Newmarket Era, 20 Jan 1905, p. 6

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i- A- I J I- I TUB NEWMARKET JAN Clark DENTIST Main St Newmarket Dr S Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST at Albwt Brooks Block and Tueaiay of each ft MANAGER PUBLIC MEETING Coal Goal Now is the time to put In Coal We are also paying the est price for all of grain SHIELDS Mount Albert your HOLLAND LANDING A meeting in the interest of Mr will be held in the Market Hall Baldwin on Saturday evening returned on Sunday be delivered by Johnston M and J Davidson Opposition invited weaker and quietly passed away The funeral which took place on day afternoon to Church Webb who has been etery was largely attended The spending a few days her broth- following relatives from a distance Mr Thos Webb at were in attendance air and Mrs Riddle Mr and Mrs Geo Watson Are beginning to arrive fined to the house has the been con- past two ENTERTAINMENT King City Mr Kerr and son of Mrs Moore of Toronto weeks with a severe cold is slightly Mrs and Sirs McQuillan of improving and hopes to he out again jBallantrae and Mr and Mrs Win Jersey Grades for Sale Heller from to old have been bred also Cows For further particulars o STOKES ww Mount Albert Timber Lot for Sale The West of East of Lot Scott on which is a large Kuniitj of hardwood hemlock Itr and tamarac For terms and particular apply to DAVIDSON Mount Albert soon A grand tea and entertainment will Chapman spent a couple be held at Christian Union n Mr Thco Thompson of Calgary on the Concession on the evening Friday Jan After tea is served an excellent program will be presented consisting of songs reci tations and dialogues and music by Orchestra Sec or further particulars Miss Mr John Gray of Detroit spent a couple of days town this week Mr who movel here in a few owing to the serious illness of his son Percy who has disease Percys schoolmates are very much affected to hear of his sudden illness and hope to hear of his speedy recovery arrived on Saturday evening j ville about weeks ago expects and is looking well lie intends spending a couple of months here and in the city before returning West again an old resident of this place in his year passed away on Friday morning last De ceased who has been in good health Flo has returned j up to about weeks ago when he j last at Saints Rest from a two weeks visit with friends was taken to bed and owing to his in Toronto J advanced ago he gradually grew Rev Cameron has been on the sick list for some time I Mr Geo Stokes of was in town on Tuesday Mr Jewell has returned from Miss left here last Wednesday morning for a visit at The hockey match between Zephyr and on Tuesday evening was well patronized r m A i V f J have a few Overcoats to clear out J BALDWIN BREEZES Many of our citizens still continue under weather and there are fre quent demands for attendance The Owl has received his quietus for this winter at least Rheumatism administered the knockout blow and has doubled him tip No charivari last week Thomas Graham forestalled the thereby getting rid of a dis agreeable annoyance by leaving a lib- TIC WIT M -a- CEWIETERY NOTICE NOTICE Boot and Shoe Maker moved into the shop recently by J Hunter where we a full line of the best that made made to order Repairing a The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Total OFFICE CANADA Andrew BOARD Or Cbafriran j inrcLannan Alcx Accepted at Current CW DAVIDSON GFCeMITH Agent Aytnt for The annual meeting of the Mount attending the convention of the Frost I Albert Cemetery Company will be fiong out every Wire Feme to ill the Town Hall MOUNT ALBERT lAMlKSONKOBlNSON pm on on the evening Saturday 1 they 1905 was a very happy event being the reception and adoption of l the marriage of Miss Kluabeth the annual Reports Election of Offi- youngest of Mr I and other business A lull al and Mrs Alexander Robinson of Can- tendance requested and sister of A Robin- JOHN MOORE HUNTER son and proprietor the On- President Gleaner and Reeve of Canning- ton to Mr J of that tOvtnh- Rev J P Berry pastor of the Methodist Church The bride looked charming in a folk travelling suit of Navy Blue La- dies Cloth trimmed with white vel- vet silk cord with hat to match She was unattended The young couple will take up their home at Albert after January Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy Mount Albert Sawing Mills Colds Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Properly fit and them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT ALBERT Our Spring v fall Papers and Carpets Are In for 8pring It will pay you thm Ixfore buying A ROSS BROS Hew Hart delivered his lec ture on Human Nature in the Methodist Church on Wednesday even- last Arnold of Portage la Prairie occupied the pulpit the Presbyterian Church on Sunday last The Literary Society arc making arrangements for giving a concert and receiving the returns on election night Mr Will son has purchased the occupied by Mr Daniel Grove Many our readers are probably not aware that there are Sundays in the present year begins and ends on Sunday Mr Stiver has sold his house and lot to Mr O Lav of Zephyr Mr Stiver and family will move to Elgin Man on Feb 1st One of our young ladies worked a practical joke lately by getting out bogus welding invitations arid dis tributing them among her friends She has since been wishing for the real thing A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PILES Itching bleeding or protrud ing piles refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case no matter of how long to days First ap plication give and rest If your hasnt it scad in stamps and it will be forwards postpaid by Pans Medicine Co St Louis Mo The hotkey match with was a pretty rough game but our boys won by a score of five to four A good match is anticipated with trie Wanderers of Newmarket on Friday night faced at 70 Skating the match BOUGHT COUGH REMEDY AND SENT IT Doors Sash and all kinds of Dressed Lumber on hand Get the material for your house ready this winter and save money Lumber and Shingles CUT CHEAPER THAN ANY PLACE NORTH OF TORONTO WOODCOCK vels Im sorry I cannot illustrate this sketch as I view it from the high altitude of point of observation It would be rich From the meagre reports that reach Baldwin we understand there is some- gradual improvement in Mrs Andy Moulds condition A Rocker Would Do Nicely ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green in and put up by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot TO FRIENDS druggist A We aUo carry full tins of among SCotxroTti Raw edits and gU Curt id Family attention ixj or tight LLOYD and Drulbt ii Mr J Fletcher in Victoria Australia of minx no with Cough Remedy which villi had for her children when guttering from colds and croup that during a time obtain ed at my nine which she her friends in different parts of tilling them how much St had done and advising them to give it a trial For by Lloyd The fourteenth annual convention of the Sunday Association of Scott and and town will bo at Zephyr on Ian On the program will morning afternoon and evening ncdoiirj will be on Teacher Training by Rev- French of addoH by KUavsird ar fir Bates of Toronto You couldnt think a more appropriate Christmas gift You couldnt give anything that would be more ap preciated If you decide upon a Rocker let show ycu now easy we can the price Choose now Assortments are unbroken and ou miss the rush of the day or CO Decide upon something have It laid aside until you wish It delivered ALLAN GOOD- CHEER RANGE COOK SUNSHINE COOK QUEEN HEATER AND GOOD CHEER HOT BLAST All for burning COAL OR WOOD J ROWLAND Mount Albert be In Mount Al bert at Town Hall every Wednes day afternoon and evening to receive In Piano Voice Culture Vio lin and fbeory Pupils prepared for Mr and Mrs John Dunning donation at the several business Strange spent Saturday and Sunday places for the delectation of the hoys Tom is old timer himself and A bus load of young men from New- knows what pleases the boys ln- drove up here on Wednesday j deed they say the whole fraternity of evening the to attend the Graham boys were screamers- at a Tree in connection with Christ charivari One of our matrons at Church Sunday School The young least shivers and has the men behaved in a very rude manner I still when she thinks of the swell rc- he entertainment by smoking j coition they gave her on her nuptial few I guess she thought the minutes to sec a man They great up had come also amused themselves while walk- The Toronto Star is a It ing up street by pulling several pick- has great times poking fun at the Of fences We hope the next Tory Leader in Ontario Assembly visit our village they will The Little lassies have a yw vn to behave if not they very which is to will be made an example of before itself in the public eye Thompson t the day it is a model feline Quite an enjoyable Time was spent virtue peacefully enjoying little cat- on Wednesday evening at Taylors naps coiled up in the cosy luxurious Hall by a number of young- people depths of a work basket or some who tripped the fantastic until couch But the am It dont take the two goes forth She up- j ies long to start a dance the housetop and there scintill Detectives Lane Route till late She and her Curtis and Williams were dance jigs varsonviannas called to Toronto on Saturday waltzes double shuffles etc Mr when the Company settled up with Charlie who is a lightsleeper is for their services last summer awakened by Puss midnight re- Miss Morning is visiting friends in Toronto this week Mr Ezra Thompson who was bo dangerously ill last winter is report ed very ill at Mr Marshs Hush a few miles north of Bradford where he has been running a boarding house for the woodcutters and teamsters SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE CURED I was troubled with a distress in my stomach sour stomach and vom iting spells and can truthfully say that Chamberlains Stomach and Liv er Tablets cured me Mrs T V Wil liams Mich These tab lets are guaranteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this char acter For sale by T Lloyd SUTTON Mr A Johnston He one of the Engineers of the Grand Trunk Pacific survey east of Winnipeg paid his brother Mr Johnston a visit on Saturday and Sunday while en route for Ottawa There is to be a limelight Lecture on the Passion of Christ by Rev Canon Dixon Toronto in St James Hall on the evening of the A concert is to be held in the town hall the when the famous Harry Bennett of Toronto and others will take The election returns will be a feature of the evening The Carnival which took place at the rink Thursday evening the was a very successful Miss Viola Brooks Mr Crocker and Mr Bert Osborne were the prize winners Mr Horace of Winnipeg is the guest of his father Mr George Master Francis Tremaync Is spend ing the winter at Tremaync left last Wed nesday morning for a visit of some months at the home of her aunt Mrs Hudspeth of Quebec are sorry to hear that our geni al postmaster laid up with an tack of lumbago There Is to be a series of socials in connection with the Anglican Church between now and Easter the first one to bo held at the home of Mrs Jerry Graham Mr Jan Thornbcr of Manitoba a former of Is hero on a visit Mr Paget also a former resi dent of but now of fitoKc BC Is here visiting old friends Messrs Burns and Boyd are engaged again at the Ice Industry at Jacksons PL We are pleased to sec Mr James Anderson of Hilt is able to be around again Mrs and MJftS were of Mrs To ronto last week Miss Mr David of arc visiting at the home of their uncle Mr William came here last Saturday of tho dealh at of Mr William Anderson brother of Mr Arthur An derson of place The union Agricultural Society of Stilton and met at the Queen Hotel week and elected office- for tho ensuing year Mr Jan has started in J i An unusually Fine Display of Goods useful as as ornamental EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE MMERFELDTS MOUNT tfy Fall In the Newest Designs just arrived FIT GUARANTEED at SON Merchant Tailors and MOUNT ALBERT o Golden Drop This Syrup crows the sure and steady advancement in food science mad in years has the thick consistency of clover honey light rich color of pure gold and that mellow flavor that makes it the of the finest honey Then look at the pricejust half what costs Golden Drop Syrup lb tins lb tin pails lb tin pails lb tin pails The first installment of our Spring Wall Paper is just to hand Prices Run to a Good strong Overall very heavy quality regular for pair Good striped Overalls regular for 15c Mens and Drawers odds and ends of almost sold out regular 40c each for pieces inches wide now goods yard far CO pieces Torchon Lace new goods regular yard for yard pieces Torchon Lace regular prices arul yard for 2c yard pieces regular yard for pieces regular yard for pieces new winter Dress Goods regular yard for 36o pieces new Winter Dress Goods SI 00 a yard half pricocXto pieces yardwide Print regular yard for pieces yardwide Print regular yard for pieces new White Lawn regular yard for 25 remnant ends to yards each less than cost Mens extra Heavy Worsted Sweaters very fancy pattorna regular for Meno Sweaters regular for We have the celebrated Birds Mackinaw Cloth on hand Also Sox Mitts Ac and a full line of Winter Goods We aro of Cutter Eggs Honey Potatoes Beano Ac j tore U TO o 9 iifr

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