Newmarket Era, 18 Nov 1904, p. 4

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V J- J THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY NOV 1001 Sir V is Wrong are Wrong all Over Canada torpid inactive got band fa with condition requires I overcome it and good health and perfect safe Smiths iat containing the two to increase live and go to the aiuggfch lire and bow rfa them fcpooa your bowels to mow fcr aweefe or ten day Dont yon toon besom jour blood feL tad Isatc a full Dont let will toe night We W woo4erfnl J J Montreal Jr the this to early the Federal Government and Parliament will we not have relation to the WottbWest autonomy Accord ing to the desires of the Territories as expressed in a draftbill submitted to the Dominion Government last year the area asked to be erected in to a province embraces square miles and includes Ruperts Land district and the provincial territories of Assinaboia Saskatchewan and Al berta and that portion of the dis trict of Athabasca lying to the south of the fiftyseventh parallel of north latitude British Columbia contains an area of square miles Ontario awl Quebec because of this dispari ty between the area the older provinces of the Dominion and the proposition of the NorthWest Assembly embracing an area which the late John A should form three or four pro- and because action along this line was considered premature the did not favor Blotchy A Trouble Due to Impure Eas ily Remedied Bad blood is one great cause of bad trouble through the blood with Dr Williams Pink Pills All blotches better Montreal is Erecting an equestrian monument to Lord Strathcona and i the South- Afi6ariffSr in Dominion complexion and blotchy Aim will cost why you must attack the one North Oxford is solid for the Gov In the Police was ordered to pay and costs or serve a term of 30 days over the Don- for he thief and the annoyance he caused in the Mrs Martha Powell Africa and turkeys have j the autonomy proposed in the draft bill submitted by the Territorial 11 serobly However since the last AY was prorogued Sir Wilfrid wrote the Territorial Premier LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for Wharf with boats lor points on Lakes North Bay aid Soo Daily except Sunday for wood Pecans lo Territories Possibly an agreement may be reach- 308 intimating that should his Govern be sustained at the general elec tions he would be prepared to enter upon negotiations for the purpose of arriving at a settlement of the Allahdaic Colling questions involved in the grant- wood pm Daily for Allandale Stay- by which the square may be formed into a province lo divided into two Bay and points In the Canadian NorthWest vinces as as the population pm Daily except Sunday for readies double its present number Colling- At any rate in view of the Premiers wood look for and legislative action in regard to this ARRIVE NEWMARKET important matter during the next Wharf and also Sir Wilfrids bright Daily except Sunday from of the future development progressive advancement of a tang and Canada Evidently the star of Daily from points in Cana dian NorthWest North Bay and ant and it is a sour boils ulcers pimples and paleness erament Hon Sutherlands on the market this are the direct unmistakable result of majority is His Con- latter however is growing in price l im iservative opponent ftr J Wat- Thanksgiving Day approaches Dr Williams Pills conquer lost hi deposit The passenger who fell from the poison they out all the King they actually new rich A report has and- was taken to the General red blood they strike right at the reached the building at Hospital was yesterday identified as root of all complexion- troubles they Toronto silver mines Hepburn hake Front are a positive and permanent cure for at Cobalt IfeUoytMixy has been Beach The Injured man is in an ex- all virulent skin diseases like eczema sold to New capitalists who critical condition scrofula pimples and erysipelas will carry on work on a The report that the liquor dealers Tfeey give you a clear clean soft large scale and a smelter there have arranged to raise a campaign skan free from all blemish and full of for the treat rijenjtj- ore of to be used in defeat- Is containing vill A loin It Veil Hi hard or water without or hard rubbing Follow the directions on te package and you will have a mors successful wash with less labor Your dealer is authorized to refund the purchase money to anyone finding cause for complaint TORONTO rosy health Mr Matthew Cook how Dr Pink Pills cured him the Provincial is is announced that a circular let- denied Mr Dickie secretary of ter has been issued the office of the Provincial Liquor Dealers after other medicines had failed the Provincial Secretary to all is- and by the Toronto says My stm was inflamed my of marriage licenses within the flesh and sore my head ached my tongue was coated I had and thought I was taking fever I tried several medicines but nothing helped me until I began using Dr Williams Pink Pills and which drove the trouble from my system and am now in the best health I think these pills the best medicine in the world for blood troubles It is an every day record of cures like this that has given Dr Williams Pink Pills rheir worldwide promi nence They cure when other medi cines fail but you must get the gen uine with the full name Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box You can get these pills at all gists or by mail at cents a box or six boxes for by writing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont Province informing them bat the Because Hon J- Davis has censes fssued by them are only lor ranged for a trip before the end of use in case of marriages solemnized this to St Louis a city within the Province- 1 evening paper concludes a dissolution the Legislature been fixed municipal of Rat Pott- on for next month age has decided to change the name The Field Battery firod a royal of the Town and necessary steps salute in Queens Park on the Kings are being it baptised birthday in honor of the occasion Onillio Gets Nov Electric power was received yesterday afternoon from the Ragged Rapids Last April the dam at the towns plant was carried away Since then the elec tric light and power plant has been run by the auxiliary steam in town The dam is now completed within eight feet of the top and the water was raised high enough yesterday to run through the flumes and develop horsepower receipt of the ap probation of the L5fiutovernor pa pers will be forwarded the ion Government for change in the post office atfdres8f A policy that counts is Hon Mr Fieldings antidumping tariff clauses As a result of the legislation along this line last is stated the American Axe Ajfqql Co have their of establish ing a large plant in Canada The recently elected Minister Mr Foster shpul4 make a note of this feature Prof Provincial Ot ologist who out in the miskamtng district for the past sum mer returned to He reports that at least worth cobalt nickel silver and ar senic ores have bran shipped to New York this season from the mines near Haileybury on the Tcmiskaming and Northern Ontario This is a good showing As the city hail clock announced the hour of high twelve the first gun was fired The guns were- hauled from the Armories By the bursting of a defective pipe at the Mimico Sewer Co works on Wednesday morning Luke Thompson was badly scalded about the head arid shoulders He was taken to Grace Hospital but his recovery- is doubtful It is proposed to purchase for park purposes the ravines running west of Clinton street from Arthur street to the north city limits William of Weston who pro bably had the longest municipal re cord in Ontario passed away on Tuesday lasU He was reeve and Bar is in the of special sa tisfaction to know that the men at Daily except Sunday from the helm of affairs are measuring up- thing so much a retort Bar rie and the responsibilities of the situation r Juvenile UL Oliver Wendell Holmes enjoyed no- Buy Soft Coal for Threshing At 550 per ton EDITORIAL NOTES Twine and feet to pound A press despatch from Halifax states preparations are being in that city for the sworn in there on the of December HARD COAL Wut toOe aid Egg- CI or mod According to a press from St John to Montreal and To ronto Mr Borden the defeat ed leader in the toons will retire from political life his departure for a visit to the Southern one of Mr Bordens made a statement gently Writing his determination with draw- from the political arena and this has given rise to a rumor in To ronto Hon 6 one Sir Mackenzie Bowells nest of traitors will become successor to Mr Borden as Opposition lead er at Ottawa There will be a lot of hedging before Senator will take tea with him K A change recently been made by the Ontario Government in regard to future care of tike Provincial parks Alluding thereto the even if it happened to be at his own expense One day at an entertain ment he was seated near the refresh ment table and observed a little girl looking with longing eyes at the good things With his invariable fondness for children he said kindly Are you hungry little girl Yes sir was the reply Then why you take a sand wich Because I havent any fork Fingers were made before forks said the doctor smilingly The little girl looked up at him and replied to delight Not my fingers Township during the days of Joseph time was more than once Warden of the County and was the first reeve of Weston after its in corporation For many years he was an active Justice of the Peace and took part it the annual meetings of Justices of the Peace Deceased was and known to most An says Hon men A is credited with a desire to give up the Speakership and gel of and a back to the activities of debate I watch fob of appearance lie Arch York is at the detective department awaiting named as an speaking mem- owner eligible for chair Charles Politicians on both sides during would then be the past week have visited the city Speaker and a FrenchCanadian n large numbers It looks as it possibly Dandurand of something unusual was apprehended Montreal would preside in the Sen- political circles In the stated case between the City and the Street Railway judgment A dated London Nov ijn given by Mr Justice says Mward celebrated that the City Engineer has today his birthday as power to regulate timetable and usual at ogham where the routes- The decision isa victory for event is treatwcssentially as a the City ily festival KirVg Kdwarda sixty- It Corner Main Timothy III tell jrva A reorgamation of the Itario Bureau of and YOUNG LADIES READ THIS If you are bothered with raphes or ugly on your face If your complexion Is sallow an that you require to tone up your blood One Tablet taken at meals makes the complexion like peach bloom cheeks toon become rosy eyes bright youll be the picture of health Thousands ladles keep up youthful appearance with why not you Price at third birthday fines in far better It is current report in political clr- that Mr John M health than enjoying Yo will be year a as ho is clerk of the County Court York in the diet and has been regard to 5 stimulants WW pliable he will live becoming fot many now indulged In lis a meeting the Ontario Ian the celebrated exchampion oars- net last Vrn John Hill man is out for the position of lor West York waa pointed to the East A report is that Mr N and West to- fill the vacancy Howell will be the Liberal candidate Ktkcu6 i For Witr which Mr was place The quickly Parks which heretofore have been in charge of Mr Director of the Bureau of Mines have been placed in charge of Mr South- worth as chief of a newlyorganized bureau to be known as the Bureau of Colonization Forestry and Parka Yates Private Secre tary the Hon J Davis has been appointed Secretary of the new bureau cur A HA- tcU In papers tie of MARION end la aaid to be It will be by those of a were in at the to Maine meeting Hon J Oermany has a wpplemea- budget lor on ac- of the West Africa troubles THE OF CATARRH Davis at the last to the On tario House that the Commissioner of Crown Lands stated in the course his address that Temagarni coo tapped numerous some of them large and covered with timber The intimation was alto given tliat these were being surveyed and numbered now learn that Mr Alex who lor the fiVe months has been engaged in coin pi g CaiairfaoaM which lR survey of these islawfa discharge recently returned and is now J1 from the throat report During the time No only the pvitgea head and throat nally reach the quickly as the til Mr John was shot in the head on Friday while rabbit- hunting near Mr bad been out with bis son John proprietor of the Mr was about yards away from his son when both fired at the same rabbit A pieoe from the rifle glanced off hitting Mr in the ball the ere Mr Jr said while injury was painful he did not there would be any results v HHART PALPITATION AT NIGHT even the strongest man but to the average woman it Is a taste of general purgatory Take a little in sweetened- water and away goes the palpitation You I the Tots of worry by keeping line hand which is a treasure for all sorts of pains and aches cures headache stomach and bowel troubles quickly for a bottle si ideath of the late last Wo congratulate Mr on his preferment and regard Ids ap pointment as a fitting recognition on the part of the the party Mr Hill has rendered the Liberal causein his Weal York contests An Impression prevails in the minds of some hotelkeepers that it is not illegal to open their bars after the poll on election day but the statute positively declares otherwise Sec of the License Act says No sale or oilier disoJal liquor shall take place in any licensed prem ises within the limits of a polling any polling day lor or at any parliamentary election or Legisla te oppose in North Toronto at the approaching Provincial election It is more than likely that a Con servative Convention will be held very shortly after the Liber al gathering on the A dinner was given last week the LieutenantGovernor and Mrs Clark to celebrate the birthday of his Majesty The table arranged in the ballroom was decorated beautiful chrysanthemums Of several colors and maidenhair fern The only toast was The King One day last week while transact ing a land deal in the Somerset House John A real es tate suddenly dropped into chair and died before medical aid AtiJenhiyor municipal or which In accordince with the of the Temperance being after the of six oclock lii the rhe day until the following day at oclock in the morning Helpful Easy indeed it were to reach A mansion in the courts above If swelling words and fluent speech Might serve instead faith and love But none shall gain this place Or unclouded glory see Who talks of free and sovereign grace Unless that grace has made him free l People wo are right with God never apond much time in looking for Mack spots on other s The late Rev gave the following advice There can be no difficulty in discovering some In which your pastor excels dwell upon these excellencies and not upon his failures talk of the benefit which you receive from his sermons and you will induce the people to come and listen to him house will be filled you will have done good he will preach better you will enjoy him the more because you have thought and spoken kindly him Relieve then the filling up of the church is not alone pastors work AH christians ought to be do ing something for Jesus and to be always doing something A faithful church member is a ben ediction to any community He moral tone to the- whole neigh borhood In fact he in the salt of the earth He is the chief stay of the minister and of a doubtful member He is not Engineer Garnet of the light station at West Prince AlUrt waa killed an shoe In tho light a tail VOQtl The Marconi telegraph action at Cape Race Is In operation Russian Jews Prince sky will reverse repressive I ithuaub -hae- o motioned he fcurveyed and marked equal eve tor and which with the of veyed by other parties bring the to- H cured me alter in the Lake up to doctors to relieve reports that the Islands trouble Wl J I a- mile to a cure Two small area A h of the larger tim- chiefly voeo I For bid The Kind You Have Always Bought of NOT THE SLIGHTEST DANGER Or could be summoned woman claiming to be a widow from Hamilton has been at a de- found PWent joy and help to all on her when arrested hut he Is- the hope of- the future for Arrangement are being completed wlhlm every interest the for the Convention to be held In this city on the It wlUbe a notable and representative gather- m thin that other people know lie- may be Catherine a cook in one of this worlds goods but if he At downtown hotels who made her Wthful to all his church using Dr Ham llton s home at lodging houses was found always at Ms Mandrake and Oet or of worship the people or pile him as one Gods because they cause no griping pains Governor Clark honor him- tti ver they will bo led to better lives Price flSo themselves and when last sun Friday about to set to them they will The frame building hi the rear of he- glad enough to have Mm tome and Berkeley Street Methodist Church hclr with lhe Cairn brow or offer a simple trusting from his bid J Klght young men belonging to were so badly injured that they will 30 bo destroyed The was about when asked how rich he was re- tearing up of sidewalk in I am not in debt John was arrested last Friday on the charge of wounding his A corrected casualty Hat places wife hitting over tho head Oistav at the rftfgaton a as the Quaker Candy Works i l destroyed by fire early Friday their behalf morning Right horses in the shed Dcln aRkcd thev will he was answered in health Farm for Sale 1 f being lot to the 1st Con Whitchurch Bank barn comfortable house plenty of water about a mile from Newmarket I P ARMITAGB Newmarket PO Farm for acres being West Hall of Lot in the 3rd Con of Whitchurch clay loam fences good basemen barn and frame house Fall plow ing all done and acres of fall wheat sown fresh seed ed clover miles from station Apply on the premises to LEVI RICHARDSON ii Aurora P MRS BAYLYS l PRIVATE FRENCH MUSIC 1 Joy and Mr David Meyer an agevrjesint on een tot 4 the Russian killed or wounded at tho with a stove ltd The woman of the Shalfhe River at the Emergency Hospital Four persons were drowned by the same man who In an sinking the schooner Wilson with Campbell broke I and Hinting In I 1 flraUlaw In all depart ments Magnlflcent catalogue free admitted at any time Corner A Alexander J II Farm for Sale 0 parts lots I the con North There are acres under House good Fran Carat had Out Buildings good W- small trull trees of all Lot of good water For further pa apply to J MORTON BelhaT4

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