8 r if Si it Hub DOB- BALLANTRAE WOMEN WHO CANNOT OWED Backed op by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures a record do other for the and weakness peculiar to women ever attained the proprietor of Dr Pierce Favorite now feel fatty warranted In offering to pay In legal money of the United for aay case of Fe rrule Weakness Prolapsus Filling of Womb which they cannot cure AH they ask it a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure Independent Oder of Good Templar teay by Street Mew City u J poor health Cor a year dart tod dreary to me and Tried bet took Fa- I mlised that tad remedy It to throw of tea iht at to rated the all and a and beck to my cheek Last Tuesday tnorniug while Mrs Samuel was milking cows one of them stepped on ankle causing a bad fracture BRADFORD of Bcdidac If mm dually keep the In It Co throw off the of to fire it my Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong women weH Ac cept no for the medicine which work wondera for weak women Dr Common Sens Medical receipt of cent for the book or w stamp for tat cloth bound Ad dress Dr V Buffalo Y I- Sovereign BankofCanada Authorized Capital WaOOOOOf Head Office Toronto BRA Albert On MoorrtA Ottawa Market Perth Exeter flr Quo Que Sutton Harrow vvaerlco PO Mat mora Wit Br- Mount OP OUR Sayings Bank Department from date of deposit may lipoid twice a year f not bllfd deposit or mono the flirt or hint of a any Tall one of our Write re will one W Wallace Bruce Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH AS TOOL- for the student and the writer as an authoritative reference book for schools teachers families brines- and professional men there one book which offers advantages in the solid value of its information and the J vith which it obtained Ones admiration for Websters International Dictionary increases daily it to be better known It never refuses the infor mation sought and it never over whelms one vith a mass of mis information illogical ly arranged The Gazette of Imdon England For the teacher the the student and the litterateur there better it covers everything Tim n4 receatl word a rtrl6j Dictionary an4 Our name la n of the f the LET US SEND YOU FREE A to aiTorla a fnatrUctlre entertain- pamphlet tux aMWKrAMCOPijtifiprJnaeWXa nearby fcchnJ haw ttl the Iron the parent cars the hart boxed for town haw provided a proper dare for the punishment of a boy and St hi ear I will thank you to ahftihtariec it stores Moore Bros and Mr Will were entered one night last week by two of our juven ile citizens the store Mr Hockridgc one dozen packages of two boxes of cigars and in small change were and froni Moore Bros- a revolver and in money The young lads more gen erous than wise soon began to give out their illgotten gain and to exhibit the Revolver to their com rades who in- return reported to their parents and this led to the ar rest of the lads in question- Most of the articles also the money were returned by the who ad mitted to having stolen them but who evidently were not possessed of the of the crime which they had committed ages are 10 and respectively but their names in the hope that they will steal no more and become better hoys young men one a married man known to a number of our citi zens were drunk and disorderly on our streets on Saturday evening and were placed in durance vile to coot off After a time they were liberat ed however to fall into the hands of a number of disguised indi viduals who believing that they were deserving of special treatment on ac count of past conduct and neglect of home duties proceeded to administer an application of paint and feathers The scene of the occurrence we are informed was nearly opposite the lockup and a hundred miles from where the individuals in question re side effectually was the work done that all the night and the following day it is said were occupied by The Twins in washing scrubbing and picking feathers it was surely a sticky time and if the end in view is only accomplished the extreme means used will he perhaps justified Witness There was a large attendance at the lawn social held on Monday evening by the Westminster Guild of St James Presbyterian on the spacious grounds of Rev Barbour On Sunday evening as Mr was about to hitch up his driver to go to church the ani mal managed to slip away with the harness on and striking Main St it Went at a clip and finally was taught up church street No dam age was done While Mr Jonas Lewis son of Mr John Lewis who just west town was driving a load of hay into the barn on Monday and just as he was turning in going up the hridge the load upset and turned com pletely upside down Jonas got his face and shoulder badly injured by coming in contact with the reach of the wagon About the end of last week as Mr John of the line Whit church was loading hay and had he load half on he found that by acci dent Sic had- over his young son It is supposed that boy had been climbing on the front wheel and when the horses started far carried forward by the wheel run over He was considerably i fight side and shoulder hut it is ex pected he will soon recover Mrs of ibis town had a dangerous experience evening Having bad a stroke of paralysis some lime ago and being in feeble health she by mistake look internally for rheumatism half a teaspoon J of bisulphide of carbon- which Is a strong It was intended to be applied externally she had the method of use Medi cal aid was soon on hand and the proper remedies administered and it is to he hoped slie will not experience uy ill effects from the unfortunate mistake Those who use or have in their possession poisons should that the packages arc clearly labelled poison Saturday morning last in To ronto as Mrs of New York daughter of Mr and Mrs Watts hi was about start for a boat ride with a lady and a gen- might have been a accident occurred The la dy friend in shifting pre vious to starting caused the flip and it eventually upset throwing out the occupants the water was about feet deep How- was soon at hand the The ink seemed to have operated ah which ably saved bis life He is now ap parently a well as usual after such adangerou Mrs Win and family of King City are spending their with Mrs J Wells Miss of Newmarket formerly of this place arid Miss da of Toronto were the guests- of Miss Flo last weefe Quarterly meeting Will be held in the Methodist church two weeks from Sunday We will be pleased to wel come members from other congrega tions of the circuit and John Robinson decided to remove to the West They have been esteemed residents of our village for many years and their old friends will regret to sec them leave Their son James who has been home for a few weeks will return- to the West with his parents ORCHARD Rev Dr was the speaker at the Orchard Beach services last Sunday- r evening Subject Japan its climate landscape habits and Customs Of the people social and re ligious characteristics and national prospects fie filled in three quar ters of an hour of much interest to a large congregation Service com mences at after this Mr Kil- of Toronto takes the service next Sabbath evening About S3 guests at the VanN and summer boardinghouses this The annex to is now filled with guests Two of hoys and another little fellow at one of the boardinghouses were upset from a canoe close to one of the wharves on Monday In view of the many acci dents recorded in the papers it is matter for surprise that parents children to have anything to do with canoes It is to be hoped that this lesson will prove a salutary warning to the entire Beach Morton Park now has more guests than during the early part of the month among them is the genial PP for West York Mr St John Shake Island bassfishing is said to be excellent Big Point ditto- but for lunge the south end of Cooks Bay is still the resort of successful Rev Belfry and fam ily of are at Zephyr Villa this week Mr Belfry returns to his church work for Sunday but Mrs nee Miss Eva Jackson and two children will remain at the for two or three weeks Mr Allie of Newmarket was at the Beach with Grandpa Jackson over Sunday It has so far im proved in general health as to make his welcome friendly calls on campers To Mr and Mr Will son of Newmarket many hearts give ex pressions of thankfulness for the labor cheerfully render in pro viding accommodations for Sunday evening services and also to Rev P Addison for the interest he takes in seeing that there is no failure His part in the religious exercises is always acceptable The annual Orchard Beach Regatta is announced to place next Mon day Through the of the campers and others a splendid pro gram of aquatic sports has been ar ranged and a very interesting time may he anticipate The sailing races will commence at ten oclock in the morning and the sculling races will begin promptly at The prizes amounting to about will lie presented at the concert in the evening which in to 1 followed by a grand display of fireworks Should the weather bo unfavorable the sports will take place on Saturday August See posters for further Another Japanese July Kuroki after a severe fight occupied on July Id The place had been forti fied by the Russians who defended it stoutly In the fighting Gen troops drove the Russians from their strongly fortified position on Chi River which Is north- west of Pass and east of in- the serious losses than they sustained themselves The fight began on the and elid ed on the The Japanese lost men in killed and wounded The Russian losses arc estimated at J GOO John Humphry a teamster fell in front of a load of lumber and had both legs taken off and all speedily brought to shore not much the worse for the mishap On Sunday last while considerably i under the influence of liquor Mr Bryens under to leave this dam- sphere by taking a dose Paris followed by a bottle of indel ible ink He was in Mr Truman Forsyths pump shop at the time and commenced making considerable noise which attracted i attention who immediately summon ed Mr IK Hare Medical aid was Sold at Drug Store an promptly hand and the stomach Lyman Bros Co Wholesale pump applied and antidotes Toronto mm removed much of oft JSySSsass Heave its U vrtxt hi Oil r no summer vacation If you flesh and strength use Scotts Emulsion in winter for SCOTT ft Gordon In Urn talks that those two ex cellent Dunham and Barbara from time to time about lite the world and the men and women therein he bad more than once confldeo to her that never could he fall in lore with a woman who was cot a beauty I cant exactly explain bow I feel about ft he said one day as they aat together In an art gallery where worshiping eyes returned ever and again to a pictured face of rare beauty that down upon them from the warm red walls it Isnt that I think they are the most fascinating Wit and beauty are not too fond of each company Besides the attractive woman Ive ever known was so that at first made you gasp After that well she was your criterion of charm you left her things became stale and life less All the color and sympathy went from the scene You simply hungered for her He turned toward his companion with a waiting expectant lock as If he wanted to be sure that understood and she answered the unspoken question of bis glance with a slow smile did not betray by so as a flicker the warm reproach ful wrath In her heart She bad beard practically the same thing from him before but today for the first time her patience gave way utterly Apparently all sense of her womanhood had been sunk In their comradeship Instead of rejoicing In this state of affairs a feeling of Injury outrage suddenly flared up in her heart Did he think because her fea tures were irregular and her complex ion dull she was a girl who did not need to be reckoned with Did he suppose she was the less woman be cause she was plain Had he no Idea of the in the remarks he was for ever making about feminine beauty These were the questions she ftsked herself but her voice that low voice that thrilled one with Its rich difference from other voices betrayed In Its full evenness no trace of the resentment that surged within her You are right agreed with im personal candor AH women should be beautiful there was a alight pause a hesitation Just marked enough to give force to the conclusion of sentence just as all men should be big and strong Dunham at quickly For one startled moment he half thought Bnt no Barbara was too good a fellow to give a man a fleck on the raw like thnt It was a coincidence Dunham was but Ave feet six and though he was well knit and substan tial with a clean bred look that was in Itself a recommendation be waa a trifle sensitive on the score of the six additional Inches of height that he felt should have been his A mans appearance Isnt of much consequence be observed somewhat sillily Hla field Is action It la what he Is rather than how he looks There was more heat in his tone than he liked but ho wasnt- able to suppress It be didnt enjoy being made to fool that he not at all like her ideal man even though they were nothing but frlcuda Perhaps you right wa the mild reply and the conversation drift ed to other and safer subjects But there was a speculative look In Bar bara for the rest of the after noon which would have told a careful observer hat aba was turning some plan over In her mind Her usual hour of reat before dinner she spent lying at full length on the divan In her room with her bunds clasped under head and her eyes Axed he open thinking Bo could never love any one but a beauty She carefully refrained from asking why should her particularly since her plain- no d never Interfered with their and be spent far more Will than with any the pretty girls of their net Well I dont care the said aloud m glancing at the clock she arose and begun to roll up the masses of her dark hair the great shell In here and there with reckless Indif ference Im tired Of hearing him talk that way He deserves to be pun Beauty bo the greatest thing but It Isnt greater than all other things put together A few weeks of Amy will be good for she soliloquized she went on with her dressing Thru when she was ready for dinner she sat down J f J her and wrote a letter to a former 1V aclioolmote beauty of her class her to make her a long promised visit in the of a week or two the Invitation had been accepted and Mlsn arrived That sho was a beauty a fact as self evident that the Sky bide When 1 Is SO It a fact that admitted of no difference opinion Her skin was Ilka a La rose her eyes deeply and her hair sug gested mingled gold and copper The curve of her gracious figure and flowed In lines to graceful so al luring that aveo most sluggish was kindled Into admiration Hhee a beauty all Barbara decided as pitied in greeting arid conducted her to room and A Drln you what lit tle boy said when they him the twins No was It A He There Mammas been most was endowed with a grace that made Barbara half believe that beauty was the only thing after all When other girls lifted hands and removed their hatpins Was an action ecaroa of notice bat when Amys arms went up with a languid grace and rather bat beautifully molded hands with their long tapering fingers drew forth a glittering pin and removed her hat Barbara felt that she was wit nessing a rite that aha was a poem But after a few days of her the glamour was always The eyes were feasted to be sure but the mind and heart were starved- One wearied of her roehke fluttering color the amiable unmeaning smile and even of the very perfect rows of teeth that the smllo exposed I am going to have a friend with me for a month Barbara had told Balrd Dunham In preparation a girl that I particularly want you to meet Shes a raving beauty and as sweet can be If she had spoken all of her thoughts perhaps she might have added So sweet that at the end of a month yon will want to kill her or do something desperate and outrageous But with a commendable self restraint she ban ished this unruly Idea the dark chamber of unspoken thoughts In the weeks that followed she ef faced herself pushing Amy into Dur hams society In every possible way but doing it so gradually and skillfully that be scarcely realized how little he was seeing of his friend and comrade t saw lees of him however she bqw more of Jack Lester whose com- was a grateful balm be cause he was not forever talking about beauty however much ha may have admired it At first haunted the house like a spirit while his plans for Miss Aver- entertainment fairly tumbled over each other In their eagerness These plans of course always included Bar bara but with a masterly skill she withdrew from them more and more until almost before realized what bad happened he noticed that be and Miss Averill were usually alone With alias AverlllB exquisite profile him however he was not in a mood to complain Then about the middle of the fourth week his soaring spirit suddenly touch ed earth He was guilty of a brutal heretical thought Right la the middle of a long afternoon that they were to spend together he was seized by a great weariness For the life of him ha could think of nothing to say He was bored He stared at the beautiful Miss Av with a sort of wonder It seemed Incredible that the society of so exquisite a creature could be so un commonly like muggy weather It seemed age since he had had a good bracing tatk with Barbara Now that he thought of It Barbara must be see ing a good deal of that chap Vaguely as If he had happened upon them In a dream ho recalled having met them together several times lately dont believe you are thinking of me at all pouted Miss Ive spoken to you twice and you havent even heard me It isnt nice of you Eh what exclaimed Dunham try ing to call his roving thoughts together and insisting upon hearing the remark be bad Inadvertently missed I asked if you dot think the Wal dorf is lovely I think Just sweet Yes assented tie recklessly That It sweetly Its Just sweet And be cast about In mind for some by which the hours that stretched before them might be short ened He felt precisely as he had once In his childhood when he bad bought and six char lotte Hisses Miss Averill confided to that night that she didnt like Mr Dunham so well she thought she did Hes so Dont you think bo she demanded There have been times when seemed so Barbara confessed airily Then she wondered If ears were a Hume Throe days later the radiant visit came to an end Boon afterward Dunham dropped In to see Barbara in his old man ner Ah this Is good he said gloating ly as he Into the depths of his favorite chair Theres ho much talk to make up ho went on In genial en joyment that I scarcely know where to begin Barbara turned her head to one siid surveyed with half closed eyes VVe might begin with feminine beau ty she suggested helpfully Theres so much to be said about It A followed In which several new Ideas entered Dunhams mind Then he demanded not without a con scious of guilt you mean studied her face and though she flushed under his keen scrutiny her eyes looked back at him proud unwavering and a bit de fiant I certainly admire beauty ho be gan softly Hut 1 toko back what I have said about falling In with one You see little girl Im so used to yon that the beauties bore me Really she scoffed for a wor shiper of the fair But a pair of strong arms were about her and a rueful voice pleaded ins some other time dearest in one of our elegant carriages youll find it the height J comfort and enjoyment Our Carriages are everyone the cation of ease and comfort yet are stylish in appearance and strong in every part Expensive Bless no I We guarantee to give you more realcarriage value for your money than you ever got before in all your lite A couple of Bargains lelt yet in SecondHand Rigs Drop in and see us at the Old Mechanics Hall Lot St NEWMARKET Not Blood Money a But Bread Money she so A wife sometimes shrinks from life assurance because thinks it gives her interest in her husbands death Not Life assurance simply provides lor the family when by reason of the breadwinner can no longer provide lor them A man who denies this protection to his family fails to realize the gravity his responsibilities A For particulars ask any Lodge or call on of the members of Newmarket HUG IKS BRIGADE O Wednesday August 1 HIS Excursionists will have an enjoyable sail of two bouts each way across Lake Ontario on the above commodious steamers also a run on the Railway through oat of the most picturesque routes In Canada from to St Catharines along the Welland Canal the Falls Parties going to the Falls will have four or fire hours Fifteen minutes run from Port to St Catharines minutes run St Catharines to Kalis Returning leave Port at and pm Meals tan be had at from to cents hot and cold wa ter and pavilion at St Catharines Train will leave To ronto on the arrival of the last boat Niagara Tails tickets good to return on the following day Toronto tickets from Allantoic to inclusive good to return following lay other Toronto good for day only Fares TO NIAGARA FALLS TO TIME ABUfi CHILD ADULT CHILD am a A I fill 550 fiIO fl25 1 15 95 70 JSc depart Craig va I Gilford Bradford Holland Landing Newmarket Aurora Kin Maple Arrive at Toronto at Tickets can be procured at A tons Store J Furniture Warerooms rand Trunk Agent or on the train P J Chief Secretary Worth I OPT Co NEWMARKET That a lew drops lime added to milk will prevent it souring on the stomach That wetting the hair occasionally in a solution salt and water keep from falling out That salt and soda a pinch put in tepid water makes as line dentifrice as one would wish That a raw egg swallowed usually detach any foreign like fishbone if lodged in the throat That one teaspuonful of pure oil taken three times meals will cure the worst of dyspepsia That a paste made of equal par of brimstone saltpetre and lard hound about a felon will cure Renew as soon as it dry That a preparation of one ounce flour of sulphur and one soft water if applied thoroughly the scalp night and iwtaiog- move every trace of dandruff and the hair rich and if it Id if Send the Era to absent friends