HALL LAD I WHEN PRESERVING OR PICKLING Buy only spices which peat and We keep no compounds or low grade pure Fruit Jars ALL SIZES AND STYLES ANY QUANTITY VERY LOWEST PRICES NEW Comb Honey FINE QUALITY SMITH Hie Leading Reliable UptoDate Term From Sept 1st J It has been said There are differences that count Toe J between our school J otters is that a glance at register will reveal the J of scores of those who Way arc at the bead leading concerns of the coun try while there is positively no Canadian College that w produce such a list of living j the characv of the work done by It pot ask you to take this for 9 granted We can produce the records and show the BRITISH AMERICAN Toronto the school to attend to geti similar to those Graduate are always a demand What others have you can do Our geot and facilities are of the order All branches in 1 Wtt of experienced teacher new Catalogue free BBOOK8 WE BUYAHD SELL Co buying get our price tare you big money We mailed regularly on request CO Out Phone North York Protest Continued from page if he had found it he wanted It back Hodge told me that be had given It to Mr run ton and that Mr had given it to Mr Woodcock to get it back Never told anybody that he paid to Hodge which he owed him and that the must have stuck to it He missed the money the morning of the elec tion which was the next morning may have driven With Jo his grandfathers but dont asking him which way he was going to vote Did not him be had better vote for someone who would pay him for bis Did not him that Davis would pay him for his vote Both and Rolling had Worked for No conversation took place about dropping anything for the election- Knew Andrews Asked him to go to the meeting but he did go Did not endeavor to get him to vote for Davis Did not offer- any money to Andrews at any time not pay anything- Knew Robert Moore- Was talking to him but did not ask him to vote lot Davis nor promise him anything Edward and might have been invited to the meeting but did tot of fer to pay them anything Did not offer or give Colin Hooper anything to vote The same of and Mitchell Did not take any of these people to the polls Did not bear of the money he lost till af ter he bad voted Alfred Hall told about what Hodge had said about the money To Mr Came to Newmarket ami heard thre was a meeting Had no business there except out of curi osity Am not on any Committee and bad no notification of it- Did not go to Mass Meeting on any invi tation The nomination must have taken place before he went in Was at Mount Albert on Tuesday before the erection and heard there was to be a meeting at Mark Halls the next night and to invite anybody to be present Told all the men fce saw and did not miss anyone on the road is an uncle of Did not tell him to go to the meeting had money paid to him for threshing about and on the morning of the election be was pay ing for an engine and fouw that he was short He not paid any money in connection with the election He had no Idea where he had lost it Had no money transaction with Hodge the day before Hodge lives about amile from The latter came to Newmarket on Saturday of the same week to take action but was told he could nit collect it He heard of the rumor that wou him bad he did not say where he got the THE NEWMARKET BRA FRIDAY SEPT Lennox say that he would give two miles from Ellas and knew for information about buying votes him well- Have given no statement at Albert meeting He to anybody Saw Pegg a day or two had not seen any thine of the since before the election he wanted to asked for themoney back but buy a mare Saw him at Halls Hodge told him he intended to keep meeting but no conversation with it Showed be place where him Got no money from anybody I he- got the money on election day Pegg left word with the family or also showed Rolling and the to attend the meeting week Never showed the Kails where after he heard therewas some money he got the money Talked with Is- left in his hut he never on the following found any Sunday and did tell he Mrs Hodge has known Elias found it in the sheep pen Ue sign- Pegg for nearly four years Ho was another paper on the Saturday place the of the the election Hodges Father is but had not been there before partially Wind Never did this for some time Pegg said he or i any reward and do not ex- the money he had lost to get any- came hand said that be had given it to over and asked him about lost sheep Mm to vote for Mr Davis Nothing them that ft pick was said then about the placewhere them out they have them A he got the money year before Hall got three sheep To Mr stuck to with our sheep the statement that he had lost the Titos H of Newmarket money She bad heard of it the day J corroborated what Harry Hodge before Saw nothing about a reward concerning the payment money said nothing that night about on election day and stated that it owing her husband any money bad been his possession ever since Elfas recalled remembered To Mr Did not meeting Hodge and never said There Mr Lennox say he would pay a re- was money in it to go with us Did Ward but heard it rumored knowingly drop- any money Hy of giving money to anyone about saw the second night before the the election and contradicted what election He was living at his others said That he may have paid tiers and came over He drove to his grandfathers to sit up with htm and told of the meeting at Mark Halls wanting to go which way be was go ing to Vote and be said not vote for a man you can get money out of Told he was going to change He took out of his and asked where he could drop it him if he could not give it he would not take it then gave it to him To Mr Voted for Mr Lennox at the previous election Two nights- before election this conversation took place This was the first be ever mentioned it He did say he had money but he had something to give me- He told be was not going to change Never gave him any promise to vote for Da vis He kept the Lit a match to see what it was He told nobody but Herb Lennox J Boyd a candidate three Stickwood about election time hut not in connection with the election No such thing happened as picking up in the rig He gave money the baby was taken to the Dr Never gave him any money except for work To Mr a man of means- but farm is encumbered No on his stock Had met Hodge on the road and he opened the talk about dollar bills going around Went to Mm next day after the elec tion and demanded the which he- had lost He knew Parish Steeper but dont remember his name being mentioned Paid Hodge before the election asked to vote for Davis Worked for Pegg till some time in He denied all the story that Rolling gave about seeing in the bottom of the rig and that it is absolutely false about Rolling getting from him at Halls the night of the meeting Lennox spent three weeks in times in North drey stated that one the byeelection Dont think he J Robinson of at at aay mee a reward trial to void the election was proven he offered for information of t0 be of corrupt practices He bribery hut he may have said it j identified Robinson both in person and have any claims for the re- in photograph ward May have seen some of the Court adjourned at pm till witnesses Not was paid for wit- r anA Wednesday WEDNESDAY nesses or information over and above legal fees Knew or only one stance where draft has been issued When Lour opened at amGeo Heise of Newmarket went to only about100 were Present Detroit from lie was Rolling of East Government ranger was the first witness called lie is Woodcock went to Detroit and paid a soninlaw of Pegg and in to him for information Lennox conversation with him on of money nor did he at any time give any particulars where he got it He had no further conversation with Hodge about the nutter Harry Hodge of Hast at the time of the election was living something good will you turn the other way and he gave him to fiIa Hodges place derstand- that he would The day the night of the voting Was the election he went to tor Heard to borrow bis cutter went be found on the manure with him in the buggy to get the pointed out about v feet from the door Hodge attention to some money in the hot haJ IS aW He had taken to New- I and expected to get but the grist mill and met on the it up in his was road on the of He said llC horn Hall was at How goes election says which ttW nignf of the Harry theres moaey fa it if you the lane It was 0fl gowithua Hodge said am election week that Hodge and Saw Hodge first said anything point out the place on the manure To Mr AylcfrworthAceount book 2fl the stable was produced but the leaves were corroborated the evidence about the time the elcc- you for money said Ill am going to Newmarket tomorrow evening and if I can get a haul Ill come back and see you on way home Hodge reported this con versation to his father his wife Richard Harper and John Woodcock the day before polling was at Hodges place between and oclock The two to the sta ble Pegg told Hodge he got the money He took some out of his pocketbook crumped it in his hand threw it down and told him he had to find it Hodge turned around and picked up thats all the trou ble he had to find It Hodge asked How about Israel He said Hes alright without money Hodge said he thought Solomon could be got for and said he had got him for less Hodge told him Maybe be could get Will Mitchell- After supper he met and found out that he had been there Saw Pegg again on the of the polling day- came over with Hodge Brought the mon ey to Newmarket on election day and gave It to Mr a prominent Conservative After that Hodge went and voted and about five torn out tlon He never made a bargain with how he was to get He got paid most any time did not credit the on account Noth ing was said about the election and what he got not affect his vote at all The baby was sick about that time- Did not ask for any help I lis wife took the to the Dr on the 25th Was talking to about the baby that morn ing The had nothing to do with the child of said nobody had seen him about his evidence Saw during the elec tion hut never said anything about the election Saw Pegg at meeting at Halls He never mentioned vot ing for Davis Got from him at the meeting He said If witness was going out he might have for his trouble To Mr Out hide the house where he got the money never canvassed him for Mils vote Hodge of years of age remembered oclock came to him said coming to hie place the night of the he lost He said that he gave it election and be said Harry I owe to him to vote andtook into the you a dollar but I have lost house where in the presence of to Get out You gave father he told that Pegg gave Harry the money and now you want the money to vote and now he to get it back says he lost it To Mr AylesworthTherc were the To Mr sheep Halls Pegg Harry and was he talking about Three sheep all present He believed were fahut up In the cellar that what son They were talk- wandered away from place about The Hal In accused but did not know whose sheep Harry of taking his sheep Have were Only one was shut in the eel- had words Harry about It was about a week before things Went to about neighbors were there Showed the ft Neighbors have blamed Harry to the Halls In the evening for thing has not always and at once claimed them told the truth be saw he went to Halls to Moore of Newmarket works them about the sheep Saw at Canes Factory Had no with the Canes about the elec tion Have known for ten years Saw a few days be fore- the election Pegg wanted to Saw Marsh Hall the day of the election and toM him be did not think were his sheep TJie Halls were pre- about the sheep and Taosley also his father and mother when the- buy brood mare Nothing Was look place with Pegg said about election and no There was nobody else present passed in any way nor did he find Showed the money to chard money and Mr Hopper lived of previous witness To Mr Hodge said he expected to get the To Mr Aylesworth told him the second time on another oc casion where he got the mono Tansley was at I lodges place the night the voting While in the stable Hodge said he was not the only one that got money and they were handing it in Hodge said he expected to get To Mr Hodge said he had found the money in the stabled Did not hoar anything about picking ft up on the manure pile and was there all the time Israel Hodge a time after the election He said that he and were at the horse stable and that took the money out of pocketbook and dropped it on the way to the sheep- pen To Mr The and stable arc Very close together Hodge that Pegg held the money behind his hack and dropped It Wit ness had told what he heard to the neighbors farmer East Jfmbury a- pronounced Liberal and chairman of the division He men tioned a number of workers- but said that Pegg done any elec tion workin Reform interests To MrXfJlackotock Was Ret Officer at the election No commit tee meetings held in the Division Always regarded Pegg a Liberal Mr submitted that tho charge against Rolling and were established With regard to Hodge not one of the wit Contradict what took place and that the agency Pegg as- a party worker wag also clearly estab lished Court adjourned at pm When the Court resumed at pm Mr argued the case of showing that payments were legitimate Hodge Is shown by evi dence that his reputation for veracity and honesty Is anything good that he to get a large re ward and was disappointed he did not get it The details which Hodge put into his story show that he was after the money and these de tails turned oat to untrue There Is also the absolute denial of and the inconsistencies of other witnesses The Judges held that Hodge Roll ing Stickwood and were guilty of corrupt practices but the case was dismissed The Judges were Impressed with evidence of the senior Hodge and regarded him as an honest and old man- The positive manner of Rollings evidence and the unsatisfactory of makes it highly proba ble that his story is correct It is highly that he would build up a story against his father- inlaw There is no evidence of ill- feeling but intense loyalty to ibis party Rolling is guilty of receiv ing the money and ah example should be made of both Such conduct is reprehensible The Stickwood case is much the same There is no evidence that Pegg owed him andKe had not work ed for him since January As to agency the point is not established On behalf Rolling and Hodge Blacks tock- claimed the protection of the Court The point was left in abeyance for the present John Yates deputyreturning offic er of Sutton supposed the man sign ed J Robinson in the poll book produced must be the same man he saw here yesterday that acted as scrutineer but could- not remember seeing him in poll booth Certif icate of appointment filed Grant Registrar for Court of Appeal was- trial in Nortel Grey in with gener al election in May and certified to document P T of Aurora took part in the organization on behalf of Mr Lennox in Geoirgina Sutton and North Met a man named Robinson pointed out as agent for Davis Went to see him about a joint meeting Both sent men to prepare Drill Shed for joint meeting Robinson with Wes ley Prosser and Dent To Mr Ayleswortn Only in the townships six weeks prior to the tion Sutton is miles from Au rora Goodyear from Jacksons Point saw Robinson at Sutton dur ing jsampaign driving through the country followed him to on the of Feb where he interviewed Michael Baker and a man named Val- Followed him to Pefferlaw hotel and there he met William Johnston They drove to the bush and witness returned to Peflcrlaw and sent another man to bush Fol lowed him again to a public meeting at Virginia To Mr Aylesworth Took an inter est the election and did some- de tective work for the good of the cause Have dope this work once before- Served subpoenas but did not ques tion anyone Saw Robinson and Baker go into a room upstairs in the hotel Saw Robinson and Ientyne going into same room Johnston or miles from Sutton met Mr Davis during the election and canvassed with him once Saw Robinson once in Sutton and once in Went out to fool some fellows that were shadowing us about miles Did not call to see anybody drove on the hush road Attended committee meetings in John Johnstons store There was no organization in the di vision Drove Robinson about to fool the fellows that were following him Learned from Conservatives that he was working at Sutton Humphrey of just saw Robinson once Received a letter from him asking me to act as constable but did not act To Mr Aylesworth Am a pro nounced Conservative Leslie of Sutton took an active pari on behalf of Mr Davis Knew and drove him to and In connection with the election Never attended meeting Robinson wait known as a Liberal To Mr Aylesworth Never knew Robinson to canvass Brown of voted for Mr Davis for years and last elec tion voted lor Mr Lennox Saw Robinson at Sutton and he asked to vote for Davis Saw Robinson again at public meeting in school house Did not tell anybody that Davis and Robinson were together was a Liberal In the last election Never canvassed any body or take anybody to the poll Remember a liberal Committee meet ing at my fathers place Mr Davis was there Think Mr Robinson was there and that Leslie Prosser brought Think Robinson took down some names for Mr Davis to sec Dont know what became of the list Mr Davis gave a short address Isaac Feu ton lives about three miles Sutton Saw Robinson on two occasions once at hotel and once In company with Mr Saw Davis and MoArdlll come out of a sittingroom in tho and went In rinding Rob inson alone Goodyear recalled Saw Da vis Robinson and in the at hotel To Mr Aylesworth Saw them thru the open door Mr recalled Heard that two weeks before the election Robin son was In the Riding Had a meet ing at Sutton that night and a Batter Eggs Produce Day Agents for Myers Royal Poultry Spice The Corner Store Groceries Only -oc- Our Vinegars and Spices are lutelypure If you use ours desirable results warranted year old Cider Vinegar 30c A XXX White Wine Gallon The highest grade spices procurable SPECIAL IN DAVIES Hams He lb whole Hams Fresh Fruits arriving daily Peaches Plums Pears Grapes Tomatoes Ripe Bananas Each month our Tea trade Anchor your tea trade with us and you are safe in getting sterling values Phone 35 We have the Latest Patterns and make them to your satis faction both for Style and Fit A TRIAL SOLICITED WILL NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET NEWMARKET drew Mr Davis attention to this new man in the Riding To Mr Never spoke to Mr Davis privately Was trying to make a point of it to Mr Davis dis advantage Did not know that the special corrupt practice that this man Robinson was reported was for tak ing a mixed load of reformers and conservatives to the to vote David Lloyd registrar produced papers in which the Com mittee room of Newmarket were charged with conversations to Sutton A Taylor financial agent for respondent paid the telephone ac count In the ordinary Way Heard of Robinson during the campaign Did not examine item separately but checked them with Mr solici tor Bond rccalledWcnt to Tay lor twice asked if he had Robin sons bill of the joint meeting at Sutton as I wanted to settle up Mr Davis recalled Recognized his signature on certificate produced or printed forms were signed in Newmarket blank distributed At each of the two joint meetings till after election and he con- there to the polling divisions but nothing to do with the selection of persons appointed Had no knowledge of the man Robinson at time of examination Only remem bered the Sutton meeting when Len nox mentioned several names of per sons to avoid Was canvassing in and called at Evans house Went with him to the sons house about nine oclock Took no part in looking over voters Was introduced to about a dozen he did not know Dont know that this Robinson was there but he might be Met McArdill In hotel at Sutton two or three times Do not remember shaking hands with When Rob inson stood up in court I did not recognize that I had seen him before Did not engage Robinson In any way To Mr The Sutton Joint meeting was held on night be fore nomination Could not say whether met Robinson In Sutton ho tel or not Mr commenced his ar gument at Robinson was In constant discussion with the The conveniently located instated that Robinson was reported of Sutton Attention wa called to house on Queen occupied by North for corrupt practices his presence but a Minister of Mrs Oliver Apply at house or my friends to watch him Crown did not make any to Mr that agency was positively proven Adjourned at pm till Thursday evening Between flvc and six hundred people were present all the afternoon Court resumed on Thursday Mr Aylesworth maintained that the question was purely a statutory of- fence by which the election may be voided and not a corrupt or illegal practice There is no case on re- cord where this section of the has been passed upon Robinson was not guilty of corrupt practices in the ordinary acceptation of the term hut simply taking electors to the poll ft there is any connection in this case with the Act it is of a mere technical character The thing which Is necessary to have the sec tion apply is the engagement ol Rob inson by the candidate personally There is nothing to prevent Robinson acting on his own behalf There In no proof of any appointment of Rob In this election or agency or convasser There is no testimony of work done by this man after know ledge of his presence in the Riding was brought to Mr Davis on tho If the petitioner had written a letter or spoken privately to- the respondent It would have a different bearing hut the attack was made Init public meeting and to make capital against parly which was of the nature of an election and it was- treated In that manner by the respondent in his reply at the same meeting It Is altogether an erroneous Idea that Robinson Is an outlaw and had no business to he In North York so long there is no engagement It is Im possible to condemn any man on sus picion Chief Justice Boyd stated that af ter considering the facts and looking up tho law they have agreed as to the result No corruption or im morality is attached to the matter The question Is one of establishing Continued on Pago For