t 7 v I J ri- 7-v- NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY KEPT 23 i i Richardson DENTIST be Albtrti Block 2nd am of each month Jersey Grades for Sale from month to 2 ear old have been bred also Cows For further particulars o STOKES Albert MANAGER BALDWIN J I SUDDEN DEATH Mr John a retired farmer died very suddenly on Tues day night In company with a neighbor Mr John Graham he was returning from Newmarket about ten started their annual pilgrim- to North York morning old schoolmates and bosom of ours standing Mrs Geo and Mrs Dan W LEHMAN IVVU oclock at and when near home complained of feeling very ill Mr Graham assisted him into the bouse and he expired shortly afterwards Tuesday They are hard to choose between Our Mr Johnson is d of the recent a jolly pair tremendously of a son rival Has opened up Custom Boot and in Mount Albert inn and to do all kind or work In Manner an lit HandMade Shoe us Show on all repair oo Proprietor The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY Available A wtta Balance of Subscribed Capital Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA BRANCH directors Andrew Esq Chairman Wtii- J Deputy Chair DanSamuel a Clout- ton sir Alex Accent at IsacM Currmt c g p Aifeul Mi Albert Dominion Try Oar Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT f Si MOUNT ALBERT Our 8prlng Wall Papers and Carpets It seems a pity a fellow cant go out walking with a girl on a Sunday evening without having stones thrown at him Mr Sanderson of had his ham destroyed by fire last week Mr J Hunters new office is now almost completed The Sutton last trip for the season last Saturday Mount junior baseball team was defeated at on Satur day score unknown Mr James Kennedy of Sandford lost his large barn by fire one day last week Prices at the market on Tuesday were about the same as last week There was a good crowd in attend ance Mr Frank has disposed of his barber and tobacco business to Mr the former pro prietor and left for Toronto oft Tuesday morning Frank was a good fellow and will he missed a number from our town at tended Newmarket Fair on Wednes day PERSONAL Mr Walter Willbe of a former resident was in town- on Tuesday Mr Everett was in town on Sun day on a visit to his son Mr A Miss Vi Walton was unable to teach on Monday through illness Mrs punter is spending a few days with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs H of spent a days in town at the home of his brother Mr Dr Frank Forrest of bridge was in town on Sunday and Monday Mr Melville of spent Sunday at his home in town Rev Mr Hansard of a former pastor of the Methodist Church here is spending a few days in town Miss Ada Crone entertained a few her friends on Friday evening last The many friends of Mis Flossie Forrest will be grieved to hear that she is suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis Her condition was considered most serious on Sunday is now slightly improved heir On Sunday the fatted duck was killed and a enjoyed in honor of event The general topic of conversation is brilliant wedding to be held in Sutton this week J Lake is well and popularly known to most the bride to be is a general favorite amongst Sutton quality folk It is a general pub lic invitation to participate in a fee dance given by groom in honor of the occasion Most elaborate are made and money is flying as though of no value This reminds me of a well known Union St bachelor of years bygone He announced that when the happy day should appear a keg of would be placed on the gate post for the re freshment of bis The- happy day came after years of long and anx ious suspense His friends looked in vain for the keg His old friends and associates in good humor assembled and him and with the proceeds got up a Miss Wight of has mi el mod foiu very much il in dury Noma and Miss Minnie re days in Mr William Robinson of Orchard was guet of Mr iho recent Mr Cole of Nook is Mr J cas jub- the bam and putting in a Mi Thus was somewhat ii- dispoed Martin Rose WviitduWu to city to a end juij He very much surprised linn a a gyld Mil one of vipockittf pesemed his lift vacated by occupied ny Mr Mr W Smih and James goes to for a tup cations of the weather in this vari- of ours Childrens Day in Knox Church next Sabbath The monthly Ladies Aid tea in connection with the Methodist Church was held last week on Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mrs John A Good Assortment of Fine Goods GOOD VALUE t AT 3P D ALBERT tooo SUTTON Mr and Mrs Arthur and little boy of who came Wednesday week on a visit to par ents left for borne on Wednesday morning Mrs Rev George re turned home last week after nearly rand supper to which the newly lw weeks in Toronto pledged and his par were invited But the groom got in pout and flatly refused to graco the festivities by his presence a week or two holidays Rev Mr Davidson of Knox Col lege occupied the pulpit of the Pres byterian Church last Sabbath and Madame lamenting the loss preached an eloquent and able Mr of was in town last week on a visit to Jewell Mr Are In for It will pay you tee them buying lxfore ROSS BROS Lawn Mowers GARDEN RAKES HOES SHOVELS POULTRY NETTING SCREEN DOORS AND WIN DOWS MIXED PAINT ALL COLORS CURTAIN POLES WIN- DOW SHADES CROQUET SETS AND HAMMOCKS HEADACHE For several years my wife was troubled with what the physicians called sick headache of a- very severe character She doctored with sever al eminent physicians and at a great expense only to grow worse until she was unable to do any bind of work About a year ago sin- began taking Chamberlains Stomach and Live Tablets and today weighs more than she ever did before and is real well says Mr Wright of New London New York For sale by Lloyd Last Sunday Childrens at the Methodist Church The church was beautiful lcorated with flowers foliage plants of maple leaves Rev Stephenson of her favorite and well known gray pony Its mate kicked it and fractur ed its leg A bullet relieved it of misery If is reported that thru the demise of his mother Samuel formerly of this place has fallen heir to a con amount of This wind fall will prove of great benefit to our respected friend in his old days Miss Pringle has gone to Hamilton the Ambitious City under the shadow of the mountain for a weeks holiday Clias millinery opening will be held on Monday next Mrs Andy Miller has some extra fine tomatoes prize takers in her garden whose development was watching with deep solicitude absent in the during fair time some kindly disposed finigan releiv- her of any further care by hooking the entire lot The Owl and Squire felt much regret that they could not hear renowned Black Watch Band and Highland Pipers Anything having a the Highlanders sets Squire Aird all An indeed the Highlanders are a fine class of men Usually taciturn and not very much dispose to make acquaintances but you gain their friendship you have it for aye Aird and family are amongst my best and tru est friends OWL Balance crowded out till next week mon Rev George preached in on the Rev Dr Robertson is down in To ronto attending the work in connec tion with his lectures at Knox Col lege Mr and Mrs John McDonald cele brated their golden wedding on Mon day A number of their old friends were invited for the occasion as well as the members of their own family numbering seven six sons and one daughter Only a few were present as most of them live quite a dis tance from here Mr and Airs Mc Donald were the recipients of a num ber a beautiful presents PINE ORCHARD Mr Robert and Miss Lenc- of Birmingham Mich while on a visit to friends here were married in Toronto Sept the by Rev Caver Miss Cora Con ner and Mr Frank Playter of Pine Orchard acting as witnesses After the ceremony Mr arid Mrs left for Hamilton thence for the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs W Johnston where en their arrival a reception awaited them Mrs is a granddaughter of Mr J a be Johnson Pine Orchard bo BELHAVEN The Gospel Temperance meeting on Monday evening Sept was well The meeting was presided over by Mr King The follow ing program was rendered tteading by Miss Irene Bruels Miss Annie King Solo by Miss Alice Winch and the address of the even ing by Rev Richard Morton Mr Mortons address was divided into three parts viz Brains Muscles and Money- That the audience appreciat ed Mr Mortons address was shown by tiie wrapt attention of all in the room the interest being so great that at times you could have heard a pin drop these grand tem perance addresses which we are pri vileged to listen to from time to time in our Meetings cannot fail to make some impression on the hearers Press rBOO ASONABLE Binder Twine Harvest Tools Gasoline Stoves Preserving Kettles ALL IN PRAISE OF CHAMBERLAINS COLIC AfJD DIARRHOEA REMEDY Allow me to give you a few words in praise of Chamberlains Colic and Diarrhopa Remedy says Mr John Hamleii of Eagle Pass Texas I suffered one week with bowel trouble and took all kinds of medicine with out getting any relief when my I I MOUNT ALBERT Mrs W P Cole is down at Mr Johnson a merchant addressed the school on Kail- J ROWLAND Mount Albert Jersey Bull strain kept for LARGE PIGS lor bred from Imported stock guaranteed J FARMERS JUST A WORD Plymouth Binder Twine the fc7 wnteqtttntly the We fcve It In now SHIELDS Albert road of Life and illustrated his by a miniature train which had on the pulpit Not the least at tractive part of the service was a solo by Miss Pearl entitled Where is Heaven which ex ceedingly well rendered Next Sunday the service will the evening and the pastor will of ficiate Mr Ruttfc is offering for tale by public tender the old Catho lic Church near Virginia This- is a snap for anyone wanting firstclass building See his ad in an other column Mr Piatt has been here for nearly a with four men and four selling scales for The Aylrnes Iron Co We thought this vicinity was pretty well but to our surprise Mr Piatt sold twenty- two sets of scales in five days notwithstanding wet weather They are hustlers and do all their sleeping at night Come boys HAS SOLI A PILE OF CHAMBER LAINS COUGH REMEDY I bare sold Chamberlains Cough for more than twenty ears it has given entire I have a pile of and can re commend It highly Joseph hey Linton Iowa You will this remedy a good friend when trou bled with a cough or cold It al ways afford quick relief and to take For Sale by A few elderly people and some small children were alxiut all that was left in town on and Thursday all the others being were taking in Newmarket Exhibition Miss of is visit ing her aunt Mrs J J Terry Mr and Mrs fam ily of Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr J Moores Miss Lizzie Turner is visiting friends at Pickering Mr Albion is reshingling house this week Mr Geo Wright of Sutton spent Sunday in Mi Pearson and Miss were in Toronto Saturday Tito Wight spent Tuesday in Aurora lice many friends pleased to see Hatty Williams at league here on Monday night Mrs Large Mrs and Mrs Stewart after a pleasant visit at their fathers Dr Pearson left for their respective homes week Master Pearson is remaining for some weeks longer Mru spent over Sunday at Mr wards previous to their re moving to Toronto Mr Leslie Winnipeg on Miw Link is home again after spending a fortnight in the city Mr and Mrs Geo have to Newmarket to spend winter They will bo vety much as they were general favorites law with her daughter its Frank Cuttle The villagers will miss the genial face of Mr Sam Last who is now away after assisting Mr Cuttle thrbughout the busy season Mr Allison of been visiting at Mr went down on the special on Monday Mrs- A Kemp of Toronto for merly of this place the guest of Mrs Mr and Mrs McMaster and little grandson who have been spending the summcrhere with their daughters- Mrs Rev Varley returned to their home in on Monday Mr McMaster n not im prove any I his friends had hoped that the change of air would have built him up again and restored him to his former health and j them Toronto Wedding rang on Wed nesday to celebrate- the marriage of Miss Ida of this place to Mr J Ay liner i Jacksons Point The which was conducted by the rector Rev McLennan took place at high noon in St James Church which was beautifully decor ated with ferns and white asters The bride who was given away by father looked charming in her bridal costume of white over white long veil and carrying a shower bouquet of white roses Her brides maids were her sister Miss Edna who was dressed in silk organdie over buttercup and Miss Clara in silk organdie over blue each of them carrying a bouquet pink roses Miss Marion Ross of Toronto presided at organ The groom was supported by Mr Calvin of Toronto There was a large number of wedding guests many of them being from Toronto and oth er places After the Wedding the wedding party proceeded to the Terrace the homo of the brides parents where a dainty wedding breakfast was partaken of The rooms were artistically decorated with ferns and white asters The bride was the recipient of beautiful and costly presents The wedding tour Is to include trip down the St Lawrence to Montreal and and then to St Louis Several of our villagers the Sabbath School Convention in Egypt on Tuesday A number of people from Sutton and vicinity have gone to Newmarket In connection with the protested election trial of the Hon J Da vis We arc pleated to note that the Baldwin Owl has resumed his Breezes for the Era We also wish to stale that tho Al manac which were the grate ful recipient earlyin the year has been quite in its Pounds Wanted We Must Have It No other buyers can pay our prices GEO HAIGH SONS MOUNT ALBERT here advised me to take this reme dy After taking one dose I felt relieved and when I had taken the third dose was entirely cured I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting this great remedy in the hands of mankind For sale by T Lloyd North Protest Continued on page the agency of Robinson He began work on the 11th of Feb The same day a series of telephone messages begin Robinson then arranges for joint meetings with Bond agent for Lennox it is also proved that Rob inson assisted in distributing posters Robinson also canvassed a man nam ed Brown the meeting attended the meeting at where vot ers list were gone over and alter- was in constant company with McArdill chairman of the Sutton Re form meeting After this Robinson wrote to a man to act as constable using the term we Robinson was an agent because of the activity he exerted Mr Lennox gave em phatic notice at Sutton and subse quent meetings of Robinsons pres ence On the evidence Mr Davis had personal knowledge of Robinson and the fact that he did not regard him as guilty of a corrupt act thus free ing him from moral responsibility does not relieve him from legal responsibility Mr Da vis allows him to go on with out enquiry Held that if the can didate is aware of an agents incom petency the election Is void The appointment as scrutineer is signed on the Feb If a man signs a note in blank he becomes responsible for the amount filled in This is the situation with Robinson as fur ther duties arc put upon him by his appointment as scrutineer Held that the election is void he- cause of Robinsons agency Judgment agreed to by Nothing In this case shows moral culpability Mr Davis did not interpret the Act that the hiring of rigs to convey voters to tho polls was a corrupt act but In the mean ing of the law it is and much as he regretted the fact he concurred In the finding of tho Chief Justice The trial was proceeded with to ascertain whether a sum money was used to corrupt the electors of North York In the last election After Mr cited charge Mr Aylcsvorth objected to irregularity and tbo Court was adjourned pending an appeal on the point Burglars stole WOO from the Northwestern Railway station at Strayed From the premises of the under signed about the first of September a Chester White Boar Pig Informa tion regarding its whereabouts will bo suitably rewarded by Fred Cow itson Queensville Farm for Sale A choice acres good buildings near Albert Also acres brick bouse good barn near Mt Al bert DAVIDSON Mount Albert ONLY DID HIS DUTY AS HE HE SAW IT I deem it my duty to add of praise for Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy J Wiley Park the wellknown mer chant and post master at Wiley I have been selling it for three four years and it gives compute Several of my tell me they would not be without It for anything Very often to my knowledge one single dose has cured a severe attack of diarrhoea and I positively know that it will cure flux dysentery You are at liberty to use this testimonial as you pie For Sale by W T Lloyd STRAYED Into premises of the undersign ed on Lot Con Scott a Red YcarllngHeifcr Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away BYRON STIVER 3w34 Mount Albert quickest way for a young man to work up to a high posi tion in the business world has proved in thousands of cases to be by stenographic route Tho demand for male steno graphers cannot bo filled It Is a field of great possibilities Let us give you more informa tion about this special work in we are specialists Write for catalogue or visit school DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED- Permanent position rapid advance ment salary and expenses full in structions of clean de sirable business THE J L NICH OLS CO Limited Toronto Mention this paper A MONTH J RAH ISSUKItOF MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON ALBERT DRUG SI AND EXPENSES Day to Industrious in every our by distributing our employment toroliablorawi No for particular THE COMPANY ONTARIO Pure Paris Green Bought In bulk and put packages by ourselves Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot We also carry a full j Patent Medicines among two Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and receive personal day or ni W LLOYD Rattan Rockers We bought quite a lot of tan Rockers a while ago week they came are asking you to let us them to you You probably know these are the most comfortable of chairs Their yielding give brings rest and their coolness is grate ful enough on hot days Thoro are some styles them that are distinctly They arc strongly put even lower priced ones- Those that cost look as If they were worth more money ALLAN THEAKER let