Newmarket Era, 2 Dec 1904, p. 7

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i j THE ERA FRIDAY CHINA HALL Weeks Itoeal l BALDWIN J 1 am well aware a man is hound to disregard the law it will hive to be well hedged about with legal Trolley to points to deter The game Report has it that the Toronto Hist Hist I Street Railway Company has an op- with a hunk Hon on toe Morton Park property veoison I cant talk Its an and that the now survey lor the absurd impossibility trie road extension Lake is runs about a quarter a mile winter with her brother of lots fronting on Cooks wellknown This will make it convenient for campers from Newmarket ellknown and beautiful sacred quartette is Daughter of Awoke Municipal Elections Bast is getting ready for another municipal fight The re port Is that Mr H will drop the and seek from thy Sadness I wish the Daughters would awake Theres hope for them yet Despair not my lair damsels Hi was Groceries for your CAKE PLUM and MINCE PIES ff have all our Fruits Spices Peels You all know our first principle is QUALITY Next to sell as CHEAP possible PEELS Orange and Lemon Peels ft Its for 25c also Citron Peel RAISINS Cooking Raisins nice new Fruit lb or lbs for Finest Selected Cooking Raisins fife for Blue fruit for table Extra fine ia quality a layer of fta for J regular price Choice Table Raisins and lb Seeded Raisins very fine Cull ounces at CURRANTS Very choice new fruit cleaned tts for as County Councillor in Sharon rj helping Paul put up his ision and in this the store last week den and Keith of Newmarket extremely handy chap in oppose and Woodcock mechanical work which Messrs John Smith and Frank Oat- observe that parents ley both members of East Council are candidates for the Work In compliance with the resolution adopted at the Bradford Convention a meeting of all Superintend ents and Teachers in Newmarket will be held in the Friends School Room at oclock next Monday even ing to consider the question or ganising a class for the study of Nor mal work during the winter months It is hoped there will be a good at tendance FIGS Choice new lb fruit and should study what their children pre fer and can do best If they are of a mechanical turn of mind let them learn a trade if studious let it be a learned profession etc David Draper Esq of spent a few weeks this fall in and is so delighted with the location that ho has taken large tract of land and is bound to sell out here whether or no and go there Miss Mary Taylor is spending a few weeks at We regret to report that our good friend John Brown a faithful friend of the Era is very much under the weather We trust a cha for improvement will come shortly If youre short of wood dont wor ry but call on the twins who have an abundance in the pole or stove lengths all ready to fire up Assault Case teacher is preparing a grand entertainment for a date in On Monday last on a charge pi a Thc objcct S to gather funds lor a J school library W Because I have not referred to fore E J the Police aot Court Room Newmarket caught on to the country dances Mr appeared for Mr Hat- ih are happening at various rural homes I dont think Goods See Chiromaical musical al bum fancy boxes jewel cases etc per and Mr Woodcock for the Good wins After Mr Harper had given bis evidence Mr Woodcock waived further examination as against Arch ibald Goodwin and no further evi- a couple of weeks with friends in Buffalo Mr of and the Misses Baker spent Sunday at Mr Cooks Mr visited friends in last week Mr and Mrs are spend ing a few days in Toronto A number of the young people from here attend the revival meetings at which are conducted by Rev and Mrs- Trie Misses Robins of Orilluvwho were visiting friends here have re turned Mrs J Croft of Buffalo is spending a time with her mother Mrs A Ma- Mr who worked a few weeks with his team on the James Bay near has returned home T BLOOMINGTON i Special meetings are being held the Methodist Church here conducted by Rev and Mrs Aikenhead Mr and Mrs J Morris spent Thanksgiving holidays with her fa ther in Essex Her lather Mr Wil liam is very ill pastor of the Christian Church her gave us a very interesting sermon from the words Hold fast that which is good Congregations are good The funeral of the late Mrs Robert Grey of took place on the 15th to the Cemetery The friends have the sympathy of this community Mr and Mrs Snider accompanied by his father of visited with relatives in our town last week Mr and Mrs Mortens of Toron to were the guests of Mr Bur netts for a few days Miss Burnett is spending a few weeks with relatives in Toronto Mr and Mrs Abram of For Era The Blast War BY A BANKER fa In former times battles were al most invariably fought by daylight the exceptions being of comparative ly rare occurrence in these days however when science has devised so many means of harnessing the forces of nature into our service like the brave- Japanese who take such full advantage of modem discoveries frequently engage in the deadliest struggles during the hours of darkness Judging by descriptions and sketches of these night battles the scene must be weird and appalling Although the attacking force may be enshrouded in impenetrable darkness the enemys position is lighted up al most as by noonday- High in the air float innumerable miniature bon ing suns tells of fire like St Elmos fire or like globe lightning descend to the like writhing fiery serpents A single may project a dozen or more these fire balls resembling a constellation miniature satellites- apparently giv ing more light collectively than thc moon which hover over the position or travel slowly with the wind And from any point of powerful electric scarohlights are fixed their coneshaped rays still more illuminating the scene of opera tions And from all sides the incessant stream of fire from innumerable can non the sudden bursting of Hashing bombs and handgrenades and the long line of scintillating sheets of flame ceaselessly vomiting forth from LI J DELIYERYMti -oc- 4 v This store is continually active Acquiring more patronage week assures us that our idea in conducting exclusive Grocery in town was no mistake Quality Groceries We are making supreme efforts to procure for our customers the very first quality groceries Every article fresh and selected from the best bouses in Canada We will be pleased to show our new Fruits We have some very superior values in Currants and Raisins New cleaned Fruits new Peels Figs Dates Prunes PURE COFFEES Freeh Fresh lbs long clear Bacon ft bottles Catsup bottle for Large Sulphur Matches tins New Peas New Corn tin Rich red Salmon 2 tins Good Sound Onions peck Roasted Spanish Onions lbs for Ground Carolina Rice in sacks Good Butter 16c lb Largo variety Fancy Biscuits ft Genuine Satisfaction In Pound of TEA that leaves THIS STORE such alTairs have a very high moral tone if I may be so bold to say I dont wish to make any personal re flections but certainly think deuce being forthcoming on the partj some of our girls DATES New Golden Halown the finest we have had for years ft the beat quality of Dates picked ft NUTS New Walnuts Almonds and Fil berts lbs for EXCELSIOR COFFEE The Standard highgrade Cof fee It never fails to please the most particular epicure at ft Fresh ground always COCOA Very fine in bulk at ft also In Cans the following wellknown makes Van Cowans and Bakers MINCE MEAT We have one quality at I2jc ft It is as fine as the beat home made and saves the bother of making CHINA DEPART BENT This year we have the finest selec tion we ever had Our LINES arc simply handsome and in a large and varied assortment of beautiful and useful pieces of toe prosecutors the Justice dis missed the charge against the father but committed the son for trial bail being taken for his appearance at the next court of competent jurisdiction Of course from the turn of events the defence was not entered into so far as the younger Goodwin is con- are safer at home than abroad at such late hours Complaints come from every quar ter of the depredations foxes amongst our poultry For goodness sake get out your dogs and have some sport with the sly Reynard At Our Provision Counter Cooked Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon Rolls Pork Sausage Welnors Pork Pies Head the rifles of many tens of thousands Cattle and Poultry SpiCO of infantry together with the crash- keep your stock in perfect condition Hens have got to lay if you use Myers Poultry Spice boom of the great guns the wild hoarse roar of heavy projectiles which rend the air as though volleys of thunderbolts were discharged from the skies the scream of that terrible shrapnel and the shrill rattle of all combine creating a very inferno terrible horrifying awe- inspiring But the air is rent with far more visited with Mr Walker on shocking sounds cries of strident rage and fury as thousands of yelling Fresh Finnan Haddie Labrador Herriny HARDY Sunday Thc anniversary of the fight to the death hand to hand Christian Church will be held on Sat- j with thousands of the enemy howls urday Dec 3rd and shrieks of agony as a bursting service at pm on Sat- shell or a case of shrapnel tears in Elder exPresident pieces a score of men or as a huge of the conference will officiate on projectile cleaves a straight lino of Sunday On Monday evening the us- slaughtered heroes or as an explod ing mine fills air with dismem bered limbs and mutilated corpses while on all sides the death rattle I i was acting in selfdefence Harpers face and head showed he had been roughly handled i We want rain Wells are dry Danger of typhoid Boil all water to ensure immunity Im in a hurry for those trolley cars to get here so that my dream Hot Roast will be enjoyed and if we are to judge by former anniver saries at this church the public may expect an excellent repast and an in- of the dying the agonized groans and teresting program shrieks of mortally wounded and Mr and Mrs Paisley visited on the thunder and fury of the shouting all we know is he claims he drink- Sunday with relatives in Church Hill all unite in adding to the terror and l an arm son of Mr Ma- the ghoulish savagery of ghastly of who recently scene of carnage I went to to take a post- Oh I when will the nations boat ago may graduate course in medicine was vie- their swords into plowshares and as figuratively realized j there by a couple of their spears into pruning A most decidedly strong contrast lew to the extent of about but will the peoples of the earth cease The great Liberal Convention at I ho immediately discovered the nature to fly at each other throats and Hall embraced of transaction and personally ar- in a very of savagery astic Grits The pigmy Ud one the parties and had him ate terrible hecatombs of their Conference at Association Hail tried convicted and sent down for lows But not until the Prince could have comfortably seated months We understand also that ho Peace again visits this earth of in a rural town hall Only recovered a considerable portion of this time in His Majesty and His ent so the public journals say That his money glory will those halcyon days come dont much look like putting up a ESTABLISHED J J A We would like you to see our Stock The Stylos are uptodate quality No and the price cheaper than for years Now is your chance If you want to make a handsome and useful Gift Our Tables at Will meet with your approval all handsome and useful pieces Bread and Butter Plates about patterns and styles from to per dozen Salad Bowls Biscuit Fruit Bets Oclock Tea BonBon c and our Rich Cut Glass the attraction for the ladles comprising Salad Bowls BonBon Vases Celery Cologne in from tor a nice Flower Tube to WM for a large Vae Toilet Dinner Stock Patterns in wrrfare You buy Just what want to with and get from time to ttn wish A SMITH The Leading Grocer Good market last Saturday Prices were as follows Butter to to ft Chickens to per lb Dressed chickens to pair Dressed Ducks to pair Ducks 10c per lb Geese to lb Dressed turkeys lb Beef and Apples basket to barrel Potatoes to bag Live chickens to pair Old Hens to Duck to Live turkeys to Pigeons pair Rabbits 20c pair pigs per pair Lamb to lb Hides to Sheepskins to Calfskins Co lb Tallow lb Stove Wood to per cord Boys Stuetters and Cops Mitts hosiery Ac at Hughes big fight docs it Gentlemen keep your eyes on movements of John Smith City TO CURE A COLD DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab- Chan Morion agent for Magnet lets Alldruggists refund the Cream Separator is distributing the boss Calendar Hot shot politics is all on fire Groves signature is on each box Humorous KETTLKDY fl Fin people of North York to be proud of the Registry Of fice for this Riding located at New market Not only is it fireproof building ex terior architectural proportions but the Interior is fitted with all modern Since Hit new registrar Mr Lloyd took charge the interior has been en tirely renovated walls painted and nuw linoleums placed on the floor- Another fine piece of roller shelving by the Specialty Works Newmarket recently been placed In the together with a double oak desk ten feet long and sectional bookcases completing the interior fixtures There are now roller shelves for the heavy record books and 2iO metal as well as smaller en closed metal The ad ditions to metal work and cost in the neighborhood and North York ha a Registry Office which In Its appointments are- by any County in Ontario Mr Lloyd has now got everything systematized and the document a in their proper places so that In a mo ment or two he can place his hand on Instrument ever recorded in the Thc registrar and his as sistant Mr McCaffrey have had a great deal of extra labor on account lliR hanR but have now caught up with their work are to be connate on Ihe result Even in ordinary life the unselfish jKrople arc happiest who work to make others happy and who KOt themselves The dissatisfied peo ple are those who are seeking happi ness for themselves If all labels on the patent medicine bottles and packages are true what excuse is there for any one being sick or dying this side of eighty A loving wife on thc decease of her husband following thrilling telegram to a distant friend Dear John is dead loss fully covered by insurance time a man has learned to carve a turkey he is called upon to aonuirc facility in thc art of Miss Draper of Keswick way the of her sister Mrs Baker last week Miss Lush Toronto spent Thanks giving with Mrs Blackburn of the line was decided this week that the Methodist Sunday School would hold jjj an entertainment in the near future occasionally a mans I dont feel like reporting property in in hi match held last week because our local sports were comparatively A good man Is no better in it letting too man fowl go egg off Boys I cant have that anf are places where you wore dollar for a thing that Is Several of our young urn cents their lady friends took in the fowl pncoirraglnFredHc married the girl I was engaged to Arthur Dont worry Youll get over It and his wifes supper at Newmarket on Tuesday evening A very pleasant evening was spent on Friday evening under the Shurc an did vex way of a Box MIohaelHo did a According to a notice mcoMy post- fo children And then will they who have been redeemed by His sufferings endured for them look up their re demption nigh a Relapse Joseph Jefferson onceplayed an en gagement in a Western town appear ing in Rip Van Winkle In the ho tel at which he was stopping was an Irishman who acted as porter and general assistant Judging by the deep interest which he took in house he might have been clerk lessee and proprietor rolled into one At about six oclock in the mining Mr Jefferson was startled a vio lent thumping at his door When he struggled into consciousness realized that he had left no call order at the office he was Indignant But his sleep was spoiled for that morning so he arose and soon after wards before the clerk See here bo demanded of that individual why was I called at this unearthly hour I dont know Blr answered the clerk Ill ask Mike Irishman was summoned Mike there was no call to Mr Jefferson Why did you disturb him Taking the clerk to side he said In a mysterious whisper He was snoring like a horse sor and the bys sayin as how he were afther slapin for twiuly years- so sea to sea Oi Mike Its onto him agin and its to git the Having enlarged our showroom by taking in the adjoin ing shop we have now twice the floor for the accom modation of our customers New shipments of Watches Silverware and Clocks to hand this week We shall be pleased to have you call and inspect them T WATSON WatchMaker and Graduate Optician up the Post Office setting forth Mmn laws the land should more the work look for the misdemeanors of all the fruit in of our youths to cease and ho put It down in thc This Friday evening a goodly nam- of supporters of doctor or a dentist can re- will assemble at te Tcmperanc MM and organize attempts to get oft Mrs was visiting flhe friends in this section thc lhft answer week Rev A Villoughby will preach In the Christian Church on the Con of King next Sunday Oreat workers and great are true makers of history which pm also In Franklin in morning at 1080 The pastor will be In attending Quarter- Love and friendship are stronger Services in that distriot than charity and and those who trade upon the latter are rarely accorded the Send the Era to friends Of much speaking comelh but In silence is safety Ones life Is a surer vealcr of character than ones public acts Miller Wherever life is simple and sane true pleasure accompanies it a fra grance does uncultivated flowers Wagner Other Hal A young minister in the course of an eloquent sermon on the pomps and vanities of the world staggered his congregation by exclaiming Here am I standing here preach ing to you with only half a shirt on several of her relations my back while you are sitting there Money isnt everything with gewgaws and other times credit answers the same Gems of Thought Chronic bargain hunters soon to loos shopworn Its a poor patent medicine thai cant get itself imitated Some families keep a servant The next day a parcel containing several brand new shirts was left at his house by one of hearers a kindhearted old lady Meeting thc donor a few days afterwards he thanked her exceedingly gut express ed surprise at receiving such an un expected gift Oh the lady you mention ed In your sermon on Sunday that you had only half a shirt on your back Quito true added his reverence but you seem to forget thc other half was in front fiS4 TORONTO ONT Strictly In all Magnificent catalogue free Students admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Corner A Alexander Choice Farm In the of lot In Con for sale On the King City and Maple Vil lage Good buildings and good state of cultivation Convenient to school and church For particulars to the Executor JOHN PARKINS Newmarket pose After the first kiss a young man kicks himself for having wasted much time Some women are afraid in the dark and others are more afraid in tho light Dont get gay It is easier keep the ltd on than It is to put it back on again a professor in mathematics seldom able to figure a womans ago correctly When a girl angles in the matrimo nial sea she is apt to catch a sucker instead goldfish There should be no objection to a man smoking cigarettes it he Is alone and happens to have a grudge against himself one appreciates poor health ex cept the doctors The good die young but the outlive their usefulness A man who Is fearless Is never a liar The course of love is an ex pensive training track A hotel clerks smile is as meaning less a womans no Never judge a mans Income by the stylish clothes bis wife wears One wonders how the leapyear girl enjoys acquiring relatives by refusal Alter saving up money for a rainy day many a man blows in night A mans reputation for wisdom may be due to his frequent use words Thats so

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