Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1904, p. 3

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i w ill -fT- ii l Weeks Local ffHAT TOWN friends The Society meets this Friday evening SubjectCharles Dickens Ail Invited cervices as usual levies of St Pauls Church gay a Social the School one lor residing in was generally regretted that there was such a sma the League last Monday evening as and vicinity in order Forsyth House to receive that the might got acquainted with I the annual statement and elect other No Jess than were oexs present aid over belt of them came Mr J has given an to have- bis resTdice for the famous Singers in the electricity Town Hall See small bills for The Rink Shareholders meet at the particulars Reserve Monday for out this summer jH Success For years the annual the Christian Church has been an event of unabated success bwTthoaS Tea the residence tendance on Tuesday evening broke abd Mrs J Millard was the the record tickets were sold of a quiet wedding on Wed- the door The tables were filled afternoon when their refilled to their utmost capacity ter was united in he bonds from to 830 pm and everybody ifce address by Campbell of the Presbyterian on Abraham was interesting very Christmas Market go quick We are requested to announce that the regular Christmas Market will be held in Newmarket on Saturday the on which occasion ill the regular buyers- will be prepar ed to fake any amount of produce extra buyers will be here from the city It is hoped that the Snaps at Coal with oven Coal Heater with drum Large and Wood Double of matrimony to Mr P Pearson appeared to be thoroughly satisfied Grand Jewel with the firm of Hoag Pearson they should be considering Use No- with lumber merchants and son of Mr supply of hot roast fowl and Lambert Pearson of Newmarket Rev other tempting etceteras that J officiating Only the each plate besides the No Square I immediate relatives of the contract- abundance of good things within Stove Sag parties were present teach The ladies certainly deserve Above are in order and The bride who was unattended was great credit and the biggest surprise married in her travelling suit of how they can clear to T brown cloth The toque was trim- vhen supper entertainment Sudden I very kind- cost a quarter The total J remembered by many friends were but the fowl cost The many friends of Mr happy couple left by evening besides the talent an old resident of St whore- train to spend the honeymoon with lecture by Rev John- tfted to Newmarket a couple of friends in London andieh exceptionally fine one- regret to learn of and expect to be gone for ten days brilliant entertaining and in- his demise but Mrs Pearson will not hold her will prepare their poultry for the of last week formal reception till after the Christ- Toronto possesses and not leave it on until fc a welltrained soprano voice but as the buyers will give better prices on the than on the itfc taken with a stroke of Mr Pearson has had his residence her selections were rather too is which his chest and head on Prospect Ave thoroughly j it iiipossibe for him to electric light installed and other Toronto is a ra and he could not I modem it a i Jiopdys has increased to such an eitent that Mr Hardy has been obliged to put a horse and delivery TVllJZt wagon on the road Mr Hardy sidi what was said to him pretty and comfortable home which developing into a star soloist He in this condition until we hope they will be long spared to enjoy WOOL BLANKETS Large Fine Lofty reuUr 5350 for per pair HANDKERCHIEFS Our are all to hand Trie display this year is even better than usual The prices range from to each gILTS MM A special line of Crushed Velvet Belts in alt Handsome Gilt Buckler worth SI R We have already sold more Furs this year ihau we sold the whole of last year which sppaks for itself The Price is right and the Furs are riht or we would not sell them a MENS WEAR Wool Socks at 15c and Men a Real Mocha Gloves at and Mens Wool Shirts and Drawers at and Mens Braces at 10c 15c 25c and Pure Lard per lb English Breakfast Coffee 1 lb tin 15c Cooking Figs Currants per New Raisins per lb Crosse and Lemon Si and Citron Peels received Navies C5ookeoMeats always on hand Sliced to suit Sausage fresh every day Hams Roll Bacon Brcakfaat Bacon sliced to suit you U THE BEST RESULTS FROM POWDER when bis spirit fled funeral took on Monday on Both ladies were encored and it was about when the program was brought to a close Horse Blanket Snap A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching bleeding or piles Druggists refund money it OINTMENT fails to cure any case no matter of bow long provincial town is well known to the standing in to days First patrons of the establishment for her plication give and rest ready wit She is a great favorite r t A waitress in a restaurant in a The will of the late William hasnt it send with everybody notwithstanding that at IS filed for probate disposes of an estate valued at the major part of which is a onehundred acre farm in East The regular meeting will take place at the residence of Mrs Cane next Tuesday afternoon at 3 oclock Dont forget to pay your taxes Time will soon is reopened Cushion Tops And other materials for build presents at Hughes Jones photo gallery again Mr Proctor the new tenant at the Forsyth House is tearing down par titions and making great internal im provements Mr Norman Bain has bought the residence of Mr John Savage on Queen St Mr intends to In the spring Mr Brownings barn a mile and a quarter east of Aurora went up in smoke on Thursday night of last week The reflection was plain ly visible here Rome has oh in Newmarket and our in stamps and it will be forwarded she sometimes hits heavily An 1 postpaid by Pans Co St customer went in the other Louis Mo day for dinner After receiving his ooo order the waitress handed him a j newspaper to while away the few mln- Register that would elapse ere dinner was j served He looked at it and then WEDNESDAY Dec Mr Draper at the waitress and said I say i T Brunt on and J A were appointed auditors The duties of caretaker prepared by a committee were approved High School The Chairman of the Board entertained the members of the Board the teaching Mayor in Newmarket and our merchants Cane and exPrincipal Dickson of Or- are cautioning the clerics to be on the at his residence watch Offenders may pay dear for dinner last Friday evening the articles they purloin Immediately thereafter the regular j November meeting of the Board took place all the members being present The home of Mrs Andrew Hunter Lodge Ave Toronto was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Nov when her grand ly Board and application of daughter Miss Maude Elizabeth was Mr Joseph as caretaker at united in matrimony to Mr Wesley a salary or per year was Osborne of Toronto Junction The principal reported that formerly of Newmarket The Rev te net proceeds of the High School Logan performed the Exercises were til- J which was plac in the Bank to j The bride was becomingly gowned the credit of the Board I cream poplin and wore a spray of At the close of the meeting and at of the Valley and Maiden Hair the request of the Chairman Mr J Fern In her hair demonstrated his The bridesmaid Miss Ethel Hunter method of teaching mathematical cousin of the bride wore a jrown of problems by concrete objects Mr I cream and carried a Carefoot explained the Metric er of red The tern of weights and mearures which groom supported his brother no doubt become the standard tfcj Charlie Osborne in Canada in the near future About guests were present and this is on the decimal plan similar after the ceremony a sumptuous wed- to coin currency The principal ding breakfast was served The Mr A I- Coombs very clearly was the recipient of a large will have an extensive and have you nothing comic like served sale of stock implements to have something funny to look at etc on lot rear Con of while Im Well sir re- North south of Bel- plied the waitress readily and credit on sums out the vestige of a smile theres over HO or for cash Sale a lookingglass straight in front of at one sharp Two farms will also sir be offered See anagh bills TUESDAY Dec A Armi- will have an extensive and un reserved sale of stock implements and furniture on lot 1st Con of Whitchurch about a mile from New- market on St 12 months credit on all sums over except for hay and grain or per cent off for cash Sale at oclock noon Smith Auot FRIDAY Dec Mr Herbert will have a sale of standing and on John Conway of was fatally injured by In a belt at Stratford aught Levers Wise Head Disinfect ant Soap Powder is better than oth er powders as it Is both soap and disinfectant Market A Nowhere is dullness more marked than in the trade The dowo timber on lot Con of cattJo now is Whitchurch Sale at one clock j ft lhe good stuff prices arc very exports sold for See bills fc Smith I Dec Mr John low Best Medium loncs sold at export cows to Brooks will have an important sale bu j of implements on Lot J Heavy in the fifth of North to months credit on fcter 2 over HO except for fat pig I lles and hay or per cent discount for cash Sale at oclock noon plained the system of wireless which is perfected to practical commercial value Following this Dickson and others made brief speeches highly linen ted and a number of presents Butchering cattle are still doing fairly well best going at to medium- to dry THURSDAY Dec Arnold j and butchering bulls to Methodist Church The reopening services last Sunday were a grand success Large pleasant evening enjoyed morning and evening delighted and edified the eloquent and instructive sermons of firm Broken t of The Last Friday morning Mrs morning subject was Sheaf of had the misfortune to break Wheat the reward of labor and her arm She was going out of the symbolic of spiritual reward to back door did not notice also emphasizing the frost on the plank the result of recognizing rhare of that she slipped and fell We are the fruit of toft by giving of our to that the is doing stance to his cause and benevolent nicely at the residence of her objects The fcubject was Mrs Collins Timothy St- was removed during jWie name Indicated the man but in jrrKilem times the man made the name This was aptly illustrated ReloKrn ard value of a good name was A most enthusiastic meeting was enlarged upon Gideon was the in the Building typo of character principally on evening of last week dwelt upon but all his observations interests of the Reform I- pointed to the one high overall fefe was an excellent at- Jesus Christ Bros will hold an extensive sale of wood and timber on lot J Con Scott About SO acres wood awl timber and a lev thousand feet of plank will be offered All sums under cash over this amount months credit Kale at a- 1 Auct Dec J Mr will have an stock and on lot in rear of 3rd Con of King near credit on sums over or ft per oil for cash Sale at one MONDAY Dec Mary will have a sale or I J acrj of timber lot in Com of North on Dress Goods for yd 35c Dress Goods for Dress Goods for Dress Goods for Dress Goods for Dress Goods for Lining Goods for yd 121c Lining Goods for 10 Lining Goods for IV2 Lining Goods for 16 Lining Goods Linings in it Calves are to sheep to 3Jc bucks 3c and lambs to per cwt Milkers are to J each Hogs slightly lower Selects fats and lights 460 Bern Kir J Halt markets Dec per barrel 4 a White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Lake Shore in acre lots per in a Name The preach- i i out that in ancient times at oclock Terms cash Win Goose Wheat LINGERING COLD Withstood Other Treatment Hill Cured by Cough Remedy winter I caught a Very VI soprano cold which lingered for weeks II Cane soloc in the at both J Zephyr Ontario cough was very dry and harsh nobly The local dealer recommended Rye per bush Hay per ton per ton per ton M roll pet Ik 0 7 W w a a a a a a a vices The Cane Aubrey Davis Howard Mr Gordon aad fh WVcral Wards were organ appointment of a for received Chamberlains Cough Remedy to be and prevail- Increasing the amount to best I have wrused to pastor made the Cough Remedy and j by previous Sunday placed on It so gave it a trial and plates Since Sunday cent bottle cured me I per a Potatoes per bag a eoo 0 45 00 Linen Canvas Interlining Spun Glass and Sewing Silk for Spool Skirt Binding for yard 10c for yard 10c Collarbone Silk for yard Elastic Belting for yard Dress Steels for 10c 10c Dress Shields for 8c pair 15c Dress Shields for lie pair Dress Shields for 16c pair Dress Shields for 21c pair 2c Hooks and Eyes for card 10c Hooks and Eyes Brownie for card Skirt Brush Bindings for 3c yard 10c Skirt Brush Bindings for yard MANTLE Clearing out the Entire Stock at Reduced Prices PART 25c Ceylon Black and Hyson Tea 18c 10 lbs for 176 Mocha and Java Coffee for 30c Toronto markets Dec White Wheat per Red Wheat per a Spring Wheat per a the meeting closed with hi and Newmarket Committee tor Mr n Bank U evening Pec t oclock estimated cost rehire one most staple medicines Jjlhed Mitts Kt in up Quarterly Meeting services ftet have testified to Feast at am excellence It not only a the auditorium at w quickly but effectually but close the morning sermon tendency towards pneu monia equally valuable lor believe Cats per per Barley per Butter roll per lb per Potatoes per bag a a a a a a a Dressed per a Your The moot profitable way to invest and may be given to them with confldenee It always cures and Is pleasant There It if is to buy no danger In giving It to children dale fitock Food only atfor it contains opium or other hardware dru Sold by V Hay per ton Chickens per it per pair per lb Turkeys Beef fore Bee hind a ti 0 A a 35 08 14 Mens Suits for 00 Mens Suits for 18 Mens Suits for Mens Suits for Mens Suits for a a A a a a a Mens Overcoats for 0 Mens Overcoats for 6 Mens Overcoats for i 80 THE NORTH STOKE LEASED TO MR M I J kx- is- o i j mm

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