Newmarket Era, 9 Dec 1904, p. 2

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ft flew Unfair The Hail and just about as in Its criticisms tfio Rosa Government its Wednesday between porters as Tory which also of elect and defeated fearm to is low as At a meeting of officials in tea Con- Associations for Ontario St tad Christian Church a candidates at Dominion elections a pane a in j p money In It Regard for leaving Holland Interest when p at office Money Found that delisted Mr Mac lean a municipal contest and whom latter declared to be an organ ized of professional fully discussed and the conclusion reached not to enter any protests as Government candidates were likely to win at bye-elections- If they A of money was found in the Eagle Hotel on Saturday last The can have the same on giving a proper description of the amount to LUKE DOYLE Newmarket I commenced catering They were all Tories to- to suit and in For Sal or To Rent A Houce and about acres of land CO Second St about J a mile north of Canes Factory For particulars apply to GLOVER Holland Landing Threshing Machine for Sale The undersigned a Waterloo Engine and ThreshingMachine also Clover Mill in firstclasa order Will fee at a bargain J WELLINGTON Sutton West Shop to Bent At present occupied by Mr as Butcher Shop comer of Main and Ontario Streets Possession fiivea 1st A January Apply JACKSON Lamb Came upon the premises of the un dersigned Lot No in the 2nd Con of East a Lamb No particular marks The is requested to prove proper ty pay charges and the animal away Miss Angela Edwards Solo Soprano and Gradu ate of Royal Academy of Marie Loo- don England will visit Newmarket day each week Terms par ticulars on application to Mrs Cook at Hills Bakery or Major St Toronto Slabs Delivered PER CORD ALL KINDS ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER per Br SHINGLES LATH Ladders Half Price GOAL Egg Stove Nut Pes SOFT GOAL SELECTED PEAR8QN In Mondays issue the Mail says Let it be not forgotten that every man who becomes candi date for the Ross Government accepts the responsibility for the political crimes The nominee cannot be dissociated from the And then adds It may be that he did not personal ly participate in the ballotbox frauds But when he becomes a candidate pledged to uphold the wrongdoers ho is the of the evil men and has to be judged as such In this extract we have the Mail connecting the Ross Government with frauds perpetrated at a Federal con test and we have also the mean in sinuation that Hon Mr Ross and his supporters axe condoning the bal lotbox frauds which both the On tario and Dominion Governments have condemned and are actively seeking to bring the perpetrators to justice a line of action never at tempted by a Tory government Nay more it insinuatingly condemns as abettors of political fraud every Lib eral who becomes candidate for the Ontario Legislature in tho ap proaching election who will not bow allegiance to the ag gregation No matter what the can didates past history for probity and honor may have been in accepting the nomination of the party prefer ring Hon Mr Ross to Mr J P Whitney as Premier of this Province be is denounced a condones political corruption and an abettor of ballotbox frauds This kind of opposition is nothing short of un bridled scandal Let it be clearly understood we have no word extenuation for the wrongdoing of individual Liberals any more than Tories either in Hastings or anywhere but we do contend that it is both unfair and dishonest to connect the Ross Gov and its with po litical crimes of which they had no pjt and never condoned We furth er contend that if the Provincial Government is to he held responsible for wrongdoing in connection with Federal politics then Mr Whitney awl his followers in all fairness on the other hand must be held re sponsible for the wrongdoing and po litical crimes which drove his party from the Treasury benches and the trust to the Administra tion The rule should wort both ways ooo EDITORIAL I the end they would be the losers Mayor Fisher of North Toronto is mentioned as a possible candidate in the Conservative interest to contest East at the approaching gener al election to the Legislature We are also told by the East Toronto Standard that Mr who opposed Mr Arch Campbell at the late Dominion election and got bowled out Is now laying the wires to run for the Local The Standard says be should net but in to the East York election Give some body else a show Billy If the weather continues to figure down to zero and below during this winter Earl Grey will appreciate the donation of Lord a fine buffalo coat purchased in Ottawa by the above Lord who died from wounds received during the siege of Lady- smith The coat is in the care of Mr J Devlin and Greys arrival Sewn Under a flap the inside lining is following inscription This coat which be longed to Lord was sent to Canada after his death by the Mar quis of to be use of each successive GovernorGenera of Canada Signed WORLDS PAIR ST LOUIS APRIL DEC Landscape Effects fountain Bower and tree Typical Irish Village on the Pike Ltrgeet Silver Nugget weighs tons Winter Fair DECEMBER TO SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP Good going December re turning until December The Grand Trunk the most service to To California and Florida Spend the winter fa the delightful Winter Resorts California and Florida Beat of Pullman Din ing and Parlor cars and direct connections Liberals are making pre parations for a big fight at the ap proaching Provincial elections On Friday last Mr John Temple of Tottenham President of the Reform Association of was nomin ated as the Liberal party candidate to contest the constituency Hon A Blair has given an em phatic denial to the lory of the corrupt cause of his resigna tion from the Railway Commission and a city evening paper states that Mr David RusgcII has decided to prosecute the Toronto World for libel in charging improper manipulation in this connection Clements Mineral Baths Unexcelled treatment for nervous diseases etc situated Detroit Quickly and comfort ably reached by the Grand Trunk Secure illustrated booklet from agents For tickets and ail information ap ply to ROBT Agent In Berlin Germany there is room for gospel- teachers among tendom society A cable dated Dec says For libelling the Minister of Justice of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg an Oldenburg editor has been a years imprisonment The libel was contained in an article accusing the Minister of being a gambler The Minister declared that since he had played only shat and concluded an evening with a game of poker A learned discussion followed as to whether poker was a game of chance The presiding judge in pronouncing judgment announced that the court had decided that pok er was a game of skill and that the Minister had therefore not gambled since This judge seems to be rival of Magistrate Woods down in Hastings touching the scope of libel The adjoining Riding of North On tario has got into line and making ready to redeem the constituency next election The largest and most representative Liberal convention ever held in the Riding was convened at on Friday last he oldest Liberals unite in declaring that never before was such harmony and determination manifested at a nominating convention The names placed before the convention were J Ke3ter Zephyr Geo Thnmp- Longford I J Dr Bingham Geo Bruce Duncan Graham A Clark All of these after addressing the convention re tired except Mr Thompson who on motion of J Kestcr seconded by Mr Bingham was made the unan imous choice of the convention In addition to the above speakers delivered by Messrs Grant MP Rev Daniels and John Adams A num ber of resolutions were ex pressing confidence In the Iaurler and Administrations commend ing the prompt and vigorous net ion taken by the authorities to bring to light the facts in connection the recent attempt to subvert will of the electorate in one pari of this Province- a procedure con trasts strongly with the action of Conservative Ions in similar ap proval was also expressed with platform laid down party of the Province at the recently held in HOLLAND LANDING Mr John McKenMe of Severn Bridge Is spending a few days with relatives here this week las of Toronto spent days with his father here week Mr Styles of East has moved into the residence vacated by Mr Morton Several detectives In town last week Lane and Morning special on return ed on I Mr and Mrs J Chapman left I on Friday last for and to the statement that they will spend a week Blair conspired with others to make or two visiting friends an attack upon the Administration Mr and Mrs Lloyd spent a few the Department of the Interior days last week visiting friends In he says I pronounce this statement Vaughan wholly devoid of truth The next A Williams of Sutton charge was that Mr has been visiting her sister expose Mrs M J left on Mr Allan St pent over Sunday with his Eon Miss Edith Robertson is visiting In Toronto this week Mr Julius Rogers of has removed to Newmarket Mr Archie got back from NorthWest last week Mr P Lee of Toronto was In Newmarket yesterday calling on old friends Miss Bessie Habbick of Barrio Mrs Clark Lome Ave over Sunday Mr John lor was a guest at Weehaw- last Friday Master Roy spent over Sunday in with his uncle Mr Wilson Rhinehart Mr of Guelph spent over Sunday in and the Era a call Miss Maggie at attended the wedding of a friend in Newmarket a few dayB ago Mrs Marshall who spent several weeks with Mrs Hewitt has re turned to tho city for the winter Mr and Mrs Walter Trivett of Toronto visited his parents Mr and Mrs Geo Trivett over Sunday Mr Geo Smith of spent a few days last week with bis brother Mr Will Smith photograph er Mr A Reeks of Oakland Cal ifornia spent a few days with his friend Mr Matt Brown Prospect Ave Miss Edwards of Toronto who is starting a class here is a most ex cellent pianist as all who Mr J L Payne private secretary to the Minister Railways gives an denial to the sensational story published- in The to the ihat he had divulged information which he obtained while serving Hon Mr Blair an pri vate secretary Mr Payne says It is absolutely and unqualifiedly untrue to say that in any way directly or Indirectly cith er confidential of otherwise In the Premier or to Mr respect ing Mr Blair This denial is dear and emphatic and shows what desperate straits Conservative are driven to slang the Government In tee Globe of Tuesday Hon Mr Blair gives a categorical denial to the sensational charges pub lished recently by the Toronto World As to his cooperating in hostility to the Government with two of the great railways he say I took no part whatever except by voting In the from beginning the end of the With Christian Church teameeting testify Mr and Mrs H Mr Russell Mr and Mrs J and Miss Clarice tended Miss wedding in To ronto on Wednesday The many friends of Mrs and Miss Oliver in Town will be pleased to know that they have taken rooms here and intend to remain in New market for tho winter at least Mrs Brown daughter of Mr William of this left on Wednesday to visit her father-in- law of toe Crown Lands Department Toronto and also Mr and Mrs Lance The following are serving on Grand Jury in Toronto week Messrs Thos of Irwin of Sharon Jas Taylor of Sutton Lehman of Newmarket and Wells of Aurora Miss of was a guest at The Cedars over Sunday and sang in the Methodist Church at the evening service On Monday Miss Yorke accompanied her to To ronto to hear Molba in Hall In renewing for the Era Rev A of Providence Rhode Is land writes am sure you are giving us a most excellent paper and I wish my old schoolchum the measure of success I am very happily located and enjoy my work very much the being removed from Perth to Montreal Mr J formerly of this Town baa been obliged to sever his connections with one ol the Town Bands and the boys gave expression to their regard in a complimentary address accompanied by a combina tion silver sugar iowl and spoon- holder Mr works In Montreal but the family will remain in Perth for the Winter An automobile spark ten persons and destroyed property in New York Charles Williams a switchman was killed by being crushed trie duffers at Winnipeg Winnipeg Dec A fatal incident occurred at Poplar Point tonight A Winnipeg contractor was crossing track and not no ticing an approaching train was struck down and his nick Deceased leaves a widow anl family hero aged about years Furniture Undertaking House expose Is and tills he nays devoid of Stub tfon on any part whol- day last to visit her son at Allandalc for a few weeks of for Mm J Dunning of Is Thieves got away with from the time from the pub- at fathers Mr the drawer of J And so on store at Lindsay during business whole article the ftxMini vim fThn on night The wan You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash Veiour Parlor Suites worth for Bedroom worth for GO Couches worth for All other of Furniture At Reduced A Nice Line of Fancy- Rockers and A fiPIXIAIiTY Night calls attended to at John Millard Phone and Ready to Wear r deserve the crown of leadership in clothing more richly now than ever before Our values are better our turnover is larger our prices are lower and our stock of mens wear is tht finest in this sec tion of the country both as regards size and qualities It is the centre of attraction because it contains novel ties that are peculiarly characteristic of our enterprise and energy Buying as we do for spot cash for three large clothing stores pla ces us in a position to dictate prices to the manufacturer our output being so large that we are enabled to handle almost any quantity providing the goods are dependable and the prices are right- 10 to 1750 Suits to 20 Mens odd Pants to Reproduction of our Overcoat Inspection of Stock and Comparison of Vaules invited Grocery Department Anchor Brand Victor Chop Sundried Tea Reproduction of our Imported beaver O coat Special for only lbs 5ajnn Tan regularly at lb Saturday Not mora than lbs GrvOCEklfclb Choice clean Currants 3 Fine Cleaned lb loo for selects bs or Mixed Peels Lemon Oraugeand Citron lb Walnuts Almonds Mixed tin McLarens Extract all flavors Chocolate tin Newmarket Barrie and going from Monday in his wagon ac companied by Mr John Wilson of Mr mot with an unfortunate accident Ono his which wan a young animal got at a passing vehicle and in kicking got its leg over tha tongue The result thit team began to run away and man took hold of each line 0 as to better thorn but in passing a vehi cle one line had to be and this the tongue to drop tongue then soon found its way into the ground broke of and hurled men about feet up into the air Mr fell upon bis hip and very badly bruised and injured and will likely be laid up for some time Mr Wilson escaped be ing injured The horses ran as far as the concession where they were caught The accident occurred as they were Cradle Dec to Mr and Mrs Roger Salter a daughter In Hast on Dec 10O4 to Mr and Mrs W a son VACIO In Mount Albert on Sunday Dec 4th to Mr and Mrs a daughter The Nov by Rev J Newmar ket Mr Geo Clark to Miss Clara of The happy couple received some love ly presents The PENROSE In Newmarket on Dec Penrose aged years J MAIN ST NORTH All Order will receive Careful and Prompt S5 El pis jn FOR XMA and Dainty a mas New Fruit for Layer Raisins Currants Peels Spices Extracts -ALSO- I UPTONS JELLIES MALAGA GRAPES ORANGES AND LEMONS CRANBERRIES SWEET POTATOES OYSTERS FRESH PORK SAUSAGE JoOOrxxJrt USB THE a This Store is the Mecca of Gift Hunters GIFTS ONCE WITHIN ITS PORTALS YOU WILL WONDER AT ITS VARIETY It bristles of cor rect to suit all purses WATCHES FOR THE DAINTY DIAMONDS PINS RINGS BROOCHES AND EBONY GOODS GOODS GILT CLOCKS ONYX CLOCKS CUT GLASS fc SILVER NOVELTIES o Should you Contemplate glft-purcbao- Who will not during next few drop in Our goods will satisfy you So will our pricea L ATKINSON CO J

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