Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1905, p. 6

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THE Kit A FRIDAY JAN v L v V i tf R Jl Dr Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST be at Albert Brooks Block Tuesday etch MANAGER Are beginning to arrive PUBLIC MEETING A meeting in the interests of Mr I SUTTON One extreme Goal Coal It been visiting with her siepmotber January thaw I hope since the death of her Father Mr follows another liberal cumulate hear that Mr Joseph St gar Phillips is very ill j We too were grieved to learn v I ill Us about to leave Sutton to try his Rev John Morrison of Toronto the decease Rev or North fortune in Michigan took the town hail on Tuesday I Addresses will be delivered by Messrs k We have a few Overcoats to clear out Now is the time to put in your Coal We axe also paying the high- tat price for all kinds of grata SHIELDS Mount Albert V PWJc School Board will beheld Mr Mr Jersey Grades for Sale FOR SALE Tudhope Cutters nearly new ply to Holt Mr Chester second son the managers I Of Mr P who has been equitable teaching at Dauphin Manitoba re- The hockey teams are practising turned home last week and has faithfully these days Expect their visiting friends in this locality took the Presbyterian services in this l He inour eyes was a model young man and a wise one top- In the men from this neighborhood morning of life he heard and obeyed who are working on theicc are derThe Call Go preach my Gospel same wages as Is given and in later years after years of un to those brought from Toronto by wearied devotion to his high calling which is on I am only fair and be again heard The Call enough come up higher A oils record Miss Sadie having passed the Model exams has taken a He new tumor soon Monday morning to attend the Miss entertained the I sit as teacher at school from months to High School for a term Presbyterian Choir last Thursday A male teacher has been secured in old have been bred also Mr Liberal Mr and Mrs Charles Hill have both evening Swamp Its to be sincerely Cows For further particulars date for North York was in town I been til with grippe but are slowly Mr in his rehearsal hoped hell make the naughty little ppiy STOKES Mount Albert Timber Lot for Sale The West of East Lot 10 Scott on is a large of hardwood hemlock tfar and For terms and particulars apply to C DAVIDSON Mount Albert on Tuesday recovering A man bad to that story of shame confessed that Swampers chew gum for they Mr Mrs John Urqubart Toronto to take Mr Hills work in its presentation he had made some have of late been exceedingly unruly and Mr and Mrs until he should be able to get around bad breaks which he ascribed to lack it is the avowed intention the Maclrnald of Port ret again brains That no doubt was true to be up to his old capers home on Monday after a in town at the home of Mr Stewart Terry who was con- Miss Mabel went down with Clares from the public platform that i give him a right hearty reception If fined to his home for a week through her The latter has been living with the license law was strictly were somebody Id kidnap grass illness resumed his duties at the Mrs Silver for some time Forced the aspect of matters would widows for hick Sovereign Bank on Monday weeds visit Mrs Rev Smith who has been inasmuch as the whole affair from at the approaching election This Mr visiting her parents at Brae start to finish exhibited a deficiency time however he purposes going in returned home on Monday morning of brains Mr J P Whitney on a wholesale plan Get ready to NOTICE SHOOTING ACCIDENT Some boys were shooting a J- a tar- get at the home of Mr Abel Oldham of Oxbridge Township a short disj Lehman Boot and Shoe Maker from Mount Albert when a son moved Into the shop recently of Mr J as Oldham was accidentally by J Hunter where we shot a rifle in the hands of his a full line of the best shoe brother The ball passed through d Dubbin that is made his leg just above the ankle carrying made to order Repairing a away a piece of bone and indicting an specialty ugly wound At last accounts the victim was progressing favorably but- Mrs Wilson of Toronto who has be so changed that the people would A cor respondent says The health not know thc law and then proceeds jot Toronto Junction is not very good to demonstrate his way and manner Perhaps if theyd had the mandate enforcement by personally violati Take a little wine for thy stomachs the law vide He sake it might improve In all further declares that if he could however in many cases lifting his little finger abolish oil the theyve taken too much in the past face of the earth intoxicating liquor now the enforced abstinence pro- would lift that finger if duces a sickening goneness in Im looking for some more big not identify himself with prises to be sprung on us by Whitney the temperance cause and personally adopt its principles into his- own life conduct and thus become a fac- An unusually Fine Display of Goods useful as well as ornamental EVERYTHING FN THE HARDWARE LINE nnnuv MOUNT ALBERT m Mount Albert INSURANCE COMPANY Total CANADA Or DIRECTORS Chairman RANCH bloodpoisoning OBITUARY Mrs Elizabeth one of our old residents passed away on Friday J Deputy Chair- Kinky fi Alex Accepted at futt Current DAVIDSON Aent Ml Chief for Dominion last at the of years and months She was a sister of Messrs Co Ive fought a good fight Ive kept the faith henceforth for two years at least Im laid upon the shelf Yours sincerely John Continued on Page on tor in promoting the work of its The Globes tTcre banishment from the country There no barrier to hinder anyone from and all kinds of j doing this Mere declarations with- taking the first essential- step DreSSed Lumberviz personal abstinence to reach the SERIOUS STOMACH end can only be characterized TROUBLE CURED on hand- as empty vain and presumptuous fitted to bring the one who makes them into contempt It is a jmatter for deep regret that anyone Overcoatings Try Our Own Emulsion of Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy 2lw1 George Harrison of this Vicinity and Mr John Harrison of ready this winter and save money One sister is thc wife of j David Forrest of Toronto Three children survive her George of Albert Mrs Barrett of Albert and Mrs Thos Card of Sand- ford The deceased lady was held in high estimation by all who knew her as was evidenced by the large gathering who attended the funeral service in the Church on Monday Rev J Morgan offici ated Get the material for your house enter the Legislature who is jnot a personal abstainer from cants but more especially anyone who aspires to the Premiership of thc Province -FOR- Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble We keep the lealing makes of Properly fit and an tee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT Lumber and Shingles CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO F WOODCOCK Mr Crane of California suffered for years from j tism and lumbago He was finally advised to try Chamberlains Pain Balm which he did arid it effected a complete cure This liniment is for sale by Lloyd keeps ALBERT Our Wall Papers and Carpets Are in for 8prlng It will pay you to them buying ROSS BROS ALBERT Pure Paris Green Bought In bulk and put up by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot We full lint of Patent among and Cure or LLOYD FRANKLIN There is Jots of snow now rink Under moving to keep ice cleared The loys of our town having a hockey match with Mouil Albert on Saturday afternoon The puck will he faced at I oclock Come cheer boys to victory I wonder if dancing party has plaster put on yet Bros have the contract of cut ting about SO cords of Wood for The people around here arc busy now cutting wood for J A en The Simmer- ton all winter There will be here Monday and of each week suppose trains soon be up if it keeps on snowing the way it has lately George if thinking of go ing back to Manitoba in the Mr A goes around with a proud fctfcp Its a girl There arc a number of new scholars going to school now We hear that our council as we had year wwt in by acclama tion J A and are councillors Park Mayor J has planned for his street car street car has elected policeman A Grot has not got his electric lights yet but when he does they will thine like the tun DAN PATCH COUGH SENT IT TO Mr 1 a druggist In Victoria Australia bays A cus tomer of mine war to with Chamberlains which the haI used for children when tuffering from olds add croup that during a time obtain ed at my thop which the sent to her friends In different parts of telling them ljv much good it had done and advising them to give it a trial V Lloyd hardware of Gardner Co at VMM burned a of dry 61 the Wlilte Co at4 Campbell heavy by Strayed Into the premises of the in lot Con Scot one Red and White Steer years old Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away TOBIAS Mount Albert undersign- t on A Rocker Would Do Nicely Dr P Smith of ex pects to be in Sutton as usual next Tuesday DO NOT SUPPRESS A COUGH When you have a cough do not try to suppress it but remove the cause The cough is only a symptom of tome disease and disease is what I you should cure- then the cough will J atop of itself Thc most common cause of coughing is a cold suppress the and preparations containing chloroform opium etc arc used for that purpose but they do not cure the cold Chamberlains Cough Rem edy on lie other hand does not sup press the cough but relieves it by removing from the throat and lungs the mucous which obstructed breathing and allaying the irritation and in the throat It also opens he secretions and effectually and permanently cures the cold as well as cough For sate by T Lloyd I was troubled with a distress in my stomach sour stomach and vom iting spells and can truthfully say that Chamberlains Stomach and Liv er Tablets cured me Mrs Hams Laingshurg Mich These tab lets are guaranteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this char acter For sale by Lloyd In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED SON Merchant Tailors and Woollen MOUNT ALBERT You couldnt think of a appropriate Christmas You couldnt give that would more predated gift ii anything highly yon happen to hear great racket and cannonading up this way this week do not become panic- stricken and Imagine the laps arc invading Canada Twill probably you decide upon a Rocker only be our hoys after their own us show you now easy we style congratulating one of can make the price jour popular bachelors on his now Assortments are unbroken and you mist so rush of the last day or Decide upon something now and have it laid aside until you wish it delivered ALLAN THEAKER RANGE COOK SUNSHINE COOK QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST All for burning OR WOOD J ROWLAND Mount Albert fi Newmarket will be In Mount Al bert at tie Town Hall every day afternoon and evening to receive I in Piano Voice Culture and Pupils prepared for Some turn a lias the benedicts It Is said on last he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Crawford both of this locality The bride Is one of our best women pos sessing nil the cardinal virtues good disposition benevolent heart etc that constitute a model woman This winter weather tho apparently 0 K is affecting many In this local ity and mainly Win Leslie and Crittenden at the Travellers Inn Mrs Oh as and others arc poorly Winter troubles- their and pairs Mens Odd Pants in Serge Ills chills pills mills Disorder cause remedy patient Squills kills wills Dr effect result In school readers of fifty years since there Was a beautiful poem a few lines of which quote Sound the loud timbrel trumpet oer Egypts dark sea Jehovah hath triumphed I lis people are free Jhc glorious news of fall of Port Arthur and conteruciit victory of the Japs over their mighty foe recalled the above to mind as Illustrative of the fact that Gods will Is omnipotent Providence does to le the Japs Anyway they seem to have by the capture of this stronghold gained the key to success Ultimately Russia doomed to bo humbled the dust as was fifty years ago in the i of these days the sonwauiwlt and well have I pounds Granulated Sugar for 18 pounds Light Coffee Sugar for pounds Brown Sugar for 1 00 00 00 We have over six tons of sugar on hand bought before recent ad vances and arc able to sell sugar by tho barrel at less than todays whole sale market prices STAPLE lbs Gold Oust Corn Meal 25c Finest Pearl Tapioca 25c 2 Force Wheat Biscuits Apllezo the Iron for large box box Cream Soda Biscuits regular 25c for 20c Ginger Snaps regular for Imperial Tea Biscuit regular It for Cake always fresh regular box for Best Soda regular lb for Sulphur regular lb at lbs for Epsom Salts regular lb at lbs for Black Sulphur regular lb for Ground Linseed Oil per bag for making Stock regular 40c lb for Eby Co Mocha and Java Coflco regular lb for Cheese regular lb for 12Jc regular quart for Santa Clara Prunes regular fie lb for Santa Clara Prunes regular lb at lbs for 26c Santa Clara Prunes are finest grown in California Choice Evaporated Peaches regular lb for Fresh Dates lb Choice Natural lb Table Dessert Figs regular c lb for o Wo have a full lino of Winter Goods on hand including celebrated Bird Mackinaw Cloth Mitts Sox Underwear We arc buyers of Butter Eggs Lard Honey Potatoes Beans c Cash Store UTTON I 0

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