Newmarket Era, 27 Jan 1905, p. 2

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Friday Cr -fv- IT 7i Lost Last in Newmarket or Vivian bill and Finder will be reward ed by leaving same at this office FirstClass Tamarack For and 121 St at cord in the bush ply at to GLOVER Holland Landing i v A Five Members of the Government Defeated ANNUAL WHITE GOODS SALE WAIT FOR BARGAINS OVERCOATS SUITS THE BEST VALUES IN TOWN IN Newmarket His c W WiP York and 4 Lots For the first time since Confedera te tV afin k the Province of Ontario went w S Conservative on Wednesday last and Catholic CtaWjh the j ftllUney who k come Premier in succession himself that coveted honors denied to Mr Justice Meredith Mr Matter and other Conservative j t have fallen to his embrace The the Act has it ft Dot I I ctionaI urban Returning Office sJ bi the Newmarket political landslide Which has overtax Angus barrister of T Kwmarietfla Financial the supporters was House for Sale A ten Government and Liberal Many good men were defeat- led of whom it may truthfully be the Province can ill afford to Situated on St- the that kef five water dissatisfaction of the electorate good garden lots fruit- Belongs P to the cute late of Liberal candidates as on at the noon hour or in the to the action log or of the Cedar Posts Wood and Timber FOR SALE north Bradford cut bill stuff up ft solicited HENRY MARSH Bradford of ho party ieli ioo the outcry of corruption combined with the of a portion of the lempcr- vote brought about the result and as a city cofempurury says the liquordealer the and the prohibition worker to the polls to vote for the same ticket it rather probable that the party they are voting against will fact is and there is no use mincing matters when a Riding like North York goes Tory it means that there has been a large Liberal defection but not having received the total vote at the present writing are unable to draw inferences Meantime while sympathizing with Mr in his defeat whom we have every reason to believe con ducted a strictly honorable cam paign we hope his successful oppo nent will be able to fulfill his pre election promises and meet the ex pectations of his supporters If Mr Iennox his pledge of support- A measures and opposing I W l positions not in the Interests of t pie there will little kicking Of sixty of WellBred Scotch lni or Topped Shorthorns also lurn him down when Clydesdales Dorset Sheep Yorkshire Hogs to be held at without the slightest THURSDAY FEB give Mr and Catalogue apply to the- Government be may form Temple Building dent strength to act with firmneas in the discharge the trust to be if j will him above RlUiiililJKWSlS iD ftampeded by clamour Province will the result February at the Resorts jand 20 elected of the Government were defeaV The popular of the I year For winter pleasure travel California Mexico or Florida difficult to find In any other part of the world iter cll- omd trip to all resorts are on sale dally who cannot take advantage the above reset should seod a tew days or weeks at Win ter ft Mineral Spring Clemens Mineral Springs All on Grand Trunk Ask agents or address J Mc Donald District Passenger Agent for illustrated literature end full information For TicfceU Call on Oar POINTS for Sale Any Dry Wood on the apot or delivered apply ARNOLD or lot at this office Metropolitan Division OF THE Toronto and York Radial Railway Co Mr and Mrs Ross gave a party last Friday night Miss Lou Richardson is visiting in the city for two or three weeks Mrs 1 gave an after noon tea to a number of ladles on Tuesday Miss Lizzie Matthews of Toronto is the of Miss Davis for a few days Times Mis Lottie of is visiting Miss Edith Dickson Mrs John of Orchard Beach visited over Sunday with Mrs Geo Richardson Grocer and Tailor Willis presenting their customers with Verity attended the wed ding at Aurora of Annie on Wednesday last Mr Case and daugh ter a party at Victoria Square on Tuesday night Tottenham Tribute Walter Potter aid Susie visited List of 111 been much with the CONSTITUENCY OPPOSITION Formerly Addington W I Paul Smyth Brant J Fisher L A c f C c r c Brant H Preston Brockvliie- Hon P Graham Bruce M Bruce S w MM Dr Bruce Major Hugh Clark vw A Little Kidd Dr Lewis Durham Preston Durham W J- A Bower Elgin P- Essex Dr J O Rcaume Essex J A Auld Ft and of Dr J Gallagher Glengarry John A McMillan Howard Grey Hon A Grey I Lucas Grey Dr Jacob Dr A Nixon- Hamilton W John S Hamilton Hastings Morrison Hastings M Hastings J Huron E A Huron Huron Cameron Kent p I Kent Arch McColg Kingston J Pense Montgomery Lambton J Lanark pj- Preston Lanark LieutCol A J J p Lincoln Dr London Adam Beck ManitouHn Middlesex Geo Middlesex Middlesex Hon Rom Hon R Norfolk Norfolk Col Atkinson Nor land Dr Northumberland Samuel Clark Ontario Ontario Thus far our Bales in white goods have excess of former years This fact assurance of our customers proves to us beyond question that the people in this vicinity appreciate our efforts in supplying an abundant choice of white goods at prices much below later seasons prices LI EN W ft We placing special upon our Linen Values this week This store become famous for its Linens Many people await this annual event to lay In their supply of Linens Table Napkins Towellings realizing the importance of buying early at the special prices J I GrassBleached Table Linen yds Bleached Table Da mask full Inches Wide strictly pure- Linen beautiful floral patterns sold regularly at 5100 per yard sale price yd 67inch Table Linen yard 300 yds Table Linen inches wide very special value at yd Linen Towelling yard yds Linen Hand and Glass Towelling worth and yard sale price yd AllLinen Towels each A large quantity of allLinen Bed room Towels inches colored borders very special at each Bleached Table Linen yd yds Pure Irish Linen Table Lin en inches wide regular yd sale price yd Half Bleached Table Linen yds HalfBleached Table Linens full inches wide regular 60c yd sale price yd Russia Crash Towelling yard yds Russia Crash Towelling bought at old prices on sale at yard Bedroom Towels worth 5 dozen Bedroom Towels 34 inches all pure Linen pair sale price each V i I HT4ltlfttttft I IM r Ottawa Oxford Oxford Parry Sound Perth Perth S I A A Lamarche L Arthur Pratt mi ilii a IT L Vf vim Mm I til I Geo May J Col James rf7 cr 21lb bar Laundry Soap spe cial at bar Maple Syrup 26c Golden Table Syrup pail Clover Honey 60c pail lbs H special at lb fresh ground Anchor Brand black Tea Vlotor Chop Japan Tea lb Large bottle of Catsup 121c bottle Hunters Banner Baking Powder 15o lb tin Daisy Baking Powder tin Mince Meat lb Hams Rolls and Bacon Cooked Meats sliced to suit you Sound Cooking Beano lbs for Choice White Beans 6 lbs for Finnan extra choice lb Red Herring box 5 iTOOOCaOc Milton John Smith Mr Little of Troy Mich visiting with his Mr J It Is years since he Sutherland here and he sees a big moot In town and country A Anderson John Torrance Montdth v T L Port Arthur and A Preston L Labrooso l Prince Dr Renfrew t McGarry A L t I L a J Renfrew Rusell Tho3 Racine Marie Smith i Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto i fM a t 4 i Tudhope James Duff A Thompson George Kerr Thomas Crawford Dr A Pyno Dr J J Victoria J Carnegie- Victoria J Vaterloo Waterloo PaWinRon Wetland Wellington J p Downey Wellington Major J J Craig L Wellington Tucker R A Thompson Went worth Daniel Reid Aler L York J St John York Lennox Any parcels and freight for New market will be left at A WMdl- are not taken from the in over tars and all or freight left Agnes Sutherland niece of at the name place for points along W In entertaining line will receive prompt Wd J A Supt Toronto Sand and Gravel cement Orders by if promptly to Mr A We Aurora Mr Sykcj election day arid hearty condition A of youn people entertained at Mr J franca on night after to Aurora made an visit to Heymarket High School on and appeared- to be well the work the and general of gromds official report expected vlthfn the two Mrs Win alw Mr Vill Webster attended the wedding on of Miss Annie Browning at Aurora Mr L Lehman President of North York S S Association at Friday Mr and Mrs Fred of Stuflville Sunday here with his father Mr W Cockerlll who fctlll very poorly Mr A LevIs of and family gave a dinner last Friday a few of relatives Richmond Hill Li Ural Mr arid Mm J Newmarket afternoon and evening with Mr and family fheo Thompson of Calgary who Is down on a visit with relatives gave the Era a call on Ho reports tl building boom con tinues In Calgary to Loan On flrublaa farm security Ap ply to J A 2wl Tire LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Cheap For Cash A SPECIALTY WIN John Millard The MORTON In Mt Albert on Monday Jan3rd to Mr and Mrs Ira Morton a son The Tomb JOHNSON At on Jan John Johnson aged years STARK Ait Jan 1 Elizabeth Stark formerly Miss Chamberlain of Sharon in her year BELFRY At the residence of her W T St on morning in her year Charlotte wi dow of Belfry of WILLIS At Atkins Iowa Dec 20 Joocph Willie youngest son of the late Cornelius of St WHEELER In East on Jan 1005 Francis Bon of Mr Frank Wheeler aged Interred at Aurora Cemetery on Monday McNALLY At his residence Auro ra on Jan John Edward aged years At Maple on Jan 1005 Archibald McMurchie son of the late James MoMurohle of VaRian and brother Of Mrs David Lloyd of Newmarket Special o PARTIAL LIST WELLS At Ottawa Sunday Jan Annie Wells eldest daughter of the late J P Wells exMP of North York PINK SALMON TINS FOR- TOMATO CATSUP PER BOTTLE PORK AND BEANS PER TIN AND NEW PRUNES PER lb FANCY MIXED BISCUITS PER lb LAUNDRY SOAP- BARS FOR NEW LEMONS PER IC FINE PER CRANBERRIES PER QUART BLACK GREEN OR MIXED TEA EXTRA VALUE MAPLE SYRUP IN BULK PER lb 08o HANDPICKED BEANS 3 lbs FOR- COOKED MEATS AND SAUSAGE ALWAYS FRESH AND SALT FISH AND OYSTERS Phone US FZ50K3 BOGART o o o o o v TOEEB SUITS A Prices fi V- i MAIN NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Examine my and prices and bo convinced that they the CHEAPEST AND BEST IN TOWN Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed F WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN i i A

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