Newmarket Era, 18 Nov 1904, p. 8

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KV Wtffcfi GiRLS came to visit mm and abe Hid the the time and allied many questions and finally said Why dear sweet fill not yoar temper bad- of kilter You- ait down bow and write a letter to Dr fierce at Buffalo him Ai and I did It before bad a carefully me just what to and my do I date my present and little re tarn to tbe very day I sat down to write letter to Dr Pierce for advice was so good and bis Favorite Pre- worked a complete change in me now my former cheerfulness and food health not to say anything of food looks are summoned to my aide if a are to be married in June proprietors and maker of Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescription now feci fully warranted in So pat for- any case of Juconhea Female of Womb they cannot cure All they is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure It is natural that a woman who has been cured of womanly disease by Favorite Prescription should believe that St cure others It is natural too that she should recommend to other women the medicine which has cured her It commendation the name of Dr Pierces Prescrip tion a household word for the past thirtri eft years f A 1 Nfew Wofctis are added in the last edition of Web sters International Dictionary The Gazetteer of the and the Bio graphical Dictionary have been com pletely revised The International kept always abreast of the It takes constant work expensive work and worry bat it is the only way to keep the dictionary WdMMlMit aurora sit TO i00BJ ROACHS POINT A match will place at the Hamilton House on Thanksgiving Day for geese and turkeys Both shotgun and rifle will be used An interesting time is KING CITY The King Association much disappointed in the weath er last Friday and their annua ing had to be postponed The snap of the past week is almost unprecedented for the time of the year Even in the open fields the frost has stayed in the ground and it is now fully four inches deep there was a large number of plow men and visitors turned up to see the match but plowing couI not be proceeded with either in stubble or sod The match was nostpoaed till Wednesday u it i baker I I Mr and Mrs Seneca Biker and daughter were in last Thursday attending the marriage of their oldest son Oscar Mrs Lemon Baker and Mrs A are attending the Womens Convention which is being held in the Road Baptist Church To ronto Miss Baker has New York to attend the marriage of her cousin Miss Stokes Mr and Mrs J Graham of Mount Albert visited at Mr Lemon Bakers on Monday lost a valuable cow this week Oil Wednesday evening a wedding was celebrated the Hall by he Salvation- Army the occasion being the of Now fly- round to town 1 go- of this 1 i William Goat ooo An original ode by the Owl poet laureate to King Billy of Baldwin Miller lias a Billy goat With chin whiskers like a Yankee Which likes sometimes in sport To sec old Bill get cranky Sometimes old Billy wants to fight And gets most frisky As if hes had a few stiff horns Of real old moonshine whiskey also has a gramophone Which plays most wondrous sweetly YouM a band was in the box Astowed away quite Now should get a little cart And hitch old Billy to it And start out on a concert r By Jim Ill bet hell it- For Billy and the Gramophone prove a drawing card And would rake the in With old Miss Fanny Clink To An- J With a load red russets to meet Captain Brown- The got to j he paid And father is troubled to raise it Im I Weve had a bad year with tie drought and blight I The was and tjic pie crop tight The early hay cutting scarce ed the cost And the heft the with frost- t A gloomy Thanksgiving will But the ways the Lord are notour me AUKORA i Grahams 2 Bonds Lf HOLLAND LANDING Hall 3 ft Mr SO J I But f If we f Standard Authority of the world dictionaries follow Webster It the favorite with Judges Scholars Educators Printers etc foreign countries A postal card bring youmUf- specimen an His dear will be done just do best And trust Him- I guess Hell take care the rest Id not mino the worry not stop to repine Could I take fathers share mine He is grieving I Know he says not a word But last night the waking and dreaming I heard The long sobbing sighs of a strong man in pain And I knew he was fretting for again Our Robert our firstborn the com- fort and stay Of our age when two should grow feeble and gray What a baby he was with his bright locks and eyes Just as blue as a bit midsum mer skies And in youth why it made ones I heart lightsome and glad j the sun just to the Old man Says at the lad There was never as much advertis- But curse came him the ing as there is today This is spell of unrest- cause there was never so great a need Like a voice calling out of infinite for advertising There can be no West- success in the ordinary fields of And Archibald Grace he was feeing without it and the amount of- and so advertising fairly measures sue- We gave Rob our blessing and Jest cess of any business Ttye business I let him go man who does not advertise is not a There your father is out at good business man In the true sense I the gate of the term The people know this Be spry as a cricket he dont like to wait Heres the butter as yellow Wilson Star l as gold And the eggs in this 11 1 en alt told Him Spirited ather sure and remember I Near to where we live in Scotland And spice and the yard green there in a farmer who has had gingham for me siderabfe experience in wives He Ana the sugar for baking and ask SUTTON Eversloy House Kettleby v 5 King Creek 6 8 Tenth Line i 44- 26 i 39 24 15 i I Total House Egypt 460 Tortal i73 EAST Newmarket Holt Albert 63 49 36 6 23 51 i 17 Total NORTH Keswick- Gum Swamp 53 Total v NEWMARKET t COMPANY it Of J WEBSTERS- INTERNATIONAL Air J Lloyd his farm stock on the and with Mrs Lloyd will make their home tempor arily with Mr James Kitchen at Mr Herbert Edwards has had to Quit farming account of tolttjTtVSii with and has sold out He treat- raaD to a to hospital and will perhaps take a trip to Manitoba for a change of air The young gentlemen tendered oyster supper and social evening to their friends on Friday evening About were present to enjoy their hospitality The supper was held at and the company after wards repaired to the of Room St Georges St Andrews W St Patricks Total WHITCHURCH White Rose 2 LemonviHc Pine Orchard Vivian 52 187 48 32 46 OS 72 35 77 106 53 56 32 40 55 fa i Way There never cracker made in Cnarja thai Perfection have made the nation cracker hungry made us 173 38 234 46 body think of PERFECTION CREAM i till l Canada In ill 36 41 4 Total 356 1 i 54 has married and buried four After him go Total Vote for 297 43 I- H 42 41 26 27 48 the death of the lasf wife a friend of To the office there might be a letter ours walked over one Sunday aftcrr know J noon to see and condole with the poor man who report said had been Providence go with your father an exceedingly kind and indulgent For lands sake drop- For the Era 1 to town A GREAT BRIGHT SCHOOL We have Just completed the and decorations our entire premises and we have now the brightest school in the city equipment Id every is wist complete teaching stall is composed of experts who make it their teas to look after the individual needs of the students With bright comfortable rooms and unexcelled facilities for BRITISH Vorfc A building is In a position to give student the BEST BUSINESS AMD SHORT- J HAND ft Ho other Canadian College can y produce such conclusive ft e American course of ntudy the popular demand INVESTIGATE DECIDE New Catalogue free BROOKS 9 f Desirable House for Sale With large gardw taWt of lot on Mcdonald 1 For j The locate clad brick fcouae on Queen Street occupied by Oliver Apply at the Mr MANAGER position rapid adfaiwe full In free of charge clean THE J CO Limited Toronto The congregation of the Methodist Church is preparations for their anniversary services and festival on the and of No vember Rev A Bedford will the anniversary sermons- on Sunday at 10 and pm Special mu sic will be prov- The annual hot supper and will take place on the evening of Monday Supper will be served in the basement of the church from to followed by an excellent entertainment Rev Baker pastor of Broadway Tabernacle Toronto and a former ioy will deliv er an address also Rev A Hertford of Aurora who married a girl Solos duets and quartettes will given by of the choir of Broadway Tabernacle Toronto as well as selections by one of Torch I isis Come early and avoid the The next League topic is as fol lows 21 Vital Union with Christ- John At Home to Endeavor Social A A very pleasant event took place on Saturday evening at home of Mr and Mrs when they celebrated the of their wedding day They were made tho recipients of many useful piece silver which shows the high in which are held The Tel Co are brandling south and east and ex pect soon to make with the private line at Green River and are now stringing up their wire near the Halfway House on the Kingston They are evidently going get there or no Bell Mr and Mr and Mrs the funeral of the late Ed dispell at Aurora on Monday At the meeting of the Quarterly Hoard of the Methodist Church held here on evening the Rev J It Aiken head cordially to remain as their pastor for the third year Tie and Mrs talnd the officers and official boards of the Methodic Church together their evening Alut were present and a few hours very social inter course were together husband to all his wives lie found soften the heart o this rich the farmer walking listlessly about Captain his deserted garden and sympathy thats buying the having unchained his tongue he ex- place What thought was willed to poor claimed Aye aye bringing the wives and pit tern them I am low spirited London Gentlewo man it j Every Two Mi flutes Soap a powder to and flarnela youll like it Physicians tell us that all the 1 in a human body passes through the heart once in every two minutes If this action comes irregular the whole body suffers Poor health follows poor blood Scotts Emulsion makes the blood pure One reason why EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach a double advan tage in this Less work for the stomach quicker and more direct benefits To get the greatest amount of good the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health Scotts Emulsion does just that A change for the better takes place even be- frrjjyou expect It We a hi the form a on the of you CherUtt Toronto Off Jo f Ml 4rt I Archibald Grace Along with the mortgage thats jest I falling due And that father allowed Archie Grace would renew And I reckon that father will sell the and the little real Aldcr- Bel You raised her I know and its hard she must go But father will pay every dollar we owe Its his way to be honest and fair as the day And he always was dreadfully set in his way ping that tray blue willow teacups What startled you Hey Youre white as a ghostWhy heres The die is cast the choice is made father from town The future will the wisdom tell who are those men daughter Results will show not long delayed If all have used their franchise well The earnest efforts now are done With parties both for good or ill Some failed to win while others won The outcome of the peoples will not the parties but the men Who arc the voters substitutes Who represented them where and when The regulation constitutes From each the country will expect In Rome there are one Fulfillment of all promises cardinals bishops priests toleration for defect monks nuns making Branches in tlio Co of York Bankers for A Good Bank In to Special attention to Sale notes supplied free and advances made on same- OF OCR Saving Bank Department Interest if of deposit may i Interest Is paid twice a year obliged to deposit or money on the or You may do either at any time of Booklets vou doe Wallace Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH arMQllaalRTfrtwaif BRANCH i And helping him down Run I Open the door Theres a I whirr in my head And the tunes getting louder The i boys arent dead That voice it is Robert I Lord I have on uomise and j trusted Thy word And out the midst of great and night Thy mercy has led me again to the light Alice Browne Or momentary weaknesses all persons charged with spirit- v j Miiinir ffMiiJ ones on you depends I try to find comfort in thinking my a population of dear 400000 So that there is it Rome St That things would be different if Ro- to every inhabitants fei heft was here while in the large Protestant cities I guess a stayed but for Germany twere is- but one spiritual j l inhabitants Although You stand upon an eminence And helped with the chores and look- I K l rich The cynosure eyes after the place art ftl schools academies still In whom Is placed the confidence But Archie heard from that K who can And hopes those who criticise neither read or write And went wild to on to the sold- wUfti liiils arrest You go to do tho work those diggings too- number breakers S3 to whose daily avocations need And so they must and meander c Of 15082 engaged Thctr presence home still they pro- out West a he year pose only could sign the marriage To keep an eye how you proceed contract that is only out of each ftn tn with keen surveillance oer thc camp And now they murdered or ing at Surprised by that bloody Red Wing Way our in the Yellowstone country last spring i No wonder Im ho gray I I grieve for my lost darling day after day And my darling dont mind if I true But I reckon Ive guessed about Arch ie and you And the Lord knows our burdens arc grievous to bear But theres still a bright edge to my of despair And somehow I hear like a tune in my head hoys are coming The boys arent dead I Ho tomorrow for dear fathers sake we will try To make flay like gone by And we maynt ace where cornea In Things were never so bad yot as might But its nigh time the kettle was hung on the crane And somebodys driving full tilt up A You can depend on Ayera Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair every Follow directions and It never falls to do this work It atop They watch the agents of their Applaud the true and scorn tho scamp Who cheats and rohs his countrys till If measures to improve the state Or project greater good to bring Should he oppose or TwoiiM be to him a broken wing Woo to the man whoso actions prove A trusting confidence misplaced No future promises will move Or lift the odium once disgraced All that la worthy should engage Your earnest zeal to propagate All that is wrong by act assuage That all might good participate great satisfaction Jo knowing you are not going to be dlaap- that for M rUU SS Fading Hair Go forth I with purpose true as steel 1 Fulfil tho hopes in you Work only for your countrys weal Bo right I though by a host oppos ed P GRANT Richmond Hill Nov in Hart foM FOE SALS conveolent comfortable Brick- clad Dwelling on fiotstord street Newmarket occupied by the under signed J A BASTEDO To Rent The fine large residence carriaga house stables good orchard and acres ol belonging to the estate of late Frances Starr Apply to STARR M STARR A E STARR Executors Hew Horses and Rigs Having purchased the old establish ed Livery from the Estate and secured new Horses and Rigs I am now prepared to supply the needs of the publicwith comfortabte up- todate conveyances at moderate charges Give a call A ihlLftif t Can in a months fit you to earn a living to bo independent In no other branch of skilled labor can this lie done in short a time and at so modet- a cost In no school can it be done so well fa If you are- considering what line of work to take up write for oiir prospectus It will give you Valuable information ad Riifl a SH 1 Kn s r FirstClass Farm for Sale In Whitchurch hall lot in the Con acres Good soil good fall plowing done and fall wheat In ground P STARR- i

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