which terminates in a smoke stack They are liberally sprinkled with crude oil which is then set on fire The process consumes the labels loosens he dirt and melts the which falls through the grating is collected washed and melted cast into and sold to be used again Some of the cans which have sim ply joints- melt apart completely These are sorted out and the sheets straightened and bound into bundles to be sold to trunkmakers for protecting corners They are also bought by button man ufacturers who stamp from them the disks used in cloth covered buttons The machinemade cans do not come apart and they are loaded Into large carts taken on an elevator to the charing floor and dumped into the cupola which is fed alternately with cans and coke The cans are so light that some of them are car ried out at the top of the stack by the force of the blast and a large screen has been arranged to prevent the pieces from falling on the roof Persons who take an elevator in a city skyscraper may And amuse ment In wondering after reading these facts how many empty cans it took to make the weights that bal ance the car in which they ride V Out of samples of jam tested by the Dominion Analyst only were reported genuine John Mitchells sloop capsized in the Halifax harbour on Saturday and he was drowned robbed the at Olds Alberta Friday night blowing safe BOYS AND Are altogether too numerous Our schools are full of them Chances are your own children are weaklings Its a shame so many children grow MP health they could be made strong by Ihe best tonic growing boys and invigorates the whole body helps digestion makes the blood pure and rich It supplies mote nourishment than children can get in any other way and soon establishes a reserve force and en ergy your children and watch them grow Price- 6c per box During a riot at France four persons were killed and twenty- five wounded IS YOUR BREATH BAD J Bad breath is one of the early symptoms of Catarrh which should be checked at once and not allowed to run into consumption The surest cure is fragrant healing which cures Catarrh by removing Its cause case is too chronic even the most stubborn yield in a snort time to the balsamic vapor It makes cures that last for once cured by stay cured Catarrhozone Is pleasant convenient and safe to use relieves almost Instantly and Is guar anteed to cure every type of Catarrh bronchitis and asthma Use only complete outfit sample size DOUGLAS STOCKS I FOR BALK Aurora Con Iron King Ext 1000 Vlznaga Canadian Pe troleum WANTED Every person Interested In Mining and Oil stocks to wrlto us for weekly price list Sent free on appli cation We guarantee all stocks sold by us to be Treasury stock and wo will have it transferred into any name desired before asking lor payment TERMS purchaser Write us to day about any or all stocks Investment Change Co Spectator Mgr Hamilton Can There are seventyfive thousand more men Mian women in Canada As a result thousands of trustwor thy men Farmers Miners and others living Were In certain districts can not possibly get wives in their own neighborhoods But in England Scotland Ireland and Wales there are a million mora women than men and in these Coun tries thousands of good intelligent and attractive girls many of them daughters of farmers and all of them qualified to make excellent wivessee nothing before them while they stay here but the prospect of living and dying as old maids and this to them is a decidedly unpleasant prospect They willingly emigrate to Canada could they he assured that they were going to meet worthy men there as husbands and that they could look forward to happy hum ble Homes in the Dominion may say that all of them could afford to emigrate at their own ex pense- are prepared to give good men introductions to these girls- If you wish to get an introduction please write with such particulars yourself age nationality occupation and circumstances as a sensible girl would expect to get and we shall wnte reply with a view to bringing about -a- suitable introduc tion without undue delay Tell us kind of- a wife age nationality and disposi tion you wish get If you have preference for any particular Christian Sect please name it You will also enclose our Fee Dollars further Fee of Dol lars will be due lo us within one month after marriage thus making Dollars altogether We do not con fine ourselves to one We give as many as will be until marriage But we make no charge for any introduction after the payment of our said Fee of Dollars for the first It Is not at all necessary that you should he a wealthy man But it is necessary that you be a man who would make a kind and good husband to a good wife If you are not such a man please do not write us Address Messrs JOHN LLOYD DUNCAN Canadian Agents Marys LONDON THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF YORK In the Matter of the ESTATE OF JOHN I if RST late the Township North farmer deceased NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant to Chap Sec land amending Acts that all persons having claims against the estate of the said John Hirst who died on of about the 25th day of May are required to send by post prepaid of deliver to the Executrix or Executor on or before the first day of August 11104 their names addresses and de scriptions and a full atatenient of particulars their claim and the na ture and security if any held by them duly and that alter said day the executors will pro ceed to distribute the assets of estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims Which they shall then have notice day June SARAH SOPHIA HIRST Keswick WILLIAM Keswick PO Executrix and Executor LLOYD Solicitor for Estate I James seven years was fatally crushed while riding a load of hay near London

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