Newmarket Era, 29 Jul 1904, p. 6

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tt IMJB dp W DAVIDSON Notify f Mount Albert- Ontario I hart good turd sale to t Lowest on jajAftni MANAGER jersey Grades for Sale Heifer a from month to There is keen competition the buyers on the market resulting in highest prices being paid ears old have beta bred also Fresh Cows For further particulars ff STOKES Mount Albert Mr Powell the first to start harvest in this section of tfcc country having cut wheat on Tours- eggs 15 17c The London INSURANCE COMPANY ayillnble Capital HEAD OFFICE CANADA BRANCH BOARD OF DIRECTUM Andrew P worth J Buchaimso Km Finite Clou- ton m DAVIDS X SMITH Ml Chief for C FURNITURE Yon can we money by buying your Furniture at NEW SHOEMAKER extend a cordial welcome to Mr Lehman whose advertisement appears in another column who has opened up a custom and repair shoe j Wesley and Mr A business in the shop on Terrys I Mr- and Ham- premises Mr Lehman is a young intend finishing shingle cutting W this week Mr Cooks colt that got its leg broken is getting on nicely- Mr A Park is able to be out again alter his sickness- Mr Geo Graham has been working on the farm lately purchased by Or man well up and sec him in- his business- Call A LARGER STOCK EVER OF Bedroom Bailee Extension Concher and Chain We are agents lor Pillow Carpet and Picture Pruning Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered irfqauittty ALLAN THEAKER Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Trouble Lung We keep the leading makes of Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT PRESENTATION A social under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of Presbyterian church was held at home of Mr J Ross on Tuesday evening The tables were provided with the choic- est dainties and the young ladies of he church acted as waiters and care- fully looked after the wants each guest so that everyone thoroughly at home Later in the evening Mr and Mrs Ross were presented with a handsome lea service on behalf of the congregation prior to their to their new home in Cooks- town OUR SCHOOL Out of eight pupils who tried the recent entrance examination from our school seven have been successful and we take pleasure in congratulating Miss Leek on Ihc excellent showing made by her class The names of the successful ones arc as follows Merle Jennings Mary Clara Walton Gertie Walton Ger tie Moore Gertie Herbert Sibley Special men tion is due Merle Jennings who wins medal for obtaining the highest number of marks from Mount Albert School and for getting out of in Arithmetic We also con gratulate rferticMcMuHen who is on ly years SOCIAL A successful social under the aus pices of the League the Methodist Church was held at the parsonage on Wednesday evening last Mr Graham returned to wort at Newmarket on Monday Mister Gordon was visit ing friends the Center Road last week Mi Graham of was home visiting his parents on Sunday last Air LonghurstVilowcr garden is a beauty It cannot be beaten of Union Street is Visit ing with her aunt Geo Our grasswidow looks very lonely these Mr Brooks went to one day last week for a of barrels The Mayor has his barn almost completed Little Carrie who been under the care is able to be out again ilr Hamilton of Pleas ant was the guest of Mrs on Sunday Our young folks are practicing lor Childrens Day to be held on Sun day next A number from town went berry- picking on Monday and report good crop- Mr Fred Grose was successful in winning prize given by the teach er for obtaining the highest marks Fred got Mr Park was visiting friend at last Sunday Cement sidewalks are to be com menced in Qucensville in a few days Reeve Ramsden was here last week complete arrangements for laying them tV Mrs Geo Wight returned on Monday night from a lengthy visit at OaKviile Milton and other places Mr Geo Fogg Master and Mr Power are camping at Mr Terrys for a weeds fishing Mrs Miss Wil liams Miss Pearson Miss Hamer of Toronto and Miss Alma have gone to Balmoral Hall Morton Park for a or two Master Bedford of Aurora is spending the holidays at his uncles Mr J Moores Mr Geo Wright and friend SUTTON Excursion t from Beavctton Thursday by Elgin Lewis Base ball match in afternoon between and Sutton After- playing a while the match was called off- Mrs Kemp and family who been visiting in vicinity returned on Wednesday Miss Kemp her sisterinlaw her for a visit Mr Michael wife and three children also sisterinlaw of Ottawa were here last week visiting tbeir cousins Mr Jos and Mrs Alfred Shaw Mrs Hudspeth of Lennoxville Que bec sister of Sir and Miss Reynolds of were the guests of Mrs last week Mc Stanley Osborne is home from Binder Twine Harvest Tools Gasoline Stoves- Preserving Kettles ALL AT- SUMMERFELDTS HAR MOUNT ALBERT a Warm Weather Goods Sutton spent Sunday in wmey Miss sister Newmarket understand he is or Mrs Partridge was visiting at the sore arm which got hurt playing baseball parsonage a couple of days last week Miss Jennie of Toronto is at Sirs Airs j and friend are at M Mrs Toronto is visit ing her parents Mr and Mrs Henry Miss of Markham is the two Mrs Rev J Ferguson of is visiting at her old home Mr J Henrys ff BALDWIN BRdKZfJS Sirs- and family returned to this week Her hubby found it lonely without her guess he feared the society of Bald win Grits was corrupting Master A Lon don arc visiting at her old home Brae v of Toronto ac companied by his friend Allison came up on Saturday on the 330 and stayed till Monday morning at his fathers Mr and Mrs of are the guests of their daughter Mrs Mr come here to recuperate after a severe ill ness- Two garden parties week one New Dress Muslins New Zephyr Ginghams New Linen Suitings AT H ALBERT Willies political morals We are to lose Willie e youtWul JtMS I SHARON Another of our oldest residents passed away on at the ad vanced age of almost years- refer to Mr Rodney Willson who tick but who house ami grounds were tasteful- getting better till last decorated with evergreens and bunt ing and the tables were nicely decked choice flowers Icecream and cake were the refreshments provided after which an interesting programme was given the features of which were songs by Messrs Harry and Young month when he took to his bed again and gradually wasted away Deceased was a descendant of the fate David founder the society the Children of Peace and was in this Town ship about a mile and a half from philosopher Had I only space at my command Id only delight in record some of bis clever re marks Owl town being some distance from a public sanctuary a service was held here on Sabbath evening To call it divine service would be rank sacri lege it was a song service and weekday songs at that Lymans gramophone was the chief of the entertainment As an atonement for the secular character of the pro gram in conclusion the re peated that beautiful passage The Lord is my Shepherd I not want etc closing with a fine ren dition of the Lords Prayer A large crowd was present Of course like the Pharisee I looked in and passed the other on Friday at The management both affairs arc hoping for a fine evening Margaret Evans of Virginia returned home on Monday from a weeks visit at Mr Jos came up on the Saturday and return ed on Monday to Toronto His wife iad family have moved back again to nis fathers tiouse Mr Walter Osborne was home from over Sunday His friend Mr accompanied Miss Florence of Toronto daughter of Mr Richard is home for the holidays Mr Last spent Sunday at home in Mount Albert There- was an excursion from To ronto to Jacksons Point under the by on i the side City people auspices of the Consumers Co and Miss Terry a recitation by Miss and a piano duct by J A Misses Alice Woodcock and Flo alc who with den The proceeds to over Bros A MOUNT ALBERT Our Wall Papers and Carpets Are In for Spring It will pay you to nee them before buying ROSS BROS THAT On Excursion day our ball team had misfortune from a Sutton view to administer decisive do- feat to the team belonging to that village To quote- the expressive language of Brother the game was fraught with disappoint ment from start to finish especial may add at thc finish as the store was to in favor the visitors also Agree With Broth er Sutton nine were simply of not play he game all aid tip in the air allowing the visitors do as they pleased Hot statement that the Mount Alberts had fife men from bridge is a mistake as there were only two and nothing is about the playing men his only daughter Mrs Ira I of Toronto arc left to mourn the loss of an affectionate father and one who was greatly respected in this community The remains were interred at New market Cemetery on Wednesday The service at the house was largely at tended conducted by Rev rector St James Church HOLLAND LANDING The A Garden Party on thc was a grand success and largely attended Mr and Mrs Tell of Toronto who were visiting their aunt Mrs Evans returned on Monday last- Miss Violet left oil Monday last lo spend a few weeks with her sister Mrs Leslie at Miss Mabel and Miss Ka- from Toronto and Mi for Berlin Lawn Mowers RAKES HOES SHOVELS POULTRY NETTING SCREEN DOORS AND WIN DOWS MIXED PAINT ALL COLORS CURTAIN POLES A WIN DOW SHADES SETS AND HAMMOCKS J ROWLAND Mount Albert Jersey Bull fctrain kept for BERKSHIRE PIGS for from Imported pi jguapjitfcfcd Queeosrllle if our Sutton friends are defeated that take their medicine like men as there Will he no kick coming if they win A LANDING HOWL The Holland Landing baseball played a friendly game with Alberts and their in weeks of the raises a howl about the man ner in which the team was treated not even given their supper Now no team or other that ever played in Mount Albert ever other than courteous treats and were treated to a super nor was there any made in the case of the team from the Landing who were offered supper but declined saying that they would pay for their own arid that tbe Mount Alberts could do the same when they played return match The rcsptififleiit omitted to stale hat when our team played in Landing last season and mentioned supper they were told they could go a place not marked on the map where the temperature is reported consider ably above that at North pule and ft The Holland Landing team is not the same with ours and that is all the trouble practice up hoys West who has vis in city returned home mi Wednesday Mr sports a new too buggy Cotes have commenced to move prospects arc for a good yield this year Kail wheat in being cut this Most of it in this vicinity is touched with rust Haying is still the order flay and Mrs sent Tues day last in the city Voters Lists arc out day for making appeals against the List is August the Monday next be observed Civic Holiday here The Ontario Pump Co and home team will have a game of baseball In the park in the afternoon Mrs Schunk who bad the mis fortune to fall off a car In a few days ago arc pleased to say is slowly recovering and is ex pected here in a few days CHAMBERLAINS COLIC CHOL ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the sum mer over It can always be de pended upon even in the moat tevere and dangerous cases It is especial valuable lor summer disorders in enjoy similar entertainments under the of Sacred Band Con- IUght or wrong- decide lor yourselves old weather bureau may as well be knocked up into kindling wood mostly every time did think our friend Walter Jackson when he got there would with his youthful energy brush the cobwebs from the machinery the prof brain oil it up and give it a new lease of life A Hicks Al manac for me every trip Riding friend Win Stat ion Thursday eve ho remarked on the fine of weather for haying The almanac says storm 10jftorrow Friday I modestly observed sun was going down beautifully clear Donfc look much like it observed Win lies a believer now for it rained for keeps next day To lie in the fashion along With I gentlemen I wealth and leisure frequently observe Weary Willies on Shanks mares leisurely wending their way to the summer resorts in Urn Highlands of Ontario A brief so journ there in high living will invig orate and rejuvenate then for home coming to winter quarters Guv over the Don There is a war cloud looming in the air Lou Draper is purchasing munitions war stump ma chinery His war cry is and no surrender made a declar ation of- war against hundreds of blackened pine stumps that adorn his otherwise beautiful farm We admire his pluck and wish him theyre a awful nuisance I reckon we have a better average lot than any other section of York Co And theyre proud of their skill too youd tetter Relieve it Makers bread Is all right you cant get any better but there are dozens of our women who can knock bakers out at their own game Sirs Geo as an oft repeated is ack nowledged the boss baker of Baldwin She can make brown bread to surpass Mru Brown herself Fanners haying finished haying arc rooting amount their roots for fall wheat harvest stored away to write about ihese days some of those chaps who have been round our belles for so long pop and then go to parson I know Is never too weary to refuse to help a poor chap in such a case Try- so Pounds Wanted We Must Have It No other buyers can pay our prices GEO SONS MOUNT ALBERT Japs Again Farm to Rent No doubt rain would prevent some from coming who otherwise would have done so Dr Smith dentist was her on Tuesday at his usual occupation Owing to Civic Holiday in Toron to Monday next special from will he cancelled on that day and will run on Tuesday Aug 2nd leaving Jacksons Point at am Civic Holiday Is to be on Aug when an excursion un der the auspices of the Library will run from here to Jacksons Point The farmers around here are con gratulating themselves on the excep tionally weather for getting in their hay Some of have suc ceeded in storing it away without having a drop of rain on it Raspberrypicking is keeping a num ber of small fry out of mischief and as the berries bring a good price it is quite incentive for work UNION Notwithstanding the heavy down pour of rain on Wed evening Garden Party held on the beautiful lawn of Councillor John Smith un der the auspices of Union Street Christian Church was an unqualified success In every particular The la dies of this church are well known for their excellent cooking and for providing an abundance of It The Mt Albert Band rendered choice mu sic unstintedly Mr of Aurora a large number of good selections on the gramophone A superabundance of untouched pro vender makes It necessary to hold a social at the place on Sat evening Tea served from to The public cordially Invited New July battle was fought yesterday Saturday at acres being lot 25 in tie attended it is believed Con of East Suitable with heavy losses The progress of for either grain or stock Enquire tne battle was watched by many on the premises people in from the roofs of the houses The day was clear and the smoke of the guns could bo plainly seen July A report horn states that yesterdays DAVID PO battle was at Tathsuithong six miles distant and that Japanese were successful Many Chinese refugees arriving at have reported that nine Japanese gunboats from Port Arthur have arrived at Registered Shorthorn Cattle FOR SALE Yearling Bull also Heifers yew- ling and year old all sired by Imported Bull Macintosh FOR1U1ST lit Albert G Riehandson mi AT AltE THEY Chamberlains Stomach and Liver TaMets A new remedy for J It la pleasant to take and troubles and cons never fails to give relief Why and a good one Price cents it now It may save life For sale by ff T Lloyd Bate by Lloyd Great Britain Refuses NEWMARKET DENTIST St Petersburg July opinion Is unanimous in believing that what is called the miserable remnants of the Treaty of Paris should be destroyed and that the Russian Slack Sea fleet should bo given free access to thc Mediter ranean The barrier at present ex isting in declared to belong to an era of International treaties which has lost all meaning Thc vikya says that Russia is only State in world which is prevented from spending parts of its fleet to the Mediterranean except by the Sultans permission Russias commercial interests have suffered thereby and now London shows de termination to close firmly the gates which wore opened by Sultan Should it he so Russia is entitled to look for support not only from France but also Germany which will now And occasion to prove her friend ship to the Russians Brooks Block uA Tuesday each month T ALBERT DRUG Pure Paris Green Bought In bulk and put up packages by ourselves Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Notwithstanding all that done by boards health and charitably in- dined persona the death rate among small children is very high during J CURED OF CHRONIC DIARRHOEA AFTER TEN OK fciOr- I wish to say a few words in praise Chamberlains Colic Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy Mra Surge of from chronic diar rhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medicines without obtaining any permanent Last summer one of my children tak en cholera morbus and pro cured a this remedy Only two dott were required give her j to children it is equally entire relief I then decided to try Adu cases I recommend medicine myself and did not cheerfully and without reserve Wo also carry a full line of Patent Medicines among Remedies and gals Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family Re- celpts receive personal attention g day or night T LLOYD during the weather of the sum j months In large cities There Is not probably one case bowel trou ble in a hundred however that could not be cured by the timely use of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Mr Frank in speaking of this remedy said I have found it expedient to have a supply of Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Remedy on hand It has been a family safeguard and of one before I was well and I have never been troubled with that complaint One cannot say too much in favor that won derful medicine remedy is for sale by Lloyd Iron and Company have over men and will not For sale by Lloyd FARMERS JUST A Plymouth Binder Twine is by every test consequently the est Wo have It in stock now SHIELDS Mount Albert LICENSES BUTTON WEST LEHMAN SHOEMAKER Trmendoaa forest fires In flrmmf tVrnie do rtt in only by herculean w PhoMebinMnimilrftirHb toe former town JfftBH MAN Proprietor

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