Newmarket Era, 18 Nov 1904, p. 7

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CHINA A Hot Somebody visited toe premises of A Lewis on St on night of week and stripped the clothes line of tie entire weeks Anybody mean enough to do that should have tea line tied to his neck draped the length the lane The annual meeting of the Newmar ket Hookey Hub will be bold next evening at pm In tbe va cant rooms on toe ground floor tbo Sovereign Bank tot Elite Co Service i Eld H Hall man of Berlin Pres ident of the City Mission of the Church villi preach in the Temperance on Sunday Nov at and pm Everybody welcome Town Hall Sellable NOV 1904 ft If fea time to make your Cake and when purchasing Spices Ac for it you will get best quality at the most reason ed prices at the Leading Grocery SELEOTBD COOKING RAISINS 8 As for SELECTED for SELECTED TABLE FIGS ft box for SELECTED SEEDED RAISINS Full Pound Weight for GOLD EXTRACTS 13a and EXTRACTED HONEY Fine Quality lb COMB HONEY Very Fine Quality CHINA DEPARTMENT We are getting in our Holiday Goods la the course of a few weeks on view the BEST OF FANOY CHINA ever era fa Newmarket I The Leading Reliable Telephone WATGH A small price is not saved when buying a watch The real economy of honest wear and correct time keeping is the true teat value We have built up a rep utation for reliable goods end intend to keep it by telling only the dependable Our all NEWEST STYLES in and Jewelry Atkinson Co JEWELERS St Newmarket WANTED Woodmen Concept The Woodmen of the World had a good crowd at their variety concert on Tuesday night and put up an en tertaining program The best solo ist was Thanksgiving Vaudeville A troupe from Toronto will give a Variety Entertainment in toe Town Hall on Thanksgiving night and THANKSGJYING NIGHT NOVEMBER Trees from Mice The fruit division Ottawa tones the following Warning Last winter thousands of fruit trees were girdled and killed by mice the same thing will doubtless happen again the coming winter unless orcharding lake precautious to prevent it Mice are not unusually troublesome in orchards where clean is practised and rubbish is not allowed to accumulate as a shelter them but the will- find it ie one I Mr Walter Hunt The a fireglass program There Manager lady elocutionists were all right a large number of artists who Musical Director The management was rather deficient specialists For particulars Sta it was nearly eleven oclock when the and bills see program was concluded The Lodge to be congratulated on the success of their first effort A Kips Will An estate worth nearly left by the late John Wesley Willis a farmer of the Township of King who died 00 Oct Mr Willis left no will and letters of administration are applied for by his widow The exact valuation of the estate is Of this consists of land in the Township of King and in the village of Mrs Willis and three are interested in the pro perty i The first general meeting of the Wo mens Musical Club was held on Thursday afternoon at The Cedars with an attendance of over thirty members It was principally a business meet ing as the President Mrs Grant explained the object of the Club and the constitution section by section was read and voted on by the members after which a short musical program was rendered duet instrumental by Mrs A Davis and Miss McCracken two songs by Miss and solos by Mrs Grant and Miss Ross It was agreed that the Club should under the snow in search of food and as soon as they come to a young Stagbirector starfc to iu ve- SecyTreas Probably the most fitope Change The Roche Company Lim ited have leased their north store to Mr and are to give early possession consequently they are clearing out their stock clothing at reduced prices per cent of overcoats and per cent off suite Read their advertisement Fop the Quito a number of ladies responded to the call for assistance for the Free Sanitarium at and sofa pillows were completed ready for use at the Friends School Room on Monday afternoon In addition to pillows there was also sent in a large quantity of clothing a barrel of canned fruit in selfsealers in cash and some literature all of which were shipped on Tuesday and will no doubt be greatly appreciated by the sick- peo ple The post office to Day This beautiful bright mild weather is helping out the building operations will am on be open from Thanksgiving Whitchurch Council meets at called The Womens Musical next Wednesday or Newmarket and has for its The dust was a perfect fright last the mutual improvement of both Saturday The sprinkler was brought vocal and instrumental music or for out about pm which was a great the study of literature music relief though late It was decided that in future the The ladies of St Pauls Church are Club should hold its meetings in the exceedingly busy finishing up their large room over the Sovereign Bank fancy work for the annual Bazaar every second and fourth Thursday of Mr horse got the month from November till April frightened at the harness becoming the next meeting to be held on loose on Park Ave one day last Thursday Nov at oclock week and made several breaks in the sharp it is hoped there will he rig a full attendance will Dont forget the Presbyterian Tea- be the composer of day Meeting next Tuesday evening A vote of was passed to Mr Lloyd for so kindly allowing the use of the room also to Mrs for placing her piano at the Death of It is with deep regret that we are disposal of the Club and Mr Millard upon for the free use of chairs during the a gentleman who has who mada good A full house of highgrade Groceries New stock ar- my to provide some sort of proteo- daiI y Ca flvsiv if be wishes to be fairly sure grocery A clean bright stock nothing stale and a thorough of bringing his young trees safely knowledge of every article we stock through the winter I The mice burrow along the ground lea lpw IS foundation of this business and it is talking for us in hundreds of households every week It succeeds in winning new customers and fortifying old ones Try them Our Japan Black or Mixed tt protection against them and pas the additional merit of being a all over the country headed by Kings of Laughter MISS JENNIE BEAR Phenomenal Girl Contralto MASTER EDGAR GLYNN The Boy Soprano MISS MAUDE I CASWELL In her Artistic Dances MR In his Famous Buck and Wing Dances MR ALEX Trick Pianist GoYNN The Popular Song Illustrators MR ALEXANDER Parody Singer WALLACE In Their Laughable Sketch The Photo Gallery hi recitals The officers of the Club are Pres Mrs W S Grant Miss Mrs A Davis Rose Program Committee Mrs lingshead Miss Perkins Miss Mite and Miss Wilson taken an active interest in public affairs in Newmarket for the past quarter a century which sad event took place last Saturday morning Mr was naturally of quiet disposition but pobsessed good judg ment and practical ability a of high moral culture and con sequently an active worker in the Printing CommitteeMisses Pringle church Superintendent and Wilson Reliable energetic agtnt for surrounding to trees trees and New Varieties Potatoes Good or weekly Acres MUnUoi stock teed delivered J VM condition and accompanied Certificate of Cfi terms are the neat in the party w now to Thanksgiving Market There was a splendid Thanksgiving Market here last Saturday The market building was welt filled with poultry and farm produce anil the people were in Town in crowds I ho buyers were prepared to invest large money and went away well satisfied with the amount of produce they were able to obtain Prices on the whole showed an inclination to be higher than usual as will be Been by the following figures Butter to Eggs to Dressed Chickens to per ft chickens W to pair Dressed Ducks to pair Dressed Turkeys lb Apples basket to barrel Potatoes CO to bag Onions peck per bag Live Chickens to Old Hens to Live ducks to toe Geese to Live turkeys to ft pair 20c pair Lamb to lb Hides 7 to Sheepskins W to toe Calfskins 9 to lb Tallow The quantity purchased by the buyers was follows turkeys SO pairs of chickens pairs of ducks 400 pounds of butter and dozen Of geese 05 pairs of chickens of the Sunday School VicePresident of the Bible Society a member of the Public School Hoard and an ac tive Liberal In politics Deceased was born at of Whitchurch and married Miss Eliz abeth Kitto Brampton who died about months ago One and two daughters are left to mourn their loss Mr Oscar of Mrs of and Miss Vclma at home The on Tuesday was largely attended and was conducted by his pastor Rev A Campbell The casket was more than covered with beautiful floral tributes of and regard from the of which Society he was a trustee the Public School Hoard the of the Presbyterian Church of which he was a member- the Sunday School United Factories the Employees of the same the manager of the same the family and personal friends The pallhearers were all members of the Session Messrs J A I M Morrison and A Davidson Deceased being connected with the United Factories for over years many of which as one of the departments the factory was closed on Tuesday afternoon and the em ployees attended the funeral En a body remains were interred in Cemetery with general re gret deceased being In the prime of lite and one whose place in public life Is not easily filled Among those from a distance who attended funeral were Mr David of Mr Fred family of Toronto Mrs Thcro will be a Special Jar Service between Aurora Newmarket and Toronto Last Car leaves Newmarket at pm RESERVED SEATS and Rush Seats Tickets on sale at the Town Hall on Thanksgiving Afternoon Com mencing at pm The Elite Vaudeville Co carry its own Orchestra Performance Commences at pm sharp THE ANNUAL TEAMEETING OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWMARKET- Will be held on Tuesday EvegiWov The evenings Entertainment will bo given by Hiss Dickenson Soprano and Guitar Soloist Miss Mary Donaaldsoo Elocutionist OF TORONTO And the Church Choir Tea served from 6 to pm ADMI88ION MRS SILAS ARMITAGE Pres Willing Workers A CAMPBELL Pastor pairs of ducks and Mr Earl Oliver of Toronto pounds of butter and dozen of the Brothers of Brampton Mrs of Strange and Mrs NURSERY CO Hunter turkeys geese and of chickens turkeys pairs rabbits pairs of pigeons and a- large quantity of potatoes pairs of This buyer had so much produce it was impossible to estimate quantities but Mr nell Informed an that rows of WORLDS FAIR ST LOUIS APRIL Manufacturers Building covers acres Machinery Building cov ers acres Greatly Reduced Rates to the WORLDS FAIR WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL for the Round Trip With stop over privileges at Chi cago Detroit and Intermediate Can adian Stations For tickets illustrated literature regarding Worlds Fair and further Information apply to J I McDon ald District Passenger Agent To ronto Winter Fair DECEMBER TO SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Good going December 3rd valid re turning December inclu sive The steamer Alert wag burned to the waters edge at Mon day Several hundred in cold storage were Incinerated and much valuable property destroyed by a Are In the United Stock Yards in MentionIbis piper Toronto be spent on the market city early Tuesday The damage In day at International Life Stock Exposition Chicago From Newmarket for the round trip good going November and valid returning on or before December Mount Clements Mineral Bath Situated near Detroit quickly and comfortably reached by the Grind Trunk For tickets and all Information ap ply to Q Agent old FOR SALE AT THIS veneer Is wrapped loosely around the trunk and tied and an air space left between it and the tree These veneers cost from to per thousand Ordinary building pa per which costs a mere trifle is also a first rate protection but it is not of much value as a preventive of Tar paper is also but as trees have been injured by its use it is better be on the safe side and use something else in any case the lower end of the paper should be banked with earth so ihat the cannot readily get underit to the tree A of earth about a foot high around the base of the tree has proved effectual but these are not so trustworthy as the ve neers or the building paper The fruit division points out that this plague of mice is largely due to the common practice of de stroying every owl and hawk that can possibly be shot or trapped It Is a great mistake to do this AH varieties of owls and hawks are great indeed mice constitute the chief item of the of most species At least ten varieties of owls are classed as residents of Can ada and of these only the great- horned owl is a menace to the farm ers poultry yard Of a spe cies of hawks commonly found in Canada only three are classed as chicken hawks viz hawk the Goshawk and Coopers hawk The four varieties usually known as hen hawks scarcely ever visit poultry yards anl an occasion al depredation is far more than coun terbalanced by their services as de stroyers of mice rats squirrels and other enemies of the farmer For the Era in Cellar in Winter Most farmers who have a earth en at all usually have a good sup ply of the old fashioned pie plant or This vigorous plant provides a wholesome sub stitute for fruit early In spring before strawberries come in It is not known however that it can be made to produce Its crop in an ordinary cellar during win ter when It would probably be more appreciated than when grown in the way In fearUen In- rhubarb plant makes its moat vigorous growth under natural con dition early In the spring when Its large leaves store up in the fleshy a large amount of nut riment for the production Of seed and growth next the best roots for winter forcing It Is well to allow the plants to make their full growth with Utile or no cropping of the leaves the previous Reason and above all not to allow litem tot Ijumsoyes by throwing up stalks The more liberally the plants are manured and the better they are cultivated the stronger the roots become and the better the crop they will give when in the cellar In preparing the roots for the thoy sh old bo dux up laic In the fall JUMt before the freezes hard They then be left where ilioy will lie exposed i severe for or four weeks If placed un der cover In an open or where I hey will not be hurled In snow It will be all the easier to get it them when It me to lake them to cellar About Christmas time they may be put In tho cellar and should be banked with earth to keep roots moist Care should bo taken that the plants are sett right si do up aw at that seusouit difficult to tell which side of of earth the crowns aro tut In the couree of a few days the roots will thaw out and usually enough mois ture Is thus accumulated to keep them fresh for some They ho watched however as they may watering unco or twice during winter to keep soil moist The warmer the cellar the more quickly growth will start but for best results a rather about same as that In which are kept Is best In tx partially lighted cel lar the leaf blades will expand very little and all strength of the will go to tho of thu If cellar Is light It in well to darken tho part where the plants kept If are strong and vigorous stalks and a half to two feet In length and two Inches in will be produced with little or expan sion of leaf at the When thus In the dark none or green coloring matter of tho leaf develops and talk a sjVj to a When Into or pies they turn a beautiful pink color and aro muoh flnor in than stalks which grown i Si V I during sonFoii To get t New Cora Peas and New Raisins Currants Figs Dates Prunes and Peels Monater Bottle Imported Pickles 1 Bottle Choice Catsup 1 Bottle Pickles 1 Bottle French Mustard 3 Bare Toilet Soap S Bars Pure Tar Soap Jelly Powder flavors for 25o At Our Provision Counter lbs Long Clear Bacon Hams Rolls Breakfast Bacon Cooked Meats on Ice sliced to please A Prime Old Cheese Sausage Head Cneese Pork Pies Payers the Beet Poultry Spioe Selling Rapidly GRAPES ORANGRS AND LEMONS SWEET POTATOES LABRADOR HERRING and FINNAN ESTABLISHED Watches Watches latches We have a nice of Oases to choose from la Solid Gold Gold Filled Sterling and Nickel and sell only reliable movements we warrant to give Our prices are very moderate No trouble to shew our All kinds ot repairing promptly properly attended to T WATSOlC WatchMaker and Graduate Optician AND We have the Latest Patterns and make them to your satis faction both for Style and Fit A TRIAL SOLICITED NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON way in garden Cropping may begin as noon as the stalks aro may bo for un til the roots have exhausted theirf- selves after which thoy be thrown out as they for throwing atcaln would that our readers try growing two or threo rootsi this winter and let us results next spring STREET NEWMARKET Hay for Sale- good Between and tons In condition JOS MILLARD Newmarket For Sale Two Jersey Heifers duo in January and May Also Spring Would exchange any for good milch M PEARSON Newmarket Residence for Sale On Tyler St Aurora occupied Mr Miller Good location Terma easy For particulars apply to A O Newmarket

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