Newmarket Era, 18 Nov 1904, p. 5

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I J THE KlH NOV IS ONTARIO STOCK PAID UP ppNCH Deposits Interest it DRAINS zSL Worth York lis of work in the To its mnemonic plana awd schemed were placed on the black board These embodied history plans chronological arrangements the order of the books of the Bible Toe first session til Con- treaty as of the- North York Sun- to other day Association held in FRIDAY AFTERNOON on Alter Mr Hardy Not At exercises til adults as well as young people are members Schools That give special Coram Chambers -to- preparation 5 this morning that he is Dividing of I Mo Mocks for the purpose That we heartily approve the- appertaining the umber of trees action of the Association in present appointing a teacher training aa estimated trees and hereby urge all schools be cut down east introduced the subject of teacher within bur bounds to cordially sup- eastern city limits from were training The following reasons- were port financially and also by to northern city by the Smith E systematic teacher training A Hardy Teacher Training The importance of the work C LEGAL Public Ac good to Bit Solicitor Notary Public wc Lisa Newmar ket licnoox will Court ft IO an Reformer w A A panics Awre Money to at Current fl A Ramsay fir bad now prevailing in various forms in many our schools teaching Ontario Association tocn brief statement nature of the work he had undertaken fol lowed some interesting ft meth ods The reading of direct and the Superintendent J Since teaching fine art Cornell of text is so constructed as in John a massmeeting The Cradle Roll Department f Infants in their homes arc enrolled as FRIDAY EVENING members of the and are visited In the absence of the President elect fay too infant teacher home is for the ensuing year Mr Lehman in his way brought into close touch of Newmarket the retiring President t Mr- presided of some systematic course of S teacher training and further that the a separation of years paators Superintendents of Brad- pistes met on Yonge Street wharf ford Newmarket and Aurora The greeting was moat to have a joint meeting One sister resides atrial- tbe thanks of the x and the at jefej Because all this is be hereby tendered to the friends On Friday last Thomas ami Joseph I Godson and in Bradford for their hospitality and ooson and Susannah the Trustees of the church for the with incendiary In King use of the building also to the choir were ted for trial at i 111 tot their valuable services with School and the likelihood increased that enrolled infant After opening exercises the shall become a member of the School port of the Treasurer Garrett when it grows up Home Study Slips slips on which are printed questions on next Sundays lesson are supplied to the members of the class and the pupils are expected to bring in these slips on the following Sunday with the an swer written under each Question Contests Red and blue but tons are supplied pupils to distin guish sides and contests may be ar ranged in studies and other work A discussion followed in which Messrs Smith Amos Hardy and Garrett took part Mr Hardy then introduced an Old Time Bible School by reading part Of Chap of and the flowing fea tures oh connection with it was definltei organization There was a stall if The deep interest of the people That the thanks of the Lady paid be tendered to Mr A E Hardy visit to this city last week I was received showed the re ceipts for the year to be in cluding a balance from last audit The expenditures were including grant of to the Provincial Association leaving a balance on hand of The ac counts were duly audited by Mr Boys and Mr- A Banting The address of the evening was giv en by Rev Alex of Bo- Presbyterian Church Toronto and it- was to with marked attention throughout Mr vray on rising to speak said he real ized it to be a large privilege which of course carried with it a correspond ing responsibiiity He his to five people The scrip- readings had been singular for his subject was A child the midst first of the five to whom he talk- was tbe child reference Christs own words when he placed for his valuable assistance and to Dr J Smith and the A for their help and co operation The collection for the evening amounted to After singing the convention closed with the benediction J prank jUaw The deep reverence manifested The exercises were effective in before His disciples the child for an the cultivation of tlie under- example he pointed out the standing emotions and will bigh estimate that God places After a short discussion the the child admonished all- to take was closed by the Joseph despise one of these Young little rather consider their care THGKSDAV EVENING great call to the church The The readers of- this paper will be pleased td learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In ail its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the oniy positive cure now known to the medical fraternity tarrh being a constitutional dUease requires a constitutional treatment Hails Catarrh Cure is taken inter- acting directly upon the and mucous surfaces of the thereby destroying the foundation the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing Its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure Send for list of- testimonials Address J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for M John A Broker and or Cltr cond person was father whom he Convention opened with devotional wouW place at the childs right hand exorcises a strong appeal was then made to Hardy B A the father present not to shirk his Secretary of the Provincial Asso- duty Dont thank the Lord for cition at the request of the Brother Hardy for the church for dent gave a short address He the School for the North spoke on School Association of Teacher Training in connection say it is fine all of these they with work He pointed out shall took alter my child Oh no clearly four things whJch not thus other shoulders the work stands for and fore- button you yourself should most is the conversion of the child- Give less time to the paper the pipe rea second nourishment politics and have time for your child training thirdly the cultivation of Bring him up in nurture and ad- toe Missionary spirit Anft in monition tbe Lord To the left fourth place a training In systematic the child he would place the moth- giving These ail vital pointsthe as the third person By far the therefore is apparent those most influential of this group of five in charge the work should have No one can take her place Our hope systematic teaching and training church is in the mother let The President appropriate its care to no one in pa- words introduced the speaker of touching words mothers love evening J V Smith of Carl- was pictured ami pointed out ton St Methodist Church Toronto Behind the child the fourth person The Doctor expressed his pleasure at placed as the teacher with being present He inclined to fa father and mother and be reminiscent as his visit reminded backing up their every to good Kim of olden times and of his work training an important figure hut at on bis first circuit at Sharon In only a poor second In the those days he had preached in Brad- teachers way lies a groat work lead- ford on one or two occasions He little child to Christ The paid a glowing tribute to this and more The reception at the City Hall was a cordial one men from the Queens Own composed the guard of honor At the Hunt Club Luncheon Lord Was presented with a smoking set in gold the lighter and tray being in the shape of a maple lea The gift to Lady was unique Klondike nugget set in dia monds Alex Martin was found guilty of murdering his infant and throwing the body into the bay last August The mother was in the boat at the time but the jury acquitted her A in procedure respecting admitting the evidence of Martins wife has been re served the Court of Appeal to The City and not the County are now on the ragged edge Judge intimat ed that the City was liable to be in dicted for maintaining a common nui sance in not paying attention to re commendations for improvements at the Silverware to the value of was stolen from the residence of Mr Howard during Thursday night of last week An informal reception was last Friday night by the congregation of the Friends Church Carlton St to heir new pastor Rev Dr J J Mills and his wife It was pleasant function At the banquet given to heads officials in he Provincial Secretarys Department by Hon Mr Strait on few evenings ago the staff presented Mr- Straiten with a silver Service of over pieces Detective Harrison returned froth Hamilton recently with about worth of goods which he found at the home on James Street north of Jesse Sullivan who was arrested in the store on Wednesday Goods valued in the neighborhood given a very I A ftnfcitwi Engineer Roam Chamber j on til and made at Era prompt attcDtlOB MARRIAGE It rtdcte If lwtr1 Canada of ours and especially to Ontario It was a great prjMitege to live in such a country arid in morning the century A most practical address followed bit Sunday Schools and important work of the teacher Many looked upon the as an adjunct to the Christian Church only but was far more than that it was an integral If either the preaching service or the Sunday was to be sacrifice he would say give up the former Too many regarded the christian lite as being one seriousness He believed there was too wide a- chasm between hall game and the prayermeeting While religion was beyond a doubt a the christian life should bear a bright for so vast a work was shown and was right in line with the teach ing of this convention The pictur esque group of Ave was con pie ted by placing in front of child the young man by care untrammelled free splendidly irresponsible be ing who makes otic of the number but ray hip did not know it Upon such rests a grave responsibility May God make it plain For a mo ment he would displace the last figure and put there the correspondingly free young woman beautiful the graceful the gentle tho accomplished who it may be thought not that In any wiEe was responsible for the child in toe midst but who in Gods sight was held to be With deft skill the beautiful word picture was cheerful aspect He J finished circle completed and by tee of the work of the being exceedingly touching and tender thorough methodical present was made- to and of the splendid results hie or in the responsible be sure to follow group arid the home be- kept En close of Messrs W touch with each other The a hearty thanks The tendered to sympa- Newmarket Liveries ia long long we hare JW axe ail But ttr all aaxloua for work Soma if W kick a Hut they difficulties- in carrying on Si the convention were work and the discouragements- Speaker for his earnest which In the way of tbucbingaddress every teacher were enlarged y Garrett was then called the teacher present the claims of the he was engaged Is humble and County Associations for work if faithfully done it nnanclal assistance and received away pledges schools and personal thought was subscriptions amounting to beautifully by alluding to Smith oh behalf edifice St Pauls on Resolutions PfrimMs and following were Battle of The world he said owed a debt of gratitude to report of the Nominating Coin workers arid urged upon all was received and adopted teachers and workers not to grow weary In Newmarket The closed amid applause v Martin Bradford id of Mr Bradford R Thanksgiving to God His By Robert Lord thou hast given me a cell Wherein to dwell A little house whose humble is weatherproof Urrder the spars which He Both dry Where thou for to also believed to have been stol- set a guard en from Toronto dcpariiivental harmless thoughts to watch left behind because they Me while sleep Low is my as in my fate Both void of t atate And yet the threshold of my door Is worn by th poor Who thither come and freely get Good words Or meat Like as my parlor so my hall And kitchens small A little buttery and therein A little bin Which keeps little loaf of bread unfied Some brittle sticks of thorn or Make me a fire Close by whose living coal I sit And glow like it Lord I confess too I dine The pulse Is thine And all those other bits that be There placed by thee The worts the purslane and mess Of watercress Which of thy kindness thou hast sent And my content Makes those and my beloved beet To be more sweet Tls thou that my glitter inearth With guiltless mirth And me wassail bowls to drink Spiced to the brink Lord tis plentydropping hand That soils lanct r me for sown Twice ten for one Thou my twining hen to lay Her egg each day Besides my healthy to Me twins each year The while the conduits of my klne Run cream for wjne All these and better thou dost send Me to this end That I should render for my part A thankful heart Which fired with Incense I resign As wholly thine But the acceptance that must My by Thee us fl j and seconded by Mr John wan Davidson Newmarket given unanimous vote of thanks Committee John Ws very able M helpful address I an unanimous Jackson New yftlOAY jmrkct and roj- took Preparation of the Lesson Mr feun W kick a little- But they by Teacher Banting and Mr art wok you time of the lesson Boys t yoT are o to 2 Particular study of the icon The Committee on Ions Uk Wit the central truth milted following which were or I Jackson val September cohtains the anniversa ries of a remarkably large number of military events Among mote prominent of these are the following On the 2nd the of was fought in on the Mal ta was captured from the French on the Archibald Hunter was born on the was fought the battle ami n that of Malnlauuct the German Army entered Versailles on the and on the took place the battle of Alma and the fall of Delhi Assaye was fought on and was relieved on the 2Mb on the was the battle of and Anally on the last day In the month In IMS Earl waa born evidence of having been worn Park Commissioner Chambers is being severely censured for having or dered a number trees cut down in Avenue One was an- elm planted when Queen Victoria was born four others all with significant associations were slashed and carried away but neither the Street Com missioner or the Ward member in the Council has heard the last of what the residents in it iwrl of the city deem almost a sacrilege This is the kind of voters they have in South least Junction Tribune says are safe in saying that fully persons in South York promised both candi dates their votes The has cancelled tho local service to York Mills owing to want of traffic The Jury the Criminal Assizes its presentment last week recommended the lash for offences against women While the students of were out playing football on Saturday riflct their coat pockets which Were left hanging in the halls The sums carried oil ranged from to Malcolm Lcnnie who was found guilty oil a charge of attempting to murder his wife was sentenced by Chief Justice on Satur day to serve seven years in Kingston Penitentiary 1 Mr Cotter a grandson of tho late Col Cotter formerly New market died very suddenly last Sun day He was of age Mr Small proprietor Smalls Hotel Queen St West died on Saturday of consumption of the throat During Saturday Laxly and Lady Elliott tended a reception in their honor given by the Womens Art Associa tion in the Societys rooms Confed eration Life Building In the even ing the viceregal parly dined House prior to their depart ure fox Ottawa at oclock A largo number of pergonal were at depot to them The Morning After a heavy xa meal will be by discomfort or sicknes before going to bed you will take Sold Every whore In Latest- on signs SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE LINES GIVE US A CHANCE h TO PLEASE YOU- f AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO A J i NEWMARKET f oti iijiHrti TELEPHONE 0 I flU I On Bale This Week yards and 36 38 Mil 40 Inch Irk finiflii liilUiti regular per yard While they last ftST I Good Farm to Rent King being Wert half of lot In the mostly cleared fences farm Fall ploughing to and fall wheat In the ground Good Orchard Apply to JAMES Seaforth NEWMARKET WORKS i and Head Stones DroreOrderlDf Allan v 1 i Is the Baking at Including all J BREADS i Jl Whipped Cream mad In addition to our regular have AM and Cream Loaf and Spice joiliBrAkfast Rolls and Tea Biscuits Lad Mi croon and imima BEST Rigs jf No Delivered PER CORD A Oranges and Messina Lemons Lunches at all Hours tad Hot on Dont will or W A HILL iOlTf No A ALL KINDS ROUGH AND PRESSED LUMBER Sheeting per Ml fa DO IhIt do It Half 1 I COAL Egg Nut Pe COAL SELECTED LUMP PEARSON in oj

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