Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1905, p. 3

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i Weeks flews IS ON DC meeting The newly elected Municipal Coun cil meet at oclock next Monday morning for organization business A Cop At 1130 every Thursday a Metropolitan car loaves North Toron to for Newmarket This is to ac commodate people who tie evening in lie city Services Appreciated The editor hereby extends thanksto Era correspondent or appreci ated services in the It would be bard lo overestimate the value of live faithful correspondent and we fcave many of them on our staff Our very best wishes for a prosperous New Year is extended to all FRIDAY JAN Retention Annual in the Fire Hail on evening at oclock Death Ory Tuesday evening Mr QlBj one of our residents died suddenly of pneumonia He had Sen poor health for time Fun eral at this afternoon to New market Cemetery ft o Ml Davis Operations at the new Tannery commenced fast Saturday hundred hides A car of foreign hides was expected we to Veep things moving but they have arrived yet So far as tested all the new machinery is working very satisfac tory the Honor S Those entitled to be oh Roll for the last quarter took Roy Cody Douglas Scott Ross Clarice Cody Ethel Maw Bessie Hill Lillian Primary- Harold Maw and Georgian Case All except in the Primary are on the Honor Roll for and entitled to the Rakes Certificate having ccot in quarter of the year fit Home On rise suggestion of the Pastor an At Home will be given in the Room of the church on evening next week for the mem bers and adherents of the church g at oclock A of music and speeches is being prepared refreshments will be served and an hour social intercourse Already indications to Aid the coming of the Board of Works The young lions at the were nine weeks old on Saturday and the keeper started them on a limited meat diet An employee at the Toronto Companys shops on Tuesday named Joseph Street had his hand caught in a machine Three fingers were severely crushed and were dressed at We have just received the Christmas Number of the Home Month- Davidson ly published in Winnipeg Manitoba by the HomePublishing bright Canadian Melodist hi and admirably illustrated returned last An Ottawa despatch says that first levee held on Christmas was attended by over the largest number who have been at a vice regal reception for some years Grey has golden opin ions on every hand anil prospects for a successful career as the Crowns representative in the Dominion are very brilliant gcrtlmeiu spent in Ceremony At the regular commujji cation of Doric A Chapter at the Masonic Hall Newmarket on Jan following list of officers were install ed in their 0 per cent of all the marks by Ex Lee Atkin son and Ex A Coombs 1st Ex Kit chen 2nd Prim A Ex sole Bod Fall During the noon hour last Friday is Mr Herbert was Coombs A Jfll backwards iT Ex J Hol lo his work- at the Specialty he slipped on the pavement on Main St near the PnnEs top of the hill his hew with force j he was picked up unconscious carried into Dr office- As soon as he was able he was re- J Hughes p Jforgan P Gamble will soon be around again Two Master Veil Tyler Chas Ross experience mill Probated m of Aurora left to his widow and family an estate of including an interest in the lielow zero Wednesday mornin Mr Eves shipped a car of hogs of Son Oxbow to on Tuesday and in real estate Elizabeth Hoi born of East Mrs Big crowd at the Rink last Mon day night leaves to her son and Mr John two daughters in Mount Albert will install the officers next of money accruing from the night followed by an oyster of her father j supper at Hills refreshment parlor for home It enjoys the distinction being only publication of this kind Wes tern Canada Already its circulation has passed the twenty thousand mark and if may judge by its exclusive constituency and general appearance me- goal of success is within sight tax proposal which the Trunk Line Passenger K had been considering to im pose on all Canadians entering the United States for the purpose of tak ing passage on steamers leaving report contrary to law and not even if adopted clause empowering the tax to be im posed on passengers as above describ ed specially exempts citizens of United States or the Dominion Canada the Republic of Cuba or of Mexico the of the Toronto removed a earlier press she The Announcement of the demise of Mrs Win Nicholson in Of Monday aged lady in excursion days her deceased husband on the and Fort William trip of that husband being the papcr hoard the steamer during that excur sion The type used was- donated by Toronto and Mr of th Owen Sound Times loaned a printing press or the occasion The party left per steanier which had been transferred from the Toronto and Niagara River route to the Georgian Bay line that season of the newspaper men of that have either passed over to the majority or changed their calling in life hut those who had the pleasure of making that excursion still re member it as among the best ever held by the Canadian Press Associa tion o King Township j Many Era subscriptions expired William died on Sept left his estate issue Prompt renewal will ensure to be divided among bis nephews the continuance of its regular weekly aid nieces in Aurora His is visits took debts j During the- holidays Mr Hewitt in bank painted and the whole in terior of the St School house about two miles south of Newmarket A racket at the North End before The Returning Officer for the North Christmas has been call at Polite York Provincial Election David tlfnfc lKTl Lloyd Esq his proclamation j J lftJ on Saturday requiring the electors to assemble at the Town Home fell on tearkct on Wednesday the one day last week am January at one for the purpose of electing person represent in the Legislative of this Province In case a jil is demanded In the manner inmates at the icy broke bid on the farm I here last Saturday but therCKere consequently it was not Wed the of in of the foiling visions in the Riding due no tice of which will be given on the of nomination While looking after some taxes in one day last week Mr horse slipped on the icy road and broke both shafts of the buggy The- horse attached to Hills School on Church Some of the in the Junior who went to school the Municipal Clerks in North York was unlocked on Tuesday morn hindly furnish us the official returned home arid said there flection figures for next issue school This not cor rect The school was open shortly l- fore nine oclock Ironside he ir in charge of her room and the of the Board Scott alto recent to introduce Miss whose services were to take the place who went to tier Clifford for the holidays and fast Friday afternoon telegraphed her ft iti rumored that the another situation at an for Carnival Dresses and a lot of material for making up Fancy Goods at Hughes Blaze Extinguished An exhibition of the Fire Extinguisher was made on Mar ket Square on Thursday morning of last week whidh was most salary and matter will A heap of packing boxes barrels the rubbish saturated with gallons of coal oil arid set on lire When It was one macs of Haines the Methodist aii1jal meeting of the iJ took place on Wednesday aftgr- at the home of Mrs WinanK following officers were elect- cr JVHSrfffttMra Jackson Mrs J FA Geo Mrs Jtoht- Manning Cane Mrs Dr Scott A Atkinson ard Hewitt H nearly li ftd the new with a of to the Je improvtrnents to the church of the WjW Utter than at the home of Mr Ma next Wednesday oclock ascent of the new fire extinguisher threw a couple of of powder the fiamcK In two minutes the fire was entirely out The was repeated a fcccid time and it that the Indus trial Home the man- the Office Specialty and the Davis Tannery as well as several merchants at once gave orders for the material for their in cast of is a dry chemical put up in metal tuU Inches long and inches in diameter Is UP keep all and will not- deteriorate with time Neither the powder nor generated from it are in any way barmful The are sold at each TWO or three an insurance policy for farmers as they arc Bide Ml appliances Wunieipal LANDING Last Monday was lively day the Landing the issue being largely on the question of municipal continu ance or dissolution Those in favor of going back to the Township of won the day The vote was as follows For Reeve Thompson For Councillors VS Goodwin John Shields wt Foster compose the Council for NORTH G last Monday one of her oldtime electioneering contests lack ing however the and the fights that were in byegone days by no means uncommon Beside the race between candidates for the Township Councillors and County Councillors there was a struggle for and against Local the- following results Morton Councillors Crittenden William Barker Henry and Jones Co John and Local Option defeated by a majority of The contest was a close one in every case and a large vote was poll ed WHITCHURCH Reeve Councillors and Local Option carried by CO major ity If you an- considering line of work to take up con- J suit us We have helped J drcls of young people to excel- positions Our advice will prove Our it Is in will give you useful inform J J and will be supplemented by a J personal letter dealing with a lined J J J point s you may wish explained a Take advantage of this tunlty Send us your request J for particulars about our work summer on furlough dropped dead Tuesday morning at his residence Man ning Avenue while rending a paper Mr Geo- has already announced himself as a candidate for the civic chair next year- Acting Detective is investi gating the robbery of the residence A Crawford street on Sunday evening Thieves got two gold pins a fountain pen a gold ring and ST in cash It is supposed en trance was secured via the kitchen window between and oclock Baron Louis Rothschild of Paris and a member of the European family of bankers of that name was in the city on Tuesday Mr Byron Nicholson of Quebec was in the city this week attending the funeral his mother the late Mrs Win Nicholson Mr Byron Nichol son succeeded his father for a time as publisher of a paper in Mr Doyle of has been appointed Clerk of the Divi sion Court of York County in place of A Armstrong resigned The inquest on the body of David Stephenson of King who was verdict of accidental death A rear end collision between two street cars occurred Wednesday night at the corner of King and Berkeley streets Many ladies were badly frightened and windows broken The street railway earnings for De cember 1904 show an increase of over Dec On Wednesday Judge Morgan sen tenced Geo Chambers to three years in the penitentiary on three charges of housebreaking Mr has declined to accept nomination as an Independent Libera Temperance candidate for North Toronto An effort to escape from Toronto jail by prisoners sentenced to long terms of imprisonment was frustrat ed this week The public wait j never hem surprises fir this sale and we We have some bie i COHE AND SEETHE BARGAINS IN White Cottons heelings Quilts Towels- etc This Sale Jiinuary only Come early as being one cannot be repeated at the same price v THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Alteration of elling a large part the stock at County CouneiL Returns from ail the Divisions of the County are now at hand and when the roll is called at opening of the January session it will be found that the same gentlemen who answer ed to their names last will familiar response this year Alex and James Ley Frank Turner and Win Mit chell J Evans and John Kirby Alex a Joseph Rogers and L L and Cto Powell arid J Wood cock Johnston ami J First meeting of Council on the fourth Tuesday in this month Who will be Warden this year Thats the question In lOi the Warden was chosen from members north of the Ridges possibly some southern man may tie selected this year and James ml Arthur i In order to concentrate the stock in the Store The North Store leased to Mr to commence work on Monday Oar- Iiive Market Good Dry Wood for Sale In Toronto this week good exports sold for Medium sold at export cows to and bulla to i Feeding cattle still low Heavy feeders are selling at to lighter ones 3 to stock- era CO to and Butchering cattle are still doing The local option bylaw at Port airly well best going at to Carting defeated by majority W35 medium to W76 dry hut was carried in Camden township to and butchering Abulia to J Hill dry of St Thomas has assigned with li abilities of and assets of q flbulte A CURE FOR PILES Itching bleeding or protrud ing pilea Druggists refund money if fails to euro any case no matter how long standing in to days First ap plication give cape and rest If your hasnt it send in stamps and it will be postpaid by Pat is Medicine Co St Louis Mo Tononto Jan White Wheat per Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per I Goose Wheat per hush per Jul J i Butter roll per lb Eggs per Potatoes per bag Hogs per Hay per ton Ducks per Chickens per lb per pair- Turkeys per lb per lb fore hind are to sheep 3 to bucks 3c and iambs to per Good milch cows are bringing to each Hopes to Delivered Apply to MANNING Heifer Astray Came on lot Com North In Dec a Heifer Own er Is requested to prove property pay expenses and take It away MILES i Delicious Attractive fa At ooo markets f I I 0 Jan Flour per barrel 54 a 20 White Wheat per a 00 Spring Wheat per 05 a Wheat a Barley per a per 70 a Buckwheat a Hay per ton- 00 a Bran per ton a Shorts per ton- a Butter roll per to- a Fresh per a Packed per a Potatoes per bag 0 a Chickens per pair a Geese per lb a JJUvKB Turkeys a a 0 JO 00 25 0 Including all kin tin from FANCY BREADS Whipped Cream made from selected WISHING YOU AND YOURS A Happy and Prosperous Hew Year I AND A CoDtlDuance of Your Kind Patronage IF YOU DESIRE TO AVOID THE SEVERE COLD STORMY WEATHER And take a rest In THE LAND OF THE FRUIT and SUNSHINE VIZ CALIFORNIA MEXICO OR FLORIDA Consult your nearest agent or ad- dress J D McDonald District Agent Toronto lb ROUT Agent In addition to roKulnr have Klondike and Cream Sandwich READ MuffetH and Spice Tea CAKES AFTER HOLIDAYS What about making a step forward by spending a term at our school tho Drop Finest Bananas Oranges and Messina Lemons Lunches at all Hours and Hot Dinners on Saturdays W A HILL CITY BAKERY No OF TORONTO We offer superior advantages with our eighteen teachers fine and thorough work We have helped hundreds to mount up tho grade May we not help you Let us you our cat at any rate Winter term from Jan 3rd Write SHAW Principal Yonge i ft fr Tablets Seven In post months This Signature Cures Crip la Two on every box gg- i

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