Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1905, p. 4

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J Episode payment any silver per coin other than Canadian silver or copper be an That incident at I rfl i liable upon nco in- which the conviction to a penalty of double Whitney Porter MP and the nominal value thereof Should otter advocates a policy for amendment become lay into Canada will the Liquor to lhe License laws f inured so a circulating medium to meet conspicuously at a Police Court trial necessities and will be of a hotelkeeper on a charge of to the same discount charges selling after hours lo call for as American bankers may impose on GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am for MusVolca Wharf boata for points on Lakes North Bay Soo am Dally except Sunday for Barrie pm Daily for CoIIingwood North Bay and points in the Canadian pm Dally except Sunday for Allaodale Collin Meaford and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Wharf and am Daily except Sunday from Pene- and pm Daily from points Cana dian NorthWest North Bay Huntsville Orillia and Canadian paper- and silver more determined efforts of temperance missionaries The writs for the Provincial exercised who figured at to take place of the 25th the Lucas House- Toronto on a officers throughout the Province on jcial occasion still within the oil For York Da- lection of people of this decade of v is the Returning Officer for The evidence disclosed as re- l the Riding Peter for the ported seems to indicate that and J Hill for South jj all the other constituencies of the Whitney took his the I Province as above where quiet of his own room while Registrars have not refused fellows had a over their libations It was a typi- scene and must be encourag ing to conscientious temperance Conservatives who entertain hopes resulting from Mr Whitneys conference conclusion in favor of a stricter administration of the Liquor License law The apology of the Toronto World for the ap peared on Monday as follows J P Whitney may reasonably explain that the Wind of government Ontario has been getting of late is enough to drive any man to drink Thats the kind of man Conservative journals would make Premier of Ontario a implication of expediency argu ment of doing evil good may come would serve as an apolo gy for breaking every commandment of the decalogue This too is kind of political administration those who declaim against the Ross The Did you stop to think over the matter The Ross Government has kept Ontario in the lead Look over the of the past five years Notwithstanding the fact that the Premier has been embarrassed by a very limited majority in the Assem bly his program has been marked by beneficial legislation and the contin ued maintenance of Provincial rights Looking out into the future bis ac ceptance of the program adopted at the- recent and the For the Era Dairy Instruction- It gratifying to lhe Dairymens would give to the people of Ontario The Mail on New Years Day rises to remark By great conspiracy of criminality the- Province is confront ed This looks as if our totem had that Napa nee carousal passing in view It goes on to add But much has been learned of the conditions which prevail So thought the Po lice Magistrate no doubt when he a fine of EDITORIAL Mr R L the defeated at Brandon Man fikd a Clifford it has never outgrown the principles Daily except Sunday from that arc so to say on its to act have been appointed as pro vided by Ontario law oooe A Truly Great The Montreal Witness daily and weekly gives all the news that is worthy the attention of the average reader It keeps its readers well in formed on all subjects of interest The cable the telegraph and the tel ephone together with an everincreas ing staff of competent editors and re portersall unite to make its news columns second to none The Witness- editorial pages are acknowledged by lis- readers on all sides to be both air and forcible Reliable commercial news and quo tations of the money stocfc and pro duce markets are features that make it of great value in the world of com merce finance and agriculture The special departments such as The Home Literary Review Let ters from Readers Boys Page Childrens Corner Queries Agri cultural Horticultural Veterina ry Poultry Pets Medical Le gal Numismatic Chess etc etc etc arc ably conducted hy special ists at a large offering a most valuable privilege to Witness readers in the Witness was started by the laic John and his aim was to supply the Dominion of Cana da with the best possible newspaper One which would always keep in high ideals and he God and Home and Native Land The Witness has grown since then Modern machinery and present possibilities have rtiade great improvements inevitable But aiU xx during the past week Mr ton has entered a cross petition against Mr Richard won and asks for hit disquali fication A practical knowledge of Law Siding etc up the way of A W I REFJ1UNERATIVE POSITIONS wo fciTe to otter tor 1551 fcdblcdge are J AH 3RD For full particulate regard- our careful itd JJ write NOW to Toronto Oat- Game Warden at Par liament buildings Toronto is in pos sesion of the finest specimen of moose bead ever seen in this prov ince The bead was taken from shot by a lady who it is said had not provided herself with the requisite license She how ever secured a license some days af ter killing the game The growth- of horn on the massive head is immense It was seized in toe diatrict out is held for investigation If anything like a plausible excuse ban be shown the lady to have trophy for her good shooting The leader of Opposition having recently that he in vited to join a Coalition fur Ontario and leaving his hearers to believe that such a proposition had come from Premier Ross the lattir Globe interview the other day occasion to gfve Mr J Whit- statement his emphatic denial Ross not only denied hav ing made any nut also stated that no on had ever make any such It is up lo Mr to give his authority or cat the leek Speak how per A H Ladders Half Price GOAL Hut SOW COM LUMP PEARSON The Parry Star gives he following account of a recent Indian wedding A very interesting place at Inlet last week when Mr Andrew son of Mr James Walker of the Parry Island Band- of Indians was united in mat rimony to the daughter of Chief Ash- awaga of the Inlet Band The are wry in Loth Reserves and as a there was over one hundred persons from Parry and Inlet One of the features of the wedding dinner was that it was true Indian style and that a whole ox vas roasted for the A pleasant was spent the The young couple will re- tide on Parry corner stone Pew papers have had a continuous existence for so long a period Few er still have held to the same princi ples and have been by the same family for anything like to long a lime The result is that the Wit ness enjoys a loyal constituency that cannot be tempted to leave it in fa vor of any other publications A newspaper published on the Wit ness lines needs the support of those who arc to pay its subscrip tion price for he reason that it vol untarily foregoes in the interest of its subscribers much revenue from pernicious advertisements etc that other publications accept regardless of their readers We understand just a day or two before Christmas the refused over two thousand four hundred dollars for the insertion of an advertisement calculated to in jure its subscribers Witness ia certainly unique among the great metropolitan news papers of the world The Daily Witness is and The Weekly Witness is J a year Pub lished by John Bougall Son Mon treal -V- i Hot The of liqour is declared many people to be innocent- Its abuse they say is what is evil But the trouble with the use of liquor is that It runs so easily to abujJo The atuse of reading of conversation of exercise are ail evils but they are not such evils nor are they so likely evils as the curse of abuse of liquor All those who arc now guil ty of this abuse never Intend too far when they began They set out to Use it moderation Why young men be so foolish as t think they can use temperately many stronger men have un able to stop of abusing perately cOOO Liberal convention which foregath ered at Toronto on Nov gives assurance of further progress timely reforms and continued development both in the older sections of the Pro vince as well as in the vast regions to the knows as Ontario Indeed the magnificent record of business administration compared with Conservative inaction awl un wise obstruction as portrayed by Hon Mr Ross at his opening deliver ance at on the Decern- followed a couple of days later at proclaim him to be he man Ontario needs today and has inspired a feeling ol inner conscious ness that the old warhorse who- has been thirtytwo years in the sad dle will be a winner when the votes are polled on the of Jan uary The political horizon is fast becoming cleared and the average elector has no love for the domina tion of such men as in the Provincial administration of Ontario day it is tiling more and more apparent that the electorate- are not going to forget that the chief question for is the establishment and maintenance of honest govern ment That this has been will continue he secured under he Pre miership of Hon Mr Ross even the most supporters of the Whit ney combination will not attempt to gainsay With all the license Op position no pretense of personal cor ruption of fraud is suggested against of the Liberal Administra tion and no intimation or assurance of betterment has been promised by the Ontario Conservative leader Corruption within party lines is not singular to either party but this can cured if not condoned This however is not be compared with possible administrative mistakes that would alienate the wealth which if properly guarded is destined to re lieve public burdens of the Pro vince for generations yet unborn The exploitation of our mineral wealth by such men as the Opposition papers foreshadow as a possible Minister of Mines is quite sufficient to indicate how readily the vast heritage of On tario would become the holdings of immense corporations and combines to the great disadvantage of the country Our advice therefore is by the grand old man who stood by the Province for over thir ty years and whose record as an honest man remains untarnished It a record of which Ontario need not be mid the Department of Agriculture to know that the work of Instruction cnrrledon or the men- of Dairy owner of and been productive of such results The cheese throughout the has been above the averaged eaJtecinWy during the latter part of the and the percentage of rejections from factories receiving Instruction has been far than from those not receiving Instruction The in favor of the farmer is about to The proportion of inferior of milk anion those tested j by Instructors the past Hum- was about per cent less than last year and the fl Idea tested larger than even fore Another Indication of work being done Is that the proprie tors- factories and throughout the Province have during the paurt eipebded at leant 125000 In Improvements fuliy SiO- more than the proceeding year The expenditure of such a amount of moneyin a season of tow- prices shows that proprietors faith in the future the industry and are willing to do what they can to Insure the production of first class article it Is the intention of the- t- pursue the tlon more vieorouBly during com ing season and with the of the farmers the find liiHtructorB we may that the high standard will not only be iylc that mi- other step in advance will EVERY PHYSICIAN KNOWS About the great merit of Dr Ham iltons Pills of Mandrake and Butter nut which cleanse the system cures constipation and piles Use only Hamiltons Pills Price For the Era Brighten the Lonely Homes Those who know the great West of Canada can easily picture to ihcmfi selves the country the scattered In homesteads the primitive shacks the To do good washing you should have good soap and If you use hard water you must have good cart get SunHght Soap because it water and copious creamy lather Use Sun light purposes and the results will surprise you FOR THE BAR Soap- wastes the white without injuring the LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO J In of the heavy dis count oil paper and silver currency by money brokers the of the United States which was made specially burdensome to Canadian vlsftjrs at St Pair It Is emphatical ly be troduccd next Federal Parliament at Ottawa dealing with circulation of Dominion with the Mr a down IM iU Wn f from Montreal that Mr MP for St Lawrence at request promlnerit We otter Hundred ward tot any of Catarrh cannot be cured by tails Catarrh Cure P J Cheney Co Props Toledo p We pave known J for the last years and believe in ail business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by firm Wholesale Toledo Klnnan Wholesale Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is Inter nally directly upon the blood and faces of the system TO A COLD IPC ORE1 DAY Jake Laxative QunlQetab All ihe it fails to signature on box OOO Dlsoovepcs the was an old woman who lived in moon She made a rice pudding Hut cut it too soon When she done She gave it a throw It came to our planet And we It When her little boy aaw What his had done He and made faces clouded the surf He loot his dcarpuddfhg And to was In vain His tears fell in torrents And we call It rain The man in the moon who been off to town Heard his little boy crying Which caused hitn to frown He gave Mm some sweetmeats And asked him to dine Oh then Was smiling We call it moonshine h miners huts which are inhabited those pioneers who arc winning for us this vast fertile at cost of endless toil ami hardship Such conditions are inseparable from a new country however full and natural resources arc families of children a little may be within during perhaps six months of year and possibly a church other resources of civilization arc conspicuous by their absence There is the home with its walls bare of pictures and ornaments the little shelf in corner with its treasures which have been read and oread and on the table the little newspaper which is published weekly in the little town twenty miles off and which is the only source of in formation as to what is going on in the outer world Think of the men to stick j bachelors who arc llv- ling their lives amid these who have to come to them after their hard days work Think of women who cannot have even the variety of getting away to the fields or the market hut who have to face the monotony and drudg ery of the housework year in and year out Think of the children who are growing up amidst this environ ment What can be done to brighten the homes of those who live twenty and thirty and forty miles away from post or village and where neighbors are few and far between The Aberdeen Association is answer ing question by distributing Urge quantities of good reading pictures flower seeds etc those who cannot aflord such things for themselves In most Ca nadian hornet there arc quantities of hooks magazines pictures Christinas cards calendars and so on that are looked upon as- useless lumber yot these would greatly appreciat ed by isolated families Why not start now to send a parcel the of these at regular inter vals to the branch of the for distribu tion The branch organisations Calvary Halifax fonlon Montreal Ottawa St John Toronto Vancouver Victoria and Winnipeg and there are local at place to parcels should be general secretary is Mr of Agriculture Ottawa who will gladly give lumber Informa tion concerning the work of the Corner Main Timothy J a- -If- J Horn has to as I per bottle Sold to the Criminal Testimonials free fcveryono who utters or Pills we the beat IN ONE cold cures are dangerous of deadening fragrant healing cures coldu In one hour and Is both harmless and delightful to use Even the worst colds sneezing sniffling with running arc stopped very when the va por of fa Inhaled acts like a charm on colds kills Ihem outright prevents their return a few hours later For colds catarrh and throat trouble use only Complete outfit trial size at all druggists it li Established 25 OUT lie at the aorta ttuld I New ior a blood with which I had tot I had a of I After taken air kinds of blood visited Springs ana other mineral water but only They help mo for a lime but after discontinuing the medicines symptoms would break out again sores rheumatic looseness of the hair or the palms of- the hands itchiness of akin Jlo etc I given- up lo When a friend advised ma to consult as you had cured htm of a similar io no but took his In three weeks time and I I continued treatment for and at end of that time disappeared I was cured yeara ago and no of any disease My boy three yeara old sound and healthy I trlnlx can recommend your treatment with ell my You cm refer any person to mo privately but you can this testimonial you wish Varicocele Stricture Vital Weakness flua Urinary Bladder and Kidney complaints of men and women you victim you lost hop- Are you Intcnd- in to marry Hon your blood neon diseased any weakness Our Method euro has for others it will do for you matter who has treated you write for an honest opinion of Chare Charges reasonable Kit BE Illustrated on Diseases Men Book on of si NO nod cost of treatment you you What It No Cor Michigan Suj I ELLIOTS A MAN HATES HIMSELF When be wait up with a headache and a- had taste In his mouth Some thing speeded to settle the clear away the dull heavy ielltig and create a little appetite Just get tumbler Water some sugar and pour in a dose of pick up and feel tiptop a minutes hasnt an equal for a condition of tola It stimulates cures tho headache relieves tne feeling and thing is needed to Kettle the stomach you for a hard dayB work Try Large In all depart ments caWoguo Students admitted at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Comer A Alexander KIARBLjS in arid Hdd Stories Call AUu Tho general store of Mr It at woo by fire Loss 910000 fAuiP For Infanta and Children The Kind You HaveAlways Bought Bourn of to and Tenders for To Island will bo at tlilfi flee until January for extension lijollrrakwatcr Toronto City of To In County of York Ontario to a plan a ancclllcatlon to bo of A Harbour Work On- tirlo Confederate Toronto of Public Work lawa will not bo on printed form supplied and signed with actual tho tenderer on a bank payable to order for seven tender will bo contract or fall work contracted for and will bo returned In of of tender Department to to or any tender cept tlii order of Work Ottawa lnscrtlnK without Authority from will not be paid for It Itono was sentenced imprisonment at Montre al for stealing a handcar from

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