I- r w WJSjV ARRET- DEC 2 19041 fc I Clark f t K trinMkH 5 J NEWMARKET DENTIST fill be at Albert Broods Block ox 2nd am Tuesday each Richardson i- rf MANAGER I- have J Dp P DENTIST Corner College and Brunswick Ave will be In Mount Albert on the 1st and 3rd Saturday PERSONAL Messrs Hunter Forest and K were in Toronto last week Mrs Sarah Moore Toronto was in town for a few days this week Mr Art Zephyr was in town on Friday Mr Shields was in Toronto each month Jersey Grades for Sale Heifers from month to 2 old have been bred also Cows For further particulars o STOKES IT Mount Albert Sunday on the south town line Timber Lot for The West of East of Lot remarkably well rendered Scott on which is a large of hardwood hemlock ce- ftnd tamarac For terms and apply to DAVIDSON Albert J NOTICE Boot and Shoe Maker moved into the shop recently oc cupied by J Hunter where we a full line of the best shoe pot- and Dubbin that is made made to order Repairing Tie Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available Capital- Total HEAD CANADA BRANCH BOARD Of DIRECTORS Chairman Jf- J Deputy Alex Accepted Current Rata FCSMITH Agent Mt Albert LITERARY SOCIETY The second open meeting the Literary Society was in the town hall on Tuesday evening and was well attended An excellent program was presented the fea ture of which was a scene from School for Scandal by a number of the members of the Society Miss Gertie Walton gave a very nice solo Other se lections were a solo by Miss a piano trio by Misses Vera jjr Essie Jewell and Myrtle Vandewaicr and a dumb bell exerciser by the school hoys Try Oar Own of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy -FOR- Colds AND Lung Trouble keep the leading makes of Truces Properly fit and guar- antes them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT MOUNT ALBERT Our 8prlng fall Papers and Carpets Are in for It will pay you them before lyin ROSS BROS A NARROW ESCAPE t Messrs J Hunter and I went to Zephyr on Monday to repair the acetylene gas belonging to Mr Geo They commenced taking the apart and rather foolishly left a lamp burning close to the machine The escaping gas caused a terrific ex plosion raised the floor about three inches Mr Hagerman had al most the whole of his whiskers blown off lost one half of his moustache and J Hunter escaped with a scorched face Fortunately all were more frightened than HIGH CLASS CONCERT The Public Library Board have been fortunate in securing the ser vices of the famous Canadian Jubilee Singers and Imperial Orchestra to give one of their highclass concerts in aid of the Library on Monday Deer They give solos choruses and firstclass in strumental music In order that all who attend may he comfortably seat ed permission to use the commodious Methodist Church has been kindly granted by the pastor and officers See bills and hangers lor particulars Sufferers from sciatica should not hesitate to use Chamberlains Pain Balm The prompt relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost Sold by Lloyd A number of our young people have received invitations to the leap year assembly to lie held in on Friday Dec Owing to the barber shop having been closed for some time come of the youths are practising haircutting on each others heads Mr Herbert held a meeting in the town hall on Wednesday night Mr J A Hopkins occupied the pul pit of the Methodist Church on Sun day morning last Mr Walter has purchased Mount Albert Bakery Mrs Gardiner has moved into the Hopkins block Mr Everett has purchased the house occupied by Mrs Gardiner from the Sinclair Estate A HOT SUPPER A very interesting entertainment took- place on the 21st of November in connection with the Methodist Cfcurch of this town Mrs Shields took charge of decorating the church which was done very nicely It con sisted of evergreens and all kinds of vegetables which represented our Harvest Greeting After partaking of a very nicely prepared supper we were interested by a lengthy gram which consisted singing by the Alice Forrest and very appropriate speeches by Revs Scott Hart Cam eron and Morgan and also a very short speech by the Chairman Mr Ramsdon In Rev Camerons speech he said that he tnought his congregation had the beat of the Methodists for he had had a fiftycent supper for twen tyfive cents and a program thrown in he also said that our turkey was killed and eaten while theirs was still gobbling also enjoyed a very interesting speech from Rev Scott who is a stranger around these parts of the country Al though tic speakers ail had excuses in spite of all their speeches were ex ceedingly fine and I feel sure that we would be pleased to listen to again if ever have an op portunity to do so After singing the national anthem the talking machine played some Very nice se lections which ended our ment Etta I- from their apathetic state I was aroused by the faint tinkling of Mr J Milne returned last week wedding At once I was on from New Ontario where he has spent the summer He brought three deer with him the alert Investigation revealed that there was a deep laid plot to weddings if J week a lot of i I Mr Wight and Miss Wight to the Several of have returned from a visit at Milton our bachelors had been quietly and other places with our maiden ladies on the I J Mr JohnHi Wright of St Louis is spending a few days at his fathers Mr Geo Wright- The Bell Ringers gave an a reading by Miss Fibs- They had no bells and were not up to their advertisement by any means A number from here attended fowl supper on Tuesday night report a good time Program for the League Dec Christs Cross and Ours sly We are promised several wed dings shortly Our bachelors much me of a setting At first she is very shy and you arc obliged to ex ercise the greatest caution shell desert her nest but as time advances and she gets warmed up to the sub- until she finally settles down to and business then no amount of Shoo will scare her away One of the belles of Ave also one at Egpyt are said to be the nicest goods we have ever shown You should see them D MT- ALBERT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Heifer Astray Came upon Lot Concession in the Tp of East about November a Heifer Owner is requeued So prove property pay expenses and take the animal away W Matt John 2830 Phil Mrs Rev Partridge- Miss Wright Consecration Program for Guild Dec How to Worship in Spirit and in Truth John Leader Miss Mae Kavanagh Consecration evening i ringing wedding bells and more else where The death warrant of many a rab bit is sealed and executed the same day about here these days One of our local sports presented us with a knuckle of venison last week It was delicious If there is any- thing in which Mrs Owl takes a pride it is her cooking of venison Fried with onions it makes a dish to satisfy an epicure Continued on page I Happy Thought Ranges Coal and Wood Heaters ALL AT- UMMERFELDTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT frOOO A Newmarket will be In Mount Al bert at the Town Hall every Wednes day afternoon and evening- to receive pupils In Piano Voice Culture Vio lin and Theory prepared for examinations Coal Coal Now la the time to put in your Coal We are also paying the high est price for all kinds of grain SHIELDS Mount Albert For Sale Ram shear Number of Ram Lambs All Shropshire registered Also a tew Berkshire Sows and STOVES FLAWLESS FURNITURE No detect to hide perfect wood well strong ly put together There is a lifetimes in an article of Furniture built that way Oafc Bedroom Oak Oak Chairs and Rockers variety almost end- leas here handsome massive strong and use but Improve quality We tellers It the wisest sort of economy to buy LIKE THAT BOMB DAY AND THE OUT HOW CAN FORD TO SELL THEM FOR ALLAN PRIZE Our prize of a Christinas Globe for the best description of Hot Fowl Supper in the Methodist Church on Nov was more keenly contested than the Thanksgiving Concert No doubt the eatables made a stronger impression on the of the child ren than the lecture There was some difficulty In awarding the prize but Miss description was rather better than the efforts of the other competitors We also not ed that the girls essays were ly to those sent In by the boys and deserve honorable mention for the neatness and care shown in their preparation The boys evident ly scribbled theirs down In a hurry with a blunt lead pencil while the girls were neatly written with pen and Owing to the interest tok en in this contest we will some time- in the future offer another prize on similar lines and In trie meantime we will he grateful for short descriptions of any social or other entertainment or in which the children are interested consider this a good practical exercise In composi tion and one that we will always bo pleased to encourage RRMEDY FOR CONSTIPA TION The finest remedy for constipation I ever used is Chamberlains and Liver say Mr EH Butler of act and without any unpleas ant effect and leave the bowels in perfectly natbral condition Sold RANGE COOK SUNSHINE COOK QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST AH for burning COAL OR WOOD- J D ROWLAND Mount Albert TALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up to packages by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot The petition presented to the Coun cil asking that Local Option be sub mitted to the people met with a rude handling by the Reeve and Council with one exception viz Martin and consequently was dismissed Mr of this town has invested in an automobile Miss Ethel Evans of Virginia was in Sutton the fore part of this week Mrs Diana has presented a handsome pair geese to th Park We are sorry to have to state that Mrs is very ill no hopes being entertained of her recovery as she is so far ad vanced in years The Thanksgiving Supper pork and beans which was held in St James Hall was a gret success which must have been highly gratify ing to those who were at the trou ble of getting it up The tickets for the band concert are telling rapidly Mr and Mrs John McDonald left this week for Windsor they in tend spending the winter with their son Mr Robert Mr Thos Scott has rented their with furniture mail spring Mrs Percy spent Sunday in Toron to Rev J A Black of Sydenham took the Presbyterian appointments last Sunday Dr James Weir formerly of of Minn has been called upon to mourn the loss of his wife She has left three tie children New cash register at hardware store Another one of our young Cana dians has fallen a victim to typhoid in North- West in the person hi Mr Ham Johnson of Not feeling well he went some time ago to Banff and improved so much that he bad written home stat that he would soon be hack when he was stricken down with Ihp fever The Presbyterian A intend hav ing a sale of work on the with a tea in connection Further par ticulars later on BE QUICK 4 Not a minute be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup Chamberlains Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough ap pears will prevent the attack It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by W T Lloyd To Farmers A prize Jersey Bull from B H Bull Sons Brampton herd will be kept ior service on lot in the 4th Con of East Well bred St Lambert Jersey and Grade Stock for sale Sharon PO Fall Suitings Overcoatings I In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED at GEO SONS Merchant Tailors and Woollen Manufacturers MOUNT ALBERT Wo also carry a full line of Patent Medicines among them Remedies and gals Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family Re ceipt receive personal attention day or LLOYD J r W IS8UKK OF MARRIAGE button and spinster BALDWIN BREEZES Our teachers and where they will casv in their lot for the ensuing year Miss Sadie Con Is retiring from the profession which loses a sparkling jewel from its dia dem Ada Retires from to accept a sit in Etobicoke Miss Campbell transfers to where of her smile will beam upon the rising generation of that thriving community to her Gum Swamp it is whispered enters an entirely new sphere of labor our Mr stays right in same old spot Squire J the monster Liberal Demonstration at Hall ioronto last week Not de siring to become notorious he re frained from registering at the Lucas House as Squire Jones or John Smith City flie Ontario Cabinet as now formed impresses one as being a brainy and highly intellectual lot of men I Sir Wm Muloek could pri vately hear the many complimentary remarks made by various local Con servatives respecting him I am very certain he gets their hearty support at the poll Thats he is one of natures noblenen He certainly posscscs a personal Influence as did the Conservative leafier the late Sir John A Macdon- Thc quiet meditation of an old bachelor One of our young in discussing the topic Some Ways of Spending the Sabbath at Endeavor forward quiet medi tation as one good one One even ing whilst meditating In the gloaming- on how to arouse hyji- Now is the timo for dried You will soon need your currants and raisins and this prompts us to offer you something very attractive both in the matter of quality and price We are doing a big trade in Xrnas Groceries and only by buying in large and paying spot cash can we offer you these attractions Qualities of the goods are absolutely right and prices lower than the merchant could think offering you CURRANTS RAISINS Clean Currants lb THE iFancy Patras Cleaned Currants lbs for Choicest Vostirza Cleaned Currants lbs for rr lbs Selected Valencia Raisins for DIN NEB Royal Crown Extra Fancy Selected lb S Fancy Seeded Raisins boxes for full pounds Extra Fancy Seeded Raisins lb package PEELS Fresh Lemon Peel choice quality lb Fresh Orange Peel choice lb Crosse Lemon and Peel Crosse Citron Peel lb atgors Mixed Cut Peels in pound Cartons 20o box PRUNES DATES FIGS Fancy Santa Clara Fresh Prunes ft Fancy Santa Clara Prunes larger size lbs lor Fancy Santa Clara Prunes largest size lb Fresh Dates lb Corona Dressed Dates pound packages 8c f Choice Cooking Figs lb Table Figs lb Cranberries very choice quart STAPLE GROCERIES 3 lb hoc Cream Biscuits regular for Ginger Snaps regular lb for Tea Cakes regular lb for lbs Finest Pearl Tapioca for lbs Gold Dust Corn Meal Bottle Richardson Butter Color for Imported Pickles bottle Yeast Cakes box Rest Soda lb Clover lb for Corn and Laundry Starch regular box tor Cakes Witch Hazel Toilet Soap 25c Sage Savory Thyme Marjoram and Poultry Dressing can Cheese Finest made in Canada lb for Mocha and Java Coffee regular lb tor Royal Dutch Cocoa special can Shelled Almonds and Shelled Walnuts also In stock Icing Sugar ft Best Red Salmon can Johnstons Cash Store SUTTON