Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1904, p. 2

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ff- J I i Advertisements Angela Edwards Solo Soprano and Gradu ate of Royal Academy of Music England will visit Newmarket day each week Terms par ticulars application to Mrs Cook at Hills Bakery or Major St Toronto 2wt5 Chandeliers for Sale So far as we bare was perfectly delighted at the gener al of colors as well as the artistic beauty or the handsome elec tric fixtures Light green is the pre vailing shade- The appeal in the North York Elec tion Trial occupied the time of five judges at Hall Toronto on Monday and Tuesday and at the close of a long technical argument Six coaloil Chandeliers complete prepared to give judgment Retirement of Davis Our Society POINTS pleasantly iHAoaApno Rogers Is back from a visit totiMs Worlds Fair JACKSON Methodist Church Newmarket Work was commenced on toe School Room on Tuesday conseojuently there will be no school next Sunday In regard to the dissolution the Ontario Legislature and the coming Provincial elections the Star of Monday currency to the follow- fc SsliUcl rumor be by ti Council of that there will to Provincial elections during toe tor October Providing Toe taterrel the Issue to the amount Is too of for the purpose of paying the Sitting a Congratulations to Hon J Da vis who attains the age today bom in the Township of York and County York Dec 1851 There are few men who have had such a strenuous life or obtained so many public honors at that age We trust Miss Lush of Toronto spent that the relaxation from Sunday with friends in Town Miss Toole was visiting her ties for a few months may restore fricadf his health so that he may be permit- 1 Mr J Hughes Town Clerk is ted return to public again visiting the Worlds Fair this week We clip the following from Mrs A rchio Thomson was visiting in the city three or four days last pear to be divided in their opinion j The late Commissioner of has well earned release and Lady left the storm pressure of Saturday life He entered the Legist- Mexico tive Assembly in 1888 and he has Mrs Clark got home on continued to represent York in Monday night after visiting in Bar- that body ever since Prior to the for a couple of opening of his political career he had Miss Jennie sister of an intimate acquaintance with muni- Sheriff Toronto is administration for ten years ill at his residence one of which he spent in the office Jos Stephens and family Warden of toe County of York For past eight years he has been Mrs Tushs With lamps for or six lights it may be flight wall brackets which W will be sold Cheap on application t for past improvements and extensions and it be a highly to further extend and the proe to terta and MWd p and service of the fa Town of wellinformed Literal circles restered in the Reg rf he North Riding of Cointy of York on the day of bylaw was arrases as- Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within months after first publication of this notice cannot be made thereafter Dated this day of Nov J E HUGHES 5W45 Clerk For A couple of weeks ago we stated that the newly elected Federal Par liament would be likely to deal with the autonomy of the Territories at its first session- A press des patch from the Capital says Dur ing the first week in January a con ference will be held at Ottawa be tween representatives of Government and the Government the Territories to consider the question of granting pro- Oak BookCase and secretary to the crritories Oak Hall Rack and good been determined Cabinet Mrs Oliver or two provinces will be Queen created but the opinion prevails that provinces one north and one Male Teacher Wanted ffest is stated here to be beyond all doubt tbat provincial No King holding second or form will be granted thirdclass certificate Apply Territories at the coming session salary previous to 28th of parliament to i BLACK I a Minister of the Crown first as Pro vincial Secretary and subsequently as Commissioner of Crown Lands During his years of public life he ran the gauntlet of six elections without encountering a single defeat Having a large and increasing pri vate business to distract his atten tion it is not surprising that he should take advantage of Having been unseated on a technicality to retire from the Legislative Assembly and devote time and work more com pletely to his private affairs While Mr Davis was well fittiby his long municipal experience for the office of Provincial Secretary in which he served with much credit ho will be best remembered in history by his administration of the Crown domain No one needs now to be informed of its vast im portance in our Provincial system From it is derived the chief part of public revenue Any waste or loss or perversion of it means a crippling of the public in a hundred ways Other sources of revenue may in part replace it hut only after the lapse of a long period will any one of them rival it in pro ductiveness Mr Davis saw all this secured Mrs Lushs house The editor and wife leave lor Ac ton today to attend the Silver Wed ding- of Mr and Mrs P Moore Mr Alex Millard and daughter Miss attending the wed- of his niece here on Wednesday Mrs Dr Rogers Mrs Jacob Walton and daughter of left yesterday to visit friends in Kansas Constable Savage got back from Burkes Falls yesterday and expects to remain in Town till after the hol idays Mr P will represent Newmarket Hockey Club at the OHA- meeting in Toronto on Sat urday Messrs Mills A Rank and J Steeper returned from with full compli ment of deer Mr and Mrs Jackson spent three or four days this Week in Ham ilton visiting thoir daughter Mrs J Mr and Mrs Manning gave a Flinch Party last Friday even ing and also another on Wednesday evening Miss former teacher in Miss Audrey Campbell uar Toronto Letter clearly enough and conducted his ad- School Newmarket has a ministration accordingly When here in Theory of Music She took charge of the department up one day each revenue was in it up 102 Owing to lhe funeral of settlement and the arrests I on Friday Mrs vif pMtJ to sell from time to w men were vcied by of his brotherinlaw at Toronto Wesley Toronto is prepared to accept Piano pupils Term may be had housebreaki on Saturdays at Mrs David Lloyds The prices realized from auction Main Street or address Mac- his term lat Mrs Ad Ballon Crane a very whXv all previous records The is the succession mile obtain- with Mrs All dues received by the Province this Ave Toronto WORLDS FAIR ST LOUIS APRIL Magnificent Landscape ESecta Beautiful flowers and Typical Irish on the Pike cians will be glad to hear this as she may accept a limited number of ycar will total the largest I P 531600- of the Province Mr Vance Liberal crganizer has expressed his intention of resign- Largest Silver Nugget tons A Philadelphia firm is about to Fair a factory in DECEMBER TO FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Good going December 3rd valid re turning until December inclu sive The Grand Trunk has the most service to To California and Florida the winter In the delightful Winter of California and Florida of Pullman Din ing and Parlor cars and direct connections Mount Clements Mineral Baths Unexcelled treatment for rheuma tism nervous diseases etc situated near Detroit Quickly and comfort- ably reached by the Grand Trunk Secure Illustrated booklet from For tickets and all Information ap ply to Agent Slabs Delivered to on account of the antidumping clause A writ for been issued on behalf of Andrew Robertson infant whose foot was amputated as a result of the Queen street east dis aster against the Toronto Railway Company too School Report No North For the month of November Joy Prosper Mar- ritt Marjoric Bessie Grant Krarjia Mitchell Mary Mains Laurel Frank Willie Jr Cornell Audrey Ruby Macdonald Clarence Goodyear Huntley Carl Ross Jr Thelma Link Bessie Mit chell Lloyd Grant Ralph Link PER CORD ALL KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER- Sheeting per M LATH Ladders Half Price reservation of large areas of pine forest from both the settler and the lumberman The Temagarni reserve was first in time and greatest in ex tent hut the reserve came soon after it with an area not far behind it In addition to these there Is a smaller reserve in the northern part of and dington where it is hoped a few years will demonstrate- she feasibility of perpetrating the white pine by letting nature take her in the way of reforestation How much the policy thus initiated may mean for the Province cannot bo foreseen but idea of the advantage may be obtained from the enormous increase in the price of the grades of Canadian lumber and a considerable increase in the revenue effected rising both the ground rent of Umber lrUis and the duty on cut timber ft needless to dwell here on the success of the pulpwood policy of the depart ment as by fine vsr at Sturgeon Falls near Lake Nipping and on Spanish River or to the progress of settlement in the alluvial areas of the and Rainy River districts The latter is but a prelude to the corning of the great clay belt along the Transcontinental COAL Egg Stove Nut SOFT COAL SELECTED LUMP PEARSON A BALE AT THIS Himself A fond mother her small boy Into the country and after a week of anxiety received the following letter got here all right and I forgot to write before It is a very nice place to have fun A fellow and went out in a boat the boat tipped and a man got me out and I was so full of water I didnt know roth- lag for a long while Toe other boy has to buried when they find him His- mother came from her home arid she cried all the time A horse kicked me over and I have got to have some money to pay the doctor for my head- It was broken- a fait We are going to set an old bam on fire tonight and I am not your son If I dont have tome real fun I shall bring home some finakes and a toad and bring home a tame crow if I can em In my trunk The cafe In Pr p tore t r was blown opcri rol- of 1800 The delusion that Is spoiling your life The notion that If your cir cumstances were changed you would do better married and marry with common is the advice which Bishop Fowler of the Metho dist Church to ministers just entering the ministry at the northwest Iowa conference in la City Never marry a wo man said the Just because ii Is pious Choose woman with sense because aha can get the religion within two bouitf she marries you Bridget He crossed the Atlan tic times an got drowned but An which wan of his trlp3 was It be was drowned on Bridget not euro but I think was the twintysivlnth Mrs Murphy He was Many a man would have to the bottom on his first vyage waiting till the last Mrs Murphy RlgJt are More people drowned by water than by railroad wrecks Its a Whats the matter with old Fred asked one workman got a splinter In his Bays Why dont pull it out Wot In his dinnerhour Not likely my Lord last Sabbath evening toe Methodist Church here She gifted with a sweet and full soprano voice which very much appreci ated Mr and Mrs J E of Prince Edward County are moving to Newmarket tils week hav ing purchased the residence of Mrs W Oliver Mrs is a daughter of the Iato Reuben Powell wellknown by the old residents of tills section Mrs Oliver and daugh ter are moving to Toronto We clip the following from The Transcript published at New Rock- ford North Dakota as Mr Wilson is a brother of Mrs Manning this Town A deal has just been closed whereby the city telephone exchange been by the being Henry Wilson of Wimbledon Mr Wilon came up two weeks ago and while here purchased the J Stoddard cottage one the prettiest little homes In the city His family will join him in a Few days A new and much larger switch board will bo put In and many other valuable Improve ments added Mr Wilson comes highly recommended as a business man and his ambition will be to build up a telephone system here second to nono in the state Mr Wilson has sold his farm We him success in his new line of business THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House You can buy your Cheap For Cash I Parlor Suites worth for Bedroom Suite worth for Couches worth for All other of Furniture At Reduced A Nice Line of Fancy Rockers ftal A SPECIALTY- Night calls attended to At Reside f A John Millard 17 SEE showing of jackets Newmarket Same ftvTHE BEST VALUES IN IN OVERCOATS ft SUITS I On October the of the Can ada Woollen Mills Co was sold A large manufacturer of ladies jackets bought the bulk of it at about halt price They made the entire lot up when their factory was slack We were on the spot looking for bargains for our customers and selected some of tiie PLUMS which we are offering at from to per cent less than usual price These garments are made in the latest styles and arc per fect in every respect At only and Misses Coats in Black and Grey all sizes to sell at sale at At 12 only Ladies Cheviot and Tweed mixture sitea to The very latest styles to sell at on Bale at only Ladies Whipcord ibvuO Cheviot newest style made to sell at and sale at As the above quantities are limited would advise an early selection as first choice is always best choice HUNTERS HUNT HUNTERS Special for Saturday Dec 3rd 1904 At yds Panne Velvets and ata Serges the newest materials for Dressing Wrappers and Waists sold all season at and 18c yard on sale Saturday yard At IUC- yards splendid patterns for Childrens Dresses and Ladles Waists Saturday yard At dozen Ladies Vests and Drawers all sizes very special value at each fj with neat border Saturday yard At dozen Misses and Childrens Imi tation Fur Gauntlets in Black Grey and Rod on sale at At Remnants of Dress Goods Shaker Flannels Cottons Prints and tonade on sale at regular price it fill Single Bed Comforters in Fine Assorted Colors Saturday 150 each OR Strictly Pure Wool Blankets fine lofty finish large size neat borders of Green Pink and Red very special at GROCERY SPECIALS FRUITS Hunters Banner Baking Powder lb tins 15c New Raisins lbs for New Seeded for New Cleaned Currants IS New Lemon Citron and Orange Peel lb New Co ft New Dates lb selected Cox years old has been sentenced to lite imprisonment on a charge robbery Th severe pen alty was inflicted because Cox when committing tie crime was armed with a loaded revolver ANCHOR BRAND BLACK TEA Is acnnowlodgcd by expert judges to be the best tea value in the tiade- lb In order to give you another opportunity to test the mer its of this celebrated tea we will serve sample cups on Saturday Wo extend an invitation to you to come in and have a good cup of tea The Cradle MOORE At on Saturday Nov the wife Mr John Moore of a daughter lot Con on Monday Nov 21iit the wife of Mr Benjamin of a daughter The Wed nesday Nov by Rev John Arthur Thompson Weatteralt of Brock to Miss Alma Reekie of MILLARD At The Avonmore Newmarket the home the brides parents on Nov 1004 by Rev J Mr P Pearson lumber mer chant to Miss daughter of Mr J Millard the of her grandmother Vetft Lodge Ave Toronto on Nov the Rev Logan Goggle Maude Elizabeth daughter ot Mrs Andrew Hunter to Weelcy W Osborne of Toronto Junction all formerly of New market Tomb Newmarket Nov William years November at street Toronto George Flint Jr aged years Interment at on Satur day FOR XMAS UseM and Dainty New Fruit for Cakes i Layer Raisins Currants Peels Spices Extracts ALSO UPTONS JELLIES MALAGA GRAPES ORANGES AND LEMONS CRANBERRIES SWEET POTATOES HADDIE8 FRESH PORK SAUSAGE JtOUhxJrC USE THE At MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive and Prompt This Store is the Mecca op Gift Hunters WITHIN ITS PORTALS YOU WILL WONDER AT ITS VARIETY It bristles with suggestions cor rect givablo tMnggiU to suit all purses WATCHES FOR THE DAINTY DIAMONDS PINS RINGS BROOCHES AND EBONY GOODS GOODS GILT CLOCKS MA ONYX CLOCKS OUT GLASS SILVER NOVELTIES Ac Should you Who Will not during the next few weeka drop In Our goods will satisfy you So will our prices CO JEWELED 0 0 0

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