4 A 4 homo over any papers in JO J if i J sin pi fecitSln to confidence libtrty AND AD litrt No paper outside PA No paper Bent outside North York paid advance Newmarket iS per annum if paid In advance For Their Faiths Sake A THANKSGIVING STORY By Anna in Good Cheer chilly fall evening the three members of the Social Com mittee of the Fulton Society were discussing ways and means to promote the so cial life of their society I think a pleasant evening party be a nice thing to have and Thanksgiving evening would he a nice time to have it said Hal Brown mean a real hearty enjoyable par ty with talk and games and some thing to eat My fathers vacant store building Would be a good place for such a gathering There would be plenty of room to set tables and play games how nice to have a good oldfashioned Thanksgiving supper cried Mains Oyster roast turkey mince and pumpkin pic and all that Think of that Helen found her holding an open letter and looking rather serious r- Its to me as secretary of our she that the young people pi the are supportjngaj Sand Hills goes to in that jzing Sunday school houses hd work in a large fleld that and A You will find a assortment Fine Note Paper Envelopes Including beat SATINS MOURNING PAPERS I FOOLSCAPS AP TABLETS SCRIBBLERS LEAD PENCILS INKS AND MUCILAGE Parker Fountain Pens of which we have a at prices from up OUR Are fcttkulia tree adulteration We give special Attention to PRESCRIPTIONS And we to you FOR Parkers Dye Works and Canadian Express tor Trains Handled with Despatch But think of expense said Helen the third member of the com mittee This is a new Western village and none of the members of our society are welltodo while many arc really poor AH the year weve been practicing economy by having dry feasts as Hal calls them and it will be inconsistent to indulge in an expensive supper now when we are just as poor as ever Why Helen Ross cried our society surely can one supper per annum Besides wont cost much if we plan economy We can levy a small tax to buy the material and we girls can do the cooking We can get up a good supper very cheaply that way And without more ado she wrote out a bill of fare and made a careful estimate of the amount of money needed for it Six dollars will cover all the ex pense she announced triumphantly As we have forty members a tax of fifteen cents each will furnish us with the sum needed can each raise fifteen cents Ot course we can said And think of the fun well have be sides But Helen said soberly Our soci ety has nothing to missions for a long time If we raise the money I we would give it to them In stead of spending it for a feast for ourselves It seems to me that on Thanksgiving Day we might undergo much for the one who was rich yet for our became But was not willing to deny herself the prospective feast and fun for the sake of missions She there fore continued- to help Hal advocate the party But as she went home ward thistext kept recurring toner Whosoevr will he my disciple let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me With the exception of Helen all the members the society voted for the tax They ha1 so few feasts and merrymaking that they hailed the prospective party with pleasure al though most of them had a hard getting their lfteen cents tax They all earned It however and one morning Hal met Just as she was starting to the village and announced that the entire six dollars wan In his possession Im glad to hear it for its time wo were buying material for our feast replied Im going to the post office then Ill corno round by your fathers store and well go and ask Helen when she can go marketing Accordingly Ha went to the store and got the six dollars out of his fathers safe where he had put it for safekeeping It was in a little bag and being mostly in dimes and nickels jingled merrily Where did you get so much mon ey asked a grufflooking man who seems State out in and organ- in a large that otherwise would have nV christian worker- Many Endeavor and Sunday Schools have alreijycontrihutcd to wards bis salary- aha asks for a contribution f society We are in a new country also and we are poor said Hal Im not in favor of J denying selves to give to who are about as well arc Yet I to hear that scoffing John Carter saying again for your stem- 1 sake but none your faiths sake- And I keep think ing of the text l any man would be my disciple let him deny him self- they walked on in silence and finding Helen her the trouble some letter After reading it she said quietly If the other of our so ciety are willing to deny themselves this Thanksgiving supper and donate their share of the six dollars to this Sand Hills work Ill gladly do the same I guess three of society are of the same mind matter to the mm Professor Smith writes within see The Old Thanksgiving Days Sitting silent by the window while the evenings fading beam Turns to lovely gray the winters silvered sky Not a voice to break the reverie of thoughts too pensive dream Not a footstep only memory and I From the past the veil seems lifted and I am a child once more On hearth again the old time fagots blaze Hush Again I hear the voices of the guests around the door In the greetings of the old Thanks giving days the air outside is frosty and in gusts the blithe winds blow And I hear the distant sleighbells faintly ring Arid against the limetouched window conies the purring stirring snow Like the brushing of a passing angels wing faces that are work than fl Storm at Sea A missionary tending horses for his passage across the Atlantic de scribes his experiences in the Novem ber Canadian Magazine as follows Our sleeping quarters were down in the forecastle adjoining the cattle pens But the human filth and stench of this black hole drove US to sleep among the horses The food consisted of meat tougher than buM beef soggy bread and plain tea But we were more fortunate than the others in our food for in recognition of my medical treatment of the ste ward who was ill he permitted on to eat in the galley wit the cooks We ate standing beside the dresser and at times had to hang on to the galley ropes with one hand and feed with the other while with out bodies we kept the dishes from sliding as the ship rolled and pitched I had only eight horses to feed and water but my friend had twelve And as was fortunate in having less With much I recommend to all may bo suffering with any trouble- respiratory organs smiling round the board How they shine with love and gratitude and praise I have been using it in my family for Hushed the voices are a moment for the thanking of the Lord In blessings of the old Thanksgiv ing days past Ave or six years and find It to bo almost a household necessity Peru la truly a grand catarrh remedy and general tonic and wilt do all that la claimed for It by manufacturers PROP SMITH Catarrh Is Inflammation of mucous membrane It may bo In the membrane lining the or the said Hal HVJkcail and organs throat stomach liver bowels or BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Cretans I I see what the think about it You must be spokesman Helen and present in a favorable light- she did end ing With v I To aid in his work will cost us a little and selfde nial- Yet for ftur faiths sake can do it i A murmur of assent greeted her These young people were christians in more than name and when called upon for their faiths sake were not slow to respond Passing thc vacant store building on Thanksgiving cienm John Car ter saw it giowjwittf light and heard music and laughter young christians arp fcaslitig and making merry showing fhiVCVristianity tie thought mocking ly Well well its just as Ive al ways said theres very little in it He drew near and looked in the window expecting to sec wellladen tables was this The tables were in a cor ner out of andirjere was not a thing in sight to eat except the corn which some of the hoys were popping over the flames of a gasoline stove Some of the young people were gathered about an organ sing ing others Were playing games or standing in merry groups and Hal was going from dne another shak ing a double handful of corn and saying parcel how many John Carter was troubled ho hard ly knew why The bare tables re proached him and he hated the sound of the popping Going to the store he asked Hals father what had become of the fine Oh was the reply they had money for it But what become of their six dol lars They gave It i riiission workout in the Sand Wife was their Thanksgiving sacrifice Lex me see was it you I Heard sneering about how little they would do for their faiths sake He asked the question with consid erable for the young people A sacrifice had touched him It touch ed John Carter too and presently he again looked In the window of the vacant store The bare tables still reproached him and he still hated the sound of the popping corn He thought of the merry feasts be had enjoyed long ago in his old ib J fa It Scientific v Co Hew OS fct Ideal County Weekly was a cracker box talking l boyhoods home and his heart with the storekeeper He was John softened inwards these young people Carter a welltodo farmer who liv ed near the village Having no children his own he was fond of criticising other peoples so also not being a christian he lik ed to find fault with those who were Learning that Hals money had been given by the young people for a so ciety he said jeering All christians are alike they think more of own pleasure and profit than of the good they can do before him Somewhere a voice kept saying their faiths sake For their faiths sake Theres more in it than thought said huskily Theres more in hern than I thought too They ought to have something letter than corn on Thanksgiving evening and Ill that they do- Presently the happy young people fcaW corning into their midst from a near restaurant several Catarrh catarrh wherever located cures catarrh wherever located Is an Internal remedy not a local application Catarrh Is a systemic disease not a local disease it will cur catarrh place it will euro It In any other because la a rem edy It reaches tho disease through circulation in each organ It eradicates disease by eradicating it from tho system If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from use of writoatonco to Dr Hart man giving a full statement of your case and ho will bo pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis Address Dr President of Columbus shall have it after all your oysters and fruit and then help boil the molasses and well have an old- fashioned candypull What an evening that was They never forgot it John Carter was the fife of it all But what had so changed him They could hardly recognize the gruff scoffing John Car ter they had hitherto known in this gentle genial John- Carter of to night When at a later hour they prepar ed to go home and gathered about him with thanks he said softly Its been a pleasant Thanksgiving evening for me as well as for you the Ive known for years and the most thankful And now I want to confess that Ive been mis taken about your faith theres more in it than I thought Ive been mis taken about christians too theres more In them than I thought Your Thanksgiving sacrifice has caused to sec things differently And now will you let rnc join your society Im rather old I know but I might be an associate member Folks never get too old to endeavor to be christians Im told A round of glad applause burst from the happy young people and then and there John Carter was vot ed a member of their society That was years ago and curfews for the loved have rung since then As tonight I watch the dawning evening star In my dreams see mansions Christ prepared in heaven for men It is there tonight the absent kindred arc It is there the feast is ready hold the fancy dear That they often turn to earth their loving gaze And perhaps they too are dreaming as they see mc sitting here As the sweetness of the old Thanksgiving days Philadelphia Ledger Health fop Baby Babies that are well sleep well eat my companion so was I more fortunate also in being from seasickness while he poor fel low was sick much of the time The regular voyage run was nine days New York to Liverpool but owing to mighty storms encountered during this winter season wc were four days overdue One night roused from sleep among the horses during a raging storm learned that the captain unable longer to keep the ship heading against the wind the huge vessel be ing as a cork in a boiling cauldron in terror and despair had determined to attempt to turn and run before the wind All was made ready The last hope fluttered in every heart The signals sounded See she turns The steel plates creak The tem pest shrieks among the rigging the masts and striking her on the weather beam with a crash it swings her clean around driving her back upon her track and the Ameri can coast For a night and a day he let her driveand as I sec in my journal This has been to us tbo day of days a day of a mighty storm at sea As result the hatches are strewn with wreckage and with well and play well A child that isi dying and drowning sheep a not lively rosycheeked and playful hundred to a hundred and fifty have needs immediate attention or the re- perished The horses for life strug- may be serious Give an imjgM to retain their feet It was well child Babys Own Cablets and pitiable to see the poor brutes you will be astonished how soon he will be bright and playful- For diar rhoea constipation simple fever in digestion colic and teething irrita tion these Tablets have absolutely no equal They do not the child as poisonous soothing modi- moment thrown upon their haunches or felled to the floor the next hurl ed with the force of an engine against the breast planks- and iron stanchions Feed boxes stall boards pails lumber bundles of hay and bags of grain flew through space or floated cincs do they go to the seat of the about the flooded deck Sheep wero trouble and cure him Mrs Ban- shot out of their pen and even men croft Man says 1 were dashed from one side to used Babys Own Tablets and back again The horses and troubles for rifled neighed and trembled Their pie fevers and teething and I think terror Increased as to this confusion them the best medicine in the world You can get these Tablets at any drug store or by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr Williams and tumult was added the bleating of the sheep the moaning and bellow- of the cattle the whinnying and struggling ol their neighbors and Medicine Co Wise the yelling and shouting and cursing mothers always keep the Tablets in house to guard against a sudden illness of little ones Thousands in southern Russia- arc threatened with famine Three men were Injured by the collapse of roof of Blacks hard ware warehouse at Winnipeg private bank at out Florence was visited by burglars the cry eye and n It York Ill warrant your society hadnt men bearing steaming kettles of en six dollars to charily or missions oysters and baskets of bowls and in as many months No Well spoons all of which they deposited thats just as I thought A pretty way to practice your Christianity money for fun and casting but none for your faiths bake Ha ha I even the heathen do likewise He laughed mockingly and to es cape his Jibes Hall hurried out of the store and went to meet He on the long table Then from some where came a quantity of oranges and apples and a kettto was plac ed on the stove and filled with choice molasses Now young folks said Carter you had planned to something oldfashioned John have you Gold in Ontario Mr Thomas Gibson the Ontario Bureau of Mines has issued a state ment showing the now gold mines in operation in Ontario as follows The Little Master Big Master Laur- Wreath Gold Stand ard and Giant in the northwestern portion of the province The King mine In this district is also being developed and a small stamp mill is being put In At Lake four mines are work ing The Baden Powell Grace and Pioneer Island The Ba den Powell mine has a mill under construction and will be run ning at the end of thin month At there arc two mills the Redeemer and the Ideal At former a mil will be ready in two or three weeks The outlook for these mills Is en couraging but no estimate can be made of tho probable output as industry is practically an experi mental stage These concern how ever represent a very large amount of capital demolished and a small sum of money stolen Peter a Hungarian fell from a coal car at Fort Wil liam and was crushed beneath the wheels of the locomotive of men The wind howling swept down the stokehold with wrath and fury and the ocean piled into mountainous bil lows drove its water through the portholes scuttles and hatches shipped sea after sea which flooded the horses to tho knees and blew their tails taut against their bellies They knew their danger Fear stood in every ear and muscle in And the ship oeo Delineator seemed struck with same spirit as- she rolled and plunged and and creaked and groaned in every steel plate During the thirteen days voyage our clothes were not once removed though much of the time wc wot to the hips with sea water flood ing the manure Occasionally wo took of our boots and socks rinsed then both out in the horse buckets I he December Delineator with l0 message good cheer and helpfulness will welcomed in every home the Liverpool first use we made of fashion pages arc unusually attractive was W up illustrating and describing very latest modes in a way to make their construction during thc busy festival season a pleasure instead of a task and the literary and pi oral features are of rare excellence A selection of Love- songs from thc Wagner Oper as rendered into by Richard arid beautifully in colors by J occupies a prominent place and a was the public baths The Imperial The Imperial eagle the species known files to a height from 10000 to feet It is ft native of South America and Its habitat is among thc lofty mountains chapter In the Composers Series in- of that country Its power of flying supplement to the lyrics to high altitudes is only exceeded by There arc short stories from the pen the condor of Andes which if of wellknown writers Many Christ- said to have attained height suggestions arc given In needle- six miles or within one mile of the work and the Cookery pages are re- greatest height ever attained by a dolent of Christmas feast In loon The eagle sails in the air addition there are the regular at heights ranging from three to Ave of magazine with indies and when seen to soar upward many special articles on topics re- by an observer on earths to womans interests within disappears from sight about three and without home minutes